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Been thinking that myself. Only the lietenants and one or two scrubs are at the track (though I don't recall bringing any junior members)
Maeva did give one of them a lift. And I imagine that not only the lieutenents would be itching to go to the track. Sandovals post said the garage was empty when he got there, so until I hear otherwise, I'm assuming there's a truckload of ESS people at the track to make themselves comfortable in their new pit.

Same reason she made her subtle as a thrown brick remark to Jet -- I thought there WERE ESS people around, and jumping on to a table to announce something makes it easily overheard.
Ahhh, good point.
This is a character driven run Elly so you could only screw it up by dying and then that might further the plot.....

No it's not to late for sebastian to scope the rex, after all Ackham is drinking right now, and parking is free in the ESS lot. The other guys were, ummm.... out yes, they were having pizza or something. Yes they were all out having pizza in expectation of a big day at the track tommorow. Plus Ackham is a ninja, lol.
So... How much do you gyus think we could earn on the side by having Ackhams car towed and sent to a chop shop? wink.gif

Oh, and post, damnit! We need more posts!
Fresno Bob
QUOTE (Aes @ Apr 1 2005, 08:21 AM)
Same reason she made her subtle as a thrown brick remark to Jet -- I thought there WERE ESS people around, and jumping on to a table to announce something makes it easily overheard.

Well I did specify that I was only rounding up the lieutenants. And then assume they were taken to an out of the way location.

And it would probably be smarter to keep Ackham's car and sell it whole as an antique, or something. Of course, we'll need to get rid of Ackham first...
I didn't mean it seriously when I suggested nabbing Ackies wheels. nyahnyah.gif But a few posts in IC wouldn't hurt. Maeva isn't coming out of that backroom until some of you guys have had a post first.
So... How much do you gyus think we could earn on the side by having Ackhams car towed and sent to a chop shop? wink.gif

Oh, and post, damnit! We need more posts!

Or, how much could we get if we sent ACKHAM to a chop shop?
devil.gif hehehe
Fresno Bob
Well Tanamous is always buying, I hear.
Take Ackham's car? *falls over laughing* Oh the possibilities. That would be great. heehee

Well, I'm not playing "Johnny Lightning" until the car show. Well... unless another opportunity comes up first. Take your time though... I have some stuff I need to get in order first... I haven't hardly been home in days.... But don't take too long. We don't want this to become a bore. lol. lick.gif wink.gif
I think by now he's pretty plastered, if you took his car, you might keep him from getting arrested for a DWI and probably a DUI too. You'd get you revenge(or part of it) and leave my NPC to race another day, MWAHAHAHA. I kid, the dog brain in his car could easily drive him home, is there a riding while intoxicated in the future?
Ooooo. Maybe Maeva should show up in her obscenely fast car and offer to race him. Imagine the kind of TN modifiers he'd be under nyahnyah.gif
yeah I think it'd be about +20.
Then a quick kiss-kiss-boom-boom
< *bump* >
I knew there was a reason the fuzzy elf gave K-Bob the creeps.
So, I guess everyone except Jet and Sebastian is at the track, while the others are out of pocket.
Eh. Maeva's prolly more kiss-kiss than boom-boom unless I'm to break character. But then, if it's Ackham, she might give him a 12S burst of gel rounds to the groin and leave it at that. nyahnyah.gif
Going to be on vacation and unable to post till Tuesday evening.
Well, until Sebastian shows at the track, Maeva's going to be locked in that supply room. Makes no sense for me to post yet.
I'd been busy for awhile and realized I hadn't checked on on this in a few days and about had a heart attack, but you guys are at the same place you where when I last looked. Anyone have any good ideas how to make this get moveing again?
Well, Sebastian showing up at the track to tell everyone about the car show would be a start. I'd have Maeva come round the ESS office and stir up some trouble, but she's sort of waiting for the boss. Besides that, Ackham could decide he has reached his limit and stagger past the ESS office and empty his stomach up the wall while Jet's watching, then accidentally ram the police car as he tries to make a run for it nyahnyah.gif

If your going to mess with poor Ackham before he leaves the lot, you might try that now. Hopefully this will revitalize this run and get some action moving.
Umm yeah I think poor ackham's lucky Glottis is there that could have turned really messy. this is more of a bump than anything else.

unless you guys have more stuff to do at the track, when jet finishes up with ackham, we'll skip ahead to the car show. Elly this means your on again.
Fresno Bob
I suppose the troll will object if Jet knocks Ackham out and drags him back inside the office...

Why must you all make this so difficult for me!?
Poor Glottis is just misunderstood. nyahnyah.gif And there's a LS cops all over the street outside who would ask unpleasant questions. Always geek the fellow on neutral territory.
Curse you, Aes you saw throught my insidious plot, lol. *Sigh* I love loose cannons, you know who you are, they add just the right amount of spice to a run. They could cause a casuality or two though... But he is VERY in character, so I'm happy. You guys can do what ever you want(that includes you Elly), thats what makes this such an intersting read.

Yes Glottis is very misunderstood, but then it always turns out the trolls that I control are. BTW I love trolls, there so fun to play, but they have a very distinct place(and it's not team ninja).

On second thought I'm not going to fast forward, you guys make your way there as you see fit. Once everyone is there I'll throw up the intro and cue "Johnny Lightning".
With a little luck, the intro cue will come soon. Maeva's running on nothing but coffee presently and probably only a few wrong words away from switching into psychotic elf bitch mode if the team has known her long enough to judge her moods.
Oh God... My times going all to hell. I'm sorry I havent kept up with this all too much lately... I just went through and caught up with the story. So we'll be going to the car show soon. Thats both good and bad for me. See, my classes are finishing up and I just finished a paper and have 2 more to write in the next week... along with finals... and I've been getting a lot more hours at work lately... basically, this is the first time I've been online at home in... a while. I've just been really busy... but I should be able to keep up with this decent even with a bunch of stuff to do. See, the papers I'm doing.. all my stuff for them is on my computer at home and I have been haveing almost all afternoon free at school to get on the computer so I'll try. I will be gone may 5th-10th though, just warning you. Kiedo, if I start getting too slow, feel free to jump in. Samantha is your character after all. I didn't plan to be this busy when I agreed to play the part... sorry. But as I said, I'll try.

As for the acual story, and not my excuses, I plan on haveing "Johnny" introduce herself after you all are at the car show and have looked around a bit. I want the meeting to be special because, unless I missed something, theres a good chance the most if not all of of the EES doenst know that Johnny's a girl, let alone a short, petite, blond girl. I think the reactions could be very amusing... And as for Ackham, I kinda want to do another meeting between him and Johnny before the show... he's drunk right now... is he heading back to the Lightning Riders HQ? cause if he is, Johnny can meet him there... get a little bit more of her character before the show.

Basically to sum all this crap up, I'm sorry I'm slow to post. I'll try not to be but I'm not too sure it can be helped. Thanks for the understanding. And if you have any problems with the idea's I've just laid down... just bitch me out and we'll see what we come up with. lol
Good luck with finals.
Looking forward to the Car Show.
Aye, good luck. I had a post in mind, but if you wanna squeeze in one more with Ackham, I'll wait so continuoity doesn't get screwed up.
Fresno Bob
Someone needs to get a post in soon about anything.
I was pondering, Jet has both the impulsive flaw and the vindictive one. That in my book is a nasty combo, which would make his very foolish and rash. IMHO he would have the calm and cool reasoning to think this properly through and probably would have attacked Maeva. But that's just me, not that I would want you to, I need you all alive and kicking or else you won't stand a chance at the racing event, not to mention the car show.

If you guys are done with the track start making your way to the show, so we can get on with this, I've got some rather large plans for your team that I'd like to see unfold before I post recruitment for another completely different run(not that I'm giving up on this one, I've had a blast so far, I just have another more sinister run in the works that I'd like to see come to light).

Which reminds me, you all get 10 karma(to catch up on the past due stuff), I've been meaning to get around to it I just keep forgetting. That Karma can be applied immediately without training or any other such things.

Also I usually offer my runners trivia questions for Karma, just to have a laugh but instead, due to google, I will do this. 5 karma to whom ever first and correctly identifies the literary refrence I make sometime during the carshow. Sound fun there's a catch, you have to do it before the last lightning rider leaves the carshow. Which at the current pace of this game could be a week.
Fresno Bob
QUOTE (Kiedo)
That in my book is a nasty combo, which would make his very foolish and rash.

I think Jet is pretty rash. He was going to beat the crap out of Ackham in front of an LS squad car. If the cop hadn't been there, he'd have probably ventilated the RX-7 with his AK. But being impulsive doesn't mean he would attack his friends. However, the vindictive part means that he's not going to forget Maeva doing this.
I’d like to get on to the carshow but there are a few IC things that K-Bob would like to take care of:

First: Dek’s memorial – some of Dek’s cooler-headed students should be allowed to attend, no colors or logos, but to show family/friends etc. that Dek was valued. K-Bob would champion this to Sebastian. Dek’s memorial may not be for a few days but will be on K-Bob’s mind.

Second: The reporters at the show may question members about “the tragic death of…” so it might be wise to establish a ‘press-release’ response that everyone can stick to. This helps keep us ‘looking frosty’. K-Bob hasn’t had any experience with the media, so should be partnered with someone who can handle the pressure.
Okay maybe I mislead you guys, I'm used to reffering to a car show as a bunch of people in a parking lot with thier hoods popped, not MOPI. The carshow is more of an underground thing, unless it's an undercover reporter then there shouldn't be any their. It's not illegal per se, but the cops still might try and run you guys off. I don't know if you've heard about it but there was a mass arresting of kids here in houston about two years ago during such an event, the cops arrested 72 people in front of a K-mart for loitering, I was one of them. It was a pretty big thing here in houston ten officers were fired and the chief of police stepped down because of it. And everyone who was arrested was let go because the cops had no case, mainly because half the people they arrested had actually shopped there, I myself bought a coke from a taco bell in the parking lot, which by law gives me the right to be there, but I digress.

Thomas do what you have to and make your way to the carshow. The memorial service is two game days away, his family set it up for him, and he former team is all invited. If you want any of you with lonestar contacts can try to convince you buddy in the force to release Dek's personal possesions to you, including his bike.
Keido, man, you were saved by Taco Bell. heehee lol But to arrest 72 people for being in a parking lot.. I hadnt heard of that.

I didnt know either that the carshow was to be underground. But still, the only references I've made to it is there will be some good vehicles there. so I think I'm good. lol

Fresno Bob
Hmm, I have a lonestar contact. My next post will probably be about that, then. If Dek's bike is fast enough to beat Ackham, I'm all over it.
Sounds good.
Yeah, loitering is one of those 'funny' laws that are still on the books. The cops can't choose to enforce it on their own accord, they have to be called in to enforce it. It get's even worse when you have multiple shops sharing a lot like that, as one shop-keep might complain, since no one shopped at their place, it's a legitimate complaint. However when the time came and folks present receipts from other stores, the case has to be tossed out. However, if anyone that has a legal claim to the lot actually walks out and asks that you guys leave, you cuold have a receipt from every other store in the shopping center and it won't matter, you'll be trespassing because you were told to leave.

My dad, an ex-cop had a similar situation, involving the mass arrest of a huge number of skinny dipping teens, but they had to let all but 2 go because of the situation leading up to the case. (funny story about evidence and police pranks)

And yeah, sorry, to me a car show is more akin to convention center, corporate booths and models in revealing, skimpy, flashy outfits to draw your attention to the car. So I can change that post if you need me to.
Fresno Bob
Yeah, loitering is something I've had to brush against every so often. Gotta stop going to parking lot concerts...
Oh there will be skimy, flashy outfits to draw attention to cars, and since it is a major underground thing there might be a sponser or two there, but no formal security or cops. The street racers have a nice co-existnence with the star, they don't mess with the cops, and the star lets them have a nice quiet carshow. But I might point out that the Lightning Riders are in clear violation of that very unspoken pact, so there might be a few plain clothes boys walking around just waiting for them to make a mistake.
Yay computer problems. But it doesn't look like things have progressed all that far yet. smile.gif

Still waiting for Elly to post or a fast-forward to the car show though.
Oh, I was waiting on you guys to go to the carshow.
On the ride home, Luis is going to place another order:
Transceiver rtg 6 with Encryption 3
Subvocal mic
and the parts for an electronics port.

Etiquette tests:
Tranceiver (TN 6/48 hours) 09 07 01
Subvocal Mic (TN 3 / 48 Hours) 04 04 01
Electronics Port Parts (TN 3 / 6 Days) 04 03 03

Not negotiating for a lower price, List nuyen price is 10,625 with SI included. (No time to get permits)
"...think of you as a friend..." - indeed.
I hope K-Bob lives long enough to repay you ten-fold.

And now, on to the car show?
Heh, he likes K-Bob. Something about him just clicks. Maybe an ork army buddy saved his life or something, dunno.
But I do know that should we actually do a run, you'll need it and as far as I know, you're the only person with no comm gear and you'll need it.
Alright you've got the tranceiver in two days, the subvocal mic tommorow, and the electronics port parts in two days as well.

On another note, I've just reiceved word that Sandoval smith, will have to withdraw from this run, due to work things. I will figure out some way of playing out sebastian in a suiting and plot furthering manner.
Fresno Bob
Our illustrious leader is going to die!

But who will take his place?
Not DIE, at least I hope not. Maybe this is a short term thing and Kiedo can NPC him for a while.
On the other paw, now might be a good time for the disgruntled seconds to mutiny.
That could further the plot in weird and unexpected ways.
I don't care, just thinking out loud. I generally don't go for PvP unless all agree to it.
Perception check, looking for Ackham or his car. She has a picture of both Ackham and car, and knows what the Lightening Riders logo looks like:

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