Sebastian is not a take charge kind of guy (given his physical appearance and all) but's he very good at recieving input from multiple sources, correlating the data, and making a plan of action, which are all good technical leader skills. He's got a good tactical sense (I guess that's what happens when you grow up during a siege, under the guidance of an Ares Firewatch team), but if what you want is someone who can chew nails, stare down the baddies, and give rousing peptalks, then Sebastian would be a not-so-good choice.
Sebastian St. John
Character Sheet:
[ Spoiler ]
Bod: 4(5)
Qui: 5
Str: 2(4)
Cha: 3
Int: 5
Wil: 5
Bio: 1.5
Mag: 0
Rea: 5(6)
Ini: 1 (3 when rigging)
Combat Pool: 8
Control Pool 9
Sense of Direction: -1
Human Looking: -1
Vehicle Empathy: -2
Good Reputation: -2
Spike Resistance 2: -4
Day Job/10 hrs: 1 (Freelance Security Consultant)
Phobia (Uncommon/Moderate) Bug Spirits: 3
Phobia (Common/Mild) Insects: 3
Infirm 4: -4
Vehicle Control Rig (2)(alpha).........(2.40)
RC Deck [2]...................................(.30)
Memory 100MPS..........................(.33)
Skillwires (4/48MP)....................(.

Chipjack Multi slot 2..................(.25)
Expert Driver 3........................(.3)
Cyber Eyes(alpha)........................(.16)
-Microscopic vision(alpha).............(.08)
-Retinal Clock(alpha)..................(.08)
-Thermographic (alpha).................(.16)
-Image Link (alpha)....................(.16)
Knowsoft Link..........................(.10)
Smartlink II ..........................(.50)
Internal Air Tank......................(.25)
Subdermal Speakers.....................(.10)
Protective covers (black)
External Transducer
Enhanced Articulation
Metabolic Arrestor
Sleep Regulator
Car: 6
CarB/R: 4
Electronics/Control Systems:2/4
Electronics B/R 3
Computer/Programming 2/4
Etiquette/Street: 3/5
Negotiations: 3
Intimidation/Mental: 1/3
Gunnery: 5
Rifles: 3
Athletics: 3
Stealth: 3
Car: 4
Greater Seattle-Street Layout 3/5
Scrounging: 3
Safehouse Locations: 2
Seattle Junkyards: 3
Gang Identification: 3
Gang Turf: 3
Police Procedures: 3
English: 5
Japanese: 2
[ Spoiler ]
Low: A converted, seperate garage, small, but snug. He rents it from the old orc lady who lives in the house on the same property. It allows him to stay close to his cars, and tinker on them as he feels like it.
Low: His backup doss, where he stays when he's 'working.' A small, bare apartment with street parking.
Low: Another converted garage, this one in a not so nice neighborhood. He stays on good terms with the local gangs, patching up their bikes, or replacing bullet riddled windshields when they need it. This is where he keeps his actual working car shop.
Squatter: It's got four walls, a roof, enough room for the van, and may or may not have devil rats (depends on the weather, and if anyone has curled up and died in there recently). It's the back up doss he maintains in case he needs a hiding place, fast.
[ Spoiler ]
RC Deck [5]
Storage Memory 200Mp
Audio/Visual Screen Display
Intercom System
R-C Biofeedback Filter [3]
R-C Encryption Module [2]
R-C ECCM Rating [3]
Signal Amplifier [4]
Clearsight [2]
Sharpshooter [2]
Fake Credstick [3] Ace Freely - Freelance Security Consultant
3xOrdinary Clothes
Fine Clothes
Secure Jacket
FF Full Body Suit
-Chemical Seal [4]
ActiveSoft Spec. [2] Biotech / First Aid
ActiveSoft Gen. [4] Bike
ActiveSoft Gen. [4] Bike B/R
ActiveSoft Gen. [4] Rotorcraft
ActiveSoft Gen. [4] Pistols
ActiveSoft Gen. [4] SMG
ActiveSoft Gen. [4] Spray Weapons
LinguaSoft Gen. [2] Chinese
LinguaSoft Gen. [2] French
LinguaSoft Gen. [2] Sprethiel
LinguaSoft Gen. [2] Spanish
[3]Medkit Rating 6
[2]Antidote Patch [6]
[4]Stimulant Patch [6]
[3]Tranq Patch [6]
[2]Trauma Patch
Vehicle Kit
Electronic ToolKit
[3]Compressed Air Blowers
Flashlight, pocket
Binoculars, Thermographic
Shotgun Mike [3]
Wire Cutter
Personal Comm Unit Rating [3]
Basic Pocket Secretary
Earplug Cell Phone
Vehicle Shop

Shock Glove
Remington 950 (SMII)
-Imaging Scope 3
+5 doses DMSO
+5doses Gamma scopolamine
Predator III
-Concealable Holster
+15xGamma Scopolamine
Heckler & Koch HK227 (SMII)
Sound Supressor
Underbarrel weight
Pintle mounted
6 x ExEx
4 x Gel
3xSpray Tank
[4]Splat Glue (per liter)
[2]Splat Glue Solvent (1 liter)
[4]Slip Spray (per liter)
[4]Freeze Foam (1 liter)
[2]Freeze Foam Solvent (1 liter)
[ Spoiler ]
Eurocar Westwind 2000 Turbo 5 CF / 45 KG free - 3 /30 used
Rigger Adaptation (1 CF / 10KG)
Sensors [2] (2 CF / 20 KG)
Autonavigation System [4]
-10 x Advanced Map Chips
Maglock [6]
Anti-Theft System [6]
Electric Shock System
Library Transponder Chip [6]
Morphing License Plate
Photovoltaic Chameleon Paint
Pintle Mount (driver side door)
Pintle Mount (rear of sun roof)
4 x Runflats
GMC Bulldog Step Van: Big City Kitty
(50 CF/1200 Load free - 36/525 used)
Rigger Adaptation (1CF / 10 KG)
Remote Control Interface [4]
Advanced Drone Pilot [3]
-10 x Advanced Map Chips
Sensors [4] (3 CF / 35 KG)
Concealed Armor [4] (12 CF / 320 KG)
Crash Cages (2 CF / 25KG)
Engine Customization [2] (Speed/Acc)
Morphing License Plate
Library Transponder Chip [6]
Photovoltaic Chameleon Paint
Electronics Port
Electric Shock System
Anti-Theft System [6]
Vehicle Infared Smoke(Small) 5KG
Drone Rack (7 CF / 195 KG)
Remote Small Turret(Pop-Up) (10 CF / 100 kg)
-Gunnery Recoil Adjustor [6] (1CF / 30KG)
-LMG Customization Kit
-Ares MP-LMG
-External SMII
-Smartlink-II Kit
-Sound Suppressor
-400x ExEx(belt)
Pintle Mount (driver side door)
4 x Runflats
GM-Nissan Doberman: Spot
Autosoft Interpretation [4]
Remote-Control Encryption [2]
-Smartlink-II Kit
-Rifle Customization Kit
-LMG Customization Kit
Ingram Valiant LMG (SLII) -turret
Ares Alpha - firmpoint
-Grenade Link
-Gas Vent IV
-357xRegular (belt)
-10xHE minigrenades (belt)
-5xIR Smoke (belt)
-3xWhite Phosphurus (belt)
-2xInk (belt)
A.S. Condor LDSD-41: Peepers
Sensors [2]
Remote-Control Encryption [2]
Power Amplifier [2]
Autosoft Interpretation [4]
Renraku Arachnoid Mini-drone: Chuck
Autosoft Interpretation [4]
[ Spoiler ]
Telerand Bowson [elf] (1): Telerand is the head supply clerk at the Ares subsidary where Sebastian worked, and after spending the better part of his life sitting alone in a little office, he is about as alienated and withdrawn as Sebastian is. Perhaps that's why they got along so well together.
They have kept in minimal contact, mostly so that Sebastian can keep abreast of developments at Ares, in case any other positions he could take arise.
Hard Luck Louis [troll] (1): It's Hard Luck to be someone Louis doesn't like...
He's a liuetenant in one of the larger gangs roaming the borders of the Barrnes, and he lead the group that 'welcomed' Sebastian to the neighborhood when he moved in. After Chicago, a handful of gangers on beat up bikes didn't faze him the slightest, but he showed them respect, paid the protection money, and when one of Louis' bike blew it's fuel line when raced the engine, Sebastian didn't laugh, or smirk, but calmly fixed it. Chicago also taught him that you take what allies you can get. He helps the gang out when they need minor repair work on their rides, and they respect him and his doss, and make sure others do too.
Louis got a boost of recognition for bringing such a useful resource to the gang, and shows some fondness for the useful, if strange, dwarf rigger.
Kuruma Nakagawa [ork] (2): Kuruma is probably one of the best street mechanics in Seattle, and one of the only people out there who would call Sebastian a friend. The fact of the matter is, since whenever they're together all they talk about is cars, Kuruma has never gotten around to noticing that there's anything wrong with the dwarf.
He runs a legit car repair, and towing business by day, getting most of his work from tourists who have a breakdown while in the 'scary' sections of Seattle. His night time dealings revovle around the chop shop he's got deep within the bowels of his autoyard. He can modify anything that moves, and a few things that can't. He'll even do a little weapon work, but nothing too illegal or heavy. He likes Seattle, and he doesn't want to have to worry about suddenly relocating elsewhere.
[ Spoiler ]
He's got a stare that can really set people on edge. He just sits there, doesn't blink, doesn't even seem to breath, his cyber eyes an opaque, and depthless black. He just sits, and watches, and people start to get nervous, wondering just what he's looking at? Is there something wrong with them, or is it something else?
Sebastian was born in Chicago, grew up there, and was trapped there when the bugs came out and the walls went up. He'd always been a quiet boy, with a fascination for cars, and had always viewed riggers, people who could actually become the car, with a sort of awe. When you were a rigger, it didn't matter who you were, or what you looked like, you could make the vehicle yours. That was a very imortant thing to Sebastian, because his body had set him apart from so much else. He had been born tiny, but so perfectly proportioned that it wasn't realized he was a dwarf until the standard genetic testing came back, and even after adolescense he could still be easily mistaken for a human child of thirteen or fourteen.
He got his first piece of cyber while in the CZ. His family, part of a small group of refugees, made a run for the sanctuary of the Wrigely dome. They were set on by a group of wasps. All he remembers is screams, a flash of... something, and then darkness. The next thing he could remember was waking up in a makeshift hospital and realizing there was something strange with his vision. His brother had managed to drag him, bleeding, half his face torn up by a talon slash, to the Wrigley Dome. There were several doctors and cyber physcians among the refugees there, and they replaced his eyes with parts from someone who didn't need them anymore.
The cyber eyes helped him live through, if not exactly survive Chicago. Everything that he saw through them seemed removed, like a trid program. He could pretend that it wasn't real, like the day the roaches tried to swarm through the Clark Street entrance, and his brother, manning a machine gun, was bitten in half, the roach running off with his legs, leaving the torso screaming and bleeding on the floor. It was just like any other bad slasher trid. They were all bad slasher trids. That was how he made himself so helpful in the makeshift hospital. It wasn't his hands helping to hold down a girl as the doctors tried to to put her insides back in. And those weren't real guts, just special effects. It made him a very reliable, and efficent person to rely on for many of the tasks of day to day life at Wrigley field.
When the wall came down, he moved in with distant relatives in Detroit. By then he had developed the stare, that way of watching the world like it was just another trid program. He recieved a job offer from Ares. His hard work at the dome had been noticed and commented on, and now that he lived in Ares home town, the megacorp was happy to reward him for his efforts. A small, rather boring site needed a security rigger, and Ares would install the rigging deck as part of the job. He agreed.
He did a good job, earned a good paycheck, and since he was in the motor city, he put most of that towards motors, tinkering with cars. He started having problems at work though. It wasn't that he was doing a bad job, but simply that he made people uncomfortable, just by being in the same room. They started putting him on night shifts, but even that didn't work out. He had shown to be a good employee so far, so the site managers offered him a promotion. He'd be a delivery driver for sensitive materials, and again to show how they valued his efforts, they would give him a VCR.
That was a job he excelled at. He rarely interacted with other people, and proved to be an excellent rigger. He liked becoming the vehicle. Nothing made them hurt, they just existed, going from one place to another. He came to love the Bulldog step van he usually drove. It was comfortable, secure, and it, along with thousands others like it spent all day trundling along, going from place to place completly oblivious to the rest of the world. They didn't even need to rest. Just feed them a little bit of fuel and off they went again.
Sebastian didn't like resting much. He couldn't stand the darkness, couldn't stand the thought of what might be moving around in it where he couldn't see. He needed to be able to see, always. Sleep was not any better. His waking mind knew that Chicago was far behind him, but his subconcious did not realize that, and every time he closed his eyes he was carried immediately back into the worst days at the Dome.
He upgraded his VCR, and realized he liked cyber, how each time he got a new piece it cut out a little more of his humanity, made him _feel_ a little less. However, in order to keep getting more 'ware, he had to start hunting out less and less reputable places to get it installed. He had too much wire in his head, real doctors wouldn't touch him, it was too risky. Sometimes, these 'doctors' would require favors as payment, things that only a rigger could do for them, and that was how Sebastian started to slowly slip into the shadows.
He got a chip habit, but a very odd one. He didn't got for the Better Than Life chips. Most of them he had to get custom, but he didn't have to worry about blowing ASIST ratings, the chips he slotted were closer to sensory deprivation rather than overload. Vast, murmuring, shifting crowds, the silent void of deep space, the drifting suspension beneath the surface of a blue and endless ocean, these were the fantasies that he retreated into.
He drove the getaway car for a team of runners taking a shot at an Azzie lab, and in exchange for that, and to make up for the bullets he caught in his shoulder, the team surgeon put him under the knife for a metabolic arrestor, and much more importantly, a sleep regulator. It helped him a little, keeping him away from the darkness and terror that much longer, but it was already too late.
Problems were arising at Ares again. He was doing a good job. Actually, he was doing an excellent job, and had saved his cargo from liberation by runners on multiple occasions, but even the minimal contact he was having with people was causing friction. Just the amount of time it took him to get an authorizes signature before releasing his delivery could leave someone jumpy for the rest of the day. Rumors were also starting to trickle into listening ears about just how he occupied himself in his off time. what His managers were sorry to do it, but they let him go.
So for a week, he sat, staring out at the street, sometimes eating, sometimes sleeping. Then, a 'doctor' called. They needed a favor _from_ him this time, a favor that needed to be done in Seattle, and they were willing to pay for it...