Mar 4 2005, 01:16 AM
The Ares Alpha (CC pg. 22) has 2 points of recoil comp due to a "special chamber design." It also says that it can accomodate barrel-mounted accessories.
Does this mean that additional recoil compensation mods can be added?
Mar 4 2005, 01:10 AM
Yes it does. Which means that you can get a total of 8 points worth of recoil mods on the thing.
Mar 4 2005, 01:10 AM
Mar 4 2005, 01:21 AM
That's what I love about this boards - virtually instantaneous answers. It's almost as if everyone was jacked in...scary.
Mar 4 2005, 01:18 AM
QUOTE (GlassJaw) |
It's almost as if everyone was jacked in...scary. |
You're not?
Mar 4 2005, 01:28 AM
Fraggin' Tortises.
Mar 4 2005, 01:30 AM
Still just using trodes, sorry.
Mar 4 2005, 01:36 AM
Fast? Baby, those responses traveled 6 minutes back in time to bite you in the ass. You don't know fast.
Mar 4 2005, 01:38 AM
QUOTE (Arethusa @ Mar 3 2005, 08:36 PM) |
Fast? Baby, those responses traveled 6 minutes back in time to bite you in the ass. You don't know fast. |
Yeah, we've mastered Time Travel, at least in increments of less than 10 minutes in an online setting.
Mar 4 2005, 01:31 AM
It's a start.
Mar 4 2005, 01:32 AM
See that, baby? 5 minutes before I posted, I responded to you responding to me 2 minutes later.
Mar 4 2005, 02:02 AM
those responses traveled 6 minutes back in time |
Whoa, I just noticed those time stamps. What's up with that??
Mar 4 2005, 02:10 AM
QUOTE (GlassJaw) |
QUOTE | those responses traveled 6 minutes back in time |
Whoa, I just noticed those time stamps. What's up with that?? |
It's amazing what you can do with a Flux Capacitor and 1.21 Gigawatts of electricity...
Mar 4 2005, 02:57 AM
QUOTE (GlassJaw) |
The Ares Alpha (CC pg. 22) has 2 points of recoil comp due to a "special chamber design." |
I've always wondered what exactly was meant by that.
Cynic project
Mar 4 2005, 02:49 AM
QUOTE (Raygun) |
QUOTE (GlassJaw @ Mar 4 2005, 01:16 AM) | The Ares Alpha (CC pg. 22) has 2 points of recoil comp due to a "special chamber design." |
I've always wondered what exactly was meant by that.
Well, I think it is the fact that Ares is the best.So you suckers can all die?
Mar 4 2005, 03:01 AM
Not quite the level of exactness I was looking for.
Mar 4 2005, 02:54 AM
I always thought that it was the 2 points of recoil reduction that you can add to a gun's design under the Cannon Companion's firearms design rules. The Ares Alpha is simply a gun that is the example of that design option.
Cynic project
Mar 4 2005, 03:07 AM
As i recall the Ares Alpha was out before the gun making rules. I think it is like from a long time ago.
Mar 4 2005, 03:01 AM
QUOTE (Cynic project) |
As i recall the Ares Alpha was out before the gun making rules. I think it is like from a long time ago. |
Yup, you're right. "Fields of Fire", in fact. However, the Cannon Companion gun design rules do incorporate that integral RC reduction without taking a barrel mount. Are there any other guns that are similar in this regard?
Mar 4 2005, 03:10 AM
Yeah. Fields of Fire. 1994.
Sandoval Smith
Mar 4 2005, 03:16 AM
It means that the chamber is designed in a way to minimize the kick back of the gas expansion, to the point where you get 2 points of recoil comp.
Capt. Dave
Mar 4 2005, 03:09 AM
QUOTE (Sandoval Smith) |
It means that the chamber is designed in a way to minimize the kick back of the gas expansion, to the point where you get 2 points of recoil comp. |
Yeah...or it's magic!
Maybe a quickened Force 2 Reduce Recoil Spell...
HMHVV Hunter
Mar 4 2005, 03:18 AM
QUOTE (Tziluthi) |
Yes it does. Which means that you can get a total of 8 points worth of recoil mods on the thing. |
8? I count 6 at best (2 integral + Gas Vent IV). Is there something I'm missing?
Mar 4 2005, 03:10 AM
Yeah, I think he understands that. That is unfortunately about as good an explanation as "dikoting is sharp so it increases damage."
Mar 4 2005, 03:20 AM
QUOTE (HMHVV Hunter) |
QUOTE (Tziluthi @ Mar 3 2005, 09:10 PM) | Yes it does. Which means that you can get a total of 8 points worth of recoil mods on the thing. |
8? I count 6 at best (2 integral + Gas Vent IV). Is there something I'm missing?
Foregrip/underbarrel weight, shockpads.
Kanada Ten
Mar 4 2005, 03:14 AM
Built-In (2)
Personalized Handgrip (1)
Gas Vent IV (4)
Shock Pads (1)
Foregrip (1)
Gryoscopic Cyberarm (4)
Strength 10 (2)
Reaper madness.
Sandoval Smith
Mar 4 2005, 03:18 AM
QUOTE (Arethusa) |
Yeah, I think he understands that. That is unfortunately about as good an explanation as "dikoting is sharp so it increases damage." |
Well at this point, CC has rules that allow you to include reduction in the base design, so it comes from really whatever 'fluff' you want to attribute it to.
As for Dikote, I say it maintains a particularly sharp, frictionless edge, for your cutting convience.
Mar 4 2005, 03:22 AM
And Raygun's point what whatever fluff you throw at it won't make it any less silly.
Same with dikote.
Eyeless Blond
Mar 4 2005, 03:31 AM
QUOTE (Kanada Ten) |
Built-In (2) Personalized Handgrip (1) Gas Vent IV (4) Shock Pads (1) Foregrip (1)
Gryoscopic Cyberarm (4) Strength 10 (2)
Reaper madness. |
Do you ever need more than 10 though? Can a gun fire more than 10 rounds in a pass, or is RC accrued over the entire Combat Turn?
Mar 4 2005, 03:32 AM
No, you never need more than 10 if you play canon. Practically, it's easy to get 9 and that's all you really need.
Kanada Ten
Mar 4 2005, 03:32 AM
Isn't the Ares Alpha an HV gun, meaning it can fire 15 per pass?
Mar 4 2005, 03:25 AM
Well since the Alpha has a grande launcher, it doesn't have an underbarrel mount (even though the pic right next to it looks like it has a foregrip).
Mar 4 2005, 03:26 AM
Isn't the Ares Alpha an HV gun, meaning it can fire 15 per pass? |
No, that's the Ares HVAR. The Alpha is a normal assault rifle.
Mar 4 2005, 03:26 AM
QUOTE (Kanada Ten) |
Isn't the Ares Alpha an HV gun, meaning it can fire 15 per pass? |
Nope, it's a standard assault rifle, albeit the most uber standard one in Cannon Companion.
Kanada Ten
Mar 4 2005, 03:26 AM
Ah. Oh well. Don't need the silly foregrip anyway.
Mar 4 2005, 03:26 AM
I'm pretty sure it isn't. Maybe you're thinking of the Ares HVAR? (Which fires a whopping 18 rounds per phase.)
[Edit: Too slow, yet at the same time]
HMHVV Hunter
Mar 4 2005, 03:36 AM
Edit: someone beat me to it
Mar 4 2005, 03:34 AM
If you don't have crazy strength or a ridiculously stupid extra arm, there's no reason not to get the foregrip to get up to 9 points. The grenade launcher's integral, so it really doesn't matter and there's nothing saying you can't mount it.
Mar 4 2005, 03:49 AM
The grenade launcher's integral, so it really doesn't matter and there's nothing saying you can't mount it. |
"The grenade launcher prevents the mounting of underbarrel accessories."
Mar 4 2005, 03:49 AM
QUOTE (Arethusa) |
And Raygun's point what whatever fluff you throw at it won't make it any less silly.
Same with dikote. |
Well, we are talking about a campaign system with not one but TWO Elven Nations, THOR shots, magic, and a secret cabal of Dragons... right?
Mar 4 2005, 03:50 AM
QUOTE (Arethusa) |
The grenade launcher's integral, so it really doesn't matter and there's nothing saying you can't mount it. |
QUOTE (280 SR3 @ right column, first paragraph) |
Only one accessory can be attached to a particular mount. Integral accessories take up mount locations |
Cynic project
Mar 4 2005, 03:42 AM
QUOTE (CanvasBack) |
QUOTE (Arethusa @ Mar 3 2005, 10:22 PM) | And Raygun's point what whatever fluff you throw at it won't make it any less silly.
Same with dikote. |
Well, we are talking about a campaign system with not one but TWO Elven Nations, THOR shots, magic, and a secret cabal of Dragons... right? |
There are at least four elven nations..It so happens that two of them are really bigger than the rest and start with Tir...
Mar 4 2005, 04:10 AM
QUOTE (CanvasBack) |
QUOTE (Arethusa @ Mar 3 2005, 10:22 PM) | And Raygun's point what whatever fluff you throw at it won't make it any less silly.
Same with dikote. |
Well, we are talking about a campaign system with not one but TWO Elven Nations, THOR shots, magic, and a secret cabal of Dragons... right?  |
Bullshit. I know you think you're clever because mentioning fantasy gives you carte blanche to make up anything without any repercussions, but that is still the most asinine argument for sloppy design still doggedly hanging around Dumpshock, and no amount of repetition will save it.
It's silly. It doesn't make sense. It should, but it doesn't, and elves and dragons don't make a damn bit of difference.
Mar 4 2005, 04:14 AM
Even without the foregrip/underbarrel weight, a Strength of 5 (or is it 6? I always forget this part) plus the other mods gives you 9 RC.
Mar 4 2005, 04:08 AM
It's 6. Personally, I find that excessive and would start it at 5, but the values were pretty clearly put together not to favor standard humans.
Mar 4 2005, 04:25 AM
Ah, thanks.
So Strength 6, Gas Vent IV, Personalized Grip, Internal RC, and Shock Pads gives you 9 RC.
Mar 4 2005, 04:53 AM
Fields of fire made the Aries Alfa look like a bulpup weapon.
Bulpup configuration grants 2 points of integral recoil compensation and +2 conceal ability. An integral grenade launcher reduces conceal ability by 2. the Aries Alfa has the base conceal ability for assault rifles. Adds up nicely where I am siting.
The fields of fire entry was pointed out to me when I complained to my GM that there where no standard weapons with the bullpup configuration.
As to non bulpup explanations (eg the Aries HVAR has 3 points of integral and the design modification) an uncommonly well balanced weapon that has the force directed more in line with the bracing of the weapon works for me (taking more man hours to design and thus costing more money to buy). I was under the impression that not all weapons in the same class with the same ammunition had the exact same recoil characteristics.
Mar 4 2005, 05:04 AM
And yet they all fire the same stuff.
Please, can we not go down this route? It's pretty much universally acknowledged that the firearm design rules are insane crap, and there's no sense in trying to hack together silly justifications for them.
Mar 4 2005, 05:32 AM
Don't forget Custom Grips and/or just a decent Strength score. You can get way higher.
Mar 4 2005, 05:33 AM
QUOTE (Edward) |
Fields of fire made the Aries Alfa look like a bulpup weapon.
Bulpup configuration grants 2 points of integral recoil compensation and +2 conceal ability. An integral grenade launcher reduces conceal ability by 2. the Aries Alfa has the base conceal ability for assault rifles. Adds up nicely where I am siting. |
Going to a bullpup configuration automatically gives recoil compensation? Wow. That's pretty rediculous. Regardless, it doesn't have much to do with "special chamber design" which is what I'm interested in. What, specifically related to the chamber, would absorb or displace recoil energy? I can think of a couple of rifles that would include something we could call internal recoil compensation (G11, AN94), but neither relate directly to the rifle's chamber.
The fields of fire entry was pointed out to me when I complained to my GM that there where no standard weapons with the bullpup configuration. |
The Steyr AUG-CSL (originally from the Street Samurai Catalog) is a bullpup, as is the Ares Crusader (IIRC), and maybe a couple of others (Ruger 100?). I guess that may not be what you mean by "standard", though.
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