Mar 4 2005, 11:08 AM
Okay, Magic in the Shadows allows you to make an Extended version of any detection spell, which ups the radius by a factor of 10, but raises the drain code level by one. Can this be done to a spell twice, giving a double extended version of a spell, with a two higher drain code? So, for example, could I have a double extended Clairvoyance, with a deadly drain code but a range of Force * Magic * 100?
[Edit: Nevermind, I found it. You can't, sadly. I was all psyched to have double extended mindlink, too... *sigh* Oh well, it would have had a killer drain code (D+2) anyway]
Capt. Dave
Mar 4 2005, 08:13 PM
Ah, the spell design rules...

To answer your question, you're being creative, not a munchkin. Now if you wanted to extend the extended range on, say, Fireball...
Mar 4 2005, 08:23 PM
Ahhh.... but only Detection Spells can be extended via Spell Design.
For a bigger fireball, you have to withold dice from the Sorcery Test to increase the size: withold 1 die for every meter increase in the radius of the spell.
Mar 4 2005, 08:41 PM
I believe he was saying that trying to make an extended fireball would mean being a munchkin, as opposed to just being creative. Since an extended fireball would have a radius of magic * 10, so 60 meters for your average character, that would indeed be pretty nasty!
I was just hoping for a nice 600 meter range mindlink so I could use it on overwatch.
Mar 4 2005, 09:07 PM
You would be a munchkin if you started making Permanant Increase (attribute) spells (which you can do within the rules).
Mar 4 2005, 09:31 PM
The rules say you shouldn't make anything permanent unless it doesn't provide a lasting bonus, so that wouldn't be in the rules.
Capt. Dave
Mar 4 2005, 09:52 PM
QUOTE (ShadowGhost @ Mar 4 2005, 03:23 PM) |
Ahhh.... but only Detection Spells can be extended via Spell Design.
I was referring to Extended Area, which can be applied to Manipulation Spells. (pg. 55, MITS).
QUOTE (JaronK) |
The rules say you shouldn't make anything permanent unless it doesn't provide a lasting bonus, so that wouldn't be in the rules. |
Well, does that mean that the healing from treat will go away after awhile?
(And no, I'm not talking about taking more damage later

Mar 4 2005, 09:54 PM
I should have finished what it says. It says they can't be permanent if they provide a lasting bonus, unless that bonus is simply restoration of the target to its previous state (so heal, treat, and fix are fine).
Capt. Dave
Mar 4 2005, 10:00 PM
Okay, that makes sense. I suppose I could have gone and read it myself, but I'm lazy...
Mar 4 2005, 10:04 PM
Actually, going by MitS, Extended Area can ONLY be applied to Illusion and Manipulation spells, NOT Detection spells.
Pg 55- 56 MitS.
Mar 4 2005, 10:05 PM
QUOTE (JaronK @ Mar 4 2005, 09:54 PM) |
I should have finished what it says. It says they can't be permanent if they provide a lasting bonus, unless that bonus is simply restoration of the target to its previous state (so heal, treat, and fix are fine).
JaronK |
But it *only* lasts until I die, so it isn't permanent!!
<Grins, ducks and runs before DS'ers start throwing books>
Capt. Dave
Mar 4 2005, 10:00 PM
QUOTE (Dawnshadow @ Mar 4 2005, 05:04 PM) |
Actually, going by MitS, Extended Area can ONLY be applied to Illusion and Manipulation spells, NOT Detection spells.
Pg 55- 56 MitS. |
Yes, but they have an option called "Extended Sense".
QUOTE (ShadowGhost) |
But it *only* lasts until I die, so it isn't permanent!! |
Saying that it only lasts for one year per success, though, that seems entirely reasonable...
now the DSer's must attack two targets! +2 for me!>
Mar 4 2005, 10:09 PM
QUOTE (ShadowGhost) |
But it *only* lasts until I die, so it isn't permanent!!
<Grins, ducks and runs before DS'ers start throwing books> |
HAI! Bookninja attack!
*throws and embeds a "Shadowbeat" into ShadowGhost's leg*
Mar 4 2005, 10:03 PM
QUOTE (Dawnshadow) |
Actually, going by MitS, Extended Area can ONLY be applied to Illusion and Manipulation spells, NOT Detection spells.
Pg 55- 56 MitS. |
Holy Crap!
One 60 meter fireball coming right up!
Or if you prefer Imperial, that's a 196 foot fireball!!!!
(based on Magic Attribute of 6)
Capt. Dave
Mar 4 2005, 10:03 PM
QUOTE (hansoo) |
HAI! Bookninja attack!
*throws and embeds a "Shadowbeat" into ShadowGhost's leg* |
ShadowGhost! Use your Missile Mastery!
Mar 4 2005, 10:13 PM
QUOTE (Capt. Dave) |
<now the DSer's must attack two targets! +2 for me!> |
Unless they use a shotgun with a wide choke....
Mar 4 2005, 10:15 PM
QUOTE (ShadowGhost) |
One 60 meter fireball coming right up!
Or if you prefer Imperial, that's a 196 foot fireball!!!!
(based on Magic Attribute of 6) |
Our Raccoon shaman thought that this was the case for regular non-Extended Stunballs, until we gently reminded her exactly how big a 60 meter radius Stunball would be.
Mar 4 2005, 10:13 PM
QUOTE (hahnsoo) |
QUOTE (ShadowGhost @ Mar 4 2005, 05:03 PM) | One 60 meter fireball coming right up!
Or if you prefer Imperial, that's a 196 foot fireball!!!!
(based on Magic Attribute of 6) |
Our Raccoon shaman thought that this was the case for regular non-Extended Stunballs, until we gently reminded her exactly how big a 60 meter radius Stunball would be.
True, but as I just learned thanks to DawnShadow's post - Extended Area only applies to Illusions and Manipulation spells, not Combat Spells.
However Combat Spells can be increase in size by withholding dice from the Sorcery Test - 1 meter larger for every die withheld.
Mar 4 2005, 10:23 PM
On my build list, I have a couple Extended Detection spells, using the Extended Sense option. Also on that list is an Extended Trid Phantasm

Even though the drain code is looking pretty steep, I'd be able to put the fear of Dunk in an entire city block!
Mar 4 2005, 10:25 PM
LOL - I just had a vision of an illusion of a "Life-sized" Stay Puff marshmallow man rampaging through downtown Seattle
Mar 5 2005, 12:10 AM
I've always had an amusing picture in my mind of Harlequin screaming "There can be only one!" and casting an Urban Renewal centered on himself with full magic pool them witholding all of his dice except for say 8 or so to increas the radius. How much of the barrens would fall over?
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