Mar 11 2005, 07:08 PM
So I was wondering about critters that are spirits. There are a few of them in Critters, like the corpselight (which got me started thinking about this). Anything with its Essence listed as A is primarily astral and, as defined in the rules, a spirit. So does this mean that a magician can banish it? Could you banish a corpselight or a nomad? Just wondering how people have handled it in their games and/or what they think cannon says about it.
Mar 11 2005, 08:19 PM
Personally, I'd say yes. If it comes from another plane and has a Force rating, then you can banish it.
Mar 11 2005, 08:20 PM
Man, doesn't that thing have an essence of like 5-30 or something? You'd be a brave SOB to try to banish that thing.
Not sure if I'd allow this or not. I kind of like having a few things that are outside of the "known and accepted", even in the Sixth World.
Mar 11 2005, 09:25 PM
I think it can be banished. Imps can, it's just not easy. Then again, neither is a corpselight. I'll look in my stuff, see what I can dig up.
Mar 11 2005, 09:34 PM
Hmm... corpselights and wriaths both have manafestation, so they are primaraly astral. You very well might be able to banish them. Can you banish minor Horrors? (Given coments Ive seen be a certain -H-, I'm thinking that is what they are.
Mar 11 2005, 09:35 PM
Isnīt banishing best used when it can be done with the snap of your fingers? If I played a magican, Iīd choose astral combat over banishing any time force of the spirit goes beyond half my conjuring skill.
Mar 11 2005, 09:43 PM
Thanks for the replies so far. While banishing the corpselight might not be the brightest thing a magician ever did (with its Essence of 4D6), banishing could take a lot of the punch out of things like the nomad. It's a hard call. I'm inclined to agree with you guys, Mortax and hahnsoo, that all spirits can be banished. That's basically what the rules say, anyway, as far as I can figure. Maybe treat them like spontaneously manifesting spirits and use their forcex2 as the TN to banish? Though that would more often than not make the point moot, because who's going to banish something with a force of 12 or 24 or even (Spirits forbid) 48 like a well-fed corspelight? I'll have to think on it more.
Any other opinions appreciated.
@ mintcar: Maybe. But with regeneration (for the corpselight, at least), that could get messy quick. Banishing would circumvent the regeneration - no longer on this plane, not necessary to worry about it.
Edit: It just occured to me that these things aren't treated like spirits for the purposes of other rules: like being Free or not. So that at least shows that some of the spirit rules don't apply to them.
Mar 11 2005, 09:35 PM
The question was "is it possible". Not "is it a good idea". Personally, I'm with you. If I see either of these, I'm either hitting them astrally or running very fast.
Mar 11 2005, 09:40 PM
QUOTE (mintcar) |
Isnīt banishing best used when it can be done with the snap of your fingers? If I played a magican, Iīd choose astral combat over banishing any time force of the spirit goes beyond half my conjuring skill. |
I had a unique situation with my Magician's Way adept, who had a manifested Earth Elemental materialize smack in front of him. I had a pair of guns out, which were useless, and the only useful attack spell I could have used was Manaball (which I didn't have enough room to have LOS for targeting the Elemental at the edge of the area, being in a cramped stairwell). The only option I had was banishing, which reduced the elemental to a Force 2. I finished it off with pistols the next turn.
Mar 11 2005, 10:09 PM
hahnsoo: Well. In that situation I would hardly choose astral combat. It just wouldnīt be an option really.
Mar 11 2005, 11:22 PM
Well I am pretty sure you can't banish wraiths...can't remember where i read that though...
Mar 11 2005, 11:45 PM
I've only seen wraiths in Paranormal Animals of Europe. In there, it says that so far they have resisted domination. I would just assume this means they can't be conjured, or bound. It says nothing about banishing, though. In most respects they act as free spirits.
They do have magic resistance.
P. 110-111 PAE
Mar 11 2005, 11:44 PM
wraiths are statted in MitS, in the spirits section (or maybe the threats section? don't recall.)
Mar 12 2005, 12:36 AM
Don't have that book with me. Oh well.
Anyone got a page number or quote? I'm starting to use more and more 3rd edition magic rules, and if there are changes, I need to know.
Any changes to corpselights from 2nd edition? I'm using one in a run very soon.
Mar 12 2005, 12:49 AM
QUOTE (Mortax) |
Don't have that book with me. Oh well. Anyone got a page number or quote? I'm starting to use more and more 3rd edition magic rules, and if there are changes, I need to know. Any changes to corpselights from 2nd edition? I'm using one in a run very soon. |
Corpselights are on p25 of Critters.
No mention of any Wraith in MitS or Critters.
Mar 12 2005, 12:55 AM
QUOTE (hahnsoo) |
QUOTE (Mortax @ Mar 11 2005, 07:36 PM) | Don't have that book with me. Oh well. Anyone got a page number or quote? I'm starting to use more and more 3rd edition magic rules, and if there are changes, I need to know. Any changes to corpselights from 2nd edition? I'm using one in a run very soon. |
Corpselights are on p25 of Critters.
No mention of any Wraith in MitS or Critters.
They are called Specters now (MitS p. 121 lower right).
Mar 12 2005, 12:57 AM
Hmmm, freind sent me a scan of those two pages specters are on. Either they made major changes or those aren't wraiths.
Wraiths have very different stats, but it does say you can banish them. They are a lot more evil in 2nd edition. Since I'm so evil, I'll prolly stay with what is in PAE.
Mar 12 2005, 01:07 AM
QUOTE (Rock-Steady) |
They are called Specters now (MitS p. 121 lower right). |
Umm, Wraith are different. For one thing, they possess Magic Sense, and Magic Resistance. In Paranormal Animals of Europe, they are listed as Free Spirits with Spirit Energy, which increases when they influence metahumans to do harm to each other or to inanimate objects.
Mar 12 2005, 01:17 AM
Body: 10
Strength : 6
Charisma: 4
Intellegence: 7/7
Wilpower: 10
Essence: 12(A)
Reaction: 7
Powers: Confusion, Fear, Immunity to pathogens and poisons, Influence, Magical Resistance, Magic Sense, Manafestation
Weaknesses: None known
Notes: Wraiths act as freespirits, and so they use spirit energy. The wraiths spirit energy beguins at 0,
then increases by 1 point for every point (box) of stun damage a victum under its influence does to another
living being or inanimate structure. The wraith can have a max spirit energy equal to its essence.
argh, ya beet me to it.
Mar 12 2005, 01:24 AM
Because I had the stats in frount of me...
Body: 5
Strength : 0
Charisma: 0
Intellegence: 2
Wilpower: 5
Essence: 2d6(A)
Reaction: 5
Attack: 6M -1 reach
Powers: Essence drain, Immunity to normal weapons, Manafestation, Movemen, Psychokinesis, Regeneration
Weaknesses: Essence Loss
Notes: When a corpselight is encountered, it has an initial Essence Rating of 2d6.
Thus, its normal maximum Essence rating is 12. (However, it can theoretically be as high 24)
Mar 12 2005, 01:18 AM
Wraiths accidently got cut out of MiTS, but can be found on Steve Kenson's (the author of MiTS) website
Mar 12 2005, 01:19 AM
Corpselights now have a Force rating, Mortax, and are treated as spirits.
Body = Force
Quickness = Force + 5
No Strength or Charisma
Intelligence = Force - 3
Willpower = Force
Essence = (2d6, Max 24 due to Essence drain power)A (the text contradicts the written stats).
Mar 12 2005, 01:20 AM
QUOTE (Backgammon) |
Wraiths accidently got cut out of MiTS, but can be found on Steve Kenson's (the author of MiTS) website here |
Looks like they have a Force Rating now, as well.
Mar 12 2005, 01:53 AM
Ya know, I think that actually makes both of them even harder to deal with.
Mar 15 2005, 05:20 AM
In an inadvertent bump of this thread, I found out that Wraiths are on p 102 of Survival of the Fittest 2062, much to my surprise.
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