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Full Version: How should I deal with my DM being an idiot?Ally..
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A role playing persistant world for never winter nights, actually wink.gif.
QUOTE (Edward)
When in a tight spot summoning a force 9 city spirit is a valid option. As a starting character you have a 40% chance of successfully summoning one and you are only soaking 9S or 9D stun (spending on charisma, probably 9S for a player mage)

There is a not insignificant chance when you do this that you will loos concessus ether due to the drain or some other factor (you are in a situation to weren’t summoning a force 9 spirit to defend you. If this happens the spirit roles force dice target 4 to decide to stick around as a free spirit. That is a 99.8% chance of sucses.

With it being this easy for a powerful free spirit to come into existence I find it strange that they are represented as being so rare. I would expect 50-100 in Seattle. Not common by any stretch of the imagination, just the 5 or so that are listed in the books are not the entire population.


I would expect the goverment to crack down on free spirits, or Joe B Summoner who has a conjuring of 6 to say "ooooh free spirit, now bound, free spirit!". A free spirit is like candy if it is low force.
Eyeless Blond
QUOTE (Aqua)
A role playing persistant world for never winter nights, actually wink.gif.

Still D&D though. biggrin.gif

Btw, I hear this guy makes really good NWN modules, if you're into that sort of thing. I don't have the game myself, but I've read his other fiction and it's really well done, and the modules have gotten a few awards IIRC.
Eyeless Blond
Keep in mind also that Conjuring 6 is pretty rare, for people other than PCs that is. In addition, very few people are going to be willing to strech themselves to that sort of limit, much as very few people jump as far as they can when trying to leap ver a chasm; your body flinches when you're doing something that's beyond you. So no, I don't expect many instances of Force 6+ free spirits, for the same reason you don't hear about drive-by shootings every day in every neighborhood. Just because someone *can* do something doesn't mean they *will*, or that they even have the guts to try. smile.gif
Sorry 'bout that . Really should just keep my stupid MiTS in my bag at all times.

I've always wondered why more free spirits aren't bound. It's not exactly hard once you get their true name. Even a mundane can do it!

I know you can take an astral quest to make things like that more difficult. Like the quest to pierce someone's aura masking. (although don't have my MiTS handy at the moment so don't yell at me if I get something wrong indifferent.gif ).

it never really states it explicitly (that I can find). Can a free spirit DO astral quests, like to make their true name harder to find?

And on a tanget... how long does that astral quest to pierce masking take? I think I recall it being almost no time. Is that right.

Really need to start bringing that damn book to work. Or get the pdf.
Sorry to revive a dead thread, but...

If a GM did this to my character, I would be dancing with joy inside, all the while trying to maintain my poker face. I have never had a GM insert a free spirit less than Force 12 in any game I have played. My heart would leap with joy at being offered a few hundred.

But there is no way you can bind a few hundred spirits you say. Ok, that is a bit of a problem. Let us look at the situation a bit closer. Not all 300 are free. This assumes a portion are bound spirits or allies. Those spirits have masters in the same situation as you. Contact them, alert them, plan with them.

You have valuable information that other magicians would like. Figure ways to contact them and turn a profit. Magiknet, mage bars, magical groups, magical contacts, a note on the bulletin board at the talismongers... Have the other at risk magicians help you locate magicians interested in binding some free spirits.

Demand your ally give over the member information of his little group, like spirit type, force, free or bound, spirit energy, maybe even a true name or 2. If the GM lets the ally ignore your command (not unlikely from other statements you have made) use sense link or mind probe to collect the information. You don't have mind probe? Surely one of the magicians you recruit will know it.

Have your collection of magicians get together with an abundance of conjured spirits (and the watcher attack pack) for protection through superior numbers while they take turns astral questing for true names. Then start binding these free spirits. You should wind up with a few bound spirits that expand your spirit type past water elementals.

Be sure to thank your ally. wink.gif

Oh yeah, the adept should be disposed of, too. Offering to kill you has consequences.

Talk about turning the tables! Remind me to ask you're advise if a GM ever pulls this kind of drek with me. rotfl.gif
Belle Anderson
tisoz dude...remind me never to piss you off or to insure that you are on MY side of the screen. That is bloody brilliant, and I thought some of my insane ideas gave the GM ulsers.

Wounded Ronin
If it were me, I'd just make a new character.
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin)
If it were me, I'd just make a new character.

If it were me, I'd find a new GM!
Sandoval Smith
I'm curious as to what has further developed in the OP's situation. Has any resolution been achieved?
I've been in this situation before, but with a PC as a player. The other player decided to betray our group, and used the funds from the payoff, as well as some stolen from us to change physical apearance. (lots of plastic surgery) the character was a lightly cybered assasin. We spent about six game months tracking the character, after locating her, we broke in and interogated her. during the interogation the character was executed. The player then decided that the charater had been married (we didn't know) and decided that his (yes his) next character would be a sniper/anarchist hiered by said husband to eliminate the group. the GM in this case was very good in that he strongly dicouraged the player, but allowed it in the end. the sniper being a starting character attempting to take on five or six 50-70 karma chars at once failed, was captures, and of course we implanted a cortex bomb radio linked to a bio monitor in the charater who had done the previosly mentioned killing. he didn't have too much fun with that.

Hope it's going well for ya, if not, maybe just a sabatical is in order. (but if you must kill the phys ad, I'd recomend making sure that the rest of the team is on your side. it shouldn't be hard, make them worry he'll sell them out too)
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