Apr 20 2005, 11:24 PM
No problem...just letting people know.
Apr 22 2005, 08:36 PM
I posted as I was told I was in.
Apr 22 2005, 09:19 PM
Hobbe--NP, I was just waiting for the team to call you since they have your info and the name of the cafe to meet you at.
Apr 23 2005, 09:46 PM
Which I did. Feel free to move us along to the meet Mcq.
Apr 23 2005, 10:21 PM
Shadow--Hobbegoblin is the player, Noire is the character. And I'll move you right along...
Apr 23 2005, 10:46 PM
Apr 25 2005, 11:46 AM
Sandoval--Give me some Etiquette (Street) and any Paris Local that you've got..
Apr 25 2005, 12:20 PM
What the heck just happened? I've been waiting a week for Sandoval to post so we could do this stuff together and suddenly he's in the middle of doing it without me? Did I miss something? What is my character doing?!?
Apr 25 2005, 12:25 PM
Sphynx--He posted his stuff, by all means post yours. I'm not going to penalize you. You didn't miss anything, my last bump put your character moving towards the recon and legwork you had to do so feel free to fill in the sordid details.
Team--Remember everyone needs to try and post at least once a day, I will go through and bump the thread forward occassionally, but mostly I post reflexively towards what you do.
Apr 25 2005, 12:29 PM
I'll be playing catch up today and posting on a regular basis again. Work hasn't been nice to me and I've been falling behind all over the place, but I should be able to be caught up by the end of the day.
Apr 25 2005, 01:17 PM
So, since currently my character is still talking to his character to plan how to go over things, I should roleplay his reactions to my character? Do I have to assume in my posts that he's going to go solo instead of teamup? Sorry, I'm just really confused over what is going on, one moment I'm asking him to come with me, next moment he's off on his own, I have no idea what to post or how to get my last actions to work into his post. Should I be going solo and finding out what I can or something? I feel like a guy who was in the middle of a conversation with a guy at a table, and half way through the sentence he gets up and walks off withoug a word. What do you do? (Other than get up and kick his ass...

Apr 25 2005, 03:56 PM
Sphynx--I'd say go solo at this point then after you've posted your legwork give his character a call to pull the two of you back together again.
Apr 26 2005, 12:05 PM
Sphynx--Give me a general Perception test augmented by Sorcery. (Roll both sets of dice.)
Apr 26 2005, 02:45 PM
Intelligence (Perception):
[ Spoiler ]
You asked for 5 rolls and your target is unknown ... here are the results:
1: 1
2: 2
3: 6 + 4 = 10.
4: 2
5: 5
[ Spoiler ]
You asked for 6 rolls and your target is unknown ... here are the results:
1: 5
2: 5
3: 6 + 3 = 9.
4: 2
5: 3
6: 1
Apr 26 2005, 05:13 PM
Sphynx--If you've got time, throw me an Etiquette (Magical or Street) so I can include that in the bump tonight.
Ecc/Aes--What are you two doing?
Apr 26 2005, 05:51 PM
Good question, I'm kinda waiting on a post from Aes. If I don't see one soon, I'm going to push forward going solo.
Apr 26 2005, 06:08 PM
[ Spoiler ]
You asked for 3 rolls and your target is unknown ... here are the results:
1: 2
2: 5
3: 5
Apr 27 2005, 02:09 PM
Sorry folks, servers were down last night. I'll get a bump out mid-day today.
Apr 27 2005, 07:26 PM
McQ: I think Aes is either dropped out or is away for an extended time. I'm going to go solo I guess. Since Sphynx is there too, I'll just hook up with his character once I've got everything moving. I'm going to time jump myself too so I'm caught up with everyone, cause at the moment, I'm still back at the club waiting for Aes to reply to me.
Apr 27 2005, 07:27 PM
@ Hobbegoblin, waiting on a response....
Apr 27 2005, 07:53 PM
posted...and only a few hours after, i'm on a roll now boys
Apr 30 2005, 04:12 PM
Sorry about the long abcense. Computer decided to crap out on me. I'll do a quick fast-forward to get Ms. Johnson up to the same timeframe sa the rest of the group.
May 2 2005, 06:05 PM
I think I am done till the meeting in Paris. Feel free to advance the timeline as needed. Ariel will show up to the Cafe about an hour early.
May 2 2005, 07:17 PM
Is everyone ready for the bump to the meet at Cafe Parisian?
Sphynx--Are you bypassing the meet? In your post, you took yourself a few days forward and the team was going to meet within 24 hours.
May 2 2005, 10:05 PM
Well, Aes and I are just getting around to our first round of recon, though you can fast foward it if you like. I'm going to use Cognition, Eidetic Sense Memory, and Three Dimensional Memory.
I'll toss out a perception check for ya too, along with my Centering check for Cognition.
Centering: 05 05 04 04 03 01
Perception: 16 08 05 03 02 01 01 01
I'll also be playing the part of the tourist, using my Sony CB500 Cybercam to record everything inside and out.
May 2 2005, 10:45 PM
Yeah my intension for the 24 hour meet was to allow everyone to get a brief overview of the job and maybe lay out a plan for us to do our hardcore recon and planning.
May 3 2005, 12:28 AM
Does anyone have a problem with the close knit team dynamic? The premise I had was that you would all be friends and professionals. Is that different than what others would like?
I ask because I am sensing a little bit of friction between some characters and want to smooth it out before it flares up.
If people are enjoying the friction as just another roleplaying element, let me know and I will take it in stride.
Ms Johnson? She's just in a perpetual bad mood. They've worked with her before, so I assume they know she doesn't mean any ill with it.
If I've been bad at communicating this, my apologies. Annoyed is just a natural state of mind she reverts to, and she seldom means anything ill with her stinging remarks. I suppose it works better at the game table, where the other players can see my smile when I describe a paticularely nasty gesture to know I mean no ill.
That being said, coming all disguised up so early WAS unnecessary and showoffish
May 3 2005, 01:45 AM
Ecc--I need a security systems or devices roll.
May 3 2005, 08:20 AM
QUOTE (McQuillan) |
Is everyone ready for the bump to the meet at Cafe Parisian?
Sphynx--Are you bypassing the meet? In your post, you took yourself a few days forward and the team was going to meet within 24 hours. |
I'll forward my notes electronically to Ariel, but skip the meeting in order to maintain my research with the boy.
May 3 2005, 05:23 PM
Security Systems: 19 05 04 03 03 03
Security Devices: 08 04 04 04 02 01
May 3 2005, 05:24 PM
Sphynx--I need a Paris History roll or Eitquette if you are checking in with people about the history. If it is done soloely with magic, roll sorcery and let me know how wide of an area you are searching.
May 4 2005, 01:49 AM
Oh, I've also got Security Proceedures in case that helps as well...
09 05 04 03 02 01
May 4 2005, 07:59 PM
Sorry it's been so long since i posted. I caught a pretty bad bug and it laid me out but good
May 5 2005, 09:55 AM
QUOTE (McQuillan @ May 3 2005, 07:24 PM) |
Sphynx--I need a Paris History roll or Eitquette if you are checking in with people about the history. If it is done soloely with magic, roll sorcery and let me know how wide of an area you are searching. |
Sorcery for the Clairvoyance (as 'deep' under the Museum as I can attain with my Clairvoyance). Basically just walking to dead-ends and trying to 'see' past the wall to see if it was blocked up. I'll circle the whole of the museum via these underground passages, looking 'through' any wall that doesn't seem a part of the original creation.
In the evening, I'll spend talking to people in a local pub, just getting a feel for the Old Castle, like any solid tourist.
Sorcery: 6 dice [3,5,5,1,2,11]
Etiquette: 3 dice [2,4,5]
PS: You didn't ask for it, but I do have Castles and Chataeus as a Knowledge Skill. Can I roll that to see how much I already know of the place?
May 5 2005, 08:37 PM
Sphynx--Please by all means.
Team--If you have a knowledge skill that you think might apply, feel free to throw it out there with some dice behind it and I will let you know what info you can get.
May 5 2005, 08:39 PM
McQ, I'm still waiting for your reply about my knowledge skill checks. You sent me a PM saying that you sent me one earlier, but I think it got lost.
May 5 2005, 09:04 PM
Castles and Chataeus: 3 dice [3,2,26]
** That 26 was a fluke I think, I did it online, if you'd like to re-roll yourself I totally understand.
May 6 2005, 10:27 PM
Hobbegoblin--Were you going to run a data search? If so I need a computers roll.
Ecc--Did you get the new one I resent?
May 6 2005, 11:17 PM
At this point i'm running low key searching legal sources...news articles things of that nature.
Data Haven (to find one)
[ Spoiler ]
Computer skill
[ Spoiler ]
May 7 2005, 01:15 AM
Are you keeping a low profile?
Are you using your deck?
(I presume that your deck is the standard Rating 6 deck out of SR3 except for the modifications noted?)
May 9 2005, 02:02 PM
Just an FYI, I'm very active here, but I'm like 2 days ahead of everyone else. Waiting on a ketchup to go forward with my character....
May 9 2005, 02:27 PM
I'm using a legal cyberterminal at this point. The dataline tap is illegal. I'm staying really low profile.Searching legal sources such as newspaper articles/matrix articles. Just trying to deflect where the inquiry is coming from...basically using a cybercafe with an anoynomous mailer connection to search legal subject matter.Alot of info can be compiled from legal articles. ie...if anyone, who got the last security upgrade contract.( can back track what type of equipment from there) Who's broken in before...sucessfully or not (maybe buy/get info from them)..etc. Just legal stuff at the moment.
May 9 2005, 05:43 PM
Hobbegoblin--I'm going to need a Computer (Search operations) roll from you. Also do you realize that a general search given what you just told me is going to take several days?
May 10 2005, 01:36 PM
Computer roll: 11,9,5,5,5,5,4
I'll get as much as i can within 12-16 hours. I have a sleep regulator and my car has an autonav of 3 or 4 (i'm away from my books at the moment) so, i'll sleep on the way to the meet.
May 10 2005, 05:24 PM
Its using a cyberterm that is slowing you down. If you use a deck with 2 levels of Increased Responce, then it gives you a -1 TN to the test, making it easier to get more successes that you can use to cut down on the Info Search time.
May 10 2005, 11:53 PM
Hobbegoblin--There's no mechanic for shortening the search, so I'm going to apply the time you did towards a later search. After the meet at the cafe, you can apply the 16 hours you've already searched.
May 11 2005, 02:56 PM
cool. I'm not trying to slow things down just get info without raising any alarms.
May 11 2005, 07:21 PM
I'm sorry everyone. Finals have reared their ugly head again, and this semester looks to be a killer. I'm not sure I can post with anything even approaching regularity for the next month or so, so perhaps it is best if I drop from the campaign.
May 12 2005, 03:59 PM
Sorry to hear it Aes

Good luck on finals!
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