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I'm going to be going out of town for the next 4-5 days starting tommorrow. Work is shipping me off to Florida... and they're giving us a beach day to recover from the long drive smile.gif
AES--Don't worry about SI since the cost is already higher than the price of a normal gun...
Just an FYI, my character is finalized and ready for perusal. Do you want the character in a format other than online posting? Any suggestions (from anyone at all) on possible good-idea changes?

If he has more than one essence point worth of cyberware (btw: he has 4.74 ess not 4.72 according ot NSRCG if everything's alpha), more than 1 bioindex point worth of bio and only initiated twice, shouldn't his magic be at 5? Or have I screwed up my calculations somewhere?


Well, I'll be damned! Just checked the errata. Seems I've been playing with twice as much magic loss per bioindex point as the rules state for years!

Hmmm.... I'll rework Ms. Johnson a little when I get home cyber.gif
Sphynx--I just need an e-mail with the final version.
I just picked up a comic called Stolen from the market, and damn if it wasn't Shadowrun. It is alos pertinent to our little adventure here so I thought I would share. You can read the whole comic by following the link.
By the way - What communication system are we using? There's no need for me to splash essence on the optiscan link/receiver pacakage for instance if noone else is bringing it.

And if we're doing radio communications, what'e everyone's level of encryption? Ms. Johnson's presently getting an overhaul after I realized I've been doing my cyber/bio calculations all wrong.
I've got a headware radio, but I am not sure what I need to buy to encrypt it.
Radio with Encryption Rating 6 is my vote. I could go 8 or 10 if everyone is up for it, but the minimum should be 6.
Rating 6 sounds reasonable. Unless we expect heavy electronic warfare against us, that should give us at least an hours worth of secure communications. For what it gives, rating 8 or 10 is a wee bit expensive.

Unless otherwise is decided to be our communication media, Ms. Johnson will be packing a rating 6 DNI-capable micro-transceiver in her datajack with level 6 broadcast encryption.
I'd actually suggest the Personal Comm Unit 6. It is DNI, comes with ECCM 6 and Encyption 6 built in.
Sandoval Smith
Well shoot, John's comm is only a rating three. Looks like I'm going to have to trim the equipment list...

McQullian, how important is having a personal vehicle in this game? If it's something that is probably not going to come up, I can drop the bike, and free up some skill points, and nuyen.
Oooo. Nice. Didn't notice that. *quickly changes selcetion*

Quick question -- Does DNI count as a transducer for purposes of using the comm unit? Or will she still need to have a transducer implanted to "speak" to everyone without using her mouth? Already got the DNI installed to connect to a OMC - cheaper than headware memory and takes less essence.
Quick question -- Does DNI count as a transducer for purposes of using the comm unit? Or will she still need to have a transducer implanted to "speak" to everyone without using her mouth? Already got the DNI installed to connect to a OMC - cheaper than headware memory and takes less essence.

Good question. I'm not too sure to be honest. Even if you do need a transducer, they make an external one that you plug into the datajack, then plug the comm unit into that. It costs 1000 nuyen.gif.

McQ, can we get a ruling from you on if a DNI equiped comm needs a transducer, or is it built in?
The Personal Com system will count as a transducer for communications through it only. If you want to have other systems use a transducer interface, you'll need to buy a separate one.

Sandoval--The use of personal vehicles is going to depend heavily on choices the team makes...I can tell you that the run will be in a heavy metropolitan area with good public transportaion most of the time.

I might suggest that someone have a contact who is a rigger in case you need to arrange for a driver at some point in the run.
Wraith doesn't have a vehicle because he travels around the world too much, renting will be his path. A local rigger contact will be on my list too.
Could anyone with SOTA 2064 at hand tell me what the specific karma cost and stats for attunement and empower animal companion does? I were thinking of getting it either for Ms. Johnsons sniper rifle (Item she's intimately familiar with) or picking her up a makeshift familiar (such as a bird to use for scouting).

Centering's just so... common for adepts. nyahnyah.gif

Redid her from scratch - stats are mostly the same, 'cept I got the calculations right this time around. Got 18 karma left though, which I could splash on another initiation, active skills (1 skill at 5, 1 skill at 4 and 1 skill at 3 or 3 skills at 3), or bonding an eventual animal or item. As soon as I've got the last karma spendings sorted out, I'll mail you the finished character sheet and update the old one in this thread.

Number of animals = to Magic rating is max
Gains Sense Link with Animal up to (Magic+Charisma_Willpower)x10 meters
Karma = 0


Choose an Adept power.
Pay karma = Power Point cost of power x4.
Simple Action to allow the Animal to use chosen power.
Can not use the power while the animal is using it.

I am just about done with Ariel, but she is at home and I am at work so it will have to wait till tonight.

I do have a decent little house for a crash pad.

Medium lifestyle
+Defensible position
+Terrific View (it's on the ocean)
+Escape Tunnel
-Middle of no where
-Difficult access

Should have all the bells and whistles at medium. I was hoping to slap a blueprint together but I don't know if that will happen.
Want to share that place with Wraith?
Well anyone from the group is welcome to crash there or live there when in France. I made it as the groups crash pad. We are a group right?
Sweet, how much is the monthly rent? Maybe each of us could kick in a month.
Got everything done, 'cept the contact backgrounds. I already updated my post back on page 2 with the new numbers. Got a SSG-made lifestyle in a large apartment complex w. high security, furningshings and comforts, a safehouse in the mountains she'll share with you if you can prove you need it and a sports car with room for one additional passenger.
Reminder: I need all your characters finalized by tomorrow and sent to me via e-mail. Thanks, I like what the team has put together.
Sent. Not sure how many details of the contacts I should bother to edit into my post earlier in this thread. Looking over it, I notice I forgot to write a blurb on Lins physical appearance too. I suppose I'll take care of that in one of the first posts I make in the IC thread when it's up.
Rents 5k a month, I prepaid two months so if anyone wants to kick in that would be great.
Guess I can kick in a month as well.
Alrigth sending in Ariel. I didn't realize till I was done that you said 200k not 100k. So I spent the other 100k on karma. She's on the way.
I assume everyone got their character in?
I have characters from

Shadow--What e-mail did you use to send your character to me? I checked the one linked to DSF and my accts.

[ Spoiler ]

Where would you like it sent?
It's in his last Spoiler Shadow. nyahnyah.gif
Check his spoiler.
Yeah I got it now, I resent it about 6 hours ago. Damn WoW.
Shadow--You of course picked the one acct that I hadn't yet checked....sorry about that, I've got it now.
And we're off!
My interpretation of the game was that we were a team and that we would be receiving the job offer as a team, not individually. So I took the liberty of being the person who notified everyone else.

A question I have....

Who is our negotiator?

Wraith would make a good one.
Well it looks like you are it then.

Anyuone think of anything else we should settle befor eteh negotiations begins?
Presently? No. We don't even know what the job is. As long as we assume Wraith has been our negotiator in the past, Ms. Johnson will cede control of it to him without comment.
Sorry for my lack of an IC post yesterday. I was working on one, but my day went south and I didn't get a chance to post. I'll get something up this morning.
Hey... guys? Could we do those of us who are monolingual a favor and if you are going to make a post with other languages in it, put a spoiler at the end of the post with a translation. That would be great.


"Blah blah blah, la bad guy es lameo" <---(feeble attmpt at making up a language)

[ Spoiler ]
How about I promise not to put anything important in what she says. Or if it is important I will provide a translatoin. I hate spoiler tags in the IC.
Elitist. nyahnyah.gif
Argh...I finally have a post, but no time to post in. Cableone (my ISP) had issues yesterday... frown.gif
Whizbang--I'll wait to bump the thread to the meet until you get a chance to throw your post up.

Team--I will let you guys self-audit, do you want a devoted decker to help you out or will your contacts be enough?
Does anyone have a decker contact?
Ms. Johnson does. Buddy level. Problem is, he's either in Denver or Tír na nÓg right now. frown.gif
I'd be up for a devoted decker if the GM wants to NPC one. A team like ours should totally have one.
She's doing the whole sensor sweep around the room, using her enhanced hearing/spatial recognizer, improved scent, low light/flare compensation and adept 3-D memory to get an impression of everything and everyone in the room for later.

[ Spoiler ]
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