I have a full mage (Italian Priest, Sky father Shaman, Order of St. Sylvester) all drawn up for a dumpshock game that never got off the ground (Dash, what's going on??). Can I just e-mail you the .sr3 file and you can tell me what to remove to make it fit in your game? It's not high powered, but different GM's different rules and all that.
Edit: I'm at work now, but could send it at the end of the day.
Edit2: Here's the backstory I wrote for Dashifen's game. It was supposed to take place in Europe, but details like that could be changed.
I'm not a good storyteller and I don't know how Europe
played out in Shadowrun's history, but here's my rough
Raised in a lower-class Italian family, who was very
religious, in the province of Umbria. I was raised
Catholic but started having strange oddities when I
was around 10 (Does awakening happen during puberty,
or am I just getting all sorts of sci-fi stories mixed
up in my head). My family thought it was posession.
They refused to believe in magic, and sided with the
Church saying it was evil. My parents thought they
could just pray my demons away, but they never went
away. Whenever I did anything 'magical' my father
would beat me. Eventually this became too much for my
mother and I was just given up to the church to be
raised. Needless to say, their parenting was of a
different kind.
I was raised and educated in Catholic schooling and
eventually seminary schooling. <<Here's where I don't
know the mechanics of the system so I don't really
know what to say. With my troubled past, I became
more of an 'in the field' priest which eventually led
me to the Order and my current Shadowrunning>>
I try to have reason for taking the flaws and edges
that I do, so here goes:
Sensitive system(magic active): God made me in his
own image, therefore it is a sin to corrupt it.
However, in order to do God's work, a small sacrifice
of my being is a small price to pay. The double
essence loss, rather than just being an 'I dont like
cyberware' is more of a self-imposed pennance, I
True Believer(Catholic Dogma): Well this one should
go without saying. After being saved and raised by
the Church, it has become all that I know and love.
Distinctive Style(Ordained Priest): Well, we're easy
to spot if we're strict about it. Maybe not the
obvious collar, but an exposed rosary and the way I
carry myself and interact with others. Everybody's
nice to a priest, right?
I almost considered taking
friendly face because of this.
High Pain Tolerance: From both my father's beatings
and rigorous self imposed training on my own part as a
member of the Order.
Bravery: My faith is my shield. With God on my side
I shall fear no man (or paranormal animal
That's all I have so far. Barring a few stylistic
details on my character's part, and any glaring
omissions you might pick out, I should be just about
finished and ready to go. I'll probably remove Gunnery because that was supposed to go with a character from another game. Unless we have a rigger with some mounted weaponry.
My gaeasa would be that I have to say relevant bible verses in Latin while casting spells. I found an onlinie Latin-English bible to help me with that, and I thought it would give the character a bit of flair.