Cynic project
Apr 4 2005, 07:29 PM
Okay, I am not saying that hermetics suck or anything but come on.
Shamans have to buy a single mojo place, that costs rating times rating times 100 Nuyen.
Hermetics have to buy two places that both cost ten times as much.
Shaman can go out and summon a spirit on the fly, and it doesn't cost him a thing.
Hermetics have to pay thousands of nuyen to get an elemental.
So, really why do hermetics have to pay so much? I mean I can see hermetics having to pay to get items to summon elementals,and I can see two libieries... But I think they should at worst cost a tenth of what they do now.
Apr 4 2005, 07:40 PM
QUOTE (Cynic project) |
Shaman can go out and summon a spirit on the fly, and it doesn't cost him a thing. |
And they only can have it until the next sun-up/sundown. Not to mention the problems with domain boundaries. This one balances out, I'd say. The others you may have a point about.
Cynic project
Apr 4 2005, 08:01 PM
So, a bit drain and waiting aorund equals thoundans of dollars and hours of planing?
Capt. Dave
Apr 4 2005, 11:07 PM
QUOTE (Cynic project @ Apr 4 2005, 02:29 PM) |
Hermetics have to buy two places that both cost ten times as much. |
Three, if they want to do any enchanting. That requires a library, too.
There's positives and negatives on both sides, and they usually balance out pretty well, IMO.
Apr 4 2005, 11:50 PM
Hermetics can summon up a harem of 6-8 elementals, and then call them up and go astral.
Astral hermetics with six elementals on a leash, maybe followed by 6 watchers for the extra 'friend in the melee' modifiers are able to take out entire shadowrunner teams on their own.
I think that's worth something.
As to the shaman's ability to summon a spirit anywhere... consider the fact that he usually has to do it smack in the middle of combat, or right before it, so he might feel drained through the most important part of the run. So, the shaman is either limited to one smaller spirit, or one large spirit and a headache in the middle of battle. The shaman doesn't get half a dozen of them.
So I guess, hermetics have the power of science, along with its drawbacks (money!)
Apr 4 2005, 11:00 PM
Shamanic conjuring has some pretty hefty drawbacks -- any game that's relatively split between money and karma, the advantages go to mage over shaman for conjuring. It's only when money is an incredible issue that shamanic conjuring is "better" than mage, and even then, it's pretty bad, considering the target numbers on the conjuring and drain resistance.
Sure, a starting shaman can conjure a force 6 spirit on the fly... but then he has to soak minimum of 6M stun on charisma. If he doesn't have charisma 6, it's 6S Physical -- and that's if he has charisma 4-5.
Realistically, a shaman can conjure 2-3 force 3-4 spirits, assuming the domains all line up, and even then, they lose a lot of services to conjure the next -- any time you switch domains, you lose all additional services on the spirit you conjured.
The cost of libraries? You may be onto something there. But the conjuring? Not really.
Apr 5 2005, 01:02 AM
QUOTE (Dawnshadow) |
Sure, a starting shaman can conjure a force 6 spirit on the fly... but then he has to soak minimum of 6M stun on charisma. If he doesn't have charisma 6, it's 6S Physical -- and that's if he has charisma 4-5. |
Who makes a shaman with less than 4 charisma? For that matter, why make a shaman with less than 5 or 6? Unless its a troll or something, I guess, but even then there are Edges. Its like making a Body 3 Sam...Career Suicide, if you ask me.
I with everyone else about the Libraries.
About the Libraries, can you do the "Survival Knife/Trauma Patch Manuver" with Libraries? As in, get yourself a good one at char gen and sell copies of it, or what?
Apr 5 2005, 01:15 AM
QUOTE (kevyn668 @ Apr 5 2005, 03:02 AM) |
Who makes a shaman with less than 4 charisma? For that matter, why make a shaman with less than 5 or 6? |
Because the GM doesn't allow any shamans, or magic people for that matter, to have all great magnetic personnalities that are the sign of great and rare leaders ?
It's exactly like having each and every decker-rigger-samurai starting with 1M¥. It's up to the GM to enforce his vision of his world.
Apr 5 2005, 01:39 AM
A GM telling me I can't have a 6 in Charisma b/c I'm playing an Awakened?
Fuck. That.
Apr 5 2005, 12:52 AM
QUOTE (kevyn668) |
Who makes a shaman with less than 4 charisma? For that matter, why make a shaman with less than 5 or 6? Unless its a troll or something, I guess, but even then there are Edges. Its like making a Body 3 Sam...Career Suicide, if you ask me. |
*raises hand* Umm, me? Lots of folks like to build their attributes around their character rather than what works best for the archetype. Of course, there is major overlap between the "best fit" style of play and the "best fit" mechanics, but I don't think it's career suicide to make a Shaman who just isn't all that interested in being a killer summoner as well.
Apr 5 2005, 02:25 AM
Plus, the advantage of a hermetic library is that your 'place' isn't limited by your totem, and it's portable (if on electronic media), and doesn't require time to attune to you, and you can use anybody else's library if you don't have your own.
Apr 5 2005, 01:28 AM
Started with Charisma 3 on a shaman.. up to 5 now.. Wasn't suicide then, didn't do a lot of conjuring. Isn't suicide now.. but still harsh to deal with, and not great for drain -- sorcery and willpower are both higher than conjuring and charisma.. and more useful besides, since it's force/2 as the base drain power, which is the thing that bugs me most about shaman conjuring. And even at 6 charisma, conjuring a force 6 spirit is exactly like a force 12 Moderate manabolt... 6M stun. Not particularly easy to soak.
And as for GM's not allowing some stats.. it wasn't the GM, it was me assigning how many points into what attributes on the priority system. What the GM doesn't allow is all stats above the racial modified limit.. for good reason.
Hmm.. I've never built a character with 1M nuyen either.. not even the Sam, he was done with 400k..
Apr 5 2005, 01:46 AM
QUOTE (hahnsoo) |
QUOTE (kevyn668 @ Apr 4 2005, 08:02 PM) | Who makes a shaman with less than 4 charisma? For that matter, why make a shaman with less than 5 or 6? Unless its a troll or something, I guess, but even then there are Edges. Its like making a Body 3 Sam...Career Suicide, if you ask me. |
*raises hand* Umm, me? Lots of folks like to build their attributes around their character rather than what works best for the archetype. Of course, there is major overlap between the "best fit" style of play and the "best fit" mechanics, but I don't think it's career suicide to make a Shaman who just isn't all that interested in being a killer summoner as well.
Are you actually telling me that you regularly make shamans with a charisma of 3? Would you also make a mage with a willpower of 3? A sam with a body of 3? Hell, I don't like to make sams with a charisma of 3 or mages with a body of 3.
Unless we're talking a Street Level game here, there's no need to sacrifice power for role-play potential. You can do it for RP hooks and that's all well and good but I'd hazard a guess that its more the exception rather than the rule.
And as for GM's not allowing some stats.. it wasn't the GM, it was me assigning how many points into what attributes on the priority system. What the GM doesn't allow is all stats above the racial modified limit.. for good reason. |
And...? I didn't see Jeremie say anything about stats above the RML.
Hmm.. I've never built a character with 1M nuyen either.. not even the Sam, he was done with 400k.. |
Me niether. I always thought that was for deckers and riggers but I know others have made fun sam-ish characters with a mil

Apr 5 2005, 04:39 AM
Starting Shaman-Adept had Cha 3, Str 4, Bod 4 (Qui 9, Int 6, Will 6 though)
Starting Sam had Cha 2, Str 4 (Qui 6, Int 6, Will 6, Bod 6)
That's actually all of the shamans and Sam's I've made.. can't remember what the two pure adepts had, although one had Qui 9, and the other hand Qui 6.
Stats above the RML are about the only way shamanic summoning is feasible at relatively high force, IMO.. which is why I mentioned it.
And actually, sacrificing power is very common when using the priority system, which is what all my characters have been built on. Makes you choose how to divide things up a little more.
Apr 5 2005, 03:45 AM
QUOTE (kevyn668) |
Are you actually telling me that you regularly make shamans with a charisma of 3? Would you also make a mage with a willpower of 3? A sam with a body of 3? Hell, I don't like to make sams with a charisma of 3 or mages with a body of 3.
Unless we're talking a Street Level game here, there's no need to sacrifice power for role-play potential. You can do it for RP hooks and that's all well and good but I'd hazard a guess that its more the exception rather than the rule. |
You are pushing the point to make it seem ridiculous, without really reading what I'm saying. The choice of attributes, for me, are wholly influenced by the kind of character being created, rather than the archetype pursued. I will make a Shaman with a low Charisma if I think he came from a battered home and a socially-isolated background. He might have a Conjuring skill of 3 or 4, because he's only comfortable with summoning watchers. I can also make a Samurai with "only" a body of 3, someone who prides himself on his reflexes and lithe body, quickness over bulk. If I want to create a Troll Decker (even though everything in the rules of the game is against Trolls becoming effective deckers), then I will do so, because that's the kind of character I want to create.
I recognize the value of archetypes and the myriad ways that one can min-max their characters for "best" effect. Most of my characters tend to be a bit twinkish, I'll also admit, and I regularly make characters with 6's in their primary skills. But the "best" effect in mechanics sometimes clash with the "best fit" for character concept or design.
Cynic project
Apr 6 2005, 08:35 PM
QUOTE (hahnsoo) |
Bla bla bla, yada yada... |
I do not mean to be rude or anything but the fact is, because you make character that are not the best of the best, means that you are making character that will suffer. If you make characters for style over substance then you will find them to be lacking in the area of power. So you do not min max, that's cool. I don't care.
I don't care if you want to play a street sam with no legs.If that is your character, then that is it. But don't give me bullshit about legs are ungamebalancing because they let you move.
My main point is that, hermetics get the shaft when it comes to how much their gear costs. Hermetic mages have to spend 30 times as much money as shaman, before they get the toys to summon elementals. So even if elementals were hands down better the spirits, witch they aren't, the hermetic is spending so much more on magical gear that the shaman just is better starting out. I mean, I have looked at both,and I can't really think of a reason not to start off with at least 90K for hermetic. Hell it is hard to think of a reason not to start with 200K. Shamen, I can easily see going for 500 or 5k.That is a lot of points for the hermetic that aren't going into skills.
Apr 7 2005, 04:15 PM
I agree to Cynic that libraries should get cheaper.
Maybe it would also make sense to delete all that specialized libraries and replace them with a general library, just like the Shamans hut.
Elementals are just fine. With Enchanting you can get your ritual material much cheaper, and if you really play street level you can still steal Elementals from other summoners.
Apr 7 2005, 03:21 PM
Maybe in order to distinguish the shamanic and hermetic traditions more in the next edition Shamans should be more focused on conjuring abilities whereas hermetic will be more focused on sorcery. Considering that the shamanic tradition seems more focused on the spirit world rather than having direct tangible effects on reality in contrast with the hermetic idea of mages altering reality through will and ritual.
Yes it would be a big conceptual change to the game but it might allow there to be more unique traits to each tradition.
Apr 7 2005, 03:26 PM
And what with the other traditions like Psionic?
I'm just fine with the actual solution - Sorcery as the same for everyone, Summoning as something different depending on tradition.
Apr 7 2005, 04:45 PM
QUOTE (Skyrock) |
And what with the other traditions like Psionic? I'm just fine with the actual solution - Sorcery as the same for everyone, Summoning as something different depending on tradition. |
Psionics should be dropped period and I've never been that fond of the other traditions as they often appear to be caricatures of the actual tradition. Granted even the shamanic tradition would be considered a disservice to the actual tradition of those groups but unless you are willing to really revise the system you pretty much need to keep them.
What I'm saying though is that you can make the traditions more unique by having thier unique traits be manifested not just through conjuring but through sorcery and enchanting as well. Maybe have hermetics focus more on flashy whizbang effects to the detriment of thier ability to heal etc. Make it where hermetics are good at enchanting certain type of foci while shamans rock at other things.
I'm not saying that this is the only way to go or even likely but it would make the choice of shaman vs hermetic more meaningful
Apr 7 2005, 04:19 PM
I think it's even very unlikely it will happen that way since one of the big goals of SR4 is streamlining.
I agree with you it would have more flair - but I prefer a simple and consistent system over a baroque and colorful one.
Apr 7 2005, 04:53 PM
Okay... so back to the original point about why Elemental Spirits and Hermatic magic costs so much more then Shamonic Magic. There are two reasons in my mind, one is game balance and the other is FASA's vision of the Shadowrun world. (Prices where high under FASA's reign not FanPro's, they have just continued the status quo)
#1) Game Balance
Elemental Spirits have a few key advantages over Nature Spirits. First, flexablity. Nature Spirits can only use powers or attack as directed by the shamon. Elemental spirits can do so much more. They can aid sorcery or help you learn powerful spells. They can be bound to protect areas. They can be put on standby in the metaplanes indefinatly! (Each 24 hours they use a service if they are with the magician in astral space, not the metaplanes.) Elementals can execute physical services as well, other then attacking.
For these reasons, elementals are more powerful spirits then nature spirits and hence should cost more.
#2) Vision
Hermatic magicians wield magic by using complex formula including arcane mathmatics, physics, and a dash of huh! This generally requires a formal education and is why corporations have set up departments to find magically active children so they can begin training as soon as possible. In the real world, advanced education costs money and that investment creates valuable people. Hermatic magicians can demand higher pay from corporations. Hermatic magicians can also adapt to corporate life while shamons follow a totem (not always in the interest of a corporation.) Since corporations tend to support Hermatic magicians, there is a higher demand and deeper pockets for magical gear for hermatic magicians. Since it doesn't matter to the corporation with billions of

if they spend a few extra thousand dollars to get an employee, they will hire the guy who is more flexable and prepared for problems.
A good place to look for differences between a Hermatic mage and a Shamon is the old Grimore. The first chapter went into the differences in the average life of a Hermatic and Shamon.
Cynic project
Apr 8 2005, 08:57 PM
QUOTE (Skyrock) |
And what with the other traditions like Psionic? I'm just fine with the actual solution - Sorcery as the same for everyone, Summoning as something different depending on tradition. |
Psionic should be treated like shamen. Pure and simple.
Cynic project
Apr 8 2005, 08:59 PM
QUOTE (CradleWorm) |
#2) Vision
Hermatic magicians wield magic by using complex formula including arcane mathmatics, physics, and a dash of huh! This generally requires a formal education and is why corporations have set up departments to find magically active children so they can begin training as soon as possible. In the real world, advanced education costs money and that investment creates valuable people. Hermatic magicians can demand higher pay from corporations. Hermatic magicians can also adapt to corporate life while shamons follow a totem (not always in the interest of a corporation.) Since corporations tend to support Hermatic magicians, there is a higher demand and deeper pockets for magical gear for hermatic magicians. Since it doesn't matter to the corporation with billions of if they spend a few extra thousand dollars to get an employee, they will hire the guy who is more flexable and prepared for problems.
A good place to look for differences between a Hermatic mage and a Shamon is the old Grimore. The first chapter went into the differences in the average life of a Hermatic and Shamon. |
So, Fluff justfies hermetics paying more? Um, and the fluff would have it that gangers can get cyberware, until you look at the costs of most cyberware they should "have"....
Apr 8 2005, 08:59 PM
In my opinion, Psionics should be done away with. But that's just me!
As for gangers with cyberware, they could acquire it used, or rip it from a freshly killed body (or have their friendly Street Doc do it). I have no problem with some gangers having access to cyber.
QUOTE (Cynic project) |
I don't care if you want to play a street sam with no legs.If that is your character, then that is it. But don't give me bullshit about legs are ungamebalancing because they let you move. |
heh. i like this.
Apr 8 2005, 09:28 PM
QUOTE (mfb) |
QUOTE (Cynic project) | I don't care if you want to play a street sam with no legs.If that is your character, then that is it. But don't give me bullshit about legs are ungamebalancing because they let you move. |
heh. i like this.
For the record, I do, too, although it could be stated in a more witty or eloquent way. Ungamebalancing just doesn't roll off the tongue...
I wasn't responding to the post, I was challenging kevyn's assertation that "no one" makes a shaman character with a low Charisma by stating that there are different goals when it comes to character design in a roleplaying game. Some people, of course, interpret this to mean that I play one-legged adepts who have +3 dice in Athletics and +5 dice in Culinary Performance. That's taking the point to a ridiculous extreme, and is certainly not what I'm saying. And I do min-max sometimes when I make my characters; it's just that sometimes, I have a character concept in mind that clashes with my min-max instincts. An example of this is listed in the BeCKS PDF, about the difference between getting a Car skill or maxing out a combat skill (another reason why BeCKS is great).
Eyeless Blond
Apr 8 2005, 09:32 PM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
In my opinion, Psionics should be done away with. But that's just me! |
I like the idea of Psionics, but I don't think it's particularly fair to arbitrarily gimp them. I mean, how the heck is thinking your powers come from having a powerful brain and access to your superconscious any more "wrong" than thinking your power comes from the personal intervention of a powerful independent spirit that you call a totem, or that your power comes from... well what *does* a hermatic's power come from that differs in any important way from the Psion's view?
same here. i've been pondering a concept for a psionic character for a while, now, but every time i sit down and try to roll him up, i realize that--oh yeah!--psionics suck. crappy abilities should never be a barrier to cool characters; psionics need to be burned and rewritten.
edit: erk. amendment: crappy abilities should never rarely be a barrier to cool characters; psionics need to be burned and rewritten.
Apr 8 2005, 11:23 PM
the reason psionics in SR sucks is because your better off playing a mage with spells that cover those abilities, i mean come on this is SR not X-Men
that's a piss-poor reason, allanon. for one, the x-men hardly have a monopoly on psionics. for two, the entire point of including something in a game is to make it playable; whether you agree with the inclusion or not, if it's going to be in there, it should be playable.
Apr 9 2005, 01:12 AM
and it is, its all a matter of how you play the mage, look at MitS on page 26/27, it discusses psionics there, and the way i read it its playable but its just a tweak on playing a mage, like me with my physical adepts, they follow the wolf totem, therefore they take the combat monster flaw, but do they get any bonuses, no, its a player tweak and its all in the way you handle it
try actually playing one, man. they suck, compared to normal mages. they can only group with others of their very rare kind; they get a spell selection that's comparable to a priority-B magician; they get to summon a single spirit type, and it takes forever to summon them. psionicists have a buttload of disadvantages, and no advantages at all.
Apr 9 2005, 01:24 AM
kinda similar to a shaman if you ask me........
Eyeless Blond
Apr 9 2005, 01:41 AM
Don't forget they can't use foci, can't use geasea that are "mystical" in nature (this one doesn't make any sense at *all*; how many new-age psionic weirdos are out there now praying to crystals?) can't banish or control any type of spirit other than their thought forms, along with the host of disadvantages that mfb mentioned. They are not at all like shamans, who can do everything mentioned above plus get totem advantages (where psions only get "totem" disadvantages.)
The "advantage" of being able to summon thought forms, who do have the advantage of being domainless and have the Psychokinesis power but basically nothing else do not in any way make up for being as gimped as they are. Psions are just not playable; you're far better off making a hermatic and just *calling* him a Psion than you are at using the Psion rules, and IMO that's just a stupid way to do them. If you can play a character concept better by ignoring the specific rules for that concept and using other rules and just changing a few names, it means there's probably a problem with the specific rules.
yes, if by "similar" you mean "wholly different". shaman have access to all spells and all nature spirits. psionicists do not have access at all to most spells, and have access to a single spirit type.
Eyeless Blond
Apr 9 2005, 02:44 AM
The biggie, though, is the "can't use foci" rule. With that one rule you've taken away 50% of the psion's advancement potential, and basically taken away a magic-type's only real use for large amounts of cash.
Not to mention you've lost all the flexability of sustaining foci, which just about any self-respecting mage as a few of.
Apr 9 2005, 12:05 PM
try actually playing one, man. they suck, compared to normal mages. they can only group with others of their very rare kind; they get a spell selection that's comparable to a priority-B magician; they get to summon a single spirit type, and it takes forever to summon them. psionicists have a buttload of disadvantages, and no advantages at all. |
Well, let´s be honest: they are crippling their own magic with their own reduction of their magic to psionics.

Apr 9 2005, 01:32 PM
Actually, if I recall correctly, the spell list for psionics is.. um.. wrong?
Going from memory:
It says outright no elemental manipulations -- but, pyrokinesis. Create and manipulate fire. There's my flamethrower and fireball spell.
Mana/stun bolt/ball: Mental attack to overwhelm the mind. Telepathic attack, empathic attack, both combined?
Apr 9 2005, 03:06 PM
If I had to redesign Psionics I would make them sorcerers with the ability to astral projection.
Summoning IMHO doesn't fit into the classic image of Psionics.
Cynic project
Apr 9 2005, 08:53 PM
QUOTE (hahnsoo) |
QUOTE (mfb @ Apr 8 2005, 04:09 PM) | QUOTE (Cynic project) | I don't care if you want to play a street sam with no legs.If that is your character, then that is it. But don't give me bullshit about legs are ungamebalancing because they let you move. |
heh. i like this.
For the record, I do, too, although it could be stated in a more witty or eloquent way. Ungamebalancing just doesn't roll off the tongue...
I wasn't responding to the post, I was challenging kevyn's assertation that "no one" makes a shaman character with a low Charisma by stating that there are different goals when it comes to character design in a roleplaying game. (another reason why BeCKS is great).
But my point was this, when arguing about rules, one must assume that the the players will make the best characters they can make. After all, some rules are just fine if you set limits on who can use them. Case and point, some people could play great vampires,a dn those character would be well worth playing with, but other wouldn't . And seeing how most would fall into the power playing point of view , it is highly likely that vampires would be broken.
And I wasn't really trying to be witty, so much as cynical.
Apr 10 2005, 11:29 AM
well, it came out all wrong, then.
Apr 10 2005, 11:50 AM
Maybe his name was supposed to be a giveaway.
Apr 11 2005, 02:28 AM
QUOTE (apple) |
QUOTE | try actually playing one, man. they suck, compared to normal mages. they can only group with others of their very rare kind; they get a spell selection that's comparable to a priority-B magician; they get to summon a single spirit type, and it takes forever to summon them. psionicists have a buttload of disadvantages, and no advantages at all. |
Well, let´s be honest: they are crippling their own magic with their own reduction of their magic to psionics.  SYL |
Except that they shouldn't be.
Just as hermetics see magic as thaumaturgical science, and shamans see it as calling upon spiritual forces, psions should see it as direct manipulation of the mind and body through will. It's just a different way of looking at magic.
I'd personally treat them as similar to a shaman, without totems. Spirits aren't a big deal (psychic ghost hunters are a staple), though I might disallow summoning anything except watchers and allies, while giving bonuses to banishing. As an alternative, perhaps something similar to loa... actually, that's better, now that I think of it. The psion reaches out with his mind and channels a spirit into his body for knowledge and/or power. That's another staple for psychics.
The shamanic lodge becomes a meditation center, so the only weird thing becomes the spell formulae. While some psions might use artwork, similar to shamans, I don't see it fitting all of them.
Apr 11 2005, 03:30 AM
I'm in agreement with Kesh. I had a loooong argument with a player/gm (we switched off every now and then) about the viability of a Psionic character, and why they should not have been treated the way they were. His argument ran along the lines in the book of "They don't think it's magic, so it's not working right for them", my counterargument was "Hermetics don't think their magic comes from totems, why does it work right for them?".
I, too would treat them as Shamans, with bonus dice or negative dice for specific types of spells. I Think i'd handle thought forms more like Elementals, though, retain the time costs, but nix the materials costs and the hermetic circle, use the Psionic's 'meditation center' instead, and allow for some on-summoning additions to the summoned thought form based on successes not used for services. (adding powers and such). But, hey, I doubt I'll ever have to bring such rules into affect, so I don't worry about them.
Apr 11 2005, 04:12 AM
I think the rules suggest that looking at magic as psionics is not just another different way, it's a different and wrong way. Otherwise you'd think they'd be less bad at it.
Eyeless Blond
Apr 11 2005, 05:32 AM
Well obviously, yes, but when you come to nail down *exactly* why, you start running into problems. I mean, how are psions, who use the power of their mind to manipulate the world around them, different from hermatics and shamans, who... use the power of their mind to manipulate the mana around them? Is it just the word mana that mysteriously gives hermatics and shamans more power than psions?
Apr 11 2005, 06:02 AM
I think the common ground is that a Magical tradition also includes the philosophical mental barriers that prevent the most efficient/effective method of casting magic. All traditions have a disadvantage, and in most cases, that disadvantage is self-imposed, at least subconciously.
In the case of psionics, the mental barriers are perceived as going "too far" to justify becoming a psion. I think this design decision was deliberate, simply to divorce Shadowrun from futuristic games which substitute psionics for magic (I happen to think it is justified as well, but then, I've always been wary of psionics systems in all games). Unlike, say, the totemic restrictions of a shaman, psions are given the shaft because they aren't directly compensated for their loss. If GMs were to compensate for this in any particular game, then it wouldn't be so bad. I know that's the equivalent of saying "Just house rule it", but that's the best solution I see in this case. Psions are meant to be extraordinarily rare, and conceptually, psions are seen as divergent from the game world.