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Crimson Jack
This looks pretty cool. Shapeshifters. Vampires. Euro-magic. Old school combat? Hmm... interesting.

Night Watch
Looks interesting.
Read about this movie a while ago, in an article about Russian cinema. I hope to get this on DVD, or maybe even watch it in a cinema (Berlin has a large Russian diaspora, so it's bound to run *somewhere*). And Russia is a lot like I always envisioned the bulk of 2060s nations. Defunct, corrupt, and remote-controlled by oligarchies. Well, it was until Putin took over and turned it into a police state lite, that is, but anyway. Cool setting.
Seems more like a fantasy/horror Matrix to me than SR. For the record, I don't think the Matrix trilogies are like SR at all. Well, except there are lot's of guns.
Matrix relates to SR as Star Wars relates to Dune. Yeah, Star Wars has space ships, secretive 'sorcerer' orders and people in funky body armour too. But that's about it.

Still, it might capture the mood okay. Or it turns into a Matrix/Blade/Avalon hybrid. That'd be cool too, but not Shadowrun.
So far, the movie that best captures the feel of Shadowrun in my mind is "Ronin", but it lacks Magic or Cyberware (I suppose if you think of all the characters as adepts or something...). There has yet to be a decent live-action film combining Magic and Cyberware in a near-future cyberpunk setting. Even Anime seems to stroll into Magic OR Cyberware, but not both.
When someone asks me "What's Shadowrun?" I reply by asking them "Have you ever seen Ronin with Robert DeNiro?" If they want to play SR we watch that movie before they make a character. Sometimes Big Trouble in Little China too.
I've never, ever been a fan of subtitled movies (can never see/read the subtitles fast enough), so my list extends strictly to English-language movies.

My SR movies:

Sneakers with Robert Redford. A bit cheesy, but not bad.

Heat - Oh, why not?
QUOTE (Pthgar)
For the record, I don't think the Matrix trilogies are like SR at all. Well, except there are lot's of guns.

The plot is sometimes derived, and the main character regularly is less believable than a cardboard cut-out.

Of course, that's none of the games *I* play in wink.gif
QUOTE (hermit)
Still, it might capture the mood okay. Or it turns into a Matrix/Blade/Avalon hybrid. That'd be cool too, but not Shadowrun.

I have to ask, what is the deal with Avalon? (if I'm thinking of the right movie, anyway) I saw a fragment of it on cable a few days ago, and it looks like a Japanese movie with an all-Polish cast, shot in Poland?
QUOTE (mmu1)
QUOTE (hermit @ Apr 9 2005, 05:10 PM)
Still, it might capture the mood okay. Or it turns into a Matrix/Blade/Avalon hybrid. That'd be cool too, but not Shadowrun.

I have to ask, what is the deal with Avalon? (if I'm thinking of the right movie, anyway) I saw a fragment of it on cable a few days ago, and it looks like a Japanese movie with an all-Polish cast, shot in Poland?

Japanese movie, Polish cast and (basically) setting. It's the guy who did Ghost in the Shell, and the main character and basic theme (am I real?) are pretty similar.
AVALON ^^ wink.gif
Crimson Jack
QUOTE (hermit)
Still, it might capture the mood okay. Or it turns into a Matrix/Blade/Avalon hybrid. That'd be cool too, but not Shadowrun.


Hence the "esque" part of the subject line. nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (Pthgar @ Apr 10 2005, 03:53 PM)
When someone asks me "What's Shadowrun?"  I reply by asking them "Have you ever seen Ronin with Robert DeNiro?"  If they want to play SR we watch that movie before they make a character.  Sometimes Big Trouble in Little China too.

I think it varies from table to table. Far too often ours tend to end up playing more like Wasabi or maybe Triggermen....only with a touch of 5th Element and rikshas packed with C4.

EDIT: Or anything set in an urban environment that has grenades. wink.gif
The only motion picture medium that I felt had mixed magic and technology as well as SR was the cartoon "Gargoyles". It blended them both rather well, and it was entertaining, too, even if it wasn't quite the same way Shadowrun made it happen. I loved the Phoenix Gate storyline they did, just outstanding, and, along with the movie "Donnie Darko", has planted the seed in my mind of possibly running a time travel campaign for my players in the future.
mattness pl
Avalon was shot entiraly in Wroclaw, Poland.
Polish actors, polish tanks (well russian T-72 produced and modified in Poland)...
holy thread-necromancy....
QUOTE (Critias)
The direction the thread's taking has been done to death.

I hate to say but i agree with my Arch nemeisis.
emo samurai
I hate to say but i agree with my Arch nemeisis.

He's MY arch-nemesis!!
But this is about NEW movies, not pre-existing movies.

Avalon is out on DVD already. Netflix delivers it today smile.gif Night Watch is *NOT* on DVD yet, and netflix hasn't given a proposed date for that to change. *sigh*

As an aside, apparently Aeon Flux totally sucked. I'll watch it anyway, just not at the theater.
Iīve seen Night Watch. It is out on DVD... in Russia. And there are fan-subs. Itīs got very good acting for itīs genre, but itīs ultimately a bit too wierd for me. Itīs totally worth watching though. I might see it again real soon, because in the second half of the movie my fan-subs staggered behind several seconds, and that might have had a rather big impact on my enjoyment of the movie.

I concider myself lucky to be from a country were nearly all movies and television programs are subtitled. People who shy from subtitled movies should learn to watch them, I think. Voice dubs always gives a worse preformance than the real actors, if youīre interested in what emotions the original film maker wanted to portray. And if you limit yourself to movies made in english speaking countries for example, you will miss out on some of the best movies ever made (granted, a good deal of the best movies ever have been made in english speaking countries, but far from all).
I gotta agree with mintcar. There are a lot of great movies and shows made in other languages, and subtitling is the only way to go. I'm an old-school anime snob myself, and "dubbed" is a dirty word to me.
QUOTE (nezumi)
As an aside, apparently Aeon Flux totally sucked. I'll watch it anyway, just not at the theater.

gotta disagree. it bore little, if any, relation to the shorts or even the half-hour segments, but in and of itself, it was not a bad movie. i think the reason it got bad reviews is because reviewers aren't supposed to like movie adaptions. it's traditional.
QUOTE (mintcar)
Iīve seen Night Watch. It is out on DVD... in Russia. And there are fan-subs. Itīs got very good acting for itīs genre, but itīs ultimately a bit too wierd for me. Itīs totally worth watching though.

I watched Night Watch, too (it was actually in cinemas here in Germany, dubbed to German).
I second, it's a movie worth watching! Somehow different - but with IMHO great cinematography and (especially) great music.
Furthermore, NW is only the first part of a trilogy (parts 2 and 3 are in parallel production AFAIK) that will further explore the dealings of Night Watch and Day Watch and the conflict between good and evil.

There also exists (at least) a NW novel that AFAIK has been a best-seller in Russia (either it's a novelization of the movie script or the movie was based on the novel, I'm not sure). It supposedly gives a lot more insight and background about the happenings and characters.

mfb - I can only go off the reviewers. I don't watch movies in the theaters. We'll see if it's any good in a few months, I guess : )

So is NW coming out in the US? Subbed or dubbed, I don't care. Or do I need to do something special to gte my hands on it?
Though there were TV trailers for Night Watch in the UK around November last year, the film never really seemed to materialise- at least not in the armpit-of-the-world in which I'm stuck.

However, thanks to the wonders of the interweb, I had a subbed DVD-quality copy finish downloading this morning. Now just to wait for my housemates to wake up so we can watch it...

On the up-side, it's apparently due for UK DVD release in April. If it's as good at the first ten minutes looked then I'll be pre-ordering it this afternoon...

QUOTE (emo samurai)
I hate to say but i agree with my Arch nemeisis.

He's MY arch-nemesis!!

I'll fight you to the Death then!

The weapon of choice? Dental floss. biggrin.gif

The time, when ever our paths cross.

The place? see above sentence.
I forgot to Add another cool movie!

The New AppleSeed. Great mood awsome soundtrack.
emo samurai
I prefer summoned drop bears.
QUOTE (emo samurai @ Jan 19 2006, 12:35 AM)
I prefer drop summoned drop bears.

I just seemed like the right thing to do at the time.

I hope you agree. biggrin.gif

Ah you changed it!
'Dubbed' is not a dirty word. Without it "Maison Otaku" wouldn't exist. Grant fan parody if you can find it.
Persona;;y I've only decided subtitles were worthwhile after I had a son. Trying to keep the volume low enough to not wake him or turn it up loud enough so that he doesn't babble over the movie is a pain. Subtitles solve all that. Of course for all you with out little kids or younger siblings this doesn't matter at all.
I agree with the joys of dubbed, to an extend. if it's done well, it works. but if it's on something like live action, its less effective, like on a hockey game, which was when i first discovered to the joys of it in HS when everyone else was in bed.
emo samurai
People who don't like subtitles can't read them quickly enough. That's my motto. Either that, or they want to watch the carefully constructed movie.
QUOTE (hermit)
Matrix relates to SR as Star Wars relates to Dune. Yeah, Star Wars has space ships, secretive 'sorcerer' orders and people in funky body armour too. But that's about it.

Dune has "the spice" and Star Wars has glitterstem and other drugs which are also referred to as "the spice." But, yeah, not a whole lot in common, lol.
"Then I will be the one in control of the worm and the spice!!!"

Hehe. That quote is so funny out of context.
You want the newest Shadowrun movie?

emo samurai
Somehow, I don't think the words, "worthy of extermination" will be used in the next Shadowrun novel. edit: And if they are, I will make it my sole purpose to burn every copy I find.
SL James
But perhaps they will be in the next webfiction.

Integrate augmented reality (commlinks, shopping, advertisements, etc.) into every character's daily life.

I guess no one sees AR as a useless pain in the ass like I would. Poo.
emo samurai
Hey, it's like William Gibson himself said, "The NET is a waste of time, and that's exactly what's right about it."
SL James
Well, it's more the "pain in the ass" part that I have a problem with.

Of course, I also don't cream my pants everytime new features are added to cellphones. Unless it can lick my ... well, it'll be a cold day in hell before I care to use my phone for, you know, non-talking activities.
This has probably been mentioned before - so I will be brief...

Ultraviolet has the same director of Equilbrium, K.Wimmer (sp.), who also tried to introduce the concept of Gun Kata. Albeit any othe rcomments I personally think that there are quite nice hints in both movies relating to Shadowrun. At the very list the whole Gun Kata thing just screams Gunslinger Adept or Wired Reflexes...

Hey, it's like William Gibson himself said, "The NET is a waste of time, and that's exactly what's right about it."

He also said he doesn't like Shadowrun...... wink.gif

The NET is about work and ease of lifestyle, alot of people just make it a waste of time smile.gif


Quick I have an idea everyone write a letter to george lucas telling him he has not nearly enough money so he should make an SR movie. Then right your local congress person telling them you want to see more SR related comercials for their campaign adds ... MUST GET SR FIX.... Then we can have SR tv SR movies and maybe even do I dare say it? an SR breakfast cereal?
The LAST thing we need is for Lucas to make an SR movie.

Well, allow me to rephrase. The last thing we who like gritty post-cyberpunk need is for Lucas to make an SR movie that would likely fit in well with the cartoonish mid-early third edition or the hollywood-anime of fourth edition thus far.
Ew, UGE'd Jar-jar Binks with cyberware.
emo samurai
Why doesn't he like Shadowrun? I mean, besides the elves and the trolls and the magic. Plus, the game metaplot sort of hands out blame to a lot of the "counterculture" forces for the balkanization and global turmoil, like the NAN and stuff. This is counter to what it's like in the Sprawl trilogy, in which deckers are invented for a poorly planned strike against the Soviets. Also, Gibson's said that the original Neuromancer book was an immature one, so Shadowrun might highlight that immaturity.
It had to do with the magic and licensing, shame though.
emo samurai
Yeah, Shadowrun rips off, like, 80% of the culture wholesale. Nuyen? Coffin Motels? Fixers, razorgirls, puppet parlors, deckers... The list goes on.
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