Apr 30 2005, 06:55 AM
Caitlin's biggest flaw as a face is that she doesn't have that utter ruthlessness.
At this point, she is sympathetic to the Johnson, and feels that the pay being offered is fair, and that he is not trying to screw them over. If he had offered them only 10K as an initial offer, or tried to weasel out of giving them any of it in advance, then she would be unloading with both barrels. But another factor is that this is their first big run, and even more than the pay, she wants to leave a good impression on the client, so that word will spread about their team.
I can give you a negotiation roll later if I need to, but right now her main concern will be logistical questions - the pay is sufficient, but she expects more than the usual amount of assistance from the Johnson. They are going into hostile territory where humans are not very welcome, and stand out. So she expects maps, passwords, and the like for the Ork Underground as a matter of course, and if there are any people he is still on relatively cordial terms with down there, then that would be even better.
Digital Heroin
Apr 30 2005, 08:32 AM
Warden's not a negotiator, as the IC post indicates. But damn is he thinking right now, he's thinking this isn't good, that it's going to end up bloody. Hell, he's hoping he hasn't been seen as too much of a bigot on the trid in the past, if anyone even remembers him.
Apr 30 2005, 05:05 PM
Glyph - Will do. I'm just making options available.
May 2 2005, 04:07 AM
I think this is the part where you hear the echo of a large drop of water dripping down from a stalactite in a lonely cavern.
May 2 2005, 04:32 AM
It seems to me that every weekend the level of activity on the forums goes down significantly and goes back up on Monday. It should be the same this time too..
May 2 2005, 04:43 AM
Hmm, that reminds me. Everyone can add +1 karma on to their sheets, since you guys have all more or less been posting consistently this week.
May 10 2005, 12:14 AM
So, is it about time for us to break up for the night? Is there anymore we need to discuss or can we get this moving along? I've said all I need to now.
May 10 2005, 01:25 AM
Ah, GM Fast Forward Button™, how I love thee.
Edit: Argh, almost forgot again. 1 point of end-of-week karma for everyone. Woot!
May 10 2005, 02:43 AM
Uh...this is a rather stupid question, but I hope Slacker keeps his equipment stashed someplace other than in his apartment, like the trunk of his car?
Now that I think of it, that is kind of something I should have specified in my background, but too late now.
Either place it would be vulnerable. The only reason I brought it up is that Slacker likes explosives. The 50kg, that's over 100 lbs. (I really should have paid attention to it being in kilograms, hehe), he had of it might be adversly effected by the apartment burning down.
At the very least, Slacker may have to run from the Star if it didn't go off and they found it.
Not sure if you are wanting us to roll our tests and post results or not, but here is a roll I made using the srdice roller that is part of NSRCG:
Perception Test to see any more details:
[ Spoiler ]
11, 09, 05, 04, 02, 02, 01
May 10 2005, 02:55 AM
Wait a have explosives?
All I see on your sheet are armor and weapons. Which is pretty strange, come to think of it.
May 10 2005, 03:16 AM
Winchy tries his best to scare them away and talk them out of this useless fight.
Intimidation (physical): 1, 3, 9
I'm kindda glad they didn't insult him in any way cause I think Winchy wouldn't have been able not to jump up at their throats.
May 10 2005, 03:32 AM
Intimidation failed. Looks like it's time for Initiative.
[ Spoiler ]
Winchy: 23
Ganger 1: 11 <- Has a knife
Ganger 2: 13 <- Has a chain
Ganger 3: 6 <- Has a club
Ganger 4: 6 <- Also has a knife
It seems that the bigshot who was talking to you is letting his pack do all the work. He's not attacking you at this moment.
May 10 2005, 03:33 AM
QUOTE (scoundrel @ May 9 2005, 09:55 PM) |
Wait a have explosives?
All I see on your sheet are armor and weapons. Which is pretty strange, come to think of it. |
Ah...I see the problem I forgot to add regular gear to the Word document I sent you for my character sheet. Sorry, I normally just use the html file NSRCG creates so I somehow skipped that section when I was making the Word document.
I will correct the mistake and send it to you again. The only big thing it skips is the explosives and detonators (I didn't take the demolitions skill for nothing). The rest is a P-Sec, DocWagon contract, cell-phone, and medkit.
May 10 2005, 03:43 AM
I'm not sure how you want to handle this but here's what my character will try to do:
[ Spoiler ]
I'm guessing that my reaction and initiative will easily have me act first and even before they actually make a move towards him. The best way to solve a part of the problem is for him to jump on one of the guys and move out of the circle. He'll have a much easier time fighting them if they're all in front of him.
Basically, if rolls permit, he will push away strongly/punch out the guy holding a club and at the same time turn back to face the others. He expects to take them by surprise in this way by acting as quickly as possible (also a way to frighten them).
I'm gueessing the relevant rolls here. Ask for more if you need them, and take what you need.
Initiative: 9 + 5 + 5 + 2 = 21
Unarmed Combat(Fists) + 2 Combat Pool Dice : 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 8
Athletics (to move out of there quickly and dodging blows if they are coming quickly enough) : 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 9
Power of attack with fists is 13M Stun.
He has +1 Reach to reduce their combat skill.
While were at it. Did he recognize the gang before ??
Gang ID: 2, 4
Edit: If he is somewhat successful, he'll try to scare them off again. I'd post it IC of course. For now, I'll let you resolve this the way you like before posting more though.
May 10 2005, 04:23 AM
[ Spoiler ]
Attack roll, Winchy: 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 8
TN: 7 (Base 4, -1 for Reach, +4 for Friends in Melee bonus)
Success: 1
Counterattack roll: 04 02 02
TN: 4
Success: 1
Damage resistance roll: 05 04 04
Damage to Ganger 3: Moderate stun
Attack roll, Ganger 1: 4 01
TN: 4
Success: 1
Counterattack roll: 05 03 03 03 02 01 01
TN: 7
Success: 0
Damage resistance roll: 11 05 04 04 04 04 04 03 03 03 03 02 02 01
Damage to Winchy: 0
Attack roll, Ganger 2: 11 05 02
TN: 4
Success: 2
Counterattack roll: 07 05 05 02 02 01 01
TN: 7
Success: 1
Damage resistance roll: 11 07 05 04 04 04 04 03 03 02 02 02 01 01
Damage to Winchy: 0
Attack roll, Ganger 3: 07 05 03
TN: 6
Success: 1
Counterattack roll: 16 07 07 05 04 03 02
TN: 7
Success: 3
Damage resistance roll: 08 04 03 01
Damage to Ganger 3: Serious stun
Attack roll, Ganger 4: 05 04 03
TN: 4
Success: 2
Counterattack roll: 08 05 05 04 03 02 02
TN: 7
Success: 1
Damage resistance roll: 13 09 07 07 05 05 04 03 03 02 02 02 01 01
Damage to Winchy: 0
First combat phase has ended. Winchy has two actions left, gangers 1 and 2 have one action left, ganger 3 is sporting 9 boxes of stun damage, failed his Willpower roll, and is out of the fight, ganger 4 has no actions left. Winchy is still at full health. Gotta love that 13 body.
From what you can tell, these guys are just delinquents stirring up trouble on the street, and don't belong to any of the larger gangs in the area.
Relevant house rules:
[ Spoiler ]
#1 - The Friends in Melee modifier works like Reach - you can either choose to inflict a +4 TN penalty on your opponent or a -4 TN reduction on yourself.
#2 - If you want to purchase a manuever that is not taught by your martial art, it costs 6 karma to do so. Hint: Whirling is a
very useful manuever.
May 10 2005, 05:08 AM
He actually has a Body of 14 against those blows if you count the dermal plating from being troll (which I saw you did). And don't forget he has 1 of impact armor from the bone lacing. Also, he receives 1 bonus die to his unarmed attacks due to his bioware and that gives him 8 dice when using his fighting specialization (plus combat pool). I'm remainding you just in case....
BTW, I really don't know anything about martial arts and that set of rules. I guess I have brawling... what does that give me? Anything useful for this fight?
[ Spoiler ]
First I'm wondering if he was able to sort of dodge out of the circle of gangers in order to maybe have an exit route if need be. He might not be able to have done that but I'd just like to know.
Ok for his next actions now:
As a free action he'll say something like: "One down. Whose next? You still don't believe me?" and he will keep on saying stuff like that while fighting to scare them off or something. If they move back, he'll make it obvious that he's letting them go.
Now I guess he'll use 1 Combat pool Die for each counter attack and for his own attack against whoever is closer between ganger 1 and 2 (leaving him with 2 Combat Pool Dice still in bank for this round).
If they are still fighting and don't surrender to him in some way; assuming also that the leader isn't trying to shoot at him or anything like that (he'll make sure to act last on the last pass to avoid that); Winchy will knock out the other ganger (1 or 2), using his remaining combat pool dice.
I'm letting you roll since you're doing so many anyways
May 10 2005, 05:26 AM
Oops, forgot about your bioware bonus. It wouldn't have made a difference in any of the tests anyway, so meh. For future reference, and this is to everyone, let me know all applicable modifiers when you make a roll.
Resolution, 2nd combat phase:
[ Spoiler ]
Attack roll, Winchy:
09 07 05 04 03 03 02 02
#D:8 TN:6 H#:9 S:2
Counterattack roll, Ganger 1:
02 02
#D:2 TN:4 H#:2 S:0
Damage to Ganger 1: Serious stun
Attack roll, Ganger 1: 01 01 (Rule of One'D)
#D:2 TN:6 H#:1 S:0
Counterattack roll, Winchy:
05 05 04 04 02 01 01 01 01
#D:9 TN:6 H#:5 S:0
Outcome: Ganger 1 trips and stabs himself in the groin for Moderate physical damage
Ganger 1 drops, and the rest of them run away when they realize that two of their friends had been waxed in less than 3 seconds. Combat over.
Brawling doesn't give you anything useful unless you spend karma to purchase maneuvers.
You can write the fight if you want, and if you don't, I'll do it tomorrow.
May 10 2005, 05:31 AM
I'd like to post the fight but I'm going to bed now. I'll do it during the day tomorrow. We're lucky this was resolved so quickly becaues we were both online
I hope that happens everytime there is a fight...
May 10 2005, 12:55 PM
From the way the officer is acting it sounds like just routine that he is wanting Slacker to come down to the station for questioning. Especially since he seems to be assuming that I will follow him without any trouble. If there is anything Slacker sees that might say otherwise, please speak up.
Police Procedures (KNO) test:
[ Spoiler ]
15 (well that was lucky, I didn't think I even had a chance at success with a skill of 1)
By the way, any particular reason why there isn't a detective on site to do the questioning?
May 10 2005, 07:21 PM
Winchy is going home to his spot in Downtown.
May 10 2005, 10:16 PM
As far as you can tell, it's nothing more than a routine questioning. Although if you had kept your gear in your apartment, it would be a whole different story.
You managed to slip in that clarification post before I could take advantage of the fact that you didn't specify where you kept your stash. *snaps fingers*
By the way, any particular reason why there isn't a detective on site to do the questioning? |
No clue. Maybe they didn't think that your crummy low lifestyle apartment building is worth a detective.
May 10 2005, 10:29 PM
Figured as much, just wondering.
May 12 2005, 11:49 AM
That's awesome. I like your gm'ing style. Never actually had a gm use my background that soon in a campaign. I wasn't even think about my background when I saw the "P".
I'll post IC when I get to work. Just wanted to go ahead and say that.
May 13 2005, 01:06 AM
Well, I hope you didn't think I was going to let you get away with that Hunted flaw for free.
Is anyone else waiting on me? None of you seem to be doing anything that requires GM intervention, but let me know if you are.
May 13 2005, 03:05 AM
I wasn't sure if everything was over with people having seen what happened and everything... But it seems you won't be 'meaner' than that for now
I'll post tomorrow for what Winchy does on a short term. For the rest, what do we wanna do for now guys? We have some planning to do...
May 13 2005, 12:17 PM
I never expected it to be free, I just didn't expect you to use it that quickly.
I really do like that you did so, and what you did is exactly what I had in mind for him.
So is the 6,000
I spent on 6 months of that lifestyle gone, or are you going to apply it to a new place when I have the time to find one?
I guess I'll be calling the group to see if I can crash at one of their places.
May 13 2005, 05:10 PM
You can try negotiating with the land lady to get all or some of the money back.
Edit: I should also mention that if you're going to find a place to stay with someone else, they're going to need to have purchased a lifestyle at Middle or higher.
May 14 2005, 01:18 AM
Street Etiquette (default to charisma
) : 1, 5
May 14 2005, 02:15 AM
and again:
4, 4
stupid troll character
May 14 2005, 01:01 PM
Glyph: Is the ball in your court or mine? I honestly cannot tell.
May 14 2005, 03:12 PM
After I try to get the money back from the land lady I will go ahead and go to Hellfire. Got nowhere else to go.
Ettiquette Test (for the conversation with the land lady)
[ Spoiler ]
10, 08, 03
May 14 2005, 04:38 PM
You'll need a Negotiation roll for that one.
May 14 2005, 06:08 PM
In that case, I'll just deal with it later or maybe ask Caitlin to do me the favor of handling negotiations for me. I have no skill in it.
May 14 2005, 06:30 PM
You can default to etiquette for -3 .. although it's better than me default to charisma, I know it's not that great.
Digital Heroin
May 14 2005, 06:34 PM
Ok, I new this would be coming, but I didn't expect the scope of length of time of it. I'll be heading to sea Monday, and apparently I'll be out all but a few weekends for about a month... this won't mean I'm completely gone, but my access may be spotty as all hell (not that I'm on so often anyway, eh)... I don't know that I'll be so active I'll be...
May 15 2005, 04:33 AM
DH, do you want me to leave your character in stasis or hop into his skin while you're gone?
May 15 2005, 06:39 AM
QUOTE (scoundrel) |
Glyph: Is the ball in your court or mine? I honestly cannot tell. |
Do you mean the meet with Korbin? She's pretty much done with her shopping, so if you fast-forwarded to the meet it would be fine with me. I'll do a little transitional post of her headed out that way.
May 16 2005, 06:14 PM
You all know the drill. Add an extra karma point to your sheets.
Sorry about the lack of updates, but I've recently been hit with the flu, and that bugger never fails to kill my creative drive. Not to mention that I have about a hundred and two assignments to make up for missing class. I'll get around to whipping something up eventually.
May 17 2005, 02:06 PM
Sometime during the day, I will pick up some respirators (lets say 6 or so) and ration bars (they come in boxes of 10 days worth so I will pick up 3 of those for the whole group).
Both items are legal so I will buy them in any store that carries them. Oh what the hell, to waste some time I'll even look at a few places to see if anybody has them on sale. hehe.
May 18 2005, 02:17 PM
QUOTE (Scoundrel in the IC thread) |
The land lady shrugs apologetically, and says, "Sorry sweetie, but the money is nonrefundable. It don't matter how much you pay in advance, all that means is that I don't come collecting until your rent runs out. You're still responsible for housekeeping. It ain't my fault your apartment burned down."
Well in that case, does
Slacker know if the land lady owns a car or any other vehicle? Depending on how much time he has before the group goes into the underground he is going to find that out. If she does have a vehicle he is going to use some of his explosives to blow it to hell, though he does make sure that nobody is seriously injured in the blast. He just wants to make a point of taking something of value from her since she refused to refund his money.
Here are a few rolls that might be needed to handle such action:
Stealth (to follow her without being noticed to find out where her vehicle is)
[ Spoiler ]
17, 11, 09, 03, 03, 03, 01
Stealth (to avoid being seen when placing the explosives)
[ Spoiler ]
11, 08, 07, 05, 04, 03, 01
Demolitions (obviously for setting the explosives and blowing up the car)
[ Spoiler ]
07, 05, 04, 04, 04
Tell me if you need any other rolls.
May 18 2005, 08:45 PM
The land lady lives in a house a few blocks down from the apartment and has a Toyota Elite that she keeps locked in the garage. You're going to have to let me know how you plan on breaking in before you can nuke her car. Give me an IC post with the appropriate rolls if you're going to do it.
May 18 2005, 09:34 PM
Slacker: The house is your basic two story family home in an upper class neighborhood. Both the front door and the garage door are secured by a maglock.
May 19 2005, 12:35 AM
Slacker, I think you're going to need to go back and edit your post. You rolled high enough on your perception test to spot the camera nestled at the far ceiling corner of the garage. Unless, of course, you don't mind having your picture taken.
Also, never assume successes, although it doesn't matter this time since you would've succeeded anyway.
Edit: Oh yeah, and don't write yourself out of the scene yet. There's still a surprise waiting for you.
May 19 2005, 12:42 AM
I'm wearing a black full-body suit that covers everything, what do I care if my picture is taken (note: i have always thought of the hood on the form-fitting full-body suit as including a mask for stealth, if you don't see it that way I would have picked up a ski mask or something before doing this stuff)? At most it would tell them my body shape, right?
I just want to get it taken care of, didn't really mean to assume success. Since I was lucky and didn't get any seriously bad rolls, I thought it would be better for you to just tell me how I did and I would edit if needed.
May 19 2005, 12:51 AM
Well, if you insist.
Edit out everything after this:
After only a brief moment set the bomb beneath the car, not even taking the time to place it for optimum effect, he starts the 30 second timer. |
May 19 2005, 01:00 AM
Ok I think i did it correctly. The damn post was so long that the middle portion of it wasn't there when I went to edit it.
May 19 2005, 01:07 AM
The question is: what now?
I think the edit function is screwed up when you have spoilers in your post. Post all rolls in the OOC thread from now on.
May 19 2005, 01:18 AM
Damn that was fast in under a minute a guy that appears to have been in bed or at least getting ready for it, got up found his shotgun and came outside and got behind me?
Seems like a surprisingly quick reaction for an upper class neighborhood, but whatever.
First Surprise Test ( I sure as hell better be able to beat a normal upper class person awoken from his sleep)
[ Spoiler ]
10, 05, 05, 05, 04, 04, 03, 03, 02, 01
Initiative time I would assume:
[ Spoiler ]
Reaction 10 + 3d6 (Rolls: 10, 09, 05 which actually means 6, 6, 5)
Initiative = 26 (damn nice if I do say so)
[ Spoiler ]
I would think that I get to attack first, with those rolls, but I will wait until you say so.
May 19 2005, 01:25 AM
Why do you assume that he was sleeping?
Yes, you beat him. What do you want to do to the bugger?
May 19 2005, 01:38 AM
Well personally, I wouldn't be going around in a bathrobe unless I was getting ready for bed. But that could just be me and everyone I know.
I would assume that I need to expend my first simple action in standing up.
Once I have stood up I will quick draw my dart pistol (suffering +2 TN modifier for not having the appropriate holster)
[ Spoiler ]
10, 09, 09, 05, 03, 02, 02, 02, 02, 01
If the man is not taken down with that, I will try to move around the corner of the house or at least behind something not inside the garage.
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