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*Does the happy dance*

Glad your back smile.gif
Ecce and Raiko, are you guys stopping the vehicles all together? Or just slowing down?
I will take a inititative roll and subsequent relative action roll from everyone please.
Let's play!

Allocating two combat pool to this attack (for the sake of drama, of course):

Hand Razors: (11M, before staging = 12D)

Initiative, if you want it: 22

<Edit: I forgot about dikote. *facepalms*>
Depends on our range. At about 20 meters out, I'll ask Raiko to stop.

Initiative is 31. smokin.gif

Cougar already has the window rolled down and his shotgun ready. I'll be taking a shot at the guy who is off to the side with the shotgun.

SPAS-22 + 4 Combat Pool: 11 05 05 05 04 04 04 03 03 02

Depending on the damage that shot does, I may hit him again or switch targets.
Initiative: 12 (6+3d6) frown.gif

Action: Use magic on the lone opponent 'up top', who is not currently in melee with Indigo.

[ Spoiler ]
Initaitive roll: 16 (10 + 2D6)

Action: Exit the vehicle using the door for cover and scan for anyone sniping at Indogi and Dex.

Complementary SKill Stealth (Awareness): 2,3,5
Perception test: 1,3,3,4,9

If Caden sees anything he wants to engage with a 3 round burst (Assault Rifle + 2 Combat pool): 2,3,3,4,5,8,11
Since I don't know if Raiko is going to be able to post I will assume Mirages action.

She gets a init of 16.

Since no one in a vehicle can go before the drive Cougar and Caden will line up behind Mirage.
Next round, Cougar is up.
Are there any other enemies in sight?
Give me a perception check.
09 04 02
You don't see or hear anyone else.
So what do the guys have on 'em? smile.gif
Caden checks the back of the truck, checking for anyone or anything that might be useful.

Complamentary Skill check Stealth: 2,3,5
Perception Check: 1,1,2,8,9

What kind of truck is it? Is it old enought not to be DNI controlled? If so, Caden will put the truck in neutral and push the truck out of the way.

Athletics check: 2,3,4,5
Strength check: 2,2,3,4,4,4,5,5,10
Courgar will help push the truck out of the way.

Athletics: 04 02 02 01 (bleh)
Strength: 14 10 08 05 04 03 03 03 01 01
smile.gif Things seem to be ok at home now, sorry for any inconvenience I've caused.

I'll catch up on the thread today and start posting again.

Thankyou to everybody for their kind words and/or patience while I was away.
All righty, as of right now I'm not sure what my net access is going to look like until the beginning of next week. I'll be on steady after Tuesday, though, and I should be able to check in a few times between now and then.

Be safe, everyone, and I'll do my best to keep you updated.
I should also be back online somewhat steadily from now on. Sorry for my sporadic posting of late.
Hey guys I started a new Job today so my posts for the next few days are going to be light. Will catch up when I can.
Shadow: What time is it in game and what time are we supposed to meet the gangers? I just wanted to know how much time we had for recon.
I just wanted to apologise for my absense. Between the baby and work I've been busier than I anticipated. And now for the bad news, yesterday my wife found out that she has sever gall stones. We'll be going in for surgery either today or monday so I don't think I'll be able to post for a few days.

Shadow could you take over running Caden until I can get back online more often?
Wish her the best from all of us.
I'll be praying for ya.
QUOTE (Chance359)
Shadow could you take over running Caden until I can get back online more often?

No problem and best of luck my friend.
QUOTE (Ecclesiastes)
Shadow: What time is it in game and what time are we supposed to meet the gangers? I just wanted to know how much time we had for recon.

It is about 11:30 in game and you are supposed to meat them at midnight.
Open Test for Stealth: 11 + 10 from Rutheniums

And Perception to spot the guys: 05 04 02

I've got every vision mod except ultrasound.
Sorry guys, Impulsive Flaw. smile.gif

I'll spend one action aiming, plus my smartlink, making the TN 2.

17 08 08 07 05 05 05 04 04 04 02 01

11 Successes to hit, base damage is 15S.
Lot's of rolls for Mirage

[ Spoiler ]

Mirage is keeping an action delayed to cover Cougar against ambushers.
Moving onto the next target, here is another set of rolls.

Stealth: 08 04 02 01 +10 from Ruths
Perception: 04 03 03
More Rolls:

[ Spoiler ]
Please tell me that thing has a silencer smile.gif
QUOTE (Raiko)
...from her silenced weapon.

New perception check to find the third target

11 04 01
Another set of rolls as Mirage follows Cougar

[ Spoiler ]

As before, I'll keep an action delayed to cover Cougar.
The next target is 30 meters away in the scene described.
Drawing an arrow and putting it through him.

Aim & Fire... 11 10 10 07 05 05 05 05 04 03 02 01
Just wondering... what was my TN to hit him?
8, you scored 3 successes.

Shadow: I figured I would just drag Morganna's character along with Dex, seeing as she seems to be having some online problems again. I hope that's cool with you, as well as with Morganna herself.
Sounds good to me. smile.gif

I'm still settling in over here so it's a matter of scheduling; I don't have unrestricted access to the computer since it's being shared.
QUOTE (Shadow)
8, you scored 3 successes.

Is that 8 including the -3 TN, cause if not, all those 5s are successes too, making it 8 successes.
QUOTE (Ecclesiastes)
QUOTE (Shadow @ Jun 11 2005, 12:24 AM)
8, you scored 3 successes.

Is that 8 including the -3 TN, cause if not, all those 5s are successes too, making it 8 successes.

I suppose a simple yes would have you coming back asking me to break down your tn's for you....

Base TN 5
Minimal Light +2 (this is whats left after vision mods)
Partial Cover +4

Total TN: 11

Smartgun Link: -2

... wait, where does the other -1 come from?
I did an Aim action.
ahhh. Ok so yeah it stands.
Are you waiting for an action from Mirage, or do we roll for initiative?

Here's Mirage's init roll in case you need it: 14 + 06,03,01 = 24.

QUOTE (Shadow)
ahhh. Ok so yeah it stands.

Actually, I should have got 4 successes then, I had one 7 in the roll. I don't know if that makes a difference though.
Oh, and heres an init roll for ya:

14(6)) 08(6) 05 05 03 + 7= 32
QUOTE (Ecclesiastes)
QUOTE (Shadow @ Jun 12 2005, 12:58 AM)
ahhh. Ok so yeah it stands.

Actually, I should have got 4 successes then, I had one 7 in the roll. I don't know if that makes a difference though.

Um ... TN 11 -2 [Smartlink] -1 [Aim] = 8.
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