May 2 2005, 06:32 PM
Okay to start things off and so everyone can get to know one another's characters, I would like you all to post a two paragraph(minimum) description, one describing their background and the other covering thier physical description and personality. Post things that you fellow runners would know by either just hanging around you character or because they told them.
The IC will go up Wednesday and we will get crackin', do for future refrence all dice rolls here, please, sigs off, ect. When you cheat you not only cheat yourself but everyone around you.
HMHVV Hunter
May 2 2005, 07:33 PM
Alright, here's my contribution:
Name: Jonathan Hawk
Occupation: Mage, with a Catholic slant
Jonathan Hawk is 25 years old, with black hair and dark brown eyes that, at times, seem to have a haunted look behind them. He often wears casual clothes like jeans, but on missions involving action he's almost always decked out in double-layered armor (an undersuit of form-fitting armor and an armor jacket over it). When he's on the job, Hawk often carries a laser-like focus with him, seeming driven to complete the task at hand. During times of research and study, this focus often leads to him becoming rather irate if he's interrupted in some way, unless the interruption is a genuine emergency. He's also rather brusque in speech and manner on the job, seemingly having no use for social niceties or etiquette. Needless to say, this tends to put a lot of people off that don't know him well or that he's just met. Yet, despite his harshness, there's a strange sort of charm to him that most people detect given enough time around him (game terms: a Charisma of 5).
During free time, Jonathan relaxes a bit, letting off the built-up tension by watching trid and movies. Unfortunately, these times come few and far between these days, given his work for Pandora. Those closest to him (including, maybe, his teammates) are starting to worry that this growing lack of a release valve is starting to strain his psyche, but so far Hawk has never complained about it.
Jonathan Hawk was a university student in Seattle when he got into a car crash at the age of 20. He came out of the resulting two-week coma with no brain damage, but his experiences - his astral form being thrown into a metaplane he's convinced is Hell for the time of the coma - led to his personality being what it is today. He's told this story to his teammates and the upper echelons of Pandora, along with his suspiscion that the forces of "Hell" are preparing to invade Earth.
May 2 2005, 11:54 PM
Name: Cherie Marceau
Nickname/Handle: Nimble Little Minx
Occupation: Paranormal Bounty Hunter
Description: Quebecois caucasian human female in her mid to late 20's
Standing 1.65 meters tall, Minx is 60 kilograms of pure spunk and brash in your face attitude. Cigar chomping and hard drinking, she swears and brawls like a drunk viking. She has the temper of a soccer hooligan and a disposition to match, although she can turn on the charm when a softer touch is required. However, she knows her position in the hierarchy, and will follow orders though often with a little grumbling. Her hair had previously been shockingly blonde and styled in crazy little spikes but thankfully, that has long since grown out. Now, it's dark, straight and often pulled back in a simple braid. Her blue eyes are difficult to read but often seem to glimmer with mischief whenever they are not hidden behind her favorite mirror shades. Slim and lithe, most men consider her to be quite the looker. But only if they can ignore the gun she usually has pointed in the observer's direction.
Minx's background is clear, to any who are willing to sit and listen to her near endless chatter. She used to work for the Quebec Genderarmerie and left under uncertain terms. Rumor has it that she was booted for discipline issues. But by her telling, the Minister of Defense practically begged her on hand and knee not to leave and that she just gave him the finger and walked away. The truth probably lies somewhere in between. She does spin a good tale though and Anglos in particular, are often quite amused when they hear the words "fragger" and "drek" uttered in her surprisingly charming Quebecois accent. Afterwards, she went on to become a bounty hunter of some renown. Eventually tiring of bail jumpers and deadbeat dads, she began to take advantage of Quebec's generous paranormal bounties and stalk more dangerous prey. After a few years of great success, she came to the Project's attention and now, she's here.
May 4 2005, 03:05 AM
Name: Lieutenant William Michael Burke
Nicknames: Sarge or Burke
Physical Description:
Burke as he prefers to be called, stands 6'4" tall (1.93 meters) and weighs 245lbs (111.23 kilograms), with a medium to large build. Burke looks to be in his mid 30s and in great physical condition. He has several bullet wound scars across his body, most noticeably the lower jaw, where a large scar stretches from his chin all the way up behind his ear. When asked he will reveal that in a firefight, he suffered a particularly nasty bullet wound to his face and the reconstructive surgery left a set of nasty scars. He has a dirty blonde crew cut, with a set of noticeable cyber eyes. Also, Burke’s entire left arm was replaced by an obvious cybernetic limb. Again, if asked he talks about another mission which he received multiple gunshot wounds, shattering most of the bones in the lower arm; he was unable to get to a hospital until days afterward. The blood loss combined with infection lead to him having his entire arm amputated and replaced with a cybernetic one.
Lieutenant Burke was born in a small town outside of Flint Michigan in the UCAS, both his parents, 2 sisters, 1 brother and 1 son are all still alive. He isn’t coy about hiding his background; he is proud of his accomplishments. Burke served for 8 years in the UCAS 213th Ranger division attaining the rank of Lieutenant at a very fast pace, with his natural leadership abilities, take charge attitude and tactical excellence in the field. After his divorce, Burke decided to seek a change and hired in to Lone Star working in the SWAT division for 7 years making the rank of Sergeant there. Less than a few years ago, right about the time Haley’s comet caused all the uproar, Burke was imbued with a gift. The gift to see into the magical realm, see horrors as they are and not as they want us to see them. This “Gift of Sight” as he calls it, has allowed him to hunt and track paranormal creatures. This gift is what lead his astray from Lone Star, his choice of missions and Tactical experience are probably what caught Jack Crowley’s eye when he hand picked Burke as a member.
When the group firsts meets Burke, he comes across as arrogant, vain, and unforgiving. He is used to having control of most situations in order to produce a tactical advantage for the team. This can be an irritating experience to those who are fiercely independent or vying for leadership. As a concentrated professional in the field, his presence demands respect from those under him. He is quick to warm up to any team members who have military background and can relate to “his” way of thinking.
May 4 2005, 03:31 AM
Your probably wondering why i'm posting since my name wasn't on the list of excepted but i'm one of the preselected members.
Name: Zane Johnson
Nickname: Lingo
Occupation: Field Researcher (Dangerous Paranormal Creatures)
Lingo is a 59 year old punker elf he's 1.9 meters tall and weighs 90 Kilograms. He has multiple piercings and tatoos. Blonde hair with short black spikes and penetrating blue eyes. Lingo's one of those people who while smart doesn't really care if he comes off that way. Slightly impulsive Lingo tends to speak without thinking, (not to say that he gives up information but that he responds to statements or questions in a smartass way without thinking of the consequences.) but is otherwise calm and mellow.
Lingo was born Zane Johnson in Alaska, USA but moved to Japan at the age of three where he attended school till he graduated and moved back to the states, which had changed dramatically from what he had been told by his parents, where he attended DIMR where he studied Paranormal Creatures and eventually went on to become a field researcher. After years of field research on dangerous paranormal creatures the Draco Foundation took notice of Lingo's abilitys and recruited him for Project Pandora.
May 4 2005, 06:27 AM
Name: Paladin
Nicknames: None
Physical Description:
Paladin, stands 6'8" tall and weighs 275lbs, with a large, muscular build. He is middle aged for an Orc, around 25 maybe, but the years are showing on him more than most due to the life he's lead. He keeps his dark brown hair cut close to his scalp, never letting the hair get more than a quart of an inch long, less mess to deal with he always says. Most of the time you'll find him wearing black jeans with a white t-shirt and a black long coat over that.
Asset DC598 always loved his job. He was cold, calculating, and fast. He was the best assassin Ares had. Then they sent him someplace he wouldn't ever return from.
The job was a simple one. There was some leader down in the Orc Underground, some modern day Martin Luther King Jr., was causing problems. He kept claiming that Ares was a racist company and in return, Ares wanted him eliminated. Being that Asset DC598 was an Orc, he seemed the perfect assassin to go into the Underground. That was their mistake. Asset DC598 tracked the leader's every move for a month. Also during that time, he heard every speech and message the orc leader had to give. It spoke to Asset DC598, the message reached him, down to his soul, and told him that what he was doing was wrong.
Asset DC598 went AWOL. He left his old life of assassination behind him and decided to take the high road. He used his time and skills to help those who couldn't help themselves. He went to O.R.C. demonstrations and stood up for the rights of his people. He was doing what was right and with his old life dead, so was his name. Now he was Paladin.
After a few years of operating in the Underground, the Project took notice of his talents. Paladin had specialized in hunting down the worst of the worst, and that is just what they delt with.
Paladin has always been a little withdrawn from the group, never getting too close to anyone. When asked about his past, he quickly finds ways to change the subject and move on. He has revealed that he has a lot of ties with the Orc Underground and has managed to get the team safe passage through its tunnels on more than one occation. He does his best to get along with everyone, but always with a lack of intimacy that keeps everyone from getting to his core.
perfect complex
May 4 2005, 08:33 AM
im also one of the preselected members.
Name: Gerard Donnovan
approximately 3'4'' and 40Kg. he has medium length spiky brown hair, and a full mustache that hangs past his chin in braids on each end along with a short beard.
Donnovan was born in Alaska where he was a member of the local law enforcement agency. He soon became bored with the lack of excitement in Alaska and decided to move to Seattle for more interesting fields. after moving through the ranks of lonestar he was offered a job with the CIA where he caught the attention of project pandora and was recruited. Donnovan is a percrastinater who tries to put things off but once he gets going he works hard till its done. same with partying. he says he doesn’t want to but once starts hill go all night long.
May 5 2005, 01:02 AM
Wow, it's a good thing I don't count off for spelling mistakes, perfect. But in all fairness this is both Perfect complex's and thanatos' first forum run. So those of you who are more experienced or well versed I would ask that you be patient with them and help them out to the best of your abilities.
For those of you who have yet to post or send me your sheet, please once the IC is up don't post in it until you've sent me your sheet. For the rest of you once I get finished with my other online things I will be putting it up shortly.
Lock and load,
May 5 2005, 05:32 AM
I have no problems giving the other players as much time as they need nor am I in a rush to start. But perhaps while we are waiting, those of us who are already done could start some IC posts, in a 'getting to know each other' kind of fashion (i.e. sitting around Pandora headquarters just talking or drinking at a bar after a mission). Does that sound okay Kiedo?
May 7 2005, 01:06 AM
Sorry it took so long to get the IC up, lets kick it into gear.
Also I need the character sheets from some of you still, hurry please so we can get the ball rolling.
May 7 2005, 09:54 AM
Sorry for my lag on the sheet, I have it done up to the point of spending karma. Today was a vacation day for me at work, tomorrow is my wives birthday, and then there is Mother's Day, so I won't be able to get you a sheet until early next week.
May 7 2005, 11:03 AM
thats fine, go ahead and role play if you have time, just don't do anything that involves dice or skills, until you've got me the sheet
Just a heads up I'm missing sheets from these people:
perfect complex
thats more than half of you, which is dissapointing but not entirely bad per se. I've got things I need to attend to offline, like tuesday I'm starting a new job, so I can completely understand the delay.
May 7 2005, 04:48 PM
I'm going out of town tomorrow and will have limited ability to post over the next several days. Just wanted to let you know...
May 10 2005, 01:28 AM
Sorry fellas for not getting my post in the last couple days .... i went out of town for mother's day, took my laptop and requested a motel with a broadband connection. They provided one ... just didn't expect it to be a "wireless" connection!
lol Sorry again!
May 10 2005, 07:38 AM
thats fine we have a couple people out this weekend, and I still haven't heard from one of the people I had picked for this. If he doesn't contact me soon I'll have to cut losses and reduce the team to 6 instead of 7.
I'm only missing one sheet now (if you don't count the guy who hasn't given me heads or tails yet) but Ecclesiastes has given me a reason so I'm not to worried about it.
I'm looking forward to this run getting going, I've got some great runners, and a good story planned out.
May 10 2005, 05:21 PM
I edited in my description. The sheet is coming, but work is pounding me right now. I am at the moment locked in a supply closet so I could get the minute I needed to catch up here.
May 12 2005, 12:48 AM
Two things, I would encourage everyone to proof read and spell check *cough*youknowwhoyouare*cough*, and also I would just like to point out that Tim, the guard at the front door has had a different personality for each person who's posted (it's not a bad thing, I just thought it was interesting, since it reflected your character's personality slightly). Thats all keep up the good work, and once the action starts I'll begin awarding karma.
May 12 2005, 02:44 PM
Perhaps Tim is actually a Troll Face with an aptitude for etiquette?
May 12 2005, 11:46 PM
yeah that works for me.
May 12 2005, 11:51 PM
Yes. I know I still owe you a character sheet. Yes. I suck. Work is poundnig me. I will get it done as soon as I can, even if I have to take my laptop into the supply closet and lock myself in to get it done.
May 13 2005, 02:27 AM
take your time, just have it before you need to roll for anything.
May 14 2005, 12:44 AM
I PMed you a link to the sheet.
May 14 2005, 02:29 AM
got it you now have dice rolling status
May 14 2005, 07:34 PM
Who hasn't arrived at the complex yet? I think streak is the only one who has yet to show, but I could be wrong.
As soon as everyone is there I'll start the briefing.
May 15 2005, 10:15 PM
My bad for not being clearer with the briefing, I know all the little tid bits and plot hooks and when I wrote it I for whatever reason just assumed you guys knew too.
May 15 2005, 11:59 PM
I was wondering, do we have ranks or anything? Minx is best suited to be a slightly unruly grunt but I was just curious if someone else was our IC leader.
May 16 2005, 12:12 AM
um, thats a good question. If you'd like a leader, you guys need to decide on one.
May 16 2005, 12:30 AM
It certainly wouldn't be Minx. She's too irresponsible for leadership
May 16 2005, 12:55 AM
I will offer up Burke for Team leader if everyone is willing. He has the leadership, tactical skills and background of a leader; however he has limited experience knowledge of the supernatural. He'd need to lean on others for that knowledge. Of course every good leader knows how to bring out the best in his team abilities!
May 16 2005, 02:15 AM
It might make sense to split leadership into two positions. One person would be the tactical coordinator (i.e. Burke) while the other one would be the magical expert (i.e. one of the mages).
May 16 2005, 02:49 AM
Yeah thats a good idea, it would also help if you guys wanted to spilt up and still have coherent leadership.
heres the break down for those of you who would want to know:
jklst14: Nimble little Minx (mundane bounty hunter type, she can fly a helicopter)
streak: Lt. William Michael Burke (Mundane ex-military/ex-lonestar guy)
HMHVV Hunter: Jonathan Hawk (Team mage/John Constantine)
Ecclesiastes: Paladin (adept chaotic good, to use D&D terms, I think)
Thanatos: Zane Johnson "Lingo" (Adept linguist, he speaks six different languages, and will probably learn more as the karma starts rolling in, he'd be the closest thing to a face this team has)
Perfect Complex: Gerard Donnovan (Adept ex-lonestar/former CIA, matt help me out here)
It would seen that we are a bit adept heavy, I wanted to have 2 mundane, 2 mage/shamans and 2 adepts but I couldn't pass on some of the characters I was submitted. I hope that helps with your leadership decisions, I don't really see how it would but I hope it helps none the less (I like making lists leave me alone).
May 16 2005, 02:55 AM
oh and streak, the level 14 clearance is not on the site, it's on the computer database. Jack had a lab tech run a sample and the cross check the results with a computer system to indentify the type of creature that yielded the sample. The type of creature is highly classified. Unless you were roleplaying a misunderstanding and then I'll shut up...
May 16 2005, 02:57 AM
Thanatos was a field researcher on dangerous paranormal creatures, think Steve Erwin but with hellhounds, but he's more of a "consult me when you need me" then leadership type.
May 16 2005, 03:14 AM
crikey I knew I forgot something about one of those guys. If I've forgotten anything else please remind me.
May 16 2005, 03:03 PM
QUOTE (Kiedo @ May 15 2005, 06:49 PM) |
Ecclesiastes: Paladin (adept chaotic good, to use D&D terms, I think) |
LOL, thats actually a good way of putting it. I'll list out a few things people would know about Paladin.
- He is a changling, SURGE granted him Astral Sight.
- His staff is a custom item (though no one knows where he got it). It is a telescoping staff with a retractable blade at one end (turning the staff into a pole arm) and a stun baton at the other end. It also happens to be a force 1 weapon focus.
- He has a suit of medium grade security armor that has all kinds of goodies built in... Ruthenium Polymers, Olfactory Camouflage, Chemseal, etc
- He has a pretty cool Custom ATV
- He has a lot of ties with the Orc Underground and can get the party safe passage through its tunnels.
- He's likely shared some of his exploits involving the hunting of magical threats. He has dealt with Blood Mage, Insect Shamans, Toxics, and serial killer Adepts.
- He has the Sustenance Adept power, meaning he only eats one meal a day and only needs three hours sleep (handy for when we pull all-nighters).
May 16 2005, 03:28 PM
Oh, and Kiedo, just wanted to let you know that so far this is looking like it is going to be an awesome game. I love the setting so far. Very errie.
May 16 2005, 03:53 PM
jklst14 It might make sense to split leadership into two positions. One person would be the tactical coordinator (i.e. Burke) while the other one would be the magical expert (i.e. one of the mages).
I am all for that idea of shared leadership, sounds good to me!
Kiedo oh and streak, the level 14 clearance is not on the site, it's on the computer database. Jack had a lab tech run a sample and the cross check the results with a computer system to indentify the type of creature that yielded the sample. The type of creature is highly classified. Unless you were roleplaying a misunderstanding and then I'll shut up...
Thanks for clearing it up, but yes it was an IC leap of logic on Burke's part! And i am also very much looking forward to this game! Glad to be on board!
May 16 2005, 04:02 PM
Paladin could also be a lead if needed. I don't have the skills to back it up, but he has been the head of security for the Orc Underground in his past (though none of you know that
May 16 2005, 05:02 PM
What does the team know about the Priority ratings? As for right now the team is entering the facility and treating it as priority 1 even though Jack classified it as priorty 3.
Do these things mean anything to the chars? Or simply rping the scenario?Does this mean they are outfitted differently as far as weapons and equipment go?
Just curious.
May 16 2005, 11:25 PM
The priority system for calls is something I've been working on in my spare time between work and dumpshock, I haven't gotten all the kinks worked out yet but this is what I've got so far.
Priority 7 - take care of at first convienence, no special gear needed
Priority 6 - slightly elevated priority 7, no special gear required
Priority 5 - to be taken care of the week assigned, take precautionary gear as needed
Priority 4 - to be taken care of within three days of assignment, precautionary gear as needed
Priority 3 - taken care of within three days of assignment, precautionary gear required
Priority 2 - to be investigated within one day of assignment, precatuonary gear required offensive gear recommended, engage as needed
Priority 1 - drop whatever you are doing, unless it's another priority 1 case, and investigate, precautionary gear required, offensive gear required, do not engage unless threatened.
As far as clearance goes, you all have level 11 clearance, the two team leaders have level 12(if you choose to have them) and jack has level 13 clearance. The board members all have level 14 and Nadja has level 15.
If this run turns out nicely and a large percentage of you survive (over half) I plan on turning this into an on going campaign, provided it's cool with everybody.
May 16 2005, 11:31 PM
Thanks for the info Kiedo! I am all for an ongoing campaign assuming Burke survives!
As for team leadership, either:
1) Kiedo will chose based on our characters/comments. If so, then let us know what your decision is.
2) Or you want us to decide/ which you stated you did so i suggest we vote, Give two votes for team leader and the top two vote getters are 1st and 2nd command accordingly, you may vote for your own char. Agreed? If not Kiedo you should at least state the voting rules.
I vote for Burke and Hawk.
May 16 2005, 11:55 PM
Those sound like good rules. I can go along with that, but in the event of a tie I'll make the final call based on character background, desire for the position, and other things. Here is how we'll vote on person for over all leader, and the other guy is in charge of a team when the team splits and coordinates the magic effort, which means they must be awakened. But there is no requirements other then being a character involved in the run to be team leader, so happy voting.
Streak I'm going to assume that you voted for yourself as Team leader and Hawk for magic leader.
Another thing, does everybody have radios? Project Pandora will issue them if you don't but the Pandora radios don't have an encryption function. I'm sure if you don't have one and wanted to be encrypted, but were short on cash, you could use that 20K expense account to aquire some....
May 17 2005, 12:00 AM
You are correct in your assumptions Kiedo!
And Burke has headware radio, comlink and subovcal mic to boot!
May 17 2005, 02:39 AM
Yeah I can deal with Burke and Hawk for Leader(s).
perfect complex
May 17 2005, 04:25 AM
hey, sorry for not posting i've gotten a bit behind it seems.
my vote go's for Burke and Paladin.
May 17 2005, 01:23 PM
I'm fine with Burke being our tactical leader. As for the magical leader, I feel that I don't have enough information to choose.
Keido: Put my vote down for which ever character (between Hawk and Paladin) has the most background knowledge skills related to magic, magical threats and paranormal critters.
And I neglected to buy any communication equipment
The Personal Communication Units from the Cannon Companion would be a good buy if anyone else forgot. It has ECCM and Encryption factored into the price, if I recall correctly. BattleTac would be nice too. Unfortunately,
20 000 won't buy us very much, especially with street index factored in.
Now, let me list a few things our leaders would know about Minx's skills
* She is mundane who was with the Quebec Gendarmerie before her career as a bounty hunter
* She has minimal cyberware/bioware augmentation although she boasts a broad array of sensory enhancements
* She is a trained sniper. At close range, she uses shotguns. At closer range, she's comfortable with melee combat. However, being far less strong than a lot of other people, she does not kick as much ass as she would like to.
* She moves really quietly and is good at sneaking into places bigger people can't go.
* She loves things that goes fast and is skilled piloting a wide variety of vehicles.
* She works on restoring vintage cars in her spare time.
* She is skilled with explosives, first aid & a wide variety of other technical matters.
* She is skilled with breaking & entering including old fashioned lockpicking
* She has good tactical skills and background military knowledge
* She is skilled at water related ops. She doesn't like to jump out of planes.
* She has social skills too!
May 17 2005, 05:47 PM
Paladin has the following knowledge skills:
Fringe Cults 4
Magic 4
Magic Threats 6
Paranormal Animals 4
May 17 2005, 05:50 PM
QUOTE (Kiedo) |
Another thing, does everybody have radios? Project Pandora will issue them if you don't but the Pandora radios don't have an encryption function. I'm sure if you don't have one and wanted to be encrypted, but were short on cash, you could use that 20K expense account to aquire some.... |
Why wouldn't they provide Encryption? The cost to the company would be minimal and it would protect the comunications of their people (something that should be important to them when dealing with a group such as ours).
Granted, I already have a Personal Comm Unit 6 myself, but honestly, a company like the one we work for should provide everyone with one (I don't mind eating the cost of the one I paid for, just want everyone to be able to talk to each other).
May 17 2005, 11:27 PM
see I didn't realize that the personal comm unit had built in encryption and ECCM equal to the device rating. But they'll provide a level 3 personal comm unit the belt clip model and head set. If you want a subvocal mic or one of those things that converts brain waves to communications(can't think of what it's called right now) you'll have to supply it (they're like 500 nuyen so even the poor players could afford them).
May 18 2005, 12:22 AM
I'd suggest to everyone that they spend the 7500
and upgrade the rating 3 comm unit to a rating 6. Any electronics person worth a penny could crack through rating 3 encryption. I've got about 9000
left over for my character to spend and will gladly chip in if someone needs help getting the comm. Nothing is more important to a team than good solid communications.
At this point, who doesn't have a comm?