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Full Version: OOC: Planar Breach
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
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I can just ride with Burke, its no big deal. Lets just go our butts over there. smile.gif
hey it's up to you, I was just saying you could ride back there.
Well Kiedo you should be fine to take it from here! biggrin.gif
There you go, enjoy your spooky, haunted building.
Hey Kiedo .... Burke is going to take a look around Astrally .... smile.gif

Perception roll 11 10 9 4 3
Knowledge: Magic 5 4 3 1
Knowledge: Paranormal animals/critters 15 9 4 2
Paladin will take a look around on the Astral as well.

Perception: 07 04 03 02
Aura Reading: 11 07 05 02
Knowledge Magic: 04 04 04 01
Knowledge Magic Threats: 15 09 04 04 04 04
Knowledge Paranormal Critters: 14 04 03 03 02 01
Streak: When viewed astrally the facility looks black and warped, the very fabric of the astral plane seems bent around it.

Ecclesiastes: Same as streak with the following addition. You feel that there is something very dangerous residing with the building, your not sure what but it's big.
Everyone still alive out there?
Yeah still alive computer was giving me trouble.
Hey guys,
I'm moving soon and have been packing, which is why my posts have been sporadic recently. It'll be hard for me to post over the next several days but I should be back posting regularly by next week.


Its been 10 days since we've seen an IC post. Whats up people?
*sigh* I had such hopes for this game not to die, it seemed like it would be a great plot line.
Are you guys waiting on me for something, because I'm going to work my voodoo once you guys get either to it or inside the building.
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