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Full Version: My crappy shadowrun webcomic....
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Hey all, just wanted to post my webcomic that is shadowrun related....Thought some of you might get a kick out of it....

I'm new at this whole webcomic thing, but I'd like to think I'm doing okay, any comments would rock....
Art isn't bad at all. The plot might require a little sprucing up, but it isn't bad either. Its more geared toward people who know what SR is than people who don't, from what I can tell - No real mention that its the year 2060, not too much (then again, enough) detail about what Shadowrunners do, and blather blather. That all can be addressed later on.

All in all, not bad.
The Question
This site has some useful resources for online comics.
Not bad at all.

I want to see that cocky elf get beat on his mouth! cyber.gif
ha ha! That's great! I love Scid's deadpan humor. And that first ghoul's face had me laughing out loud. Ah, good times. Keep it up!
Fresno Bob
Haha, this is pretty great.
QUOTE (frostPDP)
Art isn't bad at all. The plot might require a little sprucing up, but it isn't bad either. Its more geared toward people who know what SR is than people who don't, from what I can tell - No real mention that its the year 2060, not too much (then again, enough) detail about what Shadowrunners do, and blather blather. That all can be addressed later on.

All in all, not bad.

Thanks for checking it out guys! I got a ton of page views when I posted here so obviously it was a good idea....I don't really talk a lot about the actaul shadowrun things because I was afraid to dump that all right in the front....I might use a little "History lesson" after this session with scids done, could help me get a little better writing going also....

Anyways, glad that you guys liked it, I just slapped up another page....If you're looking for the Elf to get beat on it's coming soon....Heh
Curious; How often do you plan to update, and do you plan to get your own domain name/hosting.

MY personal hosting choice is but that's because one of my close friends runs it. Not to mention that it was going for two years of uptime before the big New York Blackout, during which its battery backups just couldn't handle the 24+ hour period without power frown.gif Fun night though!

Also, advertisement is an issue when you get big, so just be on the lookout for that and don't let loot determine things.

[edit] If you're going for a non-SRbackgrounded thing, start him off with ordinary Explosives and have him get Ex-Ex later. That way Ex-Ex seems like a step up rather than "Oh look, extra-explosive." Which is a rather silly phrase. "extra" explosive? More C4 in it...? Who knows?
I like it. It has that wise-ass private detective feel to it, which I feel is appropriate for Shadowrun. I hope to see more of it in time. If there is one thing the web ought not to have a shortage of, it is Shadowrun web comics.
I like it. smile.gif

Your art is pretty good, the story could be more complex, but hey, it's just beginning, so who am I to tell. Keep it up!

Persnally, I like the smartass private eye tone of it, and the elf's looks (tie and all). One thing I might nag about constructively is colours - I'd have done them much dimmmer and darker, especially in the sewers (but then, it's your comic and not mine, if I ever get it going I can make it as dim and dark as I want) - but overall, a very sweet webcomic I'll definitly follow!

Anyone looking for more SR-ish webcomics, check out Kitsune's Bulletproof for another SR webcomic (the only other one I know of) and Lead Salad's Monica Furious (classic cyberpbunk comic), in case you didn't know them.
Wounded Ronin
QUOTE (hermit)

Anyone looking for more SR-ish webcomics, check out Kitsune's Bulletproof for another SR webcomic (the only other one I know of)

I was just looking at that.

Heh, if it were me, "He's looking at your footprints in the bloody carpet!" would have been, "He just got a buttload of successes on his INT check! Stupid decker intelligence!"
Love how your guy got his street handle. Love even more that he hates it.

This is a really well done webcomic. Bravo!
heh, this is keenspot quality work love.gif
it allso kinda reminds me of some of the art in the cybernet book...
Glad you guys liked it, I'll try and update about twice weekly (try is the word)...I know I need to work on the plot more so lets hope on that....I gotta new page up, so good times....
I mean this iin the most simpsonish way... Craptacular!

I like the story and the art is refreshing compared to all the manga shadowrun crap out there.

Keep it up. I will read it
Bullet Raven
I heart this. It's GREAT
That's going to be my next run.

Though I think that the players might be getting bored with the inexpirrienced Js so I'll play up the aspect of how this seems below them now.

Jrayjoker: Got some links to some of that "manga shadowrun crap"? Last one of those I read the fox guy threw me off but the moment they put a troll on screen I could just tell that it was SR.
I lost almost all of my links in a crash a couple months ago, and honestly I don't care enough to even remember the names of them. Most weren't directly SR related, but had the "feel" , if you nkow what I mean.
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