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Full Version: WizKids Shadowrun Novels
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As long as your opinion may change, i'm fine. smile.gif
MAybe SR4 turns of to be a much better game as anyone expected when we all see the whole picture (read: have the BBB). Until then, having unchangable opinions about the game is not my cup of tea.
considering where the opinions of Critias, me, and several other started out out, 'unchanging' is probably the least accurate charge that could be laid at our feet.
Not that it keeps people from laying it there.
Oh shut up you SR4 haters!
Hmmm, novels....
Don't try to bring us back on-topic, please. wink.gif
What, me? Never!!!
Why is "a novel" printed on every fucking novel cover since 1995?

I guess someone bought a short stories collection, sued the publisher and got $500 Million in compensation for mental agony because *gasp* the stories were separate and not one! It's the same reason why "don't attempt to stop using hands or genitals" is in some chainsaw manuals.

Now, for the review:
We start with cute little Kellan, newly arrived in Seattle and befriending a couple of nice, high-profile runners. The little girl is so damn nice and naive, but, of course, tough and courageous, too. We get to see all typical Shadowrun characters, and all typical Seattle locations are being visited. A nice book for those new to the world, who can get a grip on it and not meet all threats of the sixth world at once. It could even be made into a nice first run for a new campaign.
If you care to be involved by the novel, it's a nice reads for seasoned fans too. I had to mildly smile about some scenes. Mayne "Giftmischer" will be a bit more in-depth. At least, a lot of loose ends remain, and the end even is some sort of small cliffhanger. 3/5
Wenn man sich darauf einlässt, ist es auch für Fans recht nett. Wie in trashiger Action-Film. An vielen Stellen muss man einfach milde lächeln. wink.gif
Can you post the URL to the review? Escpecially the last sentence is cool. smile.gif
Eh, forgot to delete the last sentence. Translated from

Sorry, bit groggy today. Damn you, Isle of Jura.
Mmmmm, Single malt good. Hangover bad.
The worst part is the feeling like you want to throw up, and the sensitivity to all sensory input. Cannot be subdued with any medication I know, and no, coffee and cold showers won't work either.

It was worth it though. ^_^
I have found that Ibuprofin (Advil, TM) works quite well. You just have to be cautious not to over do it. 400-600 mg at most.
Remember, kids: You only get hangovers if you stop drinking.
I believe the phrase we are looking for is "beyond drunk" as coined by Spider Robinson.
JJ: Thanks, but I can only get that at a doctor's order here - so nothing I can get on a short notice. >_<

And with that bloody exam looming friday, I think I shouldn't touch this bottle before next week (Don't wanna be drunk at either my SR session - been a month - or going to the movies, after all).

Critas: Good thinking! grinbig.gif
Oops, I am guilty of hijacking a thread!

Mmmmmm, novels.
Crimsondude 2.0
QUOTE (Critias)
Remember, kids: You only get hangovers if you stop drinking.

What's a hangover?
Dude, I hate you. biggrin.gif
Or he's always drunk. God! I love working at home! dead.gif
Drinking lots of water, to prevent dehydration as your body tries to purge the alcohol by washing it out, helps a lot with hangovers.

Not drinking too much in the first place helps even more.
Anybody know how I can set this thing to stop sending me notifications for every reply? I'm sure your drinking habits are fascinating and all, but I don't really need to get instant updates about each and every one of them in my email. smile.gif
QUOTE (winterhawk11)
Anybody know how I can set this thing to stop sending me notifications for every reply? I'm sure your drinking habits are fascinating and all, but I don't really need to get instant updates about each and every one of them in my email. smile.gif

That's crazy talk. Of course you do.
QUOTE (winterhawk11)
Anybody know how I can set this thing to stop sending me notifications for every reply? I'm sure your drinking habits are fascinating and all, but I don't really need to get instant updates about each and every one of them in my email. smile.gif

I assume you're subscribed to this topic?

Go to the top of the screen, and click on "My Controls".

Look on the left side for "Subscriptions", and click "Topics".

Click the dot on the right, then click "Unsubscribe".

That should do the trick.
Crimsondude 2.0
QUOTE (Jrayjoker)
Or he's always drunk. God! I love working at home! dead.gif

Nothing like a beer at 10 AM.

But, no, I just don't get hangovers.
But, no, I just don't get hangovers.

You lucky bastard. You lucky, LUCKY BASTARD!!!

Grrr. I hate such people.


Not drinking too much in the first place helps even more.

Awwww, killjoy, spoiler ... nyahnyah.gif

What else to do with a $60-a-bottle whisky, hunh? I mean, it deserves to be treated decently and enjoyed, doesn't it?

And I was sober enough to power up my computer, open firefox, go to dummpshock and make posts there that, while not cohesive, were in a language that isn't my primary. So there, I WAS still in a condition to enjoy a good whisky much more than some cheap booze. biggrin.gif

Also, I just noticed, being tired and overworked does make me feel much the same. Hope it won't give me a headache though, being tired and overworked isn't nearly as enjoyable as a decent amount of brilliant single malt.

Anyway, where were we?

Mmmmh, novels! grinbig.gif
Crimsondude 2.0
QUOTE (hermit)
What else to do with a $60-a-bottle whisky, hunh?

Trade it in for a shitload of Thunderbird?
QUOTE (Crimsondude 2.0)
But, no, I just don't get hangovers.

I'm with you. Although I don't drink too much nowadays, I have done so in the past, and have never had a hangover. I did very much enjoy rubbing that little tidbit in (quite loudly) to those companions of mine that were not so fortunate though. biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Fortune)
QUOTE (Crimsondude 2.0 @ Jun 16 2005, 09:34 AM)
But, no, I just don't get hangovers.

I'm with you. Although I don't drink too much nowadays, I have done so in the past, and have never had a hangover. I did very much enjoy rubbing that little tidbit in (quite loudly) to those companions of mine that were not so fortunate though. biggrin.gif

You're the kind of people one wish to have around when having a bad hangover. biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Crimsondude 2.0)
But, no, I just don't get hangovers.

You lucky, lucky.............
To quote Scotty in some Star Trek movie, "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time."

Or maybe I am paraphrasing...
I can do the time, but that doesn't mean I *like* it. Gonna get me something with Ibuprofen in it, though, thanks again for the hint, JJ.

Back on topic: novels!

Bought me "Born to Run" and "Giftmischer" today. Expect to have finished them some time next week. I read a bit into BtR, it looks decent.

A more extensive review will come when I'm done with the books.
Cool. Thanks.
QUOTE (Jrayjoker)
I am still buying and reading the novels as they appear on ebay and in my used book stores. I like seeing that new stuff will be arriving in the future.

Anyone know anything about these authors? (other than Kenson)

I really liked Stephen Dedman's Art of Arrow Cutting: A Novel of Magic-Noir Supence. The characters included a begining mage and martial artist's stunt double. It kind of sounds corny now that I'm typing it but it really was a good book.

I don't like Jean Rabe's books but I did like Kenson's Burning Brightly but it seemed unfinished

QUOTE (starblade)
I really liked Stephen Dedman's Art of Arrow Cutting: A Novel of Magic-Noir Supence

Is that even a SR novel?
QUOTE (starblade)
I don't like Jean Rabe's books but I did like Kenson's Burning Brightly but it seemed unfinished

Kenson didn't write Burning Bright--Tom Dowd did. I think you might be referring to The Burning Time, yes?

(Rat adds self back to automatic notification now that we seem to be off hangovers and back to novels) biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Jrayjoker)

Is that even a SR novel?


QUOTE (winterhawk11 @ Jun 23 2005, 03:12 AM)
Kenson didn't write Burning Bright--Tom Dowd did. I think you might be referring to The Burning Time, yes?

You're right I got the authors confused, it's been awhile since I've read shadowrun novels.
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