May 12 2005, 03:05 PM
Rob posted this on last night:
WizKids Shadowrun Novels
WizKids hasn’t announced it yet, but they’ve confirmed that they will be releasing six new Shadowrun novels. We don’t have dates yet, but we do know that the novels will be published by Roc (the publisher of the previous Shadowrun novels) and that their storylines will be independent of the FanPro Shadowrun plotlines.
Confirmed authors are: Stephen Dedman, Jason Hardy, Steve Kenson (trilogy), Jean Rabe
Stay tuned for more info as we get it.
May 12 2005, 03:17 PM
If their storylines are independent of Fanpro Shadowrun plotlines, will they be considered "canon"?
May 12 2005, 03:27 PM
Hopefully this time around they will conform to the actual rules of the game. Maybe.
Good to know.
Patrick Goodman
May 12 2005, 03:29 PM
QUOTE (Bigity) |
Hopefully this time around they will conform to the actual rules of the game. Maybe. |
I wouldn't hold my breath.
May 12 2005, 03:32 PM
Novels have always been quite a ways down the pecking order in terms of "canonosity". Certainly from the rules perspective. But even just general world descriptions they are dubious.
May 12 2005, 04:16 PM
Some of them are more canon, some not. We'll see.
May 12 2005, 04:24 PM
I agree, a lot of the novels bend cannon to advance the story, and most of the later ones almost didn't connect to the rest of the game world. The earlier novels are better, earlier being defined as pre- 1997 or so.
Does anyone know what happed to NYX Smith? I liked his books.
May 12 2005, 04:31 PM
This is definitely good news.
Any word on whether they'll be reviving Duels?
May 12 2005, 05:09 PM
Any word on whether they'll be reviving Duels? |
I have absolutely no knowledge about this, but I'm not holding my breath.
May 12 2005, 05:26 PM

May 12 2005, 05:34 PM
Sweet! Three more books by Kenson!
Crimsondude 2.0
May 12 2005, 05:40 PM
*breaks out the bottles of Cristal*
May 12 2005, 05:50 PM

FInally, some
good news in the SR4 boards

Better than good really -
May 12 2005, 06:25 PM
I am still buying and reading the novels as they appear on ebay and in my used book stores. I like seeing that new stuff will be arriving in the future.
Anyone know anything about these authors? (other than Kenson)
May 12 2005, 07:13 PM
Do we know if the new novels will be based off the timeline of SR4 (the year 2070) or will they be off the SR3 timeline (2065)?
May 12 2005, 07:25 PM
Anyone know anything about these authors? (other than Kenson) |
Jean Rabe did a writer's workshop at Gen Con a couple of years back. I think she's written stuff for D&D. Jason Hardy has a story up on the Fiction page of Not sure about Stephen Dedman.
Do we know if the new novels will be based off the timeline of SR4 (the year 2070) or will they be off the SR3 timeline (2065)? |
I think (but please don't quote me on this, 'cause I don't know for sure) that they'll be set in 2070.
May 12 2005, 08:06 PM
QUOTE (Ecclesiastes) |
Do we know if the new novels will be based off the timeline of SR4 (the year 2070) or will they be off the SR3 timeline (2065)? |
Maybe they fill the gap between 2065 and 2070?
Crimsondude 2.0
May 12 2005, 08:55 PM
QUOTE (Grinder) |
QUOTE (Ecclesiastes @ May 12 2005, 08:13 PM) | Do we know if the new novels will be based off the timeline of SR4 (the year 2070) or will they be off the SR3 timeline (2065)? |
Maybe they fill the gap between 2065 and 2070?
Nah... They'd never fill in or introduce major elements of the storyline through the novels.
May 12 2005, 09:00 PM
QUOTE (winterhawk11) |
QUOTE | Do we know if the new novels will be based off the timeline of SR4 (the year 2070) or will they be off the SR3 timeline (2065)? |
I think (but please don't quote me on this, 'cause I don't know for sure) that they'll be set in 2070.
Just to back this up, the announcement does say that these will be independent of the SR4 plotlines... and since SR4 will be set in 2070, it would make it difficult for these novels to be set during that time unless they each come up with a totally different vision of what things will be like.
May 12 2005, 09:03 PM
QUOTE (Pistons) |
QUOTE (winterhawk11 @ May 12 2005, 02:25 PM) | QUOTE | Do we know if the new novels will be based off the timeline of SR4 (the year 2070) or will they be off the SR3 timeline (2065)? |
I think (but please don't quote me on this, 'cause I don't know for sure) that they'll be set in 2070.
Just to back this up, the announcement does say that these will be independent of the SR4 plotlines... and since SR4 will be set in 2070, it would make it difficult for these novels to be set during that time unless they each come up with a totally different vision of what things will be like. |
Its not an "announcement" it is a "confirmation". They haven't announced it yet, they just said there are going to be 6 novels, including 1 trilogy, and gave the authors.
Yes, that differentiation makes me chuckle.

But in PR speak i believe that an announcement would include titles and expected release dates.
May 12 2005, 09:19 PM
Well, in this case, it's more like FanPro is reporting what WizKids will be doing, since WizKids are the ones responsible for these novels.
May 12 2005, 09:44 PM
so... what... what are they going to be writing about?
May 12 2005, 09:48 PM
QUOTE (mfb) |
so... what... what are they going to be writing about? |
A. Many things. There are still 5 basic metatypes to choose from for a major character. Contacts remain an integral part of the story. There will be 16 Characters that you can read about. The focus of the story is still on teams of operatives combining skills and resources to accomplish criminal or psuedo-criminal missions. And so on. |
Read the FAQ, stupid head!
May 12 2005, 09:50 PM
Well, in this case, it's more like FanPro is reporting what WizKids will be doing, since WizKids are the ones responsible for these novels. |
Yup. The impetus for this "announcement" came out of my emailing WizKids awhile back about whether there would be novels. I was given this information then, but got permission a couple of days ago to post it in order to "get the information campaign started." I emailed Rob and he asked me to post it to Dumpshock after he posted it to It comes directly from WizKids' publications department. I didn't get any information about when the books would be set, so the 2070 thing was just my guess.
JM Hardy
May 13 2005, 12:37 AM
QUOTE (Ecclesiastes) |
Do we know if the new novels will be based off the timeline of SR4 (the year 2070) or will they be off the SR3 timeline (2065)? |
It's sometimes difficult to know what I can and can't say, but I think I can say this--the first few books, at least, will be in 2065.
Jason H.
May 13 2005, 12:50 AM
QUOTE (Critias) |
I'm a big fat dumb-head! |
i think i'll let that speak for itself.
May 13 2005, 02:59 AM
QUOTE (winterhawk11) |
Jean Rabe did a writer's workshop at Gen Con a couple of years back. I think she's written stuff for D&D. |
Jean was the head of the RPGA in the early-mid '90's. So, this would be the pre-WOTC era. She did a lot of writing and game develoment for TSR, at least one Forgotten Realms novel. It's safe to say that she's a veteran author of gaming fiction. (Take that whatever way you'd like.

May 13 2005, 04:28 AM
It's sometimes difficult to know what I can and can't say, but I think I can say this--the first few books, at least, will be in 2065.
Jason H. |
Speak of the devil

Cool - I've been waiting impatiently for new SR novels for what seems like forever! Thanks to anyone/everyone involved!!
Street Doc
May 13 2005, 04:31 AM
Jean Rabe did a writer's workshop at Gen Con a couple of years back. I think she's written stuff for D&D |
Jean Rabe has written a lot of stuff for Dragonlance, most well known is when the Dragon Overlords arrive (yes that is all her fault) and the Dhamon storyline. Her writing is good and bad at the same time, she sometimes has a tendacy to think large world altering events. Her writing also can drag on. Overall, I belive she is a ok author, not the best but not the worst either. I will be interested in what she does for Shadowrun, doesnt seem her style
May 13 2005, 03:19 PM
Well, since I brought up the question a couple of weeks back about getting new novels, I guess the only things left for me to say are "Bring 'em on!" and "About bloody time!"
May 13 2005, 03:23 PM
world-altering events, independent of the FanPro plotlines. so, will they come with the Elseworlds tag on the cover, or do we draw 'em on ourselves?
granted, i've never read anything my most of these authors. but, well, SR novels have a history, so i think pessimism is allowable.
May 13 2005, 05:14 PM
but, well, SR novels have a history, so i think pessimism is allowable. |
What's wrong with lesbians, lesbian vampires, lesbian vampires with cyberware or troll lesbian vampires with cyberware and a vindicator minigun, or humanist self-sacrificing great dragons whose souls are bound to cyber zombies on a metaplane where they stem off a plotline that wasn't supposed to be yet, or the "IE r0ckz0rs yur s0ckzors!!!!11111" Sargent/Gascoigne attempt to mate SR with DragonballZ?
Really, I can't understand what you're saying.

Ah well, at least I can read FanPro's novels. So far, the three I read were decent and devoid of all world-altering, imortal elf, Great Dragon and lesbian vampire with cyberware and minigun related comic-esque-ness.
May 13 2005, 05:21 PM
The two Kenson novels I've read differed. I had a few problems with Technobabel, but it was overall a decent book. On the other hand, I'm still trying to work up the resolve to get past the first five pages of The Burning Time.
May 13 2005, 05:58 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
I'm still trying to work up the resolve to get past the first five pages of The Burning Time.
~J |
Why? Just because it promises it's going to stop hitting you doesn't mean it will.
May 13 2005, 06:33 PM
*Sniff* But it says it only does it because it loves me! I'm trying to be better…
May 13 2005, 06:56 PM
Kenson apparently has been home correctin' K. Looks like the training is paying off, too.
Crimsondude 2.0
May 13 2005, 07:15 PM
QUOTE (hermit) |
QUOTE | but, well, SR novels have a history, so i think pessimism is allowable. |
What's wrong with lesbians, lesbian vampires, lesbian vampires with cyberware or troll lesbian vampires with cyberware and a vindicator minigun, or humanist self-sacrificing great dragons whose souls are bound to cyber zombies on a metaplane where they stem off a plotline that wasn't supposed to be yet, or the "IE r0ckz0rs yur s0ckzors!!!!11111" Sargent/Gascoigne attempt to mate SR with DragonballZ
Or Argent and his twin Supermach goodness and gravity-defying Osprey flight.
We also have the events in Dead Air which was for all intents and purposes the novelization of a sim released in 2056 which didn't have much to do with the rest of SR... And it was A Good Thing™.
May 13 2005, 08:20 PM
QUOTE (mfb) |
world-altering events, independent of the FanPro plotlines. |
Maybe she gets some guidelines what to write about and what not.
May 13 2005, 08:42 PM
Maybe she gets some guidelines what to write about and what not. |
From what I've seen, this is the way it often happens. The author is given guidelines about events that need to occur, and sometimes even which major characters to use. Again, I have no knowledge, just speculation (okay, maybe a little knowledge, since this is the way it was presented to the other authors and me when we wrote the fiction pieces for the SR:Duels website), but I would guess that in the case of an author who's not intimately familiar with the SR universe (I assume Jean Rabe would be one of these, though of course I have no idea), that this would probably be the way to go.
May 13 2005, 09:08 PM
Hopefully the new writers get some basic background infos of the SR-universe before they start writing. And knowing the rules won't be bad either - it would have avoid crap like "he activated his booste reflexes and jumped up 2 meters"....
Crimsondude 2.0
May 13 2005, 09:10 PM
What, and keep us from enjoying the warm goodness of books like Shadowboxer and Chris Stackpole's novels?
May 13 2005, 09:13 PM
Shadowboxer was.... funny.... especially the end.
The most horrible books are imo the ones with Striper. After that the whole "shapechangers are cool" crap started.
May 13 2005, 10:23 PM
What, and keep us from enjoying the warm goodness of books like Shadowboxer and Chris Stackpole's novels? |
Mike Stackpole. I liked his SR book and short stories--okay, they weren't quite canon, but they were entertaining.
Shadowboxer, on the other hand--sucked worse than a sucky thing covered in suck powder dancing in a suck field.
IMO, of course.
May 14 2005, 12:11 AM
The most horrible books are imo the ones with Striper. After that the whole "shapechangers are cool" crap started. |
Tikki was overpowered, but compared to characters from later novels (Mercury, I'm looking at you!) she was tame. What ticked me off more was that she NEVER SAW AN AURA. I mean, isn't she supposed to be dual-natured, hunh? HUNH?
One thing I have to give Mr. Smith credit for is that he has his gay fences distributed equally in terms of sex. It's a step upward from cybered lesbian supermage troll dominas.
Personally, I stopped reading the novels after the first Dragonheart novel. It just became unbearable. I still own all I ever bought though, and the Nigel Findley books, the Changeling and even the Secrets of Power still have a place in my heart (and, occasionally, on my nightstand).
May 14 2005, 07:25 AM
QUOTE (hermit) |
Tikki was overpowered, but compared to characters from later novels (Mercury, I'm looking at you!) she was tame. What ticked me off more was that she NEVER SAW AN AURA. I mean, isn't she supposed to be dual-natured, hunh? HUNH? |
Maybe she was to cool to bother with nerdy things like the astral space.
Stopped reading SR novels after dragonheart too. It was so disappointing and full with uber-characters.
The White Dwarf
May 14 2005, 08:17 AM
Not knowing the universe is one crappy excuse for a writer.
1) You know theyre literate. They have to be, to read what they write.
2) It takes a long, long time to write a book. Taking a week off to read a few first wont slow you down.
3) They can buy any book we can.
Put it together and what do you get? Clues! Maybe I should start selling these clues on ebay...
Demonseed Elite
May 14 2005, 10:52 AM
Yeah, I've never been terribly impressed with the Shadowrun novels. There's a couple I found actually good, but most were horrible. And I fault the authors and editors equally; there was an apparent lack of editorial control that allowed the novels to have too much influence over the game canon, especially when the novel writers displayed little knowledge or care for the game system and history. Things that would have been cut mercilessly from a freelancer's sourcebook writing managed to slip right into novels and become game canon.
I hope that the new novels are better. But, at the very least, I hope they aren't canon.
May 15 2005, 06:17 PM
In my opinion if they aren't canon they should not exist. Having published books that describe events in a world that didn't really happen is just idiotic.
I'm all for much tighter editorial control over what events happen and how, but they'd bloody well better be canon.
May 15 2005, 06:27 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
In my opinion if they aren't canon they should not exist. Having published books that describe events in a world that didn't really happen is just idiotic.
I'm all for much tighter editorial control over what events happen and how, but they'd bloody well better be canon.
~J |
What if it doesn't matter if they happened or not? If the stories all involve smalltime players and the big picture stuff is a backdrop of information found in other books then the question of canon or not is moot (assuming the characters don't do wild and wacky things compared to what a by-the-rules PC/NPC could do).
May 15 2005, 06:56 PM
Then the issue is less important, but it should still be canon. The novels should not create "parallel Shadowruns".
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