Jun 10 2005, 08:42 PM
How about if a made a social adept, to be the team's faceman?
Jun 11 2005, 03:41 AM
Yeah, I've been wanting to try a faceman for a long time now. I'm thinking human social adept, former corp guy, good with finances as well as social skills, lots of contacts, including international ones. I would also make him a good driver, so he could be the wheel man, since we don't have a rigger and he would be no good in a fight.
Also, it just so happens that I lived in Spain for three years, so this run will be right up my alley. I also don't have Shadows of Europe, so it will be neat to see what happened to the Iberian penninsula in the future.
One question: If I wanted my character to have a real SIN, would that be allowed, and what kind of flaw would it be? The background I have in mind would make him a former corp guy, and therefore a citizen of something. Although I have two potential explanations for him being SINless if I want to do that, too.
Jun 11 2005, 03:49 AM
There is a flaw called Dosier On File. Basicly, some corp or government agency has the lowdown on you. Its a four point flaw.
Jun 11 2005, 04:58 AM
Yeah, I have that book. The thing is, that wouldn' really cover having a SIN, since SINs are semi-public knowledge, and governments are corps share their SIN databases. Maybe I'll make it so that when is company was bought out and he left the company, he had them cancel his SIN, but the company that bought out his old company still has his old records on file, but doesn't make them publicly available like an active SIN.
Jun 12 2005, 12:26 AM
are you still accepting players?
Jun 12 2005, 04:28 AM
Somwill you accept a social adept or not? I have the concept done, but I'm not going to go through the process of writing up the stats if I'm not sure you'll accept a second adept into the game.
Basically, the character was a junior vice president at a small investment company called Davison Investments. When the company got bought out by Novatech, he cashed in by selling his stock options and accepting the generous severance package offered him as part of the post-takeover layoff. His corporate SIN was cancelled, but kept on private record in some Novatech database somewhere, so an old dossier on him is on file somewhere. He then took a few months off, then decided to become a shadowrunner, faking his own death by simply going hunting and not returning, laundering his money and becoming effectively SINless, although a DNA test would identify him to anyone who had access to his old Novatech file, at least until he gets his junk DNA changed. He would be a social dept, specializing in social and financial skills, with international contacts.
Jun 13 2005, 03:58 PM
Well it went from not having enouhg player to having a LOT of players.
Ol' Scratch
Jun 13 2005, 04:02 PM
QUOTE (Panzergeist) |
Yeah, I have that book. The thing is, that wouldn' really cover having a SIN, since SINs are semi-public knowledge, and governments are corps share their SIN databases. Maybe I'll make it so that when is company was bought out and he left the company, he had them cancel his SIN, but the company that bought out his old company still has his old records on file, but doesn't make them publicly available like an active SIN. |
You just described the function Dossier on File to a T. It's a collection of your personal data that's in the sole custody of a single organization, be it an intelligence agency, a megacorporation, or in your example, a small company. That information isn't open to public access.
Jun 13 2005, 06:12 PM
Panzer, a social adept sounds fine. Feel free to fire a draft at me when you have a blueprint drawn up.
Viggo, I think I'm filled up at the moment. Sorry bout that.
Gaia, my home computer's fried at the moment, so I'm a little behind on the review of your latest character. I will let you know.
Jun 13 2005, 10:17 PM
No big deal, good luck keeping up with the backlog.
Jun 15 2005, 05:37 AM
Actually, it looks like I wont have time to play this game. Sorry about that.
Jun 15 2005, 03:15 PM
Well GM, how many have sent in character sheets, do you think we have enough to get started?
Jun 15 2005, 05:25 PM
With Panzer pulling out, I've offered the vacated spot to viggo, who already submitted a character to me. When I get a yay or nay from him, we're good to go, if everyone else is.
Jun 15 2005, 10:57 PM
Great, so then my character was ok with the cultured bio (the avalibility was all 8 and under) I just needed stuff to spend money on.
Jun 16 2005, 04:58 PM
more karma points, a docwagon contract, lifestyles for safehouses or agro-food
Jun 16 2005, 05:54 PM
Normally, I would strike down the cultured, but for the sake of speed and getting this under way, I'll let it go.
So, our players are:
Musashi Forever, Thomas, GaiasWrath, Ecclesiastes, viggo and Shadow.
Look for OOC and IC posts in the near future. Please suppress signatures in the IC thread.
Jun 16 2005, 06:16 PM
QUOTE (viggo) |
more karma points, a docwagon contract, lifestyles for safehouses or agro-food |
You can't spend starting cash on karma can you?
anyways, looking foward to starting.
Jun 17 2005, 09:59 PM
nuyen for karma is a house rule, usually 25K per point. But a quarter mil for that extra die ain't so bad
Jun 17 2005, 09:59 PM
nuyen for karma is a house rule, usually 25K per point. But a quarter mil for that extra die ain't so bad
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