"ello. Late addation.
128 Build RemainingLt. Able Baker
Str 4 (6)
Bod 3
Qui 5 (7)
Int 5
Wil 4
Cha 5
Ess 3.04
Bio Index 3.30
Essence Index 6.44
Rea 6(7)(9)
Init 1d6+7 (2d6+9)
Combat Pool 8
Karma Pool 1
Good Karma 0
Total Karma 0
76 Build RemainingCommon Sense (-2)
Technical School Education (-1)
73 Build RemainingActive:Computer (Search Operations) 3/5
Assault Rifles B/R 2
Small Unit Tactical Procedures 3
Tai Chi Wu 5
+Focus Will
Athletics 4
Stealth 3
Pistols 4
Submachine Guns 5
Rifles 4
Etiquette 5
Leadership(Morale) 4/6
Knowledge:Political Science 5
Corporate Security 3
Corporate Procedures 3
Databases 5
Virtual Meeting Spots 2
BG: Magic 2
Meditation 2
Artisan: Steel Sculptures 3
Language:French 4
+Read/Write 2
English 3
+Read/Write 1
25 Build Remaining
0 Build RemainingCyberware: (all alpha unless noted)
Wired Reflexes 1 (Beta) ¥220,000 [1.2]
+Reflex Trigger ¥26,000 [.16]
Smartlink 2 ¥8,000 [.40]
+Range Finder ¥4,000 [.08]
Transducer ¥4,000 [.08]
Datajack ¥2,000 [.16]
Chipjack ¥2,000 [.16]
+Knowsoft Link ¥2,000 [.08]
Image Link Rental Modification ¥3,200 [.16]
Internal Memory 30MP ¥9,000 [.08]
Bioware:Muscle Augmentation 2 ¥40,000 {.80}
Muscle Toner 2 ¥50,000 {.80}
Enhanced Articulation ¥40,000 {.60}
Metabolic Arrester ¥20,000 {.60}
Clean Metabolism ¥10,000 {.20}
Glucagon (Gene Tech) ¥40,000 {.30}
Contacts:Sgt Alfred Black:
Family:Ex Wife: Rachel Fitzpatrick
Children: Adam & Mary
Girlfriend: Sarah Barker:
Gear: <Name (Firing Code) {Conc.} [Damage] Clip size (type) ¥cost>
Cavalier Scout (SA) {9} [4L] 7© SL1 ¥1,200
[ Spoiler ]
+ Concealed Quick Draw Holster ¥150 (+2 conc)
+ (2)7 Rnd Clips Regular Ammunition ¥19
Beretta Model 200ST (SA/BF) {4/3} [6L] 26© SL2 ¥1,875 RC:1
[ Spoiler ]
*Removable Stock
* BF for complex action
+ Quick Draw Holster
+ Permit
+ (2) 26 Rnd Clips Regular Ammunition
+ (1) 26 Rnd Clips Regular Ammunition
Ingram SuperMach 100 (SA/BF/FA) {4/-} [6l] 60© SL1 ¥1,755 RC:5
[ Spoiler ]
+ Folding Stock ¥200
+ Fore Grip ¥100
+ Flashlight ¥50
+ (3) 60 Rnd Clips Regular Ammunition w/ Tracers ¥275
Steyr AUG-CSL Weapon System: SL2 ¥11,250 RC:2,3,4
[ Spoiler ]
*Assault Rifle (SA/BF/FA) {2} [8m] 40©
*Carbine (SA/BF) {3} [7s] 40©
*SMG (SA/BF) {5} [6m] 40©
*LMG (SA/BF/FA) {-} [8m] 40©
*Gas Vent 1: all models
*Laser Sight
+Silencer ¥500
+Sound Suppresser ¥750
+Shock Pads (all models -SMG) ¥200
+Imaging Scope: Optical Mag 2 ¥800
+Bipod (LMG only) ¥400
+Fore Grip (SMG only) ¥100
+Folding Stock (SMG only) ¥200
+(4)40 Rnd Clips Regular Ammunition ¥85
+40 Rnd Clip Hollow Point Ammunition ¥205
+40 Rnd Clip Gel Ammunition ¥125
+40 Rnd Clip Explosive Ammunition ¥205
+ Armored Suitcase R6 ¥1600
Riot Shield, Large {-} ¥1,500 2/3
Secure Ultra-Vest {14} ¥350 3/2
Armor Jacket {3} ¥4,500 5/3
+Gel Packs
Form-Fitting Body Armor-Half Suit {13} ¥1,000 3/1
Light Security Armor {-} ¥7,500 6/4
[ Spoiler ]
+Fire Resistance 6 ¥600
+Security Chemseal ¥12,000
+ As per CATco SWAT colors
Security Helmet (DNI modified) ¥375 +1/+2
[ Spoiler ]
+Electronics Vision Mag 3 ¥900
+HUD w/ 100MP ¥1,000
+Low Light Vision Modification ¥700
+Thermograhic Vision Modification ¥700
+Ultrasound Vision Modification ¥1,000
+Respirator ¥500
+Transceiver 5 ¥1,250
+Tracking Signal 5 (disabled) ¥500
Combat Vest ¥190
+Load bearing Harness ¥35
+ (2) Rifle Ammo Pouch ¥22
+ (2) Pistol Ammo Pouch ¥16
+Small Military Rucksack ¥110
Gunsmith Kit (Assault Rifle) ¥1,000
Datasoft 4 {48mp} (Chicago Mapsoft) ¥4,800
General Shop ¥5,000
Medkit Rating 6 ¥320
+Trauma Patch ¥500
+(5) Doses Long Haul ¥2,500
Low Light Binoculars ¥300
Big Cop Maglight ¥25
Metal Handcuffs ¥20
Donate ¥100,000 to ‘base’ fund.
¥203 Cash on hand +Starting Funds
Full write up later. And pardon the proliferance of the spoiler tags.