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Before you read ANY further, read the following line please....

To join this game you MUST be able and willing to post 5 days a week minimum, preferably Monday through Friday.

Anyone who was in my Earth's Dawn campaign has a free seat in this game if they want to play, assuming they can meet the above requirement (ES_Sparky is an exception, I understand her bad schedule and have guaranteed her a seat once she gets a chance to join). wink.gif

First let me see an interest, if enough people are interested, I'll post the game requirements. If you haven't posted within 48 hours of this post, I'll assume you can't meet the 1 minimum requirement.

That being said, the game will take place in Chicago 2064, however this is an alternative reality where Bug Spirits aren't even heard of (no Bug Knowledge skills allowed). You'll start in Chicago, just after the city is quarantined, as the smell of anarchy begins to fill the streets and warlords begin taking over areas. You'll have a chance to start your own community, and protect it against bugs and human raiders who want your turf.

Histories should be written in a manner that shows how they ended up in Chicago, up to minutes before the Quanrantine, post-quarantine will be written by myself to insure a team-oriented feel to the game. Family is VERY important in this history write up, they'll be what keeps you fighting, what keeps you motivated, etc. So, no parentless-siblingless-wifeless type loners.

If sufficient interest is manifested for the game, I'll let you know in 48 hours. Feel free to start on a character if you like, I run my games at a starting 128 BP (Nice binaric number).

WARNING: Casting of spells tends to draw bug spirits out of turpor, for those of you that haven't read the books. Careful playing a magic user, or you could be a bug-magnet.

WARNING: Deckers may be bored to death in this game, you're off the world net.

My rules are simple for character creation.
1) No heavy weapons or stockpiling of ammunition.
1a) If you're not sure if a weapon is a 'heavy weapon', assume it is.
1b) If you're not sure if you have too much ammo, assume you do.
2) No armour-piercing anythings at all.
3) No Shapeshifters (You may play a Changeling however)

I don't pay attention to availability, or grade of cyber/bio, etc. Play what you want, only limitations is on the weapons.

NO HOUSE ITEMS. Rayguns is invalid, don't even go to that page. nyahnyah.gif

Modifications of weapons is acceptable, as is modifications to vehicles and skillsofts. You may not, however create your own weapons or vehicles for this game.

There is no starting Karma, so no, you may not start initiated.

I'd recommend that you chip in extra cash for a 'starting place'. Buying it via a bought lifestyle and Facility will determine where you start in Chicago. The more cash you pump into your starting place, the more 'fortified' it will be (this is the only way to see Heavy Weapons at char-gen, it would be a part-of the starting base)

Please don't post any character sheets until after I see if there's enough interest. Please don't feel obligated to play diverse characters. If everyone is a Raven Shaman, so be it. I as the GM will work around the characters, just make sure you play something you like so much that you can't help but post the 5 times a week minimum.

Frater Inominatus
Just posting my interest,
No problem with your guidlines,
Let me know if/when to submit a character...
Concept: Samurai or psyad who uses his Ares Predator as a club via his Arnis De Mano martial arts training as well as to shoot with.
I'm interested as well but again, my availability is going to be limited until June. If that's chill, then great! If not I'll wait for the next bus. wink.gif
With Fortune, Lindt and ES, that's enough interest to continue. Anyone else that can meet the requirement is welcome to join. I won't be picking players from a list. If you post a character, you're in the game. When you fail to meet the minimum requirement, game over. I'm not a hard-stickler for it, I'll forgive easily a 4-day post in a week, but anyone averaging 2 posts a week can be guaranteed a quick character-death to keep the game fun for us more active posters.

Game will begin May 30th. May 23rd I stop the recruitment (and won't accept any newly posted characters), I'll assume anyone who can't make a character in 5 days doesn't have the time to play as regularly as the minimum requires.

May 23rd starts a [Story Setup] thread to get people in the mood, and in the scene, during that time I'll be working heavily with you to get characters fitted. smile.gif It will also be the beginning of min-maxxing (or perhaps, un-min-maxxing) your character with the GM.

Rules for Char Gen are in 1st post (reminder).

Please use the spoiler tags for sheets to make the thread readable. nyahnyah.gif

Im thinking of playing an actual Shadowrunner that gets stuck in the DMZ when the walls go up.

So I take it this means Earths Dawn has officially gone the way of the Dodo?
I think so Lindt, not enough interest showed in bringing it back up. nyahnyah.gif
Like Morgannah, I won't have a lot of time to post until June hits. I'll easily be able to put in five posts a week (a day?) after this month, but lemme know if you don't think that's going to work out. smile.gif

I'll probably end up reworking and submitting Gnat, a character I put together for another game that I didn't get a chance to play in due to time constraints.
Whizbang still insisting on daily posting even if it's just a fancy way of saying your char is doing nothing?
Game begins 2 days before June, if need be, I can wait til June 1st to start.

And yes Whizbang, even if it's just a creative doing-nothing post. nyahnyah.gif I don't often give people days where they can't find something to post though (You can read my old threads for my gaming style). If it seems like it would be a slow moment in the game, I tend to fast forward to the next exciting moment.

Some quick clariffications on some PMs I got. The family should be INSIDE the city. The idea being that you have people you want to protect, thus making a more motivated character, not to have people you want to get to, which is the exact opposite and tends to go against the game concept of an inner-city plot. nyahnyah.gif

*recalls the last Bug City game you ran* Not much my char could do when she was barely consious...and I made it clear then that I hate making fluff posts... guess since our opinions vary, I might want to consider looking elsewhere... even though this does look like a fun game concept.
Just a reminder, 3 days left until recruitment is over, get character posted by then. nyahnyah.gif

Ill see what I can get tougther this weekend. I may flat drop out if I cant get a good charcter written, as Im rather tapped creativitly.

Also, I wouldent be able to start on the 30th. National Holiday and all, Ill be spending it on a beach drinking fruity things with little umbrellas in them.
I'll try to get something posted on Monday. If I don't, then assume I am a no-go.

Family and no heavy weapons, check!

Are we limited in neighborhood of choice, or will you be moving us toward each other in game?
Are we allowed to/should we be using the family as Dependant flaws? If so any min/max that these should be at?
Ok here is my idea for a character:

Mike Hennessey, Dwarf Pub Owner, Ex-Aries military.

The following is a brief BG. I will keep expanding on to it as we get closer to game time.

[ Spoiler ]

Sound good? If so let me know or if anything needs changing let me know.

Sounds good. I'd like to play a construction worker with his girlfriend on the outside. Their relationship was taking a real upswing with marriage on the horizon and then suddenly Val cannot leave his worksite. He will be sort of a normal guy if that's cool... never ran the shadows.
A quick question:

where are the rules (which book) for building places/facilities like you mentioned in the first post? Is this just an extension of lifestyle? I've gone through my source books and have not seen anything like that, so I am assuming that it is not from a book I have.

So, could anyone let me know what the cost would be for a medium sized pub/bar?
and the general rules for this type of thing?

Any grade of cyber/bioware, huh?

I'm thinking a million nuyen sam, formerly an assassin of the Yamatetsu corporate family. He fled to the quarentine zone because he figured that the corp wouldn't pursue him there, and because that's where his ex-wife and his daughter lived. Unfortunately, the ex died shortly after the bugs began running amok, so now he has to protect his daughter while trying to hide from the corp he left, and bring home food for the table.

EDIT: Finished his character sheet. I'll post it if I'm accepted into the game.
Musashi Forever
I would like to throw my het into this ring. I am considering crafting a street ganger dwarf who is a little wrong in the head. I would like to give him the mysterious cyberware flaw as an explanation for his partial insanity.

Sound ok Sphynx?
Mallet: BG looks good to me.

Flipshow: That's cool, but with 128 BP, it'd be hard to make a 'normal guy'. However, I like the idea.

Mallet: The rules aren't in existance, I'm telling you as a group that I'll create a place and base it on the amount donated. I'll base the cost on those 2 factors (So basically, 100,000 to have a 'facility' and then divide the rest of the donation by the number of players to determine the 'lifestyle' of the complex, as well as its defensive and offensive capabilities [Ie: What the 'other' residence do to participate]. This is used INSTEAD of buying lifestyle, btw.)

Nick: All characters are accepted if/when they post their character sheet. You'll know you're accepted by having posted the character sheet. nyahnyah.gif

Musashi: As long as he can be a 'team player', I'm ok with the idea.


Save it as a .htm to view it properly.

[ Spoiler ]

Ok, well I am willing to donate some money to the cause. If people want to make my pub their home when sh-t goes down that would be cool. It's got a lot of food & beer smile.gif Could be defendable. Plus it's got extra rooms upstairs and a basement. Plenty of room.

Or maybe we could have a couple of places? My pub + someones apartment nearby or something like that? That way we always have a diferent place to fall back to if one of them gets over run.

I guess it really depends on how much money people have left over after character creation. I seem to have a hell of a lot left over right now. I could drop it to get more skill points, but if we need a place, i'll keep it to make the place good.

Anyways, let me know if this sounds good.
Frater Inominatus
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Gnat is done. It felt really weird making an alternate reality version of an existing character. wobble.gif

If my math is correct, I still have 4 build points left over, which I'll delay spending until I see what skills the team still needs after all is said and done.

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Thanks for the well formatted easy to read sheet there scoundrel. smile.gif
Reign Maker
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20 Questions

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Sorry in advance for the back ground, just saw toaday was the last day for charecters so kinda rushed it, hope the 20 questions answers it enough. upsidedown.gif
Hey Sphynx! Poor, poor Slinky... nyahnyah.gif

I'll cobble together a character, but as you'll recall it takes me a month of Sunday's to do that. If I have something worth posting before your deadline you'll see it. If not - please give my space to another, seen a bunch of cool concepts.

The concept is pretty awesome. And for you folks who get in, hang on to your butts. Sphynx runs an intense game.
Time up. Only people accepted now are those that have a character posted in 24 hours, that have already shown an interest.

Characters thus far:

John Locke: Orcan Street Samarai with exceptional Strength and Body and moving at 9+5D6 in combat. Includes a smart link and a pair of Cyber Spurs that have been Dikoted (I need the character re-posted in a readable format please, and please include prices, so I know how much you paid for things like Dokoting of Cyberspurs please)

Nick Hagvas: Orcan Street Samurai with high Strength and Body and an Exceptional Quickness and moving at 13+3D6 in combat. Includes SmartLink and far too much ammo. (Gonna have to knock most of that out)

Eric Graves: Human Mage. I think we'll want to work a bit on this one. Force 2 Mana and Stun bolts can be blown off by most average joes, spirits aren't even going to notice them. I'm a bit afraid he's going to find alot of his spells useless. I'd actually recommend going Sorcerer or Elementalist and try to pump up the spell list some, maybe some exclusives or fetish oriented spells to save on spell points.

Nathaniel Trick: Human Adept/Face. Incredible skill with a pistol, but lacking a smartlink. Personal recommendation is to get a smartlink and some other minor cyber, and I will allow you to Geas it with the Exclusive Geas (your choice on what's exclusive). Just a recommendation, otherwise the least skilled guys with the SmartLinks will outperform.

(Working off-board with ES_Sparky, will share that character as we finish. wink.gif)

Again, minimal time left to post a character sheet if you've not done one yet. It doesn't have to be complete, just enough so we know where you're going, after all, we've a couple weeks to iron out the numbers.

Looks good guys, as ES said, hold on to your bungholes, Sphynx makes it a wild ride.

Sadly Im going to bow out, if I couldent find time to crunch some numbers this weekend, its not gonna happen.
Reign Maker
Ok sir, Ill cut 100 ex explosive shot gun shells and the 40 gel shells.. saving me 1,120 nuyen.gif um i guess ill take that as provisions at the house... were expecting triplets so diapers, cribs, formula, bottles toys and such. I know thats probabley included in a High lifestyle just we got extra from the baby shower.
Sorry I didn't come in under the wire. Newborn twins and all. Somehow I am not surprised. Sad for me. frown.gif
Just post a character Jrayjoker. nyahnyah.gif
Hiya Sphynx, sorry, didn't know you wanted the character shhet right away. I though you wanted it after you chose who was going to play. I have it ready though and will post it this afternoon.

Sphynx: In order to get enough money for a smartlink, I'll have to shave off 5 points and move up a resource category. Since smartlinks are so cheap and have such a low availability, I figured I'll just pick one up in game.
QUOTE (Sphynx)
Characters thus far:

John Locke: Orc Street Samarai with exceptional Strength and Body and moving at 9+5D6 in combat. Includes a smart link and a pair of Cyber Spurs that have been Dikoted (I need the character re-posted in a readable format please, and please include prices, so I know how much you paid for things like Dokoting of Cyberspurs please)

It is in a readable format. Just save it to your computer as a .htm file, and then open it with My Computer.

As for how much he paid for the dikoted spurs, it was the cost of the spurs + the cost of the dikote.
It's not in a readable format. We use the forums to check up on characters, a readable format on-the-forum allows us to not cut and paste everytime someone makes a change (and makes for easier reading).

What is "the cost of the dikote"? Dikote is paid for per 100 cm2. That's about a 4x4 inch area. Curious to see how many square cm the spurs came to. nyahnyah.gif

On Metric - (correct me if I'm wrong, but) 100cm square is 1m square. 100mm square would be more like 4"x4".

On posting your PC stats - For those of you with only rough backgrounds and sheets who are thinking of bowing out - the next week or so, Sphynx will help you get stuff hammered into shape. He's a mechanics wiz, and will help anyone who needs it/asks for it. Just get em posted and we can start working our stuff together.

mallet - As long as your pub has a jazz night I'm in! Will post my PC soonish. Gotta cobble at least an outline of her BG together. I will have a significant chunk of cash to throw to the team HQ also.

I haven't read all the backgrounds - but what if we were all in mallet's character's pub when It All Went To Drek. ?? Thoughts?
100cm square is 10x10 cm (roughly 4x4 inches), after all this is refined diamond, it wouldn't be that cheap by the square meter. wink.gif

100 square centimeters is 4"x4"

100 centimeters squared is 1m

Though I never made the distinction before.

Which is it in the books?

I'd say one application per set of claws would probably do the trick. Especially if you consider that the company making the claws probably gets a deal on Dikoting because of the bulk. Or, what passes for 'bulk' in the dikote business.
Reign Maker
Maybe his spurs are single piercing blades, like 8 inches long and 2 wide .5 inches thick .... wouldn't it depend on the manufacture of the spurs and how much he filed them down to make them jagged and wicked looking cyber.gif before he got them dikoteed.... I only ever worry about the cost of dikote for swords, armor, and vehicles. And I only paid 1,000 extra on each of my weapons so if i need to pay extra for the extendable baton I have spare cred just tell me how much.
Ok, here is the sheet for Mike Hennessy:

[ Spoiler ]

Any questions just PM or post.

I hope I'm still in time. I've been reading the thread here but haven't posted yet. As for your prerequisite, I can easily post as often as required in your first post and others can attest on that. Is there room for one more character??

I was considering to play an ex shooting instructor for Lone Star. The kind of guy that has 12 different types of firearms behind glass doors in his home (his personnal collection), not counting all of his hunting, training and work arsenals. Basically a weapon specialist of sort. He would have a wife and a young daughter he wants to find back. Was thinking of making him an adept maybe (although probably with a smartlink II because it's so damn good).

Would that be okay ?
QUOTE (mallet)
nuyen.gif on hand: 718,500

QUOTE (scoundrel)
QUOTE (mallet)
nuyen.gif on hand: 718,500


Yah, I took the full million, but haven't spent that much of it yet. Waiting to see how much other stuff ends up costing before lowering that (or keeping it.)
Sphynx, are you allowing Aptitude? I was working under the assumption that you're not, but if you are, I've just found out how to spend those four remaining build points. smile.gif
Reign Maker
JESUS!!! I hope that pub is my local neighborhood one!!!! Thats more cash then they put into redoing all the interior of club Penumbra in Seattle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sphynx: I thought that I had posted the version of the sheet that had the gear list included, hence my smart alec remark when you asked me how much I spent on dikote. wobble.gif I feel stupid now.

I'm posting from university at the moment, so I'll finish this up when I get home.

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Oh, and Reign Maker: unless you're planning on putting a trenchcoat or something over that security armor, I'd put Gel Packs in it. At this stage, they don't cost anything (intead, they modify the Street Index and Availabilty, neither of which matter for us at the moment), and they make you armor into Hardened Armor.

Mallet, please tell me some of the money you spent on the bar was spen on SOTA defense systems. Like smart turrets around the perimeter. I think that you could represent your bar as a permanent lifestyle, possibly customized by the rules in the Sprawl Survival Guide.
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