Jun 23 2005, 12:13 AM
150k? No way!
You're looking at 900k easy, just to start.
A good reason to divide the dropped players sheets among the remaining players. I don't agree with Kiedo, who is in many games and doesn't cross post - neither do I, and neither do you. I don't think we'd be confused, and I do think that we are all good enough gamers that we could play 'fair' - not prefering 'my' character over the adopted one(s).
My .02
< edit >
Oops, anyone want to ADOPT an ADEPT?
Jun 23 2005, 12:27 AM
I'd prefer not to play multiple characters...I'm already out of my area of expertise playing a rigger...don't need to add to my list of questions.
Jun 23 2005, 12:38 AM
Sorry, that may have come across as a rant – it wasn’t meant to be.
You have a valid point, and if you don’t want to hassle with more than one character I don’t have a problem with it. I think Kiedo has already voiced an opinion on it.
From Sledge’s point-of-view, a chopper is near indispensable. It could provide insertion, fire-support, and extraction. Beats having to hump it in and back out, and the immediate verification of the accuracy of your support fire and recon intel is not to be overlooked.
Perhaps we could pool some money for a chopper?
Jun 23 2005, 12:49 AM
If we had money to pool.
Compound that with the fact that I've never seen a combat helicopter in the range that players can afford survive more than 3 rounds of combat without expending more than it's value in missiles.
Jun 23 2005, 12:51 AM
Of course, could have the best of both worlds with the heavy artillery piece as the troop transport, with the chopper remote controlled, providing it's sensor information and ready to pick us up at a moments notice.
Jun 23 2005, 12:59 AM
*wonders why missles are so expensive when my howitzer rounds cost at most 3k*
Guess it's a big jump from 4 light naval damage to 8 medium naval and higher.
Then again. *wonders at the comparison between light naval and regular deadly* Still seems like there's some costs off somewhere... perhaps I shouldn't be mentioning this, lest it turns against me...
Jun 23 2005, 02:06 AM
Whizbang as a former Aviation Ordnance man i can answer your question....guidance and control groups on missles are expensive without them they are "dumb fire" or plainly called rockets. The missle also is different from a rocket in its payload delivery...rocket hits and explodes, air to air missle doesnt impact it expells its payload in the vicinity.Air to ground missles are varied by type.
Jun 23 2005, 07:50 AM
So what do we still have, as far as characters go, Thanatos is coming off nights so I'll talk with him later today. Also, what do we need?
Thomas, I wasn't refering to the player getting confused, I feel that most regular dumpshockers could handle ten characters. What I was thinking about when I said it, i was refering to the reader. unless you have a little "this is a" or "this is B", before everything you type, it would make it very hard to distiguish between what character you were posting as.
It could also give way to munchkinism, which nobody likes, unless your a munchkin:
Pierce scans the horizon looking for snipers.
Jeff stalks through the underbrush sneaking up on a small detactment of enemy forces.
Suddenly Pierce spots a sniper, with easy view of the detactment that jeff was stalking, trying to communicate, he discovers his Battle-tac battery is dead.
Sensing some type of danger, jeff stays back activating his ruthenium cloak.
That's just a sample and blatantly obvious, it also could easily be done by two seperate characters, but still a situation like that could happen. Or they might try to use thier "adopted" character as a metahuman shield...
Jun 26 2005, 05:24 AM
OK, Sledge already has a Medkit rating 8, two each of Antidote, Tranq, and Stim patches, and three Trauma patches.
Looking at the Karma costs for skills, he could get Biotech: First Aid at 4: 7 for 29 points – would that be good for a non-magical medic?
Any suggestions for gear/skills? – with costs please.
Jul 6 2005, 08:49 PM
I've got the bugs worked out so...roll call
Name and specialty please.
Jul 6 2005, 09:33 PM
David 'Sledge' Hammer - Merc (so far)
Jul 6 2005, 10:36 PM
The Panther - Shaman Warrior
Jul 6 2005, 11:41 PM
haven't made any karma editions thus far...
Johnny Reb - vehicle and drone rigger
Jul 6 2005, 11:52 PM
I'll be filling the left over spaces on the roster with npc's . Hoping Echo and Kiedo are still in.And Thanos......
Jul 7 2005, 07:53 AM
Specter - Sniper/ghost recon
Question, since your NPCing out the empty slots do we still need to add the karma, because I wasn't quiet sure which direction to take Specter...
Jul 7 2005, 12:34 PM
Riparius - recon/indiginous resource management
Jul 7 2005, 03:17 PM
Good the roster is filling out nicely. Hope to see Echo and is Thanos still interested Kiedo?
Jul 11 2005, 04:50 PM
Just letting people know that I'm heading out on vacation this evening. Should be back sometime around the 20th.
Jul 11 2005, 10:06 PM
thanatos is still interested, if you could re send him your email.
Jul 20 2005, 07:01 PM
I'm still interested if there's still a game to be had.
Sorry for the absence until now, though.
Jul 20 2005, 07:41 PM
Yo, I'm still around and interested.
Jul 27 2005, 01:44 PM
OK, Sledge has already tossed one slacker overboard…
Don’t make me come over there…
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