Jun 4 2005, 07:22 PM
LinkDisclaimer #1: No, it's not me. The guy's a Canadian expat.
Disclaimer #2: It's not Adam, either.
Disclaimer #3: Nor Ada.
Crimsondude 2.0
Jun 4 2005, 07:42 PM
I ain't sayin' nuthin'
Jun 4 2005, 08:07 PM
Wow, someone created an online journal for what appears to be the express purpose of calling Shadowrun 4th Editon's detractors "swine". How thoughtful and constructive.
That... that's just swell.
Jun 4 2005, 08:13 PM
Naw, he's also grumping about Green Ronin.

[A few factual/historic mistakes in his SR post too, but I think all of us can spot them easily enough, and they don't really impact on his premise and conclusion.]
Jun 4 2005, 08:17 PM
I'd actually write up a detailed and strong countargument for the things he stated, on the journal, but I have made it a policy of mine to never put any work into posts on blogs. The ability of the owner to delete comments permits just the sort of censorship that everyone complains about, but the majority of people gleefully employ when they possess the means. I've had one too many well-formed arguments deleted because it's easier to hit a button than to address my points.
I'm sure nothing that's posted in response to that blog entry, on the actual blog, will have a long shelf-life if it's not an agreement.
Jun 4 2005, 08:49 PM
I'd reply, too. But I just don't give a fuck what some jackass posts on his blog, that he can't say directly to anyone's face (such as it is), even on an internet forum.
I mean, I can go say whatever I want about anyone I want over on some livejournal or something -- it doesn't make it true, it just lets me say it where no one can argue or reply meaningfully. Feeding the troll by giving his precious blog attention will just convince him he matters.
Jun 4 2005, 09:13 PM
I'm sure nothing that's posted in response to that blog entry, on the actual blog, will have a long shelf-life if it's not an agreement. |
I don't think he'll remove "negative" criticism, as the guy seems to love debating. IIRC, they banned him from for being *too* argumentative against WoD or something like that. Last thing I heard, he was pissing off Steve Kenson at the Blue Rose forums.
EDIT: Make that "most people at the Blue Rose forums."
Jun 4 2005, 09:24 PM
Remember that this guy is writing to people who are not the SR diehards. It's his opinion that SR is fading (mine as well), and that it needed updating. The revision excites my players who agree that there needs to be something done about the system to make it better.
We all love the setting, and have played it since the beginng. But with every new edition there have been many problems solved and many created. We all have our opinions about the proposed changes, but we REALLY hope that the rules make it more cinematic feeling.
The reason we play is for fun and enjoyment, and a better feel to the dice mechanic can go a long way to help with that.
Jun 4 2005, 11:09 PM
He's an idiot.
Jun 4 2005, 11:11 PM
QUOTE (Shadow) |
He's an idiot. |
Silence, swine !!
Jun 4 2005, 11:14 PM
QUOTE (JongWK) |
QUOTE | I'm sure nothing that's posted in response to that blog entry, on the actual blog, will have a long shelf-life if it's not an agreement. |
I don't think he'll remove "negative" criticism, as the guy seems to love debating. IIRC, they banned him from for being *too* argumentative against WoD or something like that. Last thing I heard, he was pissing off Steve Kenson at the Blue Rose forums.
Oh god, is that Nisarg? I seriously didn't need to see him in his boxers. x.x
While I don't like all the vitriol against SR4 I see, I wouldn't go to Nisarg for an objective opinion if he were the last man on Earth. He's a troll, nothing more.
Jun 4 2005, 11:13 PM
That's not really for you to say Shadow....let the guy have an opinion of his own. It seems to be the direction that FanPro is going anyway.
Wounded Ronin
Jun 4 2005, 11:19 PM
Or maybe they do realize that, but just don't care. For too many years, Shadowrun has been "their" game, their own private little fantasy world, where their own selfish needs were met. This fear or loathing of the idea of new people actually getting into the game (or more accurately of the game adapting to let new people in, rather than the totally unrealistic and irresponsible idea that people should have to adapt to get into the game) has led to proclamations that the new edition is not Shadowrun, that its being dumbed down, that Fanpro only wants 12-year old D&D kids and doesn't care about its darling long-term customers, etc etc. ad nauseum. Sentiments that only betray the extreme disconnection said fanboys have with the rest of the modern hobby, and their totally undeserved sense of elitism and superiority over those who until now have decided Shadowrun wasn't worth the effort.
This paragraph gets a 10 from me for vehemence and killer instinct. I like this guy's writing style, I really do.
However, people in this forum seem to be pretty knowledgable about other RPG systems, so I don't think that it's correct to say that there's a "disconnection" from "the modern hobby".
Also, how does he know that anyone decided "Shadowrun wasn't worth the effort"? Did he conduct consumer surveys? I didn't think so.
Wow, this guy is the funniest thing since sliced bread! I love his invectives.
In the end, D20 is by far the most popular RPG system around these days; and to the vast vast majority of gamers, "story-based" gaming, metaplot, and all of the flawed theories of the "rpg as art/intellectual achievement" school of pretentious pseudointellectuals had become just so much garbage on the heap of bad RPG ideas.
So awesome...such fun writing.
Jun 4 2005, 11:22 PM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin) |
This paragraph gets a 10 from me for vehemence and killer instinct. I like this guy's writing style, I really do.
However, people in this forum seem to be pretty knowledgable about other RPG systems, so I don't think that it's correct to say that there's a "disconnection" from "the modern hobby".
Also, how does he know that anyone decided "Shadowrun wasn't worth the effort"? Did he conduct consumer surveys? I didn't think so. |
You, sir, smell of pork.
Wounded Ronin
Jun 5 2005, 03:21 AM
Ultimately, based on what this guy has said about Shadowrun and Blue Rose, it seems like what he regards as the most important in a pen and paper RPG is simplicity of rules.
His writing is all from the assumption that simplicity of a system is the end all and be all of gaming. He dosen't, for example, seem to care at all whether a system is more or less realistic.
Also, I think he's ill in the head.
unfortunate tradgedy of Blue Rose having one of the best, most innovative and amazing systems I have ever seen,
From having read the Blue Rose quickstart rules it just seems like stripped-down D20 with a great many of the combat rules removed and the possibility of falling to the dark side ripped off from Star Wars D20. What's so great about it?
Ha ha, I'm this guy's new fan.
Look, he just pwned the whole Blue Rose forum!'s so funny. They're all whining and caterwauling like 4 year olds over him.
Jun 5 2005, 04:42 AM
you know what, i wrote this guy a very scathing remark, but that blasted blog requires you to be a member to post, they can kiss my hoop, i aint joining just to tell someone they're a fragging idiot....deep breaths, deep fact i really wish i had saved it and posted it here, it might open your eyes, i did get rambling for a few but i finally got on track with it and i think i made my points very well
Mr. Man
Jun 5 2005, 05:08 AM
Newsflash: Man Who Hates Shadowrun Enjoys Seeing Angry Shadowrun Fans
Future headline: Man Who Hates Shadowrun Hates SR4, Cites Lack of D20 Similarity
Plastic Rat
Jun 5 2005, 05:13 AM
I could go into a long rant on this guys reasoning, objectivity (or lack thereof) and general self-absorbed idiocy. But I won't.
Because he's an arse. Anyone that can prattle on for several paragraphs about something they've quite clearly stated they know very little about just isn't worth arguing with. I mean "the revolutionary advent of D20"? Where do you even start?
The answer is don't. Leave him. Let him live in his little world with all the other self-engrossed prats and let them think they're still part of an intelectual minority.
Oink. Oink.
Jun 5 2005, 05:20 AM
QUOTE (Bomber) |
That's not really for you to say Shadow....let the guy have an opinion of his own. It seems to be the direction that FanPro is going anyway. |
Oh I didn't call him an idiot because of his opinion. I called him an idiot cause the first thing he says is that he "never really liked or played Shadowrun. The Setting is okay but I didn't like the rules."
It's one thing to hear someone give an opinion about something that they are knowledgable about, another to have some idiot who doesn't know anything about Shadowrun give it.
His history is wrong, his 'facts' are wrong and I can't give anyone credit for that. As Adam said, he's a troll.
Jun 5 2005, 05:30 AM
having read his posts in the blue rose forum and in the True 20 forum i have to agree, they guy is a troll and an unmitigated 4$$, and three of my points to him were thus:
if you like the setting but dont like the system then dont play
if you like the system but dont like the setting then dont play
if you dont play keep your mouth shut you have no room to talk about the game
Jun 5 2005, 05:52 AM
QUOTE (Adam @ Jun 4 2005, 03:13 PM) |
[A few factual/historic mistakes in his SR post too, but I think all of us can spot them easily enough, and they don't really impact on his premise and conclusion.] |
You mean this part?
...gradually losing players until all that's left is two guys in "elven decker" cosplay outfits talking about neotokyo... |
The mistake is obvious, it should be "lesbian immortal elf decker".

Ha ha, I'm this guy's new fan.
Look, he just pwned the whole Blue Rose forum!
That's so funny. They're all whining and caterwauling like 4 year olds over him. |
No kidding. For a guy that hasn't even posted here look how many people's cornflakes he managed to piss in.

EDIT: Or maybe he posted here after all. You live down the street from him JongWK?
Demonseed Elite
Jun 5 2005, 11:15 AM
*shrugs* It's all opinion. If I agree with him anywhere, it's that the "unwashed masses" fear is total crap. It is possible to make Shadowrun a widely-popular game and also a good game; making it widely-popular does not mean you need to water it down.
The idea that FanPro wants to do that is great. Whether they are doing it right is the big question, but one that can't really be answered yet.
Wounded Ronin
Jun 5 2005, 02:57 PM
QUOTE (warrior_allanon @ Jun 5 2005, 12:30 AM) |
having read his posts in the blue rose forum and in the True 20 forum i have to agree, they guy is a troll and an unmitigated 4$$, and three of my points to him were thus:
if you like the setting but dont like the system then dont play
if you like the system but dont like the setting then dont play
if you dont play keep your mouth shut you have no room to talk about the game |
I dunno, dude. I really, really liked his comments about the Blue Rose "magic deer." They were so much fun to read.
Why all the hate for this guy? I think he's a lot of fun.
I wouldn't call him a troll...if he isn't serious than it would be more accurate to call him a gimmick. Either way, what's the purpose in calling him an "ass" just because he dislikes Blue Rose, SR, and people who play Vampire? He writes about it in an extremely funny way.
Jun 5 2005, 03:19 PM
That guy has no idea what SR is, was, or will be. He is in no place to comment intelligently on anything surrounding SR, other than the supposed "swine" who are fighting to save SR from it's own "progress".
Jun 5 2005, 03:50 PM
QUOTE (Plastic Rat) |
Because he's an arse. Anyone that can prattle on for several paragraphs about something they've quite clearly stated they know very little about just isn't worth arguing with. I mean "the revolutionary advent of D20"? Where do you even start? |
Actually, d20/OGL was a pretty damn smart idea from a business point of view.
One of the guys behind it stated clearly in the months prior to the release that basically, nearly all RPG sales end up in the long run contributing to increasing the sales of the dominant game in the market (someone buys Earthdawn, can't find anyone to play it with, settles for still playing a fantasy RPG, and joins a D&D group) so they designed the system from the ground up to encourage this effect.
It's up there with Steve Jackson getting people to buy GURPS supplements when the majority of them weren't even playing the game...
Jun 5 2005, 11:19 PM
EDIT: Or maybe he posted here after all. You live down the street from him JongWK? |
Actually, he lives 2-3 kilometers from my home, and about 5 blocks from my grandparent's. He's quite an interesting guy once you get to know him outside a forum.
BTW, that's a picture of Hunter S. Thompson.
Jun 6 2005, 02:43 AM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin) |
I dunno, dude. I really, really liked his comments about the Blue Rose "magic deer." They were so much fun to read. |
Except for the fact that his comments were flatly wrong. He just hates the setting in its entirety, for personal/political reasons.
Why all the hate for this guy? I think he's a lot of fun.
I wouldn't call him a troll...if he isn't serious than it would be more accurate to call him a gimmick. Either way, what's the purpose in calling him an "ass" just because he dislikes Blue Rose, SR, and people who play Vampire? He writes about it in an extremely funny way. |
Do you consider it "fun" and "funny" when someone intentionally comes into forums for the explicit purpose of pushing people's buttons to make them angry? As well as blatantly violating forum rules, posting direct personal attacks (and denying they were personal attacks), and generally pushing a "my political views are the only right ones, and you're wrong for playing a game that disagrees with my views" agenda?
He's a troll. Even after practically demanding a separate forum for BR's ruleset (True 20) so he could avoid the setting, and getting it, he stayed in the setting forum just to belittle it and the people who enjoy it. It's the same MO no matter what forum he's in. He's been banned from for it, as well as a few other places.
Wounded Ronin
Jun 6 2005, 03:06 AM
QUOTE (Kesh) |
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Jun 5 2005, 05:57 AM) | I dunno, dude. I really, really liked his comments about the Blue Rose "magic deer." They were so much fun to read. |
Except for the fact that his comments were flatly wrong. He just hates the setting in its entirety, for personal/political reasons.
Well, I'm not familiar with the Blue Rose setting. Is there no magic deer?
Do you consider it "fun" and "funny" when someone intentionally comes into forums for the explicit purpose of pushing people's buttons to make them angry? As well as blatantly violating forum rules, posting direct personal attacks (and denying they were personal attacks), and generally pushing a "my political views are the only right ones, and you're wrong for playing a game that disagrees with my views" agenda?
I dunno, I find that funny. Like, look at Kungfools at That is *the* reason he goes there, and as a result he's entertaining. You can even butt heads with him in debate if you want.
I don't see why the aforementioned behavior upsets people. If you know someone is being a gimmick or a troll, why is that bothersome? Either ignore them, or play with them by debating them.
He's a troll. Even after practically demanding a separate forum for BR's ruleset (True 20) so he could avoid the setting, and getting it, he stayed in the setting forum just to belittle it and the people who enjoy it. It's the same MO no matter what forum he's in. He's been banned from for it, as well as a few other places.
I think that people are just being extremely over sensitive towards him.
Crimsondude 2.0
Jun 6 2005, 05:29 AM
QUOTE (JongWK) |
BTW, that's a picture of Hunter S. Thompson. |
How dare he.
Jun 6 2005, 11:24 AM
QUOTE (Crimsondude 2.0 @ Jun 6 2005, 12:29 AM) |
QUOTE (JongWK @ Jun 5 2005, 05:19 PM) | BTW, that's a picture of Hunter S. Thompson. |
How dare he.
How dare he what? Acknowledge upfront that his style is over-the-top, acrid, confrontational, rude and subjective and suppositily alcohol and nicotine fueled? Or you mean Hunter S. Thompson was always right and he is so damn wrong? Hunter S. Thompson was no flawless oracle, and sadly it only requires a review of this single thread to see how close to home the guy hits at times.

Sentiments that only betray the extreme disconnection said fanboys have with the rest of the modern hobby, and their totally undeserved sense of elitism and superiority over those who until now have decided Shadowrun wasn't worth the effort. |
An entertaining spectacle with artistic license and a smattering of insight. What do you think Hunter S. Thompson was about?
Jun 7 2005, 12:46 AM
Hunter S. Thompson was at best, a crack-pot. But at the same time, a damn funny crack-pot. People who comment on politics, current events, the media, etc., and put some satire in it are great entertainers for those of us who like that type comedy.
I happen to be a fanboy of nasty starists.
Jun 7 2005, 05:14 AM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Jun 5 2005, 06:06 PM) |
Well, I'm not familiar with the Blue Rose setting. Is there no magic deer? |
There is a "magic deer." All it does is oversee who can and can not become part of the government, by sensing whether or not they are "corrupt." If you listen to Nisarg, the deer is an absolute dictator with the powers of Superman that could cleanse the whole planet of evil, but doesn't, but would turn everyone into pink happy gay communist fairies with no free will of their own if it did.
So, yeah. he's wrong.

I dunno, I find that funny. Like, look at Kungfools at That is *the* reason he goes there, and as a result he's entertaining. You can even butt heads with him in debate if you want.
I don't see why the aforementioned behavior upsets people. If you know someone is being a gimmick or a troll, why is that bothersome? Either ignore them, or play with them by debating them. |
The trouble is, you can't ignore him. He goes out of his way to press people's buttons, make flatly wrong claims, and then attack anyone who tries to correct him. He doesn't debate, he just argues pointlessly.
Also, folks don't always know Nisarg (especially when he uses a sock puppet account, which he has done from time to time on How are they expected to ignore him?
I think that people are just being extremely over sensitive towards him. |
Sensitive? No. Just really, really damn tired of his asshole nature pissing in everyone's pool.
Wounded Ronin
Jun 7 2005, 05:00 PM
QUOTE (Kesh) |
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Jun 5 2005, 06:06 PM) | Well, I'm not familiar with the Blue Rose setting. Is there no magic deer? |
There is a "magic deer." All it does is oversee who can and can not become part of the government, by sensing whether or not they are "corrupt." If you listen to Nisarg, the deer is an absolute dictator with the powers of Superman that could cleanse the whole planet of evil, but doesn't, but would turn everyone into pink happy gay communist fairies with no free will of their own if it did. So, yeah. he's wrong. |
Heh, you know what's funny? When I read your paragraph, I immediately thought of Lord British.
Anyway, from how you described the deer, it still sounds like a deus ex machina to make sure that everyone in the government has Lawful Good alignment; it sounds like a flawless Detect Alignment casting machine.
Now, I'm not saying that that in and of itself makes a setting bad. It depends on the type of game that you want to play; in a "classic" D&D game there would be no problem in casting Detect Alignment right and left, so it's obviously something that a lot of campaigns would have no problem with.
So, yeah, you're right. That dosen't necessarily mean there's a bad setting. But, I do think that Nisarg is sort of right in pointing out that it seems like a deus ex machina to ensure certain conditions in the game world.
I The trouble is, you can't ignore him. He goes out of his way to press people's buttons, make flatly wrong claims, and then attack anyone who tries to correct him. He doesn't debate, he just argues pointlessly.
I dunno, that just dosen't seem like a big deal to me. I deal with people like that all the time, and have fun butting heads with them when I feel energetic enough.
Also, folks don't always know Nisarg (especially when he uses a sock puppet account, which he has done from time to time on How are they expected to ignore him?
They could just ignore anyone who they feel consistiently makes posts that are so extreme they couldn't possibly be serious.
Sensitive? No. Just really, really damn tired of his asshole nature pissing in everyone's pool.
My pool must be a golden treasure trove of urine, then. I dunno, it just dosen't bother me.
Jun 7 2005, 07:18 PM
Ok, for those who read the blog today, I'm going to pre-empt the obvious questions:
-Yes, they banned me from
-Yes, I've tried contacting the Mods there.
-No, they didn't care. As a matter of fact, they banned Uruguay's **entire** IP range. I can't even read the Forums now.
-Yes, it sucks.
Jun 7 2005, 07:59 PM
You tried bouncing through a proxy?
Jun 7 2005, 09:39 PM
Eh ... they banned ALL URUGUAYANS????
Fuckheads. Seriously.
Jun 7 2005, 09:53 PM
Sounds pretty extreme to me. HoG and all that.
Jun 7 2005, 10:14 PM
WTF is wrong with them? They banned an entire country?
Wounded Ronin
Jun 7 2005, 10:20 PM
QUOTE (Penta @ Jun 7 2005, 05:14 PM) |
WTF is wrong with them? They banned an entire country? |
Oh, great. Now they gave Nisarg the honor of having pwned all of Uraguay when it comes to RPGs.
Anyway, the admin sound like real boneheads. They can't deal with a single troll/gimmick so they go ahead and ban a whole country. Pathetic.
They have also demonstrated beyond the shadow of a doubt that they have no damn sense of humor.
Jun 7 2005, 11:01 PM
They have demonstrated they have no goddamn sense. I mean, use the nuclear option because of what - a guy who attacks (viciously) Blue Rose and anyone who disagrees with him? Pardon me? That's not even serious trolling, much less a bannable offense! And certainly no FUCKING reason to ban all Uruguayan IPs!
What this shows to me is that RPGnet is a bunch of fucking racists. I mean, cannot be that more than one gamer is in Uruguay, right, and it's this canadian expat, right? Like, they're all coca-chewing indian heathen idiots and scoundrels down there. And coca chewer mafioso hoodlums can't play RPGs, so banning all of Uruguay is safe, since all Uruguayan users are this guy's aliases anyway. Fuck them.
Gah. This is revolting.
hahah. i remember all of south korea getting banned from dumpshock, at one point.
Crimsondude 2.0
Jun 8 2005, 03:50 AM
Good times.
Jun 8 2005, 03:51 AM
Seriously use a proxy they can't stop you.
they'd have just banned the proxy. that game gets old after a while, and even through the military-induced haze of rage, i could sense that it might not be worth it.
Jun 8 2005, 04:05 AM
QUOTE (Penta @ Jun 7 2005, 05:14 PM) |
WTF is wrong with them? They banned an entire country? |
That's not at all an uncommon response. Well, with one exception: usually it's done in response to widespread spamming and/or DDOS/DOS attacks. Doing it for one person, if that's indeed what they did (and assuming he wasn't operating a botnet), is both unusual and just plain idiotic.
QUOTE (hermit) |
What this shows to me is that RPGnet is a bunch of fucking racists. |
You have clearly never been a sysadmin.
Jun 8 2005, 05:23 AM
I'm glad no one ever gets banned from anywhere but
Oh, wait.
Jun 8 2005, 05:49 AM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin) |
Heh, you know what's funny? When I read your paragraph, I immediately thought of Lord British.
Anyway, from how you described the deer, it still sounds like a deus ex machina to make sure that everyone in the government has Lawful Good alignment; it sounds like a flawless Detect Alignment casting machine.
Now, I'm not saying that that in and of itself makes a setting bad. It depends on the type of game that you want to play; in a "classic" D&D game there would be no problem in casting Detect Alignment right and left, so it's obviously something that a lot of campaigns would have no problem with.
So, yeah, you're right. That dosen't necessarily mean there's a bad setting. But, I do think that Nisarg is sort of right in pointing out that it seems like a deus ex machina to ensure certain conditions in the game world. |
The trick is, it's part of the genre.
Blue Rose is made to emulate "romantic fantasy" novels, where there usually is an absolute good, "natural" group vs. an absolute evil, "unnatural" group. Aldis (the kingdom in question), is the former.
So, basically yes, the "magic deer" is a DEM. But, it's a DEM that fits the genre the game was
made to emulate, so Nisarg just comes off as a pretentious jerk by constantly attacking it in the game's own forums. It's kinda like attacking Shadowrun for having megacorporations, repeatedly, on Dumpshock. You could easily rip the megacorps out of the game if you wanted, but it's kinda pointless to constantly rip into other people who like having Ares and S-K in SR.

As to the rest, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I just can't see the point in wanting to annoy other people in a public space, but maybe I'm strange that way.
Jun 8 2005, 05:54 AM
QUOTE (hermit) |
They have demonstrated they have no goddamn sense. I mean, use the nuclear option because of what - a guy who attacks (viciously) Blue Rose and anyone who disagrees with him? Pardon me? That's not even serious trolling, much less a bannable offense! And certainly no FUCKING reason to ban all Uruguayan IPs! |
When it comes to Nisarg, taking off and nuking the site from orbit is the only way to be sure.

Seriously, though, I'm sorry Jong got caught up in that. Unfortunately, Nis has a habit of sock-puppetry, so I guess the admins are a bit trigger happy when they suspect him coming back.
And, for the record, Nisarg got banned well before
Blue Rose ever came out. He was just
that bad with everything else.
Jun 8 2005, 07:45 AM
Oh. Well still, saying "gee, it's some backwater country, we can just ban all of it" is highly stupid. Besides, considering the sometimes very personal flamefests triggered by the SR4 fanboy/anti-SR4 camps here, it seems like an overreaction.
And yes, I have administered a Forum - still do, as a matter of fact. Not RPGnet-sized, granted, but it still has 3000-odd members and about 100 regular posters. But banning all of, say, Denmark, because of an annoying Dane member, is a bit over the top, to put it mildly. For massive attacks, okay, but for asshole things posted? Please.
Jun 8 2005, 10:27 AM
You can only hope that no american or german citizens annoys you