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Thomas: You detect no deceit from the Johnson. He is being as forthcoming as he can be.

You want a 10,000¥ advance, on top of the 30 he's promised?

A return flight ticket from Sea-Tac to Barajas in Madrid is 1500¥ a person. The cost of bribery is up to you... smile.gif
Basically, yes.
Mr. J is free to counter offer, threaten or whatever, after all, he has all the firepower. frown.gif
He could, for example, agree to 10k up-front and 20k to each runner on the return of one or more of the items, whatever.
SR13 - Just a clarification; Aside from the already posted 10k a head payroll increase, Chris has raised no other pay issues. He has merely given contact info – not the sort of account (unless you rule otherwise) that one would send money to – think anonymous e-mail remailer.
Ah, thanks for that. I've clarified my post. Hope it makes more sense now. smile.gif

I too have clarified my post.

Shadow - Chris is asking Raven for her phone number. If you/she want to decline that's between you and your character.

SR13 - So, what does Chris make of the troll - is he truthful?
Thomas, as per the Johnson, he is being honest, as far as you can tell, but you know he's hiding something.

Rolled for Per, The roll generator is being good to me today.

17 14 04 01
So, how many credsticks does it take to make a fistful for a troll?
A fella could have a pretty good time in Vegas with that… biggrin.gif

I’ll assume 10 sticks at 5k each – that fits in with my idea of what a fistful is.
SR13, did you get my PM? I'll need to be making those posts soon.
The 10 sticks of 5 is fine. Yes, I got the PM. Go ahead and start making your pre-run plans. smile.gif

Please feel free to run the show guys... you guys are planning this second meeting, so it's all you. smile.gif

I’m waiting to see how you folks RP getting into the hotel. wink.gif
Chris is just waiting for the others to show up. (For him it’s about 8:50.)
I am waiting outside the meet place. I was going to wait for everyone else to catch up before continuing.
Ok everone is present.... anyone have any ideas?
so far I've only seen 3 people show up at the meeting. what happened to everyone else?
Not sure... we had five...

Shadow; Are you sure that you really want to take another two credsticks?
Did I already take two? Oh yeah, in the car smile.gif oops. Well I guess if the other guys never showed up...

Post edited.

I say we give whoever another day to post and then carry on without them and just assume the characters decided to say no to the job.
SR13 – it’s your turn now. biggrin.gif
Could you give us a brief overview of the weapons policies that we need to be concerned about?
SR13, Does Raven know of any sporting events happening in the spanish alps that she could use as a cover to go on a comercial flight?
SR13: Is the info from Shadows of Europe general knowledge or at least easily found online? Cause I just read up on Gijon as I was going to bed and it made me get up to post, cause DAMN! A city under attack from the local forest growing at a supernatural rate, with paranormal critters at every turn and gangs running the show! W00t!

The Lat/Long would be an east lookup, where do they point on a map?
Sorry about not posting yesterday... didn't have my notes...

The weapon policies in Spain are similar to those in Seattle, though more on the strict side. Spain has a national police force (unlike the contracted force in Seattle) which has multiple levels of response. Shadowrunners, if discovered, manage to bypass the street cops and go to the second tier. Public display of weapons are not a good idea.

With the 64 Olympics approaching, the Spanish National team are practicing assorted sports across the country. The biathalon training is happening in the Pyrenees in Northern Spain.

Most of the events in SoE can be found in newsfaxes fairly easily (especially the major items, such as the crisis with the Royal Family and the Asturias Forest).

The latitiude and longtitude point to the largest island of Palma da Mallorca, off the Mediterranean coast of Barcelona.
Guys, I'm off for the weekend. Over worked and over stressed. A buddy invited me up to his cabin for the weekend to get away from things for a few days. I'll post when I get back.
Sorry for my absence, I was abruptly tasked out to do a Win2k to Win Xp migration. Professionally it is a lot of fun smile.gif but I have little to no access to my games. I will try to catch up and post today. But I suspect this will go on through Friday. Sorry frown.gif
Not that this game could progress much slower, but I am getting the keys to my house tomorrow and will be moving over the next few days. My ability to post will be greatly reduced.

Since this second meet is all you guys, feel free to post in my absence.
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