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Cynic project
QUOTE (hermit)
Yes, *one* Runner haven, of *many*, though. Hague, Hong Kong, Metropole, and a couple of other sprawls are explicitly mentioned as being other Shadowrunner havens of a similar scale.

Here is the big diffrance i the real World Seattle is a second tir US city on the pacific cost now. In shdaowrun, they changed the whole power structure of the US western sea board to make it what it is today. Note the area in witch Saito controls has 2 cities with ports on the scale of Seatle's port, has 5 cities that are just bigger. But these cities were swept under the rug so to speak.

I would love for Seattle not to be the center of the world, but the books seem hell bent on it being that way.

If you want to break that idea, you should do so in small steps. let people see what the world is like around the it. I mean, there are over 400,000,000 people on NA if you count Aztlan, around 15 countries, with at least 5 types of goverments that aren't anything like each other. NA is not just the US and friends any more. I mean Mexico, is the UN Surity council
It's a nuclear power too, has SOTA forces, is heavily industrialised and pretty well developed in SR. Too bad it's also the Realm of Evil™.
QUOTE (hermit)
Yes, *one* Runner haven, of *many*, though. Hague, Hong Kong, Metropole, and a couple of other sprawls are explicitly mentioned as being other Shadowrunner havens of a similar scale.

In Metropole's case, I'd remind people that we're talking about a sprawl with 200 million people. Think of its shadow community's size. wobble.gif
QUOTE (hermit)
Too bad it's also the Realm of Evil™.

Luckily the only one. wink.gif
In Metropole's case, I'd remind people that we're talking about a sprawl with 200 million people. Think of its shadow community's size.

Ah, I knew the 20 million mentioned in my SSG was a typo. smile.gif After all, there never has been a genocide of that magniture mentioned in any book. Amazonia is bad, but I recon not *that* bad.

Luckily the only one.

Heh. Well, maybe pre-Kid Emperor Japan ... but yes.
QUOTE (hermit)
In Metropole's case, I'd remind people that we're talking about a sprawl with 200 million people. Think of its shadow community's size.

Ah, I knew the 20 million mentioned in my SSG was a typo. smile.gif After all, there never has been a genocide of that magniture mentioned in any book. Amazonia is bad, but I recon not *that* bad.

Luckily the only one.

Heh. Well, maybe pre-Kid Emperor Japan ... but yes.

Semi OT, but what page is Metropole mentioned on? I'm not the best at finding things.
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