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"danger no no, just some adventure." he then looks over to the bartender and orders an other round then turns back. "So what has keep you all the way down here for so long you have a running tab? I mean Halley's base isn't that bad for a remote city of sorts, but I wouldn't want to live here for vary long." then will finish out his first drink.

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"No nothing wrong at all. I was just saying, a pretty gal like you shouldn't be cooped up in a small city like this. You should be having the time of you life in a big city with clubs and bars on every corner. But I digress, this place isn't so bad so far from what I’ve seen and if you like it and it's solitude that’s just fine with me.”

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"When I find someone to go out there with. I'm looking for a guide of some sort. I don't want to get totaly lost and freez to death or anything so will need someone who knows what they are doing alittle atleast if you know what i mean."

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" Well I'm looking for a little longer adventure then a small excursion and i have my own gear so if you wouldn't mind introducing me to you guide friend I would be in your debt."

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"I could try and talk to Trent for ya."

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"I should be getting going. I can't just sit around a bar all day when there is stuff to be done. How will i contact you after i talk to Trent?"

Koe will bow to her pay his tab and say "Talk to you soon My Lady"

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Act III : Reunion

Giles is dead. Ichigo is missing. Justin Blake has undergone a drastic transformation, and recruited two talented new members. Crimson has stepped outside the role of paid help and become something more. With Koe's successful mission and subsequent return from Antartica, the Cleansing White hand now has the funds it desperately needs, and a stock of Orichalcum on hand.

The group's core members, Justin and Koe have grown in power and Koe has redeemed himself of a recent mistake.

Justin, Koe, and Eliza

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