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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Can anyone point me in the direction of a full list of SR3 equipment (gear/weapons/cyber/etc) ? My current campaign (when it is running) starts in 2050 and I'm planning to slowly run through most of the material following a string of characters through everything (ambitious, eh?)

So basically, I was hoping to find an already compiled list of 'stuff' that I can markup for my own use to indicate when various items become available over the possible 15+ year span of the campaign.
Herald of Verjigorm
The closest I can point you to are the dat files for NSRCG. It will direct you to the book and page number where you can try to find out the information you seek.
Have you tried wordman's site? It may be there.
QUOTE (brennanhawkwood)
Can anyone point me in the direction of a full list of SR3 equipment (gear/weapons/cyber/etc) ? My current campaign (when it is running) starts in 2050 and I'm planning to slowly run through most of the material following a string of characters through everything (ambitious, eh?)

So basically, I was hoping to find an already compiled list of 'stuff' that I can markup for my own use to indicate when various items become available over the possible 15+ year span of the campaign.

Try searching the forums; it has been done in the last year for the same purpose.
Damn, yeah, who was that? He collated all the gear by year of issue (based on what in-game year the sourcebook it was in came out)
PM me your email and I'll send you a big ass equipment list. It's sorted by source and category, so you should have no trouble picking the SR3 stuff out.
Cool, just did. Thanks.
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