This screams "American". Either this article was written by an American author, or by someone really in touch with US culture. The starting sentences, how he refers to himself as a decent man because he goes to church every sunday ... hell, you'd really be hard pressed to find a European who goes to church once a month, at least in central-northern Europe ... don't know about the South, but at least in France, churches are dying fast, so I guess attendance rates there aren't really high too.
Apart from that observation (which in no way means judgement, mind you!), the tone is good for an organisation that's essentially an anti-meta KKK, right down to the hoods and funny rituals.
Again, this isn't bad. But it shows that Humanis is, essentially, a North American, not a worldwide, actor. It may have chapters in other parts of the world, but the heartland of them is and remains in America.
Humanis gets a lot of coverage, by far more than all others. I'd have appreciated more on other - non-American - organisations of that kind, and especially on Japan, which after all is very, VERY anti-meta too (to the point of operating concentration camps!). Saito would have deserved a mention here, too. All in all, it's tailored to be used in a primarily North American campaign, which is kind of sad, because the rest of the world is just as ripe with racism.
Alamos 20K gets an update too, though without Threats, it's really not as useful. However, the introduction of a Mengele as a replacement for the troll and Nazi is a nice touch. But please, dear authors, don't take that "mad scientist" cliche everywhere. With Halberstram and the Doktor, there's two of these now ... be a bit creative ith the other racists!
Thankfully, there is Human Nation too, which is essentially (as it seems) a worldwide and far-fetched anti-meta conspiracy. From what we can take from the crippled file, they are more vicious, more widespread and more agressive, yet at the same time more secretive, elitist, and powerful than the KKK goons of humanis. It's also heavily invested in Asia, especially Japan, and covers Saito, to. It's also featured in Threats 2. This is the worldwide component, I guess.
Well, nothing terribly new here, really. The humanis bits are taken from Mr. J.'s LBB (upright humanis member contact) and threats, Human nation is a threats update, and so is Alamos 20K. I'd have appreciated a more asian focus there, really, especially with SoA looming.
It is still useful, of course. For runners in NA as well as Europe. But nothing I haven't heared before. So far, the weakest part.
Rating: 5/10
More tomorrow. Tired, need my sleep.