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Digital Heroin
So it seems something somewhere along the supply line has busted, and something fierce. Talked to the guys at my local comic/gaming shop, and they informed me they have no clue when they'll be getting any SR product. By this I mean they can't even get their hands on a copy of SOTA 2064 - I was one of only two lucky bastards in town to get one. I'm of the understanding at least Loose Alliances is out, so I'm scrambling to find a way to get my grubby hands on it.

As much as I like my local shop... ok, the guys there are a bit weird, even to me... I'm desperate enough to buy online. So, I need a recommendation as to where. I'm not overly worried about my card being protected (I can pay the entire limit off in one pay, it's that small, and hell, I buy pr0n with it)... but shipping time is key.

Any ideas?
You can order them direct from FanPro's sales arm at Studio 2 Publishing.

Also, you should sock John Danovich -- -- an email and give him your local store's vital info. He may be able to figure out why they can't get Shadowrun products.
Ancient History

Fast. No hassles. Better to go through your store, but if ye've no other option...
Digital Heroin
Thanks for both the quick replies, and the info. I'll have to consult the directory and see what the shop's actual street address is, since I don't even remember what street it's on. I just know it's a block from the downtown gay bar... though I'm not so sure why I know where that is exactly.

I'll see about sending out that e-mail, and hold off on any ordering until I see what might be the issue. I suspect it might be lazy ordering on the store's part, but I imagine there are any of number of potential bottlenecks between FanPro and them.
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