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Full Version: SRTCG - Shadowrun Trading Card Game
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Anyone still play SRTCG on a regular base?

If it were re-edited, would you purchase some?

If there was a computer software that allow to play it against other people via Internet, would you play it?
No, no, and no. Never got into CCGs
No, perhaps, maybe...
Sorta, yes, and possibly. Was a very entertaining game, but wasn't particularly interesting with only two players.


"Saeder-Krupp has won the game."
I have played WITH them. But somehow I think making card towers out of them dosent count.
If it were just re-released and continued I'd be all over it.
I have a couple of friends who also bought cards and I have two good decks, so we've managed a 5 person game (which takes forever) a couple of times. I enjoy two player play, but 3 or more is where the game really shines. Since I had a hard time getting other people into the Dune CCG, Shadowrun has been my favorite multi-player game.

If the game was re-done, making my previous investment worthless, I would probably skip it, unless it got real popular.

Oh yea, if there was an apprentice type interface available to play online, I'd play. Especially if it had the artwork.
I enjoyed it well enough, but never could get friends together to play CCGs when I wanted to. I still have a few sealed boxes in the closet (decks, boosters and Underworld boosters) that I haven't gotten around to eBaying yet. eek.gif

I recently got a who Box of Starters and a box of boosters. I can't resist a bargin. I played a couple of games with my brother, and we likeked it. unfortunatly, the starters had too much of a mix. Not enough programs for the deckers, not enough spells for the mages. Also unfortuantly, the boosters really didn't have anything new or different in them. A few new cards here and there, but not a great variety. I'm wondering if this is because I got them all from the same box? I was wondering if anybody was ever able to get some good teams together. Gear especially seems to be rare.

Yeah, gear's pretty uncommon. Skwaaark with dual handrazors is a force to be reckoned with, though.

I was thinking about something similar to a lobby with chat rooms to find other players and to create new games (who may or may not be password protected)... After that, you connect on a virtual table where you see your credstick, your trash pile, frag pile, deck and safehouse + objectives and other cards. You can draw cards, discard cards, move cards on the virtual table and you can also chat with the other player(s) and spectators.

In the very first versions, you'll have to manually update your credstick, damage counters and resolve all actions yourself... But I plan adding some automatisms in later releases.

So far, I'm discussing with FanPro about the usage of the artwork.
Will it be possible to play more than 1 on 1?
That really is where the CCG shines. The two player is OK, but it gets much more interesting when there's several factions competing for the same prize.
QUOTE (Bearclaw)
Will it be possible to play more than 1 on 1?
That really is where the CCG shines. The two player is OK, but it gets much more interesting when there's several factions competing for the same prize.

Absolutly! That's a very important point to make this software interesting!

I've got the same opinion as you concerning the fact that SRTCG really shines with 3 or 4 players ... 2 is ok... and more than 4 can be kinda long....

However, I won't put a limit to the number of players in a game as each players control their own safehouse and their own virtual table... You'll be able to look at the virtual safehouse of each players in different windows that you can minimize, tile and so on...
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