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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
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Cedric Rolfsson
Shadow, do you want the actual character sheets now, with Flaws and Edges, and the point breakdown, contact info etc. now?
I don't want the character sheets until I have selected the team. I am going more on the character description you posted, and on you as a player than on what stats you have. Sorry Ecce, I forgot.

[ Spoiler ]
Is this the team that you'll be using, or the people that you will be selecting from?
I guess I should have posted in here that I was submitting Jessie from the old Team game you ran, rather than just tell you in chat.

Cool, I was going to try to submit a different character (I'm a little worried about putting my favourite character into a horror oriented run eek.gif), but since there is a chance to run with her friend Jesse I'll stick with
QUOTE (SlowRain)
Is this the team that you'll be using, or the people that you will be selecting from?

This is the pool.
DuckEggBlue Omega
First up, I haven't played in a long while, and the last time I did it was a forum game here on DS (2 actually, but one didn't start while I was still around), back when everything was brown IIRC, which I bailed on and never got a chance to apologise for (My PC exploded, literally, and I was 8 months without internet access, when I eventually got back the forums were behing overhauled, and I could find no trace of the threads and couldn't remember the names). I'm pointing this out in order to apoligise right now to anyone who might see this, recognise me and be pissed about what happened, I know I wouldn't appreciate someone bailing on a game, but I'd hate for that to pre-emptively lock me out any games. Sorry.

So with that done (and hoping Shadow wasn't involved in those games anyway), I geuss I should ask my question and get to work on a character. What level of professionalism or running experience should the characters have? By that I mean, gangers are intersting and all, but I wouldn't expect a Johnson to hire one for anything too complicated. Would a guy just starting out get hired for this job?
Ninja Please
I'm going on vacation next week and will be without internet access for a while. If the game starts up and I'm not responding, please go ahead and play without me. I'd love to be in on this one, but I might just have to catch the next game.
When are you getting back?
Ol' Scratch
QUOTE (Shadow @ Jul 27 2005, 07:45 PM)
It is unlikely (read: no) that a Troll would be hired for this job. So I should add no huge meta's.

Does that include tall metaraces, like Wakyambi? I was thinking about creating an adept-type character based on a cross between my namesake and the only character I've ever liked from Cowboy Bebop. Or would someone like Cosmo (Menehune Tech-Wiz/Drone Rigger/Otaku) fit in better?
Well I love Cozmo, so I of course would want him in. But a Waky (whatever) would work, but he would be stuped over most of the time. The halls and doors were built to reflect human, near human weight and height.
Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate
I'm looking over the previous posts and wondering if more detail on my character than I gave would be required; I previously thought we should keep it short and concise as per your previous model, but seeing some of these other submissions, I don't want to be caught on the wrong side of the curve, so to speak smile.gif .
Feel free to embellish as much as you want. By no means are your submissions final.
Was Cosmo originally put together for an all-otaku game a while back. I think that I recall him. Matrix Misfits or something like that wink.gif
Digital Heroin
Real Name: Nick Walsh
Former Army Field Engineer

Nick Walsh was the son of an electrical engineer and a metal sculptor, and consequentally spent his childhood around their workshops. While he was a brilliant young man, he was restless and got in no small amount of trouble in school. That trouble eventually poured out of school and onto the streets, as he fell in with a small gang of similar minded kids, and focused his intelect into troublemaking. He was picked up on the day of his seventeenth birthday joyriding in a stolen car with three of his friends. Rather than let them take the fall, he told the cops they had no idea the car was stolen, and asked that they were let go. Seeing that, while he was a troublemaker, Nick wasn't a bad kid, and seeing that devotion to his friends, one of the officers made him an offer, and brokered a deal that say Nick recruited in the UCAS Army instead of any form of jailing.

Nick took to Army life suprisingly well, considering his anti-authority streak. The discipline there, along with the challenge, eventually brought out a newfound maturity in him. He was drafted into the Corps of Engineers, where he earned his nickname MacGuyer. During a tour in the Desert Wars, Nick's convoy was attacked by an Islamic terrorist faction, and he was left with a broken back, and nearly two years recovery. When he had finally recovered, politics within the UCAS Army, and the paper pushing that was preventing his return to duty, had left him with a bad taste in his mouth, so he left and became a freelancer. He has since worked with several international security companies, and for independant contractors, never quite settling on anywhere to stay for too long. Something about being cooped up in a hospital for so long seems to have implanted a wanderlust in him.
Ol' Scratch
QUOTE (Dashifen)
Was Cosmo originally put together for an all-otaku game a while back. I think that I recall him. Matrix Misfits or something like that wink.gif

Yes. smile.gif Though he's been remodeled a bit to fit in as a tech-wiz/decker type, rather than just an information broker specialist. biggrin.gif
Doc? I thought you died again. Why aren't you on AIM fool?
Ol' Scratch
AIM requires effort to load.
Don't be lazy, come say hi to me, you know you scare me when you dissappear for months at a time.
Fridays the day folks, so thursday is the last day for submissions smile.gif
So, no character sheets until Friday?
Yep. I will anounce who is in Thursday night or early Friday morning. At that point let the character sheets fly!
2 more days....
Will we be sending character sheets to you, or posting them here?
I will provide an email address for you to send them to. I do not want you posting them in the OOC thread.
Shadow: Being relatively new to PbP it would help me out if you could post some specific guidelines as to how you want things done (such as what you want IC as opposed to OOC, when/how to contact you by PM, formating posts [names in bold, thoughts in itallics] etc...). I would sure appreciate it.

And if anybody else sees me post something inappropriately and/or has feed back let me know. It won't hurt my feelings. nyahnyah.gif

This is going to be a fun learning experience for me.
I'll post my basic guidlines when I start the OOC thread. Once I select the team, this thread ends and the OOC thread begins.
Great. Thanks. smile.gif
Today is the day. If anyone else is interested please post so by 5 ADT. (Thats 6 on the west coast)
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