This is Silva. Take a look, let me know what you think.
[ Spoiler ]
Alan and Jessica Hart were just ordinary people, working for the security division of Renraku in Los Angeles. Like normal parents, they were delighted to have a perfectly healthy, beautiful baby girl whom they named Bethany. It didn’t take long, however, for them to realize that this was no ordinary child when, at the age of two, Bethany began speaking – not in the single, sometimes garbled words that most toddlers adopt, but in perfectly clear, complete sentences. They took it upon themselves to foster this intelligence, teaching her in the privacy of their home, and taking full advantage of the resources of a corporate couple by hiring tutors who were experts in the field of gifted children. By the age of four, when most parents are considering sending their kids to kindergarten the next year, Bethany was learning advanced math. And none were more surprised than her parents when, at the age of six, Bethany began manifesting magical powers, mostly of the physical variety.
Unfortunately, that was when tragedy struck. A few weeks after Bethany’s powers began manifesting, her parents were killed in a fire. Bethany herself was rescued by her tutor, a young man whom she only knew as Jack – but not before she saw her parents, trapped helplessly behind a wall of fire, burning to death. The memory of that sight stayed with her throughout her life. For weeks afterward, she was despondent over the loss of her parents, who had been kind and loving to her, and whom she had loved deeply. Jack, her tutor, was the man who pulled her out of her depression, explaining to her that sometimes tragedy strikes for no reason at all, and that the best way for her to deal with her parent’s death would be to make herself into someone they could be proud of. Bethany, with an intelligence that, at the age of six, was beyond most high-school seniors, realized that Jack was right.
From that point on, the corporation became her family, and Jack the brother she never had. She was given the opportunity to choose any path she wished for herself. It was, in the end, the Security division she opted for, wishing to follow in her parent’s footsteps. Jack became her instructor, not only in academics, but in security lessons, tactics, and other security knowledge. In light of her physical capabilities, Bethany also took martial arts instruction, opting for Kali because it suited her temperament – cool, but vicious and calculating. There was also combat and light weapons’ training. Bethany threw herself into her training, molding herself into someone that not only her parents could be proud of, but that she could be proud of as well. By the age of 16, Bethany was one of the best corporate bodyguards Renraku had to offer, having saved a considerable amount of lives of the more important people in the corp. It made her twice as effective because of her young age – often, most people never saw the threat until it was too late.
But, shortly after her 17th birthday, Bethany made a shocking discovery, one which would change her life forever.
It happened purely by accident – just researching for an assignment, really. Looking through the files on her client, she came across a reference to her parents and herself. As intelligent people tend to be, she was curious, and dug deeper – only to discover that her parents had been killed by the corporation itself. And that Jack, her tutor and mentor, had been the one to start the fire which killed them.
The discovery had, in one cruel stroke, brought her world crashing down, completely destroying her illusions of a near-perfect life of protecting those she thought were her benefactors and, yes, even her friends. It filled her with rage – but it was, like her, cool, vicious, and calculating. That night, she did the only thing she could do. The next day, her client was found dead, slit from groin to neck. Jack vanished completely, only to be found several weeks later, unidentifiable except for his dental records. He had been burned alive.
And Bethany vanished into the night, finding her way to Seattle, her life and mind in ruins. And then the comet came, changing her further – but instead of destroying her sanity, as it might have with some, it soothed her. Bethany had always had a particular affinity with cats, and the changes in her made her catlike. She rather liked the change – she had always known she was unique, and now she was even more so.
Having no other practical use for her talents, Bethany changed her name and began looking for work as a shadowrunner. It wasn’t until she saved a stranger’s life that she was able to find work. She was walking past a building when he came bursting out the front door, followed closely by two competent and tough-looking men. They merely laughed when they saw this small, willowy female step in their path with what seemed to be suicidal intentions. The laughter stopped when the first fell dead, Silva’s knife protruding from his throat. The other attempted to kill her, but to no avail – tough and competent they may have been, but he was no match for Silva’s grace, speed, and catlike reflexes. After he was dead, the man introduced himself as Archer, a fixer…and asked Silva if she’d like a job.
*Silva is, at first glance, not much to consider – very attractive, petite, and young, with a pretty face accentuated by shoulder length, straight brown hair, and very cool, emerald-green eyes that seem to be examining your very soul.
*A short form walks in, hardly visible under a flowing, dark green cloak and hood. A pair of hands, small and obviously feminine, bush back the hood of the cloak to reveal a young, very pretty face, with shoulder length brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, piercing, emerald green cat’s eyes, and nicely sculpted, full lips which would be quite beautiful, if they ever formed a smile. Her ears are pointed, you can see, and her skin is a creamy white. She looks around cautiously, her features betraying no emotion.
*She takes off the cloak, and under it is a small, petite form, clad in a comfortable-looking, green blouse which clings to her body, a black skirt which reaches to mid-thigh, and combat boots, the kind that the military issues to jungle troops. Trailing behind of her is a long, cat-like tail, which sways from side to side as she walks. Her body is obviously well-toned, the muscles visible, moving seamlessly under her skin, and her movements are catlike and very graceful. She carries, slung over her back like an afterthought, a katana that seems to be custom-designed to fit in with her small form, and on her hips are sheathes that completely conceal whatever weapon is in them.