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Full Version: Kang 11mm
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Can anyone point me in the direction of a thread about the Kang 11mm used by Striper. I know there was a thread about it in late July but after an exasperating thirty minutes strugle against the search option I've decided that even if I wait a week or two for an answer I'll probably get there faster this way.
Kang 11mm Thread
Thanks Flak but the link doesn't seem to be working (it is possible that it's just the computer I'm using which has been problematic of late)

Could you just give me the thread's title so I could search for it?
It was called "Where is the Kang 11mm?" and its last post was July 30, 2003. I'll try making a link to it here.

Its not a very long thread, however.

[edit]looks like the original link is working now - I think the old forum was down for awhile[/edit]
Thanks, I've finally found it. I've just been having so many computer problems lately that I simply didn't consider it might be a problem with the forum...

Anyway, I just wanted to be sure no one had found the one (very obscure) reference to it (sort of) in canon before I had.

If anyone is still interested go check out Target:Matrix (of all places!).
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