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Found the pic rummaging through the internet. I have a huge folder of pics to browse when I need a pic.

As to the chainmail look, say hello to Heritage Armor baby!
Here is one of DT.

Digital Heroin
Sister Suffering

Yes, my friends, that is Faruiza Balk... always inspirational...
Budha72 - Don't suppose you've any street sam-ish pics? I wouldn't mind finding one for Crisis...
I can look, any more detail about the character?
Well let's see...

Elven, born in England but spent his teenage years in the UCAS. Tends to wear practical clothes in dark blue/black, carries twin Ares Crusader MP's & an Ares Monosword. Usually wears a FFBA shirt, and has cybereyes that're cobalt blue in colour. Keeps his hair short, and it's a blue/black colour, though he occasionally dyes it a different colour if need be.

Think that's about it, really.


Just while I remember, is the Ambidexterity Edge being allowed? If so, do the points from Edges come from Active Skills or something else?
Updated sheet for Bishop PMed to McQ. Not completely finallized yet, waiting on a few questions to be answered.
Digital Heroin
I hope the Amidex edge is allowed, otherwise goodbye to Rowan's dual weilded butterfly swords... nyahnyah.gif

And if they're not balanced, in the BP system I believe edges come directly 1 for 1 from your BPs...
Yes, the ambidex edge is being allowed, edges pull straight from your BP allowance and flaws add back general I allow no more than 10 pts of edges or flaws with a difference of 5.

Be warned I have a knack for ensuring that flaws come in to play...I won't screw you with them, but people who are hunted have hunters show up etc....
I still need a character from Nightcrawler.
QUOTE (McQuillan)
Yes, the ambidex edge is being allowed, edges pull straight from your BP allowance and flaws add back general I allow no more than 10 pts of edges or flaws with a difference of 5.

Be warned I have a knack for ensuring that flaws come in to play...I won't screw you with them, but people who are hunted have hunters show up etc....

PLEASE PLEASE no more Hunteds!!! smile.gif

McQ handles Flaws and Edges very fairly.
This whole game is because Bishop is hunted by the Templars smile.gif
Yes and they're total bastards!

No more Hunteds!!!!! nyahnyah.gif
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