Mister Juan
Aug 19 2005, 01:40 AM
Ok.... I did that way too fast. Back to the drawing tables
Aug 19 2005, 02:52 AM
Yea I'm looking at playing a Naval Emergency Ordanance Disposal (EOD) who's primary rate was WT(Weapons Tech) in the late 90's. Weapons Techs are one of the only people who touch Nukes in the Navy. He would have spent his first 8 yrs to make chief and then crossed to Warrent Officer in say 1999, continuing his Career for the next 10 yrs, he would be one of the best people for the job having EOD and WT training, a broad familiarity with all types of Ordanace including Nukes. Pulled for the Delta Op because he is the best... Hows that?
Aug 19 2005, 03:29 AM
That sounds like a perfect "special case".
How much training in firearms would this EOD guy have? Is it one of those "Well, I handled one in basic training." things?
oh and are you sure that's not explosive ordanance disposal?
Aug 19 2005, 05:04 AM
Well I'm gonna have to play around with my stats a bit. I have what basically amounts to a rough draft going right now I need a bit more tweaking. I'll have something by tommorow noonish.
Aug 19 2005, 04:47 PM
Ok character stats: It's been a while since I've done up a combat character for SR so if there is anything you see him missing please let me know.
1st Sargent Mohammad (Mo) Ayaz
Serial Number: 1739258324
38500 $ (I can bump a few skills down to increase this if we need it)
Body 6
Quickness 6
Strength 4
Charisma 3
Intelligence 5
Willpower 4
Essence 6.00
Run Mult. 3
Magic 0
BioIndex 0
Reaction 5
Init. Dice 1
Active Skills:
Assault Rifles [8]
Assault Rifles B/R [3]
Pistols [6]
Submachine Guns [6]
Biotech/First Aid [5/10]
Field Aid Station B/R [3]
Wilderness Survival [5]
Small Unit Tactics [4]
Car [1]
Athletics [6]
Parachuting [5]
Stealth [6]
Diving [2]
Instruction/Islam [1/3]
Etiquette [4]
Knowlage Skills:
AC:Military Theory(KNO) [2]
Religion(KNO)/Islam [3/4]
Arabic(LAN) [5]
Arabic(LAN) (RW) [2]
English(LAN) [5]
English(LAN) (RW) [2]
SV:Navigation(KNO)/Land [5/6]
AC:Medicine(KNO)/Traumatology [5/7]
In terms of weapons I see him going for something compact and versitile that won't get in the when when he is doing first aid. He'll leave most of the shooting to other team members, at least until our cover is blown and we're in a firefight either way so I'm not too worried about silencers and the like, therefore either the 5.56mm M4A1 carbine, the 7.62mm FAL OSW or the 7.62mm FAL-Para Assult Rifle seem to fit the bill. Sidarm I'm probably going to go for the H&K Mk23 Mod 0 (SOCOM), light security armour and a helmet. I'm unsure of what to go for in terms of a first aid kit since most of the cannon first aid supplies are far beyond 2009 technology. Beyond that he's just going to carry basic gear, comlink ect and a small prayer mat and a pocket version of the Koran.
edit: Ditched shotguns got more cash. 38500 now.
Aug 19 2005, 04:55 PM
Yup, was heading that way will have some basic tech skills on top, with some electronics b/r and such, to cover for disarming the bombs if needed as well plus com skills. Probably only end up having 1 weapon skill.
Whoever is leader might want to pick up small unit tactics as well.
I'm just struggling to get enough skills together might end up having to have a bunch of 4's and a couple 6's
Aug 19 2005, 05:14 PM
ok I am going to do something I don't normally do. I am going to base a character off of a t.v. Show. I hope you guys don't mind. The show is, 7 Days. the character is, Frank B. Parker. I will get back to you later today on stats and a history. My donation to the money pool will be 650k.
Aug 19 2005, 07:06 PM
How is money/equipment going to work? We all pool and buy eq from that for everyone? Or will we be provided with certain equipment like weapons/ammo/armor seeing as this is military.
Aug 19 2005, 07:27 PM
It's my impression that we pool our money and buy needed gear. I'm assuming that this isn't nessesarally going to include the transport aircraft that we helo drop from (assuming we decide to halo drop) since that could run into the millions but guns, ammo, armour ect is gonna come from the group pool. Our resources represent us requisitioning gear as needed.
Aug 19 2005, 07:34 PM
imperialus is correct.
We won't be buying aircraft and whatnot, but whatever cash we have available will be pooled as a "budget" for our personal equipment. (We'll decide what equipment once we get our warning order)
ohyeah, and here's a quick and dirty for the npc captain...
Captain Steven Knight "Canary"
Birthplace: Yukon, Oklahoma
Birthdate: 23 August, 1970
Family: Heather Knight (wife), Andrea Knight (daughter, 16), Kelley Knight (daughter, 12)
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 6'0" Weight: 205 lbs
Hair: Blonde Eyes: Green
Distinguishing Characteristics: Eagle tattoo on right forearm
Training History:
Infantry OSUT, Airborne, SOPC, SFAS, SFQC, Special Operations, Direct Action Isolation, Air Operations, Unconventional Warfare, Isolation, SERE, Officer Training Corp
Operational History:
Haiti 1994, Bosnia 1996, Peru 1997, Kosovo 1998, Afhganistan 2001-2002, Iraq 2004-2006, Republic of Congo 2007, Korea 2008
Highly motivated, with no tolerance for "slackers" or "ghosters". Not a natural leader, but developed strong leadership skills through high school as captain of his high school baseball team. Appreciates a hard day's work, and takes pride in work. Earned nickname "Canary" from soldiers under his command in reference to poorly-drawn Eagle tattoo. Practicing member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Likes eating oranges.
-Oh and as far as gear is concerned, the main things we won't have access to are simsense, cyberware, and magic of course. A lot of the other gear represented is available nowadays, so when we get around to choosing gear, we'll just be mindful of that.
Aug 19 2005, 08:02 PM
you should have named one of his kids Damian
Aug 19 2005, 08:23 PM
Mosly just cause I'm bored here's a shorter bio on Mo. Just for referance. Probably also entails what the other team members know about him.
1st Sargent Mohammad (Mo) Ayaz
Birthplace: Brooklyn New York, New York.
Birthdate: December 12 1981
Family: Iqbal Ayaz (father) Serina Ayaz (mother) Ghayda Heis'Jabar (Fiance)
Ethnicity: Arab American
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 196 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Training History:
Boot Camp, Marine Medical Corp, Marine Survival School, Marine Pararescue, Special Operations, Air Operations, Unconventional Warfare.
Afganistan 2001-2002, Iraq 2003-2006, Saudi Arabia 2008.
Cheerful and outgoing with an eager to please desposition that has garnered him numerous commendations from superior officers. When ordered to do somthing Mohammad with almost immideately attempt to complete the task to the absolute utmost of his abilities. Highly intelligent, he's a quick learner and capable of a great deal of lateral thinking oftentimes coming up with unique solutions to problems. He socalises with his fellow soldiers as much as possible and though he is not evangelical he is always willing to explain the tenants of his faith to anyone showing intrest. Unless the situation absolutely prohibits it (such as combat) he will pray to Mecca five times a day and carries a small prayer mat with him on exersises for such a purpose. He refuses to gamble or play games of chance but enjoys chess a great deal. Has carried the nickname Mo since grade school since many of his friends couldn't be bothered to say his full name all the time.
Aug 19 2005, 10:00 PM
QUOTE (imperialus) |
you should have named one of his kids Damian |
Thought about it, but don't know how old DK is at the current timeline.
Aug 19 2005, 11:43 PM
Mo looks pretty good so far. So if he's pretty much final, we've got 1 so far with a couple on the way. If we need, I'll bust out a character too =)
I am intrested if you still have room. Willing to play just about anything. I will be leaving work soon here today and check back later tonight on what is still needed in the group and make something up if there is room.
Aug 20 2005, 12:13 AM
EOD is Explosive... and actually quite a few EOD guys I know spent time in the SEAL teams as well I could always have some combat experience... I will make a character sheet up and post it tomorrow.
Aug 20 2005, 12:32 AM
I am intrested if you still have room. Willing to play just about anything. I will be leaving work soon here today and check back later tonight on what is still needed in the group and make something up if there is room. |
Plenty of Room!
QUOTE (Noctum) |
EOD is Explosive... and actually quite a few EOD guys I know spent time in the SEAL teams as well I could always have some combat experience... I will make a character sheet up and post it tomorrow. |
Hey, it's your character
. Be sure we have good reason for him to be operating with Delta. As we have it now, he was pulled special for this operation and is
not actually Delta? SEAL training would help, but isn't neccessary (one of those "havn't fired a gun since training" guys could get messy and be interesting
As far as I can tell, we have:
imperialus - Medical Sergeant
Mister Juan? - making a Weapons Sergeant
Shadow? - looking at a sniper (Operations/Intelligence Sergeant?)
Tashio? - Communications Sergeant?
Noctum - Our nuke guy.
That leaves the Engineer position wide open if anybody wants it. If not, we'll have to bite the bullet and npc one.
edit: I was also just thinking, if this run were to actually work out, we could campaign all through the SR timeline...I was just looking and there's some great stuff in the timeline that could provide hooks. Maybe a few people could express as elves or dwarves 2 years from this run!
wonder if Qillin will show his face here...
I will play the Engineer position or a recon person. Recon being the scout who takes point and then comes back with info. Let me know what you want more and I will make a loose background late late tonight or tmw.
edited for spelling
Aug 20 2005, 01:08 AM
Recon = Intel/Ops
I'm not sure what Shadow decided on or if he's still in...last I heard he wanted to do a sniper guy, so that would cover our recon.
Aug 20 2005, 05:41 AM
QUOTE (FrostyNSO) |
edit: I was also just thinking, if this run were to actually work out, we could campaign all through the SR timeline...I was just looking and there's some great stuff in the timeline that could provide hooks. Maybe a few people could express as elves or dwarves 2 years from this run! |
That would be cool. I'd be into that.
Aug 20 2005, 06:11 AM
just a test...Guess nobody saw me accidentally post the warning order!
Aug 20 2005, 06:35 AM
Formal declaration:
I am increasing the BP total to 625 karma BecKs
points system (123 pts.)/priority system +200 good karma after finalization
In order to account for players having to scrimp and pick up low-ass skills.
Aug 20 2005, 12:45 PM
1st Luietenant Michelle Ann Smith
Birthplace: New York
Birthdate: 14 July, 1974
Family: Michael Smith (Father), Sheryl Smith (Mother)
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5'5" Weight: 65kgs
Hair: Long Black Eyes: Green
Distinguishing Characteristics: Thin scarr running from outside of left eye to jaw below the ear.
Training History:
University Majors Electronics and Computers, Minors Languages/Psychology.
Operational History:
Afhganistan 2001-2002, Iraq 2003-2006, Korea 2008
Personality: Michelle can often be found with her nose in a book or training in one or other martial art. She quietly keeps to herself when not on duty.
When on duty she's determined and focused on whatever needs to be done. Has a habbit of talking to herself switching randomly between languages when working on her own trying to figure out a problem. Bushido teachings help her to keep calm and focused when under stress and to maintain a focused exterior even if inside is in turmoil.
Body 5
Quickness 6
Strength 5
Charisma 5
Intelligence 6
Willpower 4
Essence 6.00
Run Mult. 3
Magic 0
BioIndex 0
Reaction 6
Init. Dice 1
Active Skills
Assault Rifle/F2000 4/8
Edged Weapons 5
Martial Arts 4
Computer 6
Computer B/R 5
Electronics/Security Systems 5/8
Electronics B/R 5
Etiquette/Military 5/7
Interogation/Verbal 4/7
Negotiation 6
Stealth 6
Athletics 5
Car 3
BioTech/FirstAid 3/6
English 6
Russian 4
French 4
Spanish 4
Japanees 4
Arabic 4
Psychology 4
AC: Security Devices 4
AC: Military Theory 4
IN: Bushido Philosophy 4
My knowledge of the military in terms of what gets what rank and such is not that great. So if Frosty could prehaps make sure her rank is applicable. I'm also not sure what sort of training she would have undergone besides Basics and Office Training. Or what branch of the military she would have best served under.
Let me know if this is okay or if there are some changes I should make prehaps add/remove certain skills.
Aug 20 2005, 03:38 PM
Ok. I guess if I have some extra skills BP's I'll crosstrain into... something... I dunno.
Aug 20 2005, 09:50 PM
hmmmm...So far, women aren't allowed to try out for SF. We will seriously have to think about how far women's equality and the need for professionals has come in 4 years.
As for rank, We would have a Captain in charge, followed by a Warrant Officer. Everyone else would be at least Staff Sergeant or Gunnery Sergeant.
For training, Your basic SF pipeline would include Infantry OSUT, Airborne, SOPC, SFAS, SFQC, Special Operations, Direct Action Isolation, Air Operations, Unconventional Warfare, Isolation, and SERE.
Aug 21 2005, 06:37 AM
Suppose that depends just how far you want to stick to real life. It is a game ultimatly. But if you think would be better to just stick to all male I'll make the changes needed.
Aug 23 2005, 07:52 PM
Ok working on a character today, sorry for the delay. Its been a crazy week
Aug 23 2005, 11:20 PM
No hurry, I've only gotten 2...
Tashio, we better go ahead and make your character a male...for now at least
As much as I love a good woman, I wan't to keep it as close to reality as possible. If we wanted to do some story-tweaking, she could be a new addition to the team. If they opened up SF training to females in like 2007, she could have applied then and made it on the team by 2008.
As for her other operational experience, she could have been regular army, running supply convoys and the like before trying out for SF.
What does everyone else think?
Aug 24 2005, 12:19 AM
Well as popular as RIP and Ranger school is for SF you don't really need them. SF school is open to any E-5 (Buck sergeant) and above. You just need your CO to sign off on it and you need to pass SF introductory school. Thats a 1 week test that is both a PT and endurance test.
If SF opened to woman I doubt they would change it. However, seriously doubt that woman will be allowed in the SF in my life time. Of all the jobs in the armed services, special ops will be the last to convert.
Bear in mind I have no problem with this for story purposes.
Aug 24 2005, 12:30 AM
You can enlist now as an SF Candidate, which basically guarantees you a shot. First you complete the basic infantry pipeline, and then you get to test for SF...If you make it through all the training, you're probably E-5 by then anyways.
I too, doubt that I'll ever see women in special ops...but for this, I'm not too worried about it.
Aug 24 2005, 04:33 AM
Agreed. Women are *very* unlikely in special ops.
Firstly, the risk of rape as a means of torture in event of capture.
Secondly, most of the world doesn't exactly like the idea of women as fighters; missions like training insurgents or foreign mils would get lots harder with women on the team.
Thirdly, physical reasons. If I'm not mistaken, one of the reasons the SEALs ban women is because menstrual flow attracts sharks.
Aug 24 2005, 07:20 AM
QUOTE (Penta @ Aug 23 2005, 11:33 PM) |
Thirdly, physical reasons. If I'm not mistaken, one of the reasons the SEALs ban women is because menstrual flow attracts sharks. |
That an old SEAL joke...and a damn good one at that. Runs in PJ circles too
The first 2 reasons are kosher, though...those and the fact that special ops is an "old boys club" of sorts when it comes to those things. They get first pick of the new toys, and they get first pick of the best people. Even candidates who pass every test can still wash out if they simply don't want you. Those first two reasons are the ones that keep them from getting sued though.
..That's how it was in The Legion. The French Army
ordered the Foreign Legion to accept women into it's ranks. They basically said, "Sure, but they have to get by our screeners." (you get a number of interviews before you're accepted). It's one of the only times the Legion doesn't discourage the reputation of the men who join...(
very rarely, it's true, but it's more to avoid the hassle of women in the regiment.)
No offense to any lovely ladies out there.
[ Spoiler ]
I'm a pig..I know.
Aug 24 2005, 06:44 PM
warrant Officer (W-3) Joseph A. Rease DOB - August 29, 1976 San Diego CA.
Joined the Navy in 1994, He originally wanted to be a SEAL, he washed out in BUDS his first time due to a knee injury. Shortly after he became involved with EOD viewing it as the next best thing to being a SEAL. He excelled due to his Genius level IQ and Photographic Memory. He advanced to chief Petty Officer E-7 in his first 8 yrs and was recommended for OCS and became a Warrant Officer. In the following 7 Years he joined the SEAL Teams and saw action across the Middle East, he has been awarded the Purple Heart and Navy Cross. He was assigned to SEAL Team 7 prior to this operation. He was chosen because of his extensive training and experience with Conventional and Nuclear weapons, and anti-terrorism training with the SEAL Teams.
Resources for the pool 201,000
Body 5
Quickness 5
Strength 5
Charisma 4
Intelligence 8
Willpower 5
Reaction 6
Init. Dice 1
SMG's 5
Pistols 4
Thrown \ Grenades 3 \ 5
Unarmed Combat 4
Athletics 5
Stealth 6
Parachuting 4
Diving 4
Etiquette 4
Leadership 4
Demolitions 8
Electronics 8
Computers 6
Small Unit Tactics 4
Motorboat 4
Knowledge Skills
BK - Demolitions 6
BK - Nuclear Weapons 6
AC - Security Systems 6
AC - Security Devices 6
AC - Mechanical Traps 5
AC - Metallurgy 4
SV - Navigation 4
English \ Mil Jargon 4 \ 6
Aug 24 2005, 07:10 PM
So my idea fell through
I am having a real hard time with a concept here. What do you think the age limit is for SF Frosty? 40? 50?
Aug 24 2005, 09:44 PM
I think the limit to try out is 28...so probably something like late 30's early 40's...throw in few demotions and he'd be set
Mister Juan
Aug 25 2005, 12:10 AM
Frosty, I just realized that I might have been a bit... overzelous. I'm already in two pbp game on the board, I'm starting school again in one week, and I'm still working part time.
I'm have to say that I don't think I'll be able to do everything, so I'll stay out of this one. Sorry mate.
Aug 25 2005, 12:18 AM
No worries...
Looks like Weapons Sergeant just opened up!
Aug 25 2005, 01:02 AM
Ok I will take that
Heavy weapons?
Aug 25 2005, 05:44 AM
If anybody was going to be hefting heavy weapons, Weapons Sergeant would be a good bet.
More importantly is familiarity with a variety of weapons (use and maintainence), and to be able to instruct others in their use.
Aug 25 2005, 08:29 PM
Frosty whats the final verdict female male? Anything else you need from me?
Aug 25 2005, 11:51 PM
I don't think anybody has a serious problem with a female.
I'd go male but I can't play females any good so I'm biased
*It's up to you*
Mister Juan
Aug 25 2005, 11:53 PM
I know I'm not in the thread anymore but I had to drop a comment.
Frosty: What? It's not SO hard to play a female! Check Ludmila out
Aug 26 2005, 04:38 AM
I have no problems with a female.
BTW I might have tracked down another guy to join the team. We are still accepting new people right?
Aug 26 2005, 05:16 AM
Yeah, still looking. I'd need a roll call to find out who's doing what, though.
Aug 26 2005, 03:25 PM
after many failed attempts to come up with a character I am going to have to bow out. It just isn't happening. Sorry guys, thanks for the opportunity Frosty.
Aug 29 2005, 04:17 AM
I'll join you guys if you still have a space for me and you're willing to put up with my inexperience with play by post games.
What is currently available as far as positions go??
Aug 29 2005, 06:17 AM
I've never played a PbP game before, and have been kind of itching to give one a shot. Been playing Shadowrun for years, though. So, well--If you can clue me in just a tad as to how PbP works and would be willing to give a virgen PbP-er a shot, and you have the space, I'd love to hop in.
Aug 29 2005, 08:04 AM
I'm not sure this game is going to move forward due to lack of interest. It's not your average Shadowrun game since it takes place so early in the timeline and magic/cyberware are not available yet. Bear that in mind if you're planning on playing in this one.
As far as I can remember, we had an Engineer Sergeant spot available, and a Weapons Sergeant spot available, and an Intelligence/Operations Sergeant spot available.
Interest has been low. There are always new games popping up on here though, so you should be able to find more "conventional" shadowrun games in the future. As to being new with PbP games, I would reccomend reading through some of the IC and OOC threads for the games and checking out how the players and GM's operate. I'm not trying to shut you down, just I don't think this run is gonna get off the ground.
My other game that is going on right now is the Stardust run, but mine are hardly representative of the norm IMO.
Aug 29 2005, 08:11 AM
Yeah I read through your Stardust threads jsut because I was trying to get a feel for how you GM in case I got into this game. I like your style. Very narrative, and that's a good thing.
Aug 29 2005, 08:37 AM
Oh and since this one is pretty much dead, I'll post the warning order I made up for the team.