In my Hong Kong Blood Opera themed games ("Little Trouble in Big China" and "Freedom Cowboy Comes to America"), rules that apply are:
6, Law of Temporal Variability
7, First Law of Temporal Mortality
8, Second Law of Temporal Mortality
9, Law of Dramatic Emphasis (I have a tendancy to describe things this way, yes.)
11, Law of Inherent Combustability (to be fair, Freedom Cowboy was fond of Ex-Ex rounds, and his compatriot Dr. Hong Kong was fond of C-4. They found a way to blow up EVERYTHING.)
13, Law of Energetic Emission. This happened once, when they were shot at by firelance lasers.
15, Law of Inexhaustability. To be fair, in this game, this rule was just shortened to "No one runs out of ammo, period." Mostly because the PCs carried ten tons of it.
17, Law of Transient Romantic Unreliability. To quote Freedom Cowboy, physical magician, follower of the city spider, and being true to his geas: <takes a long drag off his cigarette> "I love you, baby. I'd sleep with you... but then I'd have to kill you."
29, Law of Melee Luminescence. This is a partial one. One of the triad hit-girls, "Pretty Ping," was a physmage whose powers were geased to gesture, and whose centering skill was dancing. She used a ton of aura spells, and consequently would glow. For the inspiration for this character, look at the ridiculous but awesome capcom game
Product Number 3 The video files
In a normal shadowrun game?
Only #7. Because most of my players tend to kill people really, really fast. And when they're not looking.