Aug 23 2005, 03:57 AM
QUOTE (Det. Frank Pembleton ) |
What you will be privileged to witness will not be an interrogation, but an act of salesmanship - as silver-tongued and thieving as ever moved used cars, Florida swampland, or Bibles. But what I am selling is a long prison term, to a client who has no genuine use for the product. |
When your characters need to get information from an uncorporative NPC, how do they do about it?
Do they employ drugs or sleep deprivation?
Do they intimidate?
Do the beat?
DO they humiliate
Do they threaten loved ones or do they blackmail?
Do they simply scrape the NPC's skin off with a lemon zester?
Do they resort to bribery?
Or are that like Detective Pembleton, sly and devious faces who fast talk the victim into actually believing that he wants to give up the information?
Ancient History
Aug 23 2005, 04:01 AM
There are three stages:
1) Torch to Groin
2) Cut a hole in their skull and push wires into their living brain to extract the information painlessly
3) Mind-rape, with emphasis on making them relive traumatic memories
[/edit]Then, of course, there is Dr. What. But that's just evil.
HMHVV Hunter
Aug 23 2005, 04:18 AM
Watch an episode of Law & Order sometime and watch the good cop/bad cop and other such tactics the detectives use on suspects.
Or better yet, watch the show "The Closer." GREAT example of interrogations done right, without any torture whatsoever.
Aug 23 2005, 04:18 AM
Our group does a little "good cop, really bad cop" when we have to interrogate. Usually this is after bribes have failed, mind you.
When you beat up on them too much they'll tell you they're Santa Clause if you ask 'em to. We try to strike a happy medium. Sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation, degradation, mixed with a little "this can all end, if..." ...that sort of stuff. We try to stay away from the lemon zesters.
Aug 23 2005, 04:19 AM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
QUOTE (Det. Frank Pembleton ) | What you will be privileged to witness will not be an interrogation, but an act of salesmanship - as silver-tongued and thieving as ever moved used cars, Florida swampland, or Bibles. But what I am selling is a long prison term, to a client who has no genuine use for the product. |
When your characters need to get information from an uncorporative NPC, how do they do about it? Do they employ drugs or sleep deprivation? Do they intimidate? Do the beat? DO they humiliate Do they threaten loved ones or do they blackmail? Do they simply scrape the NPC's skin off with a lemon zester? Do they resort to bribery?
Or are that like Detective Pembleton, sly and devious faces who fast talk the victim into actually believing that he wants to give up the information?
Yes, and you missed battery clamps on your list.
Except any bribe offered is a total lie. No way they are walking away with cash, their own or otherwise, in their pocket. Extremely doutful they are going to walk away at all.
Occationaly the subject is allowed to leave after the information is gleaned. But only after a serious memory wipe, or memory implant, and in a situation designed to leave them racked with enough shame and guilt that a decade on a shrink's couch wouldn't get them to stop creating their own lies about where they were during the time they were missing.

P.S. Rumour has it there have been occations when the subject was mistakenly shot before the information was retrieved. But we shall not speak of that again.
Aug 23 2005, 04:32 AM
Generally, we start out by tying them down and having the troll pelvic thrust right at their face. Then, they can either give the information or the troll takes off his pants.
If the troll method doesn't work, we do a combination of items. They are locked, naked, in a damp stone dungeon with a bed that has just wiremesh. Food, what little they get, comes at random times. They are allowed no light and get a combination of a random beating, randomly being shocked, and the occasional piece of us saying they could get out of this alive by giving us the information. The entire time, we are trying to track down and capture family and/or friends.
If that fails, we force them to watch as we implant cranial bombs in their family/friends. Then we implant them with biomonitors, a transciever with the frequencies of the other bombs, and a cranial bomb as well. We then stick their family/friends in a room with an electrified floor. Every time they talk and tell the truth, we turn off the electricity for five minutes. Every time they lie, they get to watch gore splatter around the room.
Once we get the information from them, we do another surgery and leave them and any other surviving hostages to be picked up by the police. Of course, we tell them that attempting to tell others what happened will set off the bombs. Telling anyone about the bombs will set them off. The police finding out about the bombs will set them off. We wait until they are back in their home and send a final detonation code.
If they talk early, we merely send them to a benraku parlor instead.
Aug 23 2005, 04:32 AM
QUOTE (blakkie) |
Yes, and you missed battery clamps on your list. |
I forgot nothing. Battery clamps are for brutish amateurs. For the infliction of pain, nothing beats the artistry of a good flaying. There is skill involved in flaying. You have to cut deep enough to get all of the dermis but not so deep that you take off muscle, tendons, or ligaments. You have to keep the blood pressure up so that the subject remains awake and alert throughout the experience. A good flaying is a thing of beauty, indeed. It is nothing like battery clamps.
If flaying isn't enough, you can always graduate to boning and filleting.
Every shadowrunner should have a paring knife, a fillet knife, a boning knife, a grapefruit spoon, and a lemon zester, even if he lacks skill in both edged weapons and cooking.
Aug 23 2005, 04:35 AM
Don't get too lost in your art or you might forget the purpose is to extract reliable information.
Aug 23 2005, 04:50 AM
Um... none of the above. Well, maybe drugs; but the primary trick, whenever possible, is Mind Probe.
Aug 23 2005, 05:04 AM
QUOTE (FrostyNSO @ Aug 22 2005, 11:35 PM) |
Don't get too lost in your art or you might forget the purpose is to extract reliable information. |
That's why you have the mage extract the information using a mind probe first.
Aug 23 2005, 05:05 AM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
QUOTE (FrostyNSO @ Aug 22 2005, 11:35 PM) | Don't get too lost in your art or you might forget the purpose is to extract reliable information. |
That's why you have the mage extract the information using a mind probe first.
If you have the data, why interrogate in the first place?
Aug 23 2005, 05:07 AM
For the sheer sadistic joy of it.
Aug 23 2005, 05:16 AM
Low force elemental spells to various bodyparts
Threating to post comprimising photos of them on the Matrix. Backing it up if need be
Rubbing them raw with steel wool and squirting lemons and/or rubbing salt in their wounds
Sleep deprivation
Keeping the stench spell on them
"Butt stuff"
Cigarette burns
Doing the Clockwork Orange "rehab" on them
Making them eat little bits of themselves
After they talk we verify it with a few mind probes. Multiple casters are the
Aug 23 2005, 05:21 AM
Personally, my style is very much the psychiatrist.
My characters will have the subject in a very controlled environment, but will otherwise treat them very nicely.
The subject will get regular feeding, bathing, etc.
They'll sleep in a vaguely comfortable room. Never mind that it's surreptitiously filled with surveillance tools. They even get a normal bed, with sheets and pillows.
Meanwhile, they're talked to. Very nice about it.
Oh, yes. Did I mention that I use drugs and simsense to an extensive degree?
Drugs to relax them and release their inhibitions.
Simsense enables them to "more clearly explain" matters.
Most people, y'see, are brought up to be generally honest, particularly with doctors.
Combine the more mundane methods with very occasional and specific magic use, and you can do fun things.
Naturally, the whole encounter is followed up with a very large dose of Laes.
Crusher Bob
Aug 23 2005, 05:25 AM
Handy OverviewThis also depends on how much you want to find out (how many of you are there? will lend itself to different interrogation techniques to Teach us how to build an X?)
Aug 23 2005, 05:31 AM
Shoot the first couple guys who don't talk. Pretty soon somebody gets the message . . . .
Of course, it doesn't work so well when there's only one guy who has the info.

Guess that's what Mind Probe is for.
Aug 23 2005, 05:56 AM
Marv style interrogation (Sin City).
Aug 23 2005, 06:18 AM
QUOTE (FrostyNSO) |
Don't get too lost in your art or you might forget the purpose is to extract reliable information. |
What does information have to do with anything?
I like to burn holes in people with blowtorches. Blake explains sadly that he can only keep me from doing so for a limited period of time. It's the classic routine, really.
Aug 23 2005, 06:34 AM
Shadowrun dosen't have players and GMs. It has criminals-in-training and devious Masterminds.
Or, in the case of the Dumpshock forums, it has serial-murderers-in-waiting and villianious overlords.
Aug 23 2005, 06:48 AM
That reminds me... I need to have a talk with my group about collateral damage. If they are going to count a whole city block, at the very least they could burn down the fire station as a distraction.
Shanshu Freeman
Aug 23 2005, 07:28 AM
QUOTE (Clyde) |
Pretty soon somebody gets the message . . . .
"Now this is all the money Niska gave us in advance. We're not thieves. Well, we are thieves. Point is, we're not taking what's his."
Aug 23 2005, 09:04 AM
QUOTE (Shanshu Freeman) |
QUOTE (Clyde @ Aug 23 2005, 05:31 AM) | Pretty soon somebody gets the message . . . .
"Now this is all the money Niska gave us in advance. We're not thieves. Well, we are thieves. Point is, we're not taking what's his."
"... I'm right there with ya!"
Aug 23 2005, 09:43 AM
I still use the old interrogation rules handed down from family member to family member through the generations. Nothing beats the good old Malleus Maleficarum
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malleus_Maleficarum Birdy
Aug 23 2005, 10:00 AM
my favorite interrogation scene, was watching my players interrogate a guy by hooking up to an ascend/descent harness, with a rope and pulley, and than zinging him into the ceiling at a rapid rate, every time i he gave an answer they didn't like. It wasn't lethal, but it was painful, and I imagined incredibly irritating, since they'd do it while the NPC was in mid-sentence.
I can't remember i he coughed up the information or not...
Aug 23 2005, 10:01 AM
My characters prefer good old "beat-the-victim". It's nice to rely on the characters interrogation skill though, as i as a player don't have much knowledge of it.
Another player usually has some sadistic methods, including burning coal, a knife and a bottle.
Aug 23 2005, 10:03 AM
You can really mess people up the emotion BTLs. Get the depression emotion tracks and the extacy emotion track -- play the blues when they're being stubburn, and give them a pink rosy when they give up answers. Demonstrate by asking simple questions like "What color is my tie?" When they answer correctly, give 'em the good, when they answer wrong, or don't answer, give 'em bad. This is best when combined with moderate sleep depravation. With enough time, you can have them trained quite well and they'll spill whatever you want them to, so they don't have to crash into the blue.
SL James
Aug 23 2005, 10:14 AM
I am in the presence of some sick bastards.
I like to actually interrogate people. Torture's, well, boring.
Aug 23 2005, 10:31 AM
I like to have the 'interrogation' skill, or at minimum, time and a high negotiation. Then, when I have the information, I hand him over to Colonel Bob, the 400lb troll with a affinity for sharp objects (who politely escorts the gentleman to the door.)
Crazy, I know, but I do like reliable information and don't like snuff films.
Aug 23 2005, 11:28 AM
And if they're attractive women (or men, if you swing that way), you keep them around as 'toys' after you finish breaking their minds.
Aug 23 2005, 11:36 AM
It all depends on the amount of time you have - these simsense or elaborate torture ideas are all well and good but you need plenty of time, resources and somewhere to work. As long as you've done your homework you can find someones price, after all - you can move the world with a long enough lever.......
Aug 23 2005, 11:50 AM
QUOTE (SL James @ Aug 23 2005, 10:14 AM) |
I am in the presence of some sick bastards.
I like to actually interrogate people. Torture's, well, boring. |
It's not called torture. It's called "Interrogation by alternate means" or "Interrogation under pressure". Torture is such a hard and non-PC word.
And if it's boring, you are either in the wrong position during a session or not doing it right.
Aug 23 2005, 12:56 PM
Any number of methods work.
Also, you don't need a lot of time with simsense involved as you control the perception of time. Just create a simsense of being subjected to long periods of dreary dank conditions and little sleep or food, typical long term interrogation type stuff, with the only brief happiness involving the interrogator, like a piece of chocolate, some pain meds, hell maybe a good night's sleep in a clean bed for a full 8 hours. Have the subject experience this at an accelerated rate, their brain thinks months have gone by when maybe it's only a few days. (IV drips and Depends are a must in this situation). When you pull them out, they will tell the interrogator anything they want to know, you can compress 6 months of the absolute most reliable method of brain-washing/interrogation in a few days with the right tracks.
Aug 23 2005, 01:16 PM
Used Car Salseman - anyone has an example for that?
Aug 23 2005, 01:30 PM
QUOTE (Grinder) |
Used Car Salseman - anyone has an example for that? |
"Listen... I got 5 keys of Hyper stashed away in a locker in SEA-TAC. Top shelf - straight from the candy factory. Call it collateral; I lifted it off of some mules during a cargo heist a month ago. Problem is, I can't move it. Don't have the connections. Besides, drugs ain't my thing. It's worthless to me. Now...," slide locker key across table to interrogatee, "if you'd just tell me where Louie's stashing that little girl, I think we might be able to work something out."
Of course, the fact that the locker is empty, or that maybe it's a stalking horse for some DEA agents, is always a possibility. That's where the good looks and killer smile come in

Aug 23 2005, 01:54 PM
Or better yet, it's got 2Kg of C-12 and 20 Kg of ball bearings wired to blow when the key is inserted.
Aug 23 2005, 02:25 PM
I find it depends on what I need to do. If I'm trying to break the subject mentally for whatever reason, I find simsense feeds or Chinese water torture particularly effective, depending on how much time is available to me. But if I'm after information and I'm in a hurry, I tend more towards the chemical approach: sodium pentathol, etc.
Aug 23 2005, 03:43 PM
The best interogation I have seen was in D&D. The victom was a radical who was into pain, so torture and threats did not work. So the cute little elven pleasure slave (She was a gift to the boy scout fighter from a prince, lets just say we had a lot of Tenchi moments) asked for a turn. She did not hurt him, nor did she give him anything, But she got the information. Lets just say a high charisma elf girl who has spend decades learning how to work men is a scarry thing.
Aug 23 2005, 04:32 PM
I spent one year in Iraq doing interrogation. It's best just to simply match wits with the guy. Trick them into giving it up. The average Iraqi was always far more mentally prepared for a lot more than we could or would do to them. Under torture someone will tell you anything to get you to stop. Or it could have the reverse effect of making you so despised they will do anything to spite you, especially if they don't think they'll walk away alive. For the professional that is, against anyone less fanatical or with less counter-interrogation training it might be somewhat effective.
Of course, in shadowrun, it's easier if you have the time for some chemicals like nightshade or even novacoke. But I love using a mage to control thoughts-tell us everything. It's easier and more subtle than mind probe and more effective than compel truth or analyze truth.
Wiz In Red
Aug 23 2005, 07:26 PM
Sometimes, you're in a real time crunch...say you need an access code to a vault, and your overwatch lets you know that Star is inbound...you have a corp type there who knows the code...no time for much in the way of fancy...sometimes you have to go with tried and true methods...high velocity delivery of internal body jewelry...extremeties work the best for this method...and you can reward the person with an end to his suffering and not having to see his boss when it's all over, because if you're there, he's already toast.
Aug 23 2005, 09:51 PM
Long time ago we had taken a mage hostage and needed some info. Our interrogation method? First, we injured him moderately and then removed some stim patches from their wrappers and threatened to apply them. He was a hard nut to crack, but eventually we got the info we needed and let the guy go, but not before making an enemy who was halfway toward becoming a burnout. We coulda killed him, but making enemies makes for a much more interesting game.
SL James
Aug 24 2005, 12:13 AM
QUOTE (Birdy) |
QUOTE (SL James @ Aug 23 2005, 10:14 AM) | I am in the presence of some sick bastards.
I like to actually interrogate people. Torture's, well, boring. |
It's not called torture. It's called "Interrogation by alternate means" or "Interrogation under pressure". Torture is such a hard and non-PC word. And if it's boring, you are either in the wrong position during a session or not doing it right. |
No, I just grew up.
Aug 24 2005, 12:31 AM
It amazes me what you guys come up with to "crack" a target.
The important thing is, NO ONE has a good method of torturing people for information. Long term, not especially damaging things seem to work the best. But, most runners don't have a few weeks to let sleep deprivation work. Drugs help, as does alcohol, in some cases.
You can of course hurt some one enought to make them tell you anything you want to hear, but that's all you're doing. You can NEVER count on it.
If you just enjoy being sadistic, go ahead, but don't make up excuses. And GM's shouldn't reward it.
Successful interrogators are poker players, just like the guys on TV. They'll bluff until they can find a lever, then they'll work that lever. If the target is afraid of pain, they'll threaten a lot, maybe hurt him a little, letting him know that it's only going to get worse. If that's going to break a person, you never have to get past the cigarette burn stage. If they can be bought off with money or favors, buy them off. Then negotiate down. If they are afraid of some one else more than you, you've gotta convice them that either you're worse than their other fear, or that you can protect them.
Everyone has a chink in their armor, and a good interrogator can slip a lever in there and start working it back and forth until you are naked.
And seriously, if you're torturing some one, you are the bad guy.
Edit: what 6thDragon said. /edit
Aug 24 2005, 01:04 AM
Bearclaw is on the right track. You have to find out what makes someone tick and use that against them. And a bluff is a lot more convincing if backed up by a little truth. If you have two people play them off against each other...so-and-so said this about you. Find out what is important to them and use that against them. But I love simple trickery. My personal favorite IRL from my time in Iraqi you will probably all laugh your asses off, most people do. Interrogating a sheepherder that we picked up during a raid that was of little value but we thought he might have information about his brothers we could use against them.
Me: So you're a sheepherder, do you ever have sex with your sheep?
Iraqi sheepherder: No, that is against Islam.
...later in the conversation (I wasn't convinced by his response)
Me: Do you ever watch your sheep have sex?
Iraqi sheepherder: Yes, it makes me horny so I go and have sex with my wife.
Me: Do you tell your wife you watch the sheep have sex.
Iraqi sheepherder: No, she would get mad at me.
Me: Would your wife not sleep with you if you had sex with your sheep?
Iraqi sheepherder: Probably.
Me: Do you know other sheepherders who have sex with their sheep?
Iraqi sheepherder: Of course! Every sheepherder has sex with their sheep before they get married.
Me: Does that mean you had sex with your sheep before you were married.
Iraqi sheepherder: ....(biggest shit eating grin I ever saw)
Aug 24 2005, 02:10 AM
QUOTE (Bearclaw) |
And seriously, if you're torturing some one, you are the bad guy. |
And everything else Shadowrunners do wasn't enough for you?
HMHVV Hunter
Aug 24 2005, 02:41 AM
Again, watch "The Closer" sometime (it's on TNT Monday nights) for some good examples. The tactics that Kyra Sedgwick's character uses sound very similar to the psychological tricks, tells and other things that 6thdragon talked about. All without laying a hand on somebody.
"As any good interrogator will tell you, as hard as a secret is to uncover, it's even harder to keep."
-Sedgwick's character, "The Closer"
Aug 24 2005, 03:34 AM
Really, the only time I had to use even the threat of force was something like this;
A group of us were going through the 'Total Eclipse' adventure, & at this one particular point, the NPC was just being surly. Fortunately, we had our Troll StreetSam, Einstein (yes, that was the ctr.'s name

). I whispered an idea to the player, then described what was going on to our GM;
Me; "After a short whisper to Einstein---"
Einstein's Player: "--to which I agree!"
Me: "I approach our 'contact' in a calm, but in-control stride."
Einstein's Player: "I remain just behind Tangent, giving him plenty of room."
(the other players looked at us for a moment of bewilderment, then realisation beammed across their faces)Me, IC; "My freind, you can tell us what you know....."
GM, IC of the contact; "Or whut?"
Me, IC; "Or.....you can 'talk' to.....HIM." {indicating the LARGE Troll behind me}
Einstein's Player: "Einstein cracked his knuckles...for effect."
The GM: "Hmm. There's the unmistakeable sound of a tree-trunk being slowly ripped apart in half, or at least what passes for it in the Sprawl. Roll for Intimidation against....(mental calculation)...a TN of 7."
(The three of us rolled our various dice)Einstein's Player: "I got a 4, 5, 5, 6 an' 6. Rerollin' the sixes, got a total of 8 and 7."
Me; "Rolled a 4, 4, 6, 6, 2, 3. Re-rolling the sixes, that makes them 9 and 8."
GM: The contact's eyes go WIDE, almost cartoonish, when Einstein cracks his knuckles. Two other members of your team wince in involuntary reflex, but the guy gets the hint. He starts babling like a run-off pipe at a toxic waste plant."
Shanshu Freeman
Aug 24 2005, 04:06 AM
QUOTE (blakkie) |
QUOTE (Shanshu Freeman @ Aug 23 2005, 01:28 AM) | QUOTE (Clyde @ Aug 23 2005, 05:31 AM) | Pretty soon somebody gets the message . . . .
"Now this is all the money Niska gave us in advance. We're not thieves. Well, we are thieves. Point is, we're not taking what's his."
"... I'm right there with ya!"
<3 <3
Best thing for everybody!
Aug 24 2005, 04:25 AM
QUOTE (Ancient History-san) |
Then, of course, there is Dr. What. But that's just evil. |
-cringe- That....man....is...just.......so wrong.... -is scarred for the rest of her life-
Interrogation, as others have pointed out, is IMO best done painlessly, since it does not leave the potential to obscure information in either a pain induced haze, or dishonesty merely to avoid pain all together. So, in my case, Psychologist applies. For something more serious, (and lacking a capable mage, which makes it too easy sometimes) applying the right controls on environment, sleeping patterns, pain, and diet, eventually the individual would erode down into quivering unpleasantness and be more than willing to volunteer the important details. The goal being to gain not just information desired, but having the subject volunteer information one might not necessarily realize they should ask for.
But, if nothing else, embroidering their dermis with fine wire and then ripping it out slowly, or...failing that, using piano wire to de-flesh fingers, then larger portions would certainly do it if the proper time was taken and medical attention given.
Aug 24 2005, 04:47 AM
6thDragon, Bearclaw:
How are drugs, sleep deprivation, stress positions, etc. seen by professional interrogators?
As you've said, torture is ineffective...But what about those other techniques?
Crusher Bob
Aug 24 2005, 05:00 AM
most of that stuff is to make the subject 'tired and slow'. You add in some simple social psycology (for example, when you see the interrogator you get a cup of coffee/tea/hot chocolate (or whatever) and your life is pretty suck all the rest of the time). It makes you 'relax' when in the presense of the interrogator. So you are mentally and physically worn down, and 'relaxed' in the presence of the interrogator, most people will tell the interrogator exactly what he wants to know.
The current
Angels 2200 shows a fine way to get the job done.