Aug 25 2005, 08:57 PM
What are the pros and cons of buying NAN 1 and 2?
I do tend to run games that end up with travel through the various NAN regions, but I have winged it so far without too much complaint from the players.
What are your opinions as to their utility, and what should I reasonably pay for them?
Thanks in advance.
Ancient History
Aug 25 2005, 09:15 PM
Pros: Some nice tribal art, Nigel D. Findley wrote them, adventures are decent.
Cons: Nitpickers hate some of the Facts, old edition.
Suggestion: Don't pay more than $10 for either of 'em.
Aug 25 2005, 09:42 PM
I have to say I agree with AH.
If you are a collector, then get them for that value. Otherwise, they are really unnecessary for a game in the current time frame.
But, I have to say I've run probably about 20 different varients on Peacekeeper (the NAN 1 adventure) and have loved everyone of em.
If I didn't have them, due to their relative rarity, I'd pay up to 15 for them.. but then again I collect these things that are only marginally useful to the game.
Aug 25 2005, 11:52 PM
If nothing else it gives you more to show off, and read. You might even get some good ideas out of them.
Aug 26 2005, 12:28 AM
I have one of the NANs (picked it up in the discount bin many years ago)... The NPC stats are bonkers, the "facts" about the NAN lands are ridiculous (they got fixed in SoNA), but there is a mission in it. Now that you mention it, with some tweaking I think it might be a good mission too. Maybe i'll run it soon... yeah...
Aug 26 2005, 03:06 AM
I agree with AH. The first one has better details and the 2nd has a better adventure but just for knowing baout the NAN. get SoNA Written more than 10 years after the NAN books it lacks some of the editorial flaws of the early stuff.
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