Lenice Hawk
Aug 30 2005, 02:50 AM
All the recent hype about gas prices skyrocketing (well, it's not hype), got me to thinking. How would runners handle the fuel shortage? Would mage's with a spell that could cyphon liquid have a sharp increase in demand? Or would you have a slew of idiotic attempts to steal fuel by say, doing?
using a lighter to see what your doing as you are cyphoning?
Aug 30 2005, 02:56 AM
Runners would just steal other people's cars.
Aug 30 2005, 03:29 AM
you hear the one about the guy who accidenally siphoned from the septic tank of an RV, and sucked too hard for too long?
Fresno Bob
Aug 30 2005, 03:35 AM
He was full of shit?
Aug 30 2005, 03:36 AM
yeah, I heard about that one. Heeheheh.
Aug 30 2005, 11:30 AM
I do not think this would be too much of a problem. with electric grid for comuter cars, fussion and fission plants for electric power and conversions like grain based fuels would make this less of a vital resource than it is today.
Aug 30 2005, 12:40 PM
Aug 30 2005, 01:39 PM
By 2030 in SR the world has experienced a global population "correction" that that does not take into account.

Also it doesn't take into account that SR has magic economics that already don't make sense in lot of ways.
P.S. While a lot of what they have to say on that site has a decent and sound basis, their doomsday predictions they have as a final conclusion is much more dubious as it makes assumptions about things being static that likely aren't going to be. For example there are enormous fossil fuel reserves world wide, including in NA, that have barely been dented. They just have a higher cost because the are so 'dirty' with sulfer and heavy metals that are more difficult to remove without burning. Perhaps you've heard of it? Coal.
John Campbell
Aug 30 2005, 01:46 PM
Well, our real-world clean, safe, and plentiful option, nuclear fission, apparently makes treehugger spirits in Shadowrun's world unhappy, but...
Shadowrun has cost-effective fusion power.
Shadowrun has batteries and fuel cells with prices and energy densities in the same ballpark as gasoline.
Shadowrun has solar panels that collect impossible amounts of energy.
Shadowrun has magicians that can tell the Laws of Thermodynamics to bugger off.
Shadowrun has no energy shortage.
Aug 30 2005, 02:46 PM
The Sixth World is looking better and better all the time.
<--------- Is very, very scared now.
Aug 30 2005, 07:06 PM
If you want a power shortage, just have some echo-terorist (you know, the kind that thinks climbing down out of the trees was a bad idea) start blowing up power plants (And thus throw massive amounts of toxins and polutants into the enviroment, but these people rarley think things through)
Aug 30 2005, 07:14 PM
You could easily have an artificial oil shortage, however. A bunch of fuel producing megacorps decide that they want to get together and jack up the price across the board . . . This kind of stuff used to happen all the time a hundred years ago or so. Took decades to try to stamp it out, and Microsoft shows us it's still possible to do quite well as a monopolist.
That said, I think Shadowrunners would get involved in bootleg oil smuggling, fuel theft, illegal electrical grid access and all kinds of other fun stuff. Maybe even barter with Mr. Johnson to do the run in exchange for a few hundred liters of premium . . .
Aug 30 2005, 07:18 PM
QUOTE (Clyde) |
You could easily have an artificial oil shortage, however. A bunch of fuel producing megacorps decide that they want to get together and jack up the price across the board . . . This kind of stuff used to happen all the time a hundred years ago or so. Took decades to try to stamp it out, and Microsoft shows us it's still possible to do quite well as a monopolist.
That said, I think Shadowrunners would get involved in bootleg oil smuggling, fuel theft, illegal electrical grid access and all kinds of other fun stuff. Maybe even barter with Mr. Johnson to do the run in exchange for a few hundred liters of premium . . . |
Hundreds of years ago? Think again. Its called OPEC.
Cynic project
Aug 30 2005, 08:27 PM
Most of the OIl that comes to the US from outside sources comes from south America and theya re part of OPEC.... We go over tot he middle east to force OPEC to lower prices by the fact we have a big stick and if they don't we will beat them over th theead with it.
Kanada Ten
Aug 31 2005, 02:45 AM
QUOTE (John Campbell) |
Well, our real-world clean, safe, and plentiful option, nuclear fission, apparently makes treehugger spirits in Shadowrun's world unhappy, but... |
No, no, it just makes the salamanders a little too happy.
Aug 31 2005, 03:09 AM
QUOTE (Kanada Ten) |
No, no, it just makes the salamanders a little too happy. |
Why does your choice of italicism make me start giggling in juvenile fasion?
Kanada Ten
Aug 31 2005, 03:14 AM
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685) |
QUOTE (Kanada Ten @ Aug 30 2005, 10:45 PM) | No, no, it just makes the salamanders a little too happy. |
Why does your choice of italicism make me start giggling in juvenile fasion?  |
'Cause I'm a poet, man, a frekkin' poet. That, or because you need more sleep, much more sleep (your giddy subconscious mind is imagining playing in the nuclear hell fire and the laughter is that manifestation).
Aug 31 2005, 03:31 AM
I just woke up, though... Is the odd thing.
Lenice Hawk
Aug 31 2005, 11:39 AM
Heh, thanks for the info on the SR universe. I must have missed that, but it does make sense that fossil fuels aren't as important as they used to be.
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