Dec 15 2005, 08:05 AM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
Condoms. Put one over the barrel of your assualt rifle so water and dirt won't get in it. But don't use glow in-the-dark ones for god's sake, that just give away your position.
Always carry a weapon and if you ever have to kill a bunch of people leave one survivor, empty the murder weapon, and give it to the survivor before leaving. It is much easier for the police to arrest the guy with the smoking gun and assume that any contridictory videotapes were doctored than it is for them to track down a mysterous stranger. |
Just how lazy and stupid is the 'Star in your world?
I mean, I know they're supposed to be lazy, but that goes above and beyond...
Dec 15 2005, 12:12 PM
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Dec 15 2005, 03:05 AM) |
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Dec 14 2005, 08:55 PM) | Condoms. Put one over the barrel of your assualt rifle so water and dirt won't get in it. But don't use glow in-the-dark ones for god's sake, that just give away your position.
Always carry a weapon and if you ever have to kill a bunch of people leave one survivor, empty the murder weapon, and give it to the survivor before leaving. It is much easier for the police to arrest the guy with the smoking gun and assume that any contridictory videotapes were doctored than it is for them to track down a mysterous stranger. |
Just how lazy and stupid is the 'Star in your world?
I mean, I know they're supposed to be lazy, but that goes above and beyond...
Well, it happens in real life occasionally. It doesn't happen often, but it happens often enough. Take, for example, the case of Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald. A bunch drug-addled thungs break into his home, kill his family, and leave him for dead with several wounds. The drug addled thugs get away scott free and he was spent 25 years in prison.
Also, Matlock. In Matlock the police always arrest the obvious suspect without investigating. I will admit the video statement was a bit of exageration, however with advances in computerl animation and video editing technology- not to mention Trid phantasm- altering a security video to show a killer who doesn't exist would be fairly trivial.
Dec 15 2005, 12:24 PM
I'd say it's worth the price of a crap-common Ares Predator every now and then. They grow on trees in the Barrens, y'know.
Dec 25 2005, 12:14 AM
I'm thumbing through Frank Abagnale's "The Art of The Steal" right now. My character's gonna try some of this stuff. Stuff like: build a fake ATM that tells everyone that it's out of money, after they slot the card, but meanwhile it's reading their info, so you can make a fake card.
Why bother to steal a batch of Excalibur decks or whatever? Easier to steal a case of the casings they go into. Probably a lot less security at that factory. Take a couple of days to fill them with the guts from some second hand decks, then sell 'em. It'll make money, but definitely not friends.
Dec 25 2005, 05:36 AM
so question: where do you put the fake ATM, since they're usually built in to a wall if they're an out door, or inside a business which would usually like to know why you're putting an ATM into their lobby.
Dec 25 2005, 06:23 AM
Replace theirs with yours?
SL James
Dec 25 2005, 06:28 AM
The same way it's done IRL: Tell them you want to install an ATM and they get a rental fee every month for the opprtunity to have one in their store that you take care of.
Dec 25 2005, 06:43 AM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
or inside a business which would usually like to know why you're putting an ATM into their lobby. |
I've heard that shopping malls are a prime location for this sort of thing. The individual store employees typically don't notice what goes on outside their door, and the offices for the Mall property manager themselves are typically tucked away off a back hallway.
You run the chance of getting stopped by the mall rent-a-cops, but if you dress the part of an equipment technician, act confident, and apply some social engineering should anyone actually question you, you might just be able to wheel that dolly with the machine on it right up to a structural pillar, plug in to a free outlet, and get away with it.
Of course, this kind of heist, while insanely easy to pull off the first few times, will get harder as time goes on, as more and more malls instruct their security staff that installation of an ATM is suspicious.
It's more common these days to see a false facade placed onto an existing ATM instead of a whole fake ATM being installed. Basically, it's an inch thick panel that fits over the existing cardslot. It has it's own built in card reader for skimming the magnetic stripe data, and then a pinhole camera pointed at the keypad. The first generation of these facades wasn't very subtle, but the current crop is getting damn good at looking like original hardware.
Dec 25 2005, 08:25 AM
lots to read through on this thread, not sure if this has been put out yet but here goes.
If you've got an empty plastic bottle, you've got a one use silencer.
Dec 25 2005, 08:30 AM
Ummmmmmm... That's not going to work well. And by "well" I mean "at all"...
Dec 25 2005, 08:32 AM
I simply can NOT believe no one else sees the overwhelming fact that YOU CANT POWER A FLUORESCENT LIGHT BULB WITH A WALKIE TALKIE!
Listen to the experts, they will tell you what is impossible, and why, and then go out and do it. IF I had the parts and the time, I could probably do it, just to watch your jaw drop. All you need is power source and ground, bulb lights up, simple electronics...
Dec 25 2005, 08:36 AM
Ummmmmmm... That's not going to work well. And by "well" I mean "at all" |
maybe not with heavy caliburs, but have tried it with 38, 250 feet no notice. might not be perfect, but does work.
Dec 26 2005, 01:26 AM
Hmmm, potatos do as well.
Dec 26 2005, 04:43 AM
QUOTE (Mortax) |
Hmmm, potatos do as well. |
Raw or baked?
Dec 26 2005, 10:56 AM
baked with sour cream, it's the sour cream that does wonder with sound dampening.
Dec 27 2005, 12:53 AM
That's my problem, I've been topping my silencer potatoes with bacon & cheese and skipping the sour cream!
Dec 27 2005, 01:01 AM
Yeah the reason i game is to stay out of trouble, Thanks for helping it find me again.
Dec 27 2005, 03:30 PM
QUOTE (Dog) |
Stuff like: build a fake ATM that tells everyone that it's out of money, after they slot the card, but meanwhile it's reading their info, so you can make a fake card. |
Since you can get an electronic card reader about as thin as a piece of paper, it's generally easier to slip that into the reader of a real ATM and set up an inconspicuous camera watching the keypad. Then no one asks 'where'd this ATM come from' and you dont' have to build and transport a friggin ATM.
There are also credit card readers small enough to be put behind a name badge. Get a job at a restaurant and just swipe the card on your badge. Stores all the relevant information (won't work at an ATM, but Amazon will accept it).
Dec 28 2005, 03:30 AM
QUOTE (nezumi) |
There are also credit card readers small enough to be put behind a name badge. Get a job at a restaurant and just swipe the card on your badge. Stores all the relevant information (won't work at an ATM, but Amazon will accept it). |
Yes, it stores all the relevant information, except of course for the CVC2/CVV2 number from the signature block on the card, which is deliberately not encoded on the magnetic stripe. The existence of stripe swipers is why you see more and more online and telephone transactions requiring it.
If you want to go the extra mile, you could do what I did, and put a small innocent looking "Please Check Photo ID" sticker over your CVV2 number after you've memorized it.
Dec 28 2005, 05:22 AM
QUOTE (Weredigo) |
QUOTE | Ummmmmmm... That's not going to work well. And by "well" I mean "at all" |
maybe not with heavy caliburs, but have tried it with 38, 250 feet no notice. might not be perfect, but does work.
there's no way you just drained a coke, then stuck it on the end of a .38 (revolver?) and it was supressed.
Dec 28 2005, 07:06 AM
All that silencers really do is let the gas leak out slower than it normally does. A coke bottle would work okay in that task, as the gas would first expand into the bottle, and then out the hole made by the bullet. The pressure pushing the gas out would be much less than that of the barrel. I don't know how effective said dampening would be, but it would be better than nothing. Plus I bet a 2-liter would work alot better than a 20oz, but using a glass bottle would just be asking for trouble.
Dec 29 2005, 04:35 AM
One of the things that Lazarus always carried on his person were those restaurant packets of salt. They make a nice field expedient torture device since most people you interrogate will be bleeding somewhere. (or at least you can make them bleed.)
Also knowing some martial arts that has knowledge of pressure points and nerve endings is useful as well.
And basically develop "good" habits. Throw gear away that you can't clean or can link you to something. Never resell a murder weapon. Always have a way out. Have downtime where you lay low for a little bit after a run. Stuff like that.
Use stuff that is common. The more of it there is the harder it is for it to trace. If you can kill someone with an Ares Predator versus a rare Power Focus use the Predator.
When it comes to money or favors I like money. People can forget they owe you one but money is usually rock-solid. If you have enough of it people will help even if they don't like you. Also try not to owe anyone. If it can’t be helped then whatever but if you can pay them, even if it costs out the ass pay ‘em.
When you get the money things you need:
1. A Clean I.D. that is bulletproof, or as close as you can get. Don't use unless it's an emergency. And try to include a bank account with that I.D.
2. Clean Equipment you never use. A safehouse you never use. A car you never use. You get the idea.
Don't put all your wealth into one type. It doesn't have to be bulky like 400 AKs, but magic stuff is good for that. Also precious metals, paper money (Yes it's still around in SR.), jewelry, hell friggin Baseball cards, whatever. Basically don't have all your money in Nuyen in bank accounts where a pissed off Decker can ruin you or in Certified Credsticks where they can be stolen or lost.
If you get caught:
1. Don't say shit.
2. Don't say a f**kin' word no matter what.
3. If they have you dead to rights and they want something then if you have no choice, give them just enough to keep yourself alive.
4. If you can bribe your way out do it. Again money is nice for this.
Dec 29 2005, 09:48 AM
Thanks for the backup Slump...
Another Idea, instead of boots or shoes, wear moccasins. I'm sure there are plenty of different materials that can be used to grant said foot gear just as much armor as boots, benefits include better sense of balance and grip on terrain as well as harder to trace from prints on soil, drawbacks you'd be a bit more susceptible to caltrops and broken glass although a steel DrScholl's insert would rectify that matter you'd also go through them a bit faster. Although with a Leathercrafting skill and enough material you'd rarely have to go out and buy them.
Dec 29 2005, 09:50 AM
Dec 29 2005, 09:57 AM
just putting it out as another idea, never said it was a good idea...
Dec 29 2005, 10:26 AM
I just don't see "wear moccassins" as something I'd expect to see on a thread called "tips for the criminals in training."
Dec 29 2005, 10:34 AM
as I live and breathe, expect the unexpected...
Another good point. They are also a lot less noisy then boots. Bare feet are a lot less noisy then Mocc's but... not reccomended
Dec 29 2005, 01:46 PM
Because if you go on a run barefoot, you'll leave footprints behind, just like you'll leave fingerprints behind if you aren't wearing gloves.
Always wear gloves on a run.
Dec 29 2005, 03:44 PM
It's better to owe money than to be owed when it comes to someone more powerful than you. It's better to be owed money than to owe money when it comes to someone smaller than you (and useful).
Remember, if you owe someone else money, they won't want to whack you (as long as they have faith you'll eventually pay you back. Keep up on that interest!) If they kill you, you can't pay and you can't make future withdrawals. If it's a big enough sum, that means they'll be a little more anxious to help you out since if you die on the job, you can't pay them back. Eventually you can kill the person who you owe money and you're even again. But as I said, you must make sure they think you're good for the money!! If they suspect you're going to welch on the deal, you're better dead now so they can sell your stuff.
If someone owes you money, needless to say, you can call in favors (the alternative is you push for more immediate payment). This doesn't work on people who can easily pay you because bullets are cheap. As a general rule, if a mob boss asks me for money, I make sure it's a 'gift' so it's not worth his trouble to kill me.
Dec 31 2005, 03:54 AM
QUOTE (Critias) |
I just don't see "wear moccassins" as something I'd expect to see on a thread called "tips for the criminals in training." |
It may not be a good idea for combat, but it's great if you're trying to avoid being tracked. Most boots have soles that dig into the dirt, to help with traction, but this leaves clear tracks. Moccs, on the other foot, leave nothing but a foot sized shallow depression. Unless their actually trained in tracking, they may not realize it's a footprint. Go rent "Hunted" to see what I'm talking about. It's not "shadowcraft," but it is "fieldcraft."
Dec 31 2005, 04:31 AM
I don't need to watch "Hunted" to see what you're talking about, I've done my share (and several other peoples' shares) of hiking, camping, tracking, etc.
I didn't say it was bad advice. I just said it caught me off guard in a thread about Shadowrunning criminals.
Dec 31 2005, 02:25 PM
A better idea would be to get a special boot that can morph between smooth bottoms for increased stealth and treaded ones for increased grip.
There we go, all high-tech.
Dec 31 2005, 02:39 PM
just get a genaric common boot hi selling and many people have em.
Jan 1 2006, 02:11 AM
Like, maybe, surplus army combat boots.
Jan 1 2006, 02:18 AM
QUOTE (tisoz) |
Like, maybe, surplus army combat boots. |
Yeah thats the ticket.
Jan 1 2006, 02:25 AM
question about that, actually....
when determining a person's weight from thier boot depression depth, how do they account for weight being carried??? They can't, can they?
and what about previous moisture, rainstorms, etc???
(E.G. the dirt was soft after a slight rain when I made the depression, but then quickly hardened and was rather solid when they found it.)
perhaps I'm thinking into this too much, but I had to ask.
Herald of Verjigorm
Jan 1 2006, 02:32 AM
QUOTE (Fix-it) |
and what about previous moisture, rainstorms, etc??? |
Weather records do wonders to remove this realm of mystery.
Jan 1 2006, 03:19 AM
QUOTE (Fix-it) |
question about that, actually....
when determining a person's weight from thier boot depression depth, how do they account for weight being carried??? They can't, can they?
and what about previous moisture, rainstorms, etc???
(E.G. the dirt was soft after a slight rain when I made the depression, but then quickly hardened and was rather solid when they found it.)
perhaps I'm thinking into this too much, but I had to ask. |
oh great now we are going to add the CSI factor.
Jan 1 2006, 05:51 AM
QUOTE (Fix-it) |
question about that, actually....
when determining a person's weight from thier boot depression depth, how do they account for weight being carried??? They can't, can they?
and what about previous moisture, rainstorms, etc???
(E.G. the dirt was soft after a slight rain when I made the depression, but then quickly hardened and was rather solid when they found it.)
perhaps I'm thinking into this too much, but I had to ask. |
Weight carried can be somewhat accounted for by the manner in which the print was made. A print left by someone unencumbered will look different than a print of someone with similar weight carrying a load (i.e. the person carrying the load will tend to come down on their heel harder).
If there was a rain that may have altered the manner in which the print was made, it will usually be evident in the surface elsewhere around the print. If time passed has been long enough that you wouldn't know there had been rainfall recently, and the print has had time to harden, then in most situations you're hopelessly behind the trail anyways...for most military applications anyways.
Jan 2 2006, 12:27 AM
An easy way to defeat this is simply change how you hold your foot. Put a rock in your shoe. You'll naturally shift your weight. As a non-CSI person, I can't say if they'll know how to counter the Ministry of Silly Walks though. Also consider wearing boots that are the wrong size and stuffing them somehow. Someone said shoeprints are as distinctive as fingerprints. This isn't quite accurate, but as people have already pointed out, the size, make, wear, residue and weight of the wearer can all work to identify your culprit.
Jan 2 2006, 02:42 AM
thanks for the info. I came up with another way to defeat it:
well, it depends on jus how different of a shoe size you use (you could probably get away with a size, maybe a size and a half) but if you go for something hugely different, it will be apparent simply because the length of the stride won't match someone with that footsize. I'm a perfect example of this, i'm only 5'3 and wear a size 6 1/2-7 shoe. If i were to stuff my foot into anything much above a 7 1/2 or 8, it would be painfully obvious, or i'd have to struggle to get a longer stride.
Jan 2 2006, 05:33 AM
QUOTE (nick012000) |
Because if you go on a run barefoot, you'll leave footprints behind, just like you'll leave fingerprints behind if you aren't wearing gloves. |
QUOTE (nezumi) |
Someone said shoeprints are as distinctive as fingerprints. |
I think the original quote was about matching toe-swirls and heel prints similarly to matching fingerprints. However, there is no national toe print database, to my knowledge.
I also agree that moccasins might make it harder to track, but when you step on broken glass, a rusty nail or drop a heavy object on your toe, you'll wish you brought steel toed boots.
Jan 2 2006, 06:47 AM
Which is why you get your moccasins made out of armored materials. So the broken glass won't cut through it.
Jan 2 2006, 05:18 PM
My quote was in regards to a shoe print in the mud.
Pick up your shoe right now. How many people have that model of that shoe from that company? How many have that much wear? And in that size? What sort of things are stuck in the treads? Mud? Poo? Hair? Dried rice? Not as distinctive as a toe print (seriously though, who is dumb enough to commit a crime barefoot anyway), but very distinct nonetheless.
Jan 2 2006, 05:24 PM
So wear whatever foot gear and put those little hospital booties over them.
Jan 2 2006, 06:14 PM
QUOTE (stevebugge) |
So wear whatever foot gear and put those little hospital booties over them. |
ph screw that, just cut off your feet.
Jan 2 2006, 07:16 PM
Or just destroy the shoes after the run along with the gun.
Jan 2 2006, 08:19 PM
QUOTE (nezumi) |
Or just destroy the shoes after the run along with the gun. |
no cutting of your feet is much more feasable of an idea.
Bullet Raven
Jan 2 2006, 09:30 PM
QUOTE (Mr.Platinum) |
QUOTE (nezumi @ Jan 2 2006, 07:16 PM) | Or just destroy the shoes after the run along with the gun. |
no cutting of your feet is much more feasable of an idea.
You're right.
it wouldn't be a run if there wasn't blatant overcomplication.
"I've just done a run, I'll need two new cyberfeet, size 8 and a height modification for my new shoe size"