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Both of you are being retards.

Critas: You cannot just randomly insult someone else in a thread and then act all surprised when they show up and call you out on being an asshole. Its retarded to expect people to just ignore you while you insult them. Saying "Just ignore me" when you're the one that started it is just dumb.

Blakkie: You're just provoking Critas.

Now, both of you, hold hands and make up or I'll make Dad slap your heads together.
wow. y'know, they gave SL James a time-out, and at least his massive flaming rampages were on-topic.

i'm going to make a valiant effort, here, and post on-topic. FrankTrollman had this to say about high-force spirit threats:
QUOTE (FrankTrollman)
Ultimately, a high force spirit is like a big computer virus - it's not necessarily something your players can't handle, but it is something that most of your players can't do anything about.

i agree. however, there are things you can do that will make such villains viable as recurring characters--basically, just make sure the rest of the team has something to do while the specialists are dealing with their specialty. if the mage and adept are taking on a high-force spirit, throw lots of goons at the sam and the rigger/hacker. if the hacker is dealing with a big virus... uh, throw lots of goons at the sam and the mage and the adept. you get the idea.

QUOTE (BlackHat)
Critas: You cannot just randomly insult someone else in a thread and then act all surprised when they show up and call you out on being an asshole.

he didn't. Cynic Project posted the snipe at blakkie, not Critias.
QUOTE (mfb)
QUOTE (BlackHat)
Critas: You cannot just randomly insult someone else in a thread and then act all surprised when they show up and call you out on being an asshole.

he didn't. Cynic Project posted the snipe at blakkie, not Critias.

Ah! I'm sorry, I retract my statement then.

So, why are you guys argueing at all? Oh wait, I don't care.
Sorry for calling you retards, but please use PMs to share your feelings for one another.
QUOTE (BlackHat @ Jan 19 2006, 12:41 PM)
Both of you are being retards.

Critas: You cannot just randomly insult someone else in a thread and then act all surprised when they show up and call you out on being an asshole. Its retarded to expect people to just ignore you while you insult them. Saying "Just ignore me" when you're the one that started it is just dumb.

Blakkie: You're just provoking Critas.

Now, both of you, hold hands and make up or I'll make Dad slap your heads together.

Show me where I fucking started this with Blakkie. Show me. Show me, right now. Show me. I double dog dare you. Show me. Shoooooow me. Showmeshowmeshowme. Show me. Go looking for where I said a damned thing to or about Blakkie before he started in, cut and paste it or quote the text in a reply, and then show it to me. Show me. Show it to me, right now. I'll paypall you $100, if you show me.


EDIT Nevermind, you retracted. I'm keeping my $100.
emo samurai
I was thinking of running with 450 BP characters because of the mantis spirit at the end. But then I thought of making a free mantis spirit a long-running PC, so I didn't want her to be killed at the end.

So I thought up the idea of her trying to get Yakuza backing so that she could cement her hold over the Barrens and let the roach spirit colony in her basement that she feeds on spread to other apartment blocks. It'll be like Bug City 2.0, except with 5 times the subtlety and hopefully no megacorp attention. Which rules out attacking the gangs directly with her spirits. When the runners manage to track the car, she figures that the best way to wipe out the other gangs is to kill the oyabun and make it look like the other gangs did it. The roach infestation could spread in the ensuing chaos. She's pretty much an unknown in the area and the building she inhabits has been owned by ghouls for years until she wiped them out, so no one knows about her or really wants to check. No one goes near her building or gives it a second thought, and the yakuza won't really bother to suspect that a bunch of (nonexistent) blind HMVV sufferers are the ones to snipe the oyabun. Instead, it'll be a bunch of runners.

The problem: how do I make an assassination on a jury-rigged race track difficult for 450 BP characters? I matched up my characters to the NPC's in the book, and they're better than Red Samurai.
QUOTE (FrankTrollman)
On the subject of a Force 9 Mantid. It won't necessarily kill your whole party, but it will be able to essentially ignore several members of your team. It has Immunity to Normal Weapons, and that means 18 points of hardened armor. Of course, it rolls 9 Willpower dice and has 13 stun boxes - an overcast Stunbolt could quite easily disrupt the thing in one shot (or 2 at the most).

Unless it has minions. A cult built up around it, for instance. Then the party can get drawn into it's proverbial web, sammies and whatnot fight minions, a mage surprises the "woman" by managing to damage her with a spell, the "woman" uses her tremendous power to escape -- after someone gets a glimpse of her on the Astral, or something.


Recurring villian.

Concerned about the mage's (or whoever's) ability to hurt her (they dare!, says the villian), from then on out for a while the Mantid sends minions. Lines up jobs against the PCs. Sets traps for them or their contacts. Uses wicked, womanly, wiles, in other words -- which just happens to also be the sort of tricks supervillians pull all the time.

Give it a while, and the players will get tired of near misses, lost money, scared contacts, and lost funds. Then they go on the offensive -- with a bunch more karma than the first time they tangled with the bitch -- and maybe by then they've got shit that can take down a Force 8 or 9 Mantid.

Presto changeo, fun for everyone. They get fat karma, they get a feeling of accomplishment after "finally" getting their old enemy, etc, etc. One-offs are fun, but ultimately can be unsatisfying. Feed 'em danger a little at a time, maybe not even every single session (give 'em a normal Shadowrun here and there, then have her come back and pester 'em some more)... let it build up, and THEN let 'em fight her (and hopefully by then win).

Good times.
I agree. Goons are a classic way to give everyone something to do while one person takes on the enemy that only they can. The goons could even be low-force male mantid spirits, or something the others can actually damage.

As for the roach colony thing, maybe it's just me, but a mantis spirit "farming" other spirits seems out of character. There could well be roach spirits that she eats, but maybe they shouldn't be under her control; she's fighting them. Add another villain. A little more complexity might give longevity to the idea. (as opposed to one, singular enemy who, if the PCs kill, ends the campaign)

As for making the assasination difficult, well, be smart about the defense, and add one little detail that the PCs didn't know about ahead of time. One little hitch can turn a milk run into a disaster. Maybe the target of the assasination has been replaced by a flesh form bug? biggrin.gif
"i know what you're doing! you're using wiles on me!"

farming bugs isn't in a mantid spirit's basic nature. you could have a deviant mantid spirit doing this, maybe, which might pave the way for some really wacky alliances--runners teaming up with other mantid spirits to take out the deviant freak, etcetera.
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk)
I agree. Goons are a classic way to give everyone something to do while one person takes on the enemy that only they can. The goons could even be low-force male mantid spirits, or something the others can actually damage.

As for the roach colony thing, maybe it's just me, but a mantis spirit "farming" other spirits seems out of character. There could well be roach spirits that she eats, but maybe they shouldn't be under her control; she's fighting them. Add another villain. A little more complexity might give longevity to the idea. (as opposed to one, singular enemy who, if the PCs kill, ends the campaign)

As for making the assasination difficult, well, be smart about the defense, and add one little detail that the PCs didn't know about ahead of time. One little hitch can turn a milk run into a disaster. Maybe the target of the assasination has been replaced by a flesh form bug? biggrin.gif

Maybe toss in a single weaker male Mantid Spirit (or Mantis shaman, for that matter, I'm not as up on bugs as some people) as a minor group leader somewhere along the way.

That'll make sure they know to do some research, and try to find some top of the line bug-killin' stuff.
QUOTE (mfb)
"i know what you're doing! you're using wiles on me!"

farming bugs isn't in a mantid spirit's basic nature. you could have a deviant mantid spirit doing this, maybe, which might pave the way for some really wacky alliances--runners teaming up with other mantid spirits to take out the deviant freak, etcetera.

Oooh, I like it. Now we just need a reason why the non-deviant mantids want to work with the PCs.
well, because they're so tast--er, capable.
QUOTE (mfb)
well, because they're so tast--er, capable.

mmmm, tasty double-cross.
QUOTE (emo samurai)
But then I thought of making a free mantis spirit a long-running PC...

I assume you meant NPC
QUOTE (BlackHat @ Jan 19 2006, 11:45 AM)
QUOTE (mfb @ Jan 19 2006, 12:42 PM)
QUOTE (BlackHat)
Critas: You cannot just randomly insult someone else in a thread and then act all surprised when they show up and call you out on being an asshole.

he didn't. Cynic Project posted the snipe at blakkie, not Critias.

Ah! I'm sorry, I retract my statement then.

So, why are you guys argueing at all? Oh wait, I don't care.
Sorry for calling you retards, but please use PMs to share your feelings for one another.

Yes, it was Cynic Project that pointed the insult at me.

Instead Critias took a big dump on the thread in general. I called him on it and he blew per usual. So his cries of "i'm innocent, i didn't start nothin'" are indeed as hollow and ill-smelling as 59¢ K-Mart Easter Bunnies in July. But now Critias has now taken his demented obsession of repeatedly pestering me to stop into equally counterintuitive, swearword laced PMs rotfl.gif and the thread is getting back on track with Critias even contributing! So....


I missed it, did you intend this to be a free, true-form Mantis? What powers and physical stats were you going to give it? As pointed out most 400 BP, and even 450 BP characters are quite ineffectual against a spirit. Even using a Stunbolt is dodgy because the spirit can throw down 18 exploding dice to resist the spell to either leisurely scoot away on the astral or rip the offending mage(s) into two. It has 9 Edge to work with, and it won't need it for firearms unless the PCs arrive with a military field artilery piece towwed behind their car. If you make it a free spirit and start giving it Counterspelling dice then the PCs will need to be twinked out to matter at all to the spirit.

The problem: how do I make an assassination on a jury-rigged race track difficult for 450 BP characters? I matched up my characters to the NPC's in the book, and they're better than Red Samurai.

A race track means betting, right? So with potentially big money on the line they should have security out the ying-yang. That means very tough to get unauthorized weapons, some types of cyber, and magic items like foci and spirits into the area. Also i'd expect magical security watching for spells, which means they need to keep their Force low or be spotted.

SR4 is such that a swarm of lower powered NPCs triggered by a security alarm is much more deadly than in SR3. More than ever a wise PC fears the gutter-ganger packing a shotgun. The tough part isn't bashing something, it is doing the gank quietly with only equipment that can get past security.

EDIT: What BlackHat said. That was a typo, right? Because long-running is easy since the spirit should be able to walk away from a confrontation. But i implore you to avoid having that confrontation because players tend to do wacky things like figure out how to quickly kill off that NPC you had lots of plans for. Forcing you to choose either Deus Ex Machina or to toss away all that planning work. Afterall Insect Queens are naturals for having lots of fodder to do their dirty work like be the puppet leader of a gang.
you are completely useless. and a liar.
QUOTE (mfb)
you are completely useless. and a liar.

Not an accident? Still want to shoot off your mouth? How about you back that up and state exactly what you have deluded yourself into thinking i'm lieing about.
the PMs you sent me about a month back, wherein you stated you were trying to change and not be so much of a flaming asshole--where, specifically, you said you were going to try "to play nice with you, Critias, and James." looking at this thread, i think calling you a liar is pretty understated.
QUOTE (mfb @ Jan 19 2006, 02:43 PM)
the PMs you sent me about a month back, wherein you stated you were trying to change and not be so much of a flaming asshole--where, specifically, you said you were going to try "to play nice with you, Critias, and James." looking at this thread, i think calling you a liar is pretty understated.

Ummm, you should:
1) Stick to your own decisions and stop replying to me. EDIT: Even when you get the urge to stickup for Critias's antics and try to tagteam/packhunt me. You should have learned by now that i don't back down from that sort of attempt to bully.
2) Demand a refund for that Remedial Reading class.
3) Go get bent.

P.S. I've been trying to play nice with you, Critias, and James. It's not like you guys are idiots. Well maybe Critias.  Not due to any "warning" from admins but because of your actions and general change in tone, and i respect that. Especially after things got a bit heated up and some of the things i said, looking back, crossed the line i have (sorry 'bout that, i let myself escalate too far). That's hard to do.

As long as Critias decides that he wants to make full out, no-content, unrepentant threaddumping and foam-at-the-mouth rants then "Mad Dog Bladder" Critias gets the royal treatment. I didn't expect him to meltdown to the extent he did. I did hope he would STFU, pack up his whiner schtick, and head home. EDIT: Or at least send the whiner schtick home, Shadowland, or some other place far, far away. Hey, I salute that he made a couple of posts full of useful suggestions! But I'd much rather not have his drivel just move over to my PM box.
right. emo samurai, i'm sorry about your thread. it was whimsical while it lasted.
I feel bad for Emo. He made a hojillion threads a day, and we yelled at him, and so he made a dedicated idea page and has been looking up more answers to questions before he asks them. He's done everything we've asked. Sure, his ideas make some of us cringe sometimes (you have to admit, Emo, some of your ideas have been pretty out-there), but he's creative, and he submits his ideas for feedback with better than average grammar, he's understandable, and he doesn't flame. And what do we do? We poop all over his thread.
I'm sorry, Emo.
I just know that enough gasoline will eventually smother this fire.
Was that pointed at me? I hope my post wasn't inflammatory. When I said 'we', I was referring to the dumpshock community as a whole, so as not to point any fingers or be inflammatory in any way.
Please, no one be offended by my post. I didn't mean it to be. extinguish.gif
edit: I probably should've put my previous post in a PM to Emo, though.
Sorry everybody.
Let's talk about Emo's campaign ideas more.
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk @ Jan 19 2006, 03:17 PM)
Was that pointed at me?  I hope my post wasn't inflammatory.  When I said 'we', I was referring to the dumpshock community as a whole, so as not to point any fingers or be inflammatory in any way.
Please, no one be offended by my post.  I didn't mean it to be. extinguish.gif
edit: I probably should've put my previous post in a PM to Emo, though.
Sorry everybody.
Let's talk about Emo's campaign ideas more.

Probably not. But Azralon is giving up hope when success is in grasp. The thread is back on track. Whooot, whooot! All aboard that is coming aboard!


Soooo, what about mantis spirit? Did you expect it to be free? What powers are you going to give it? Because spirits have changed a bit in that there isn't just one single power list for spirits to base the mantis off of. Maybe based off Spirit of Beast?
I think that the spirit should go free in the first encounter with it. They gun down the insect shaman, then the spirit goes free. Or if not in the first encounter, at some point along the way. I just think this develops the villain more, and would be fun.
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk @ Jan 19 2006, 05:17 PM)
Was that pointed at me?

Negatory; I was referring to the self-defeating practice of insulting people to get them to stop being insulting. Thus ends my soapboxing on the subject.


Did I mention that it was an albino gnome mystic adept?

Also, fifty percent of his body weight comes from the dozens of cortex bombs he has implanted throughout his body, since they don't cost Essence and he makes nightly backups of his brain into personafix chips to upload into his Platinum DocWagon clones just in case he has to use the explosive implants to kill a dragon.

One time he was fighting a Force 20 free greatform insect spirit and had to rip off an arm to use as a cluster grenade. He was astrally perceiving while he removed the limb, so the explosion affected the astral.
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk)
I think that the spirit should go free in the first encounter with it. They gun down the insect shaman, then the spirit goes free. Or if not in the first encounter, at some point along the way. I just think this develops the villain more, and would be fun.

Going in that direction with his idea for the run itself, the wetwork target is the shaman. Whether or not they complete the contract and thus free the spirit, they also know something that the spirit would rather they not. That the gang has become a front for a insect infestation. Thus conflict is born?
Mantis spirits have two main ways they can show up: True Form and Flesh Form. The flesh form is going to be seven kinds of complicated, because the rules for possession haven't been published. At its core, the spirit is going to have physical attributes of the host's plus the force of the spirit, and then have whatever modifiers on top of that the writers of the spirits and threats section of Street Magic agree upon. I don't know what those will be, so I'd suggest not doing that.

The true form on the other hand, works just like a normal spirit once it's been conjured. The conjuring itself is a weird blood ritual which requires the sacrifice of one living creature and some of the spirit energy gained from killing another spirit that itself required the sacrifice of a living creature to bring into the world, and the rules for that whole thing haven't been written for SR4. Again, I don't know what they'll look like in Street Magic (honestly I wish I did, it would make my life easier). But since this spirit has already been conjured, you don't have to care. That all happened off camera before the spirit even entered stage left, so it's not important.

True form is definately the way you want to go if you want to stay within the rules as much as possible. In previous editions, all male mantids were true form and all female mantids were flesh form, so you might want to make this a cockroach spirit or fly spirit instead if you want to put it in a position of major antagonist. Mantids aren't particularly human-friendly, so really any free solitary insect spirit can perform the kinds of plot hooks you seem to want.

A true form solitary insect spirit is (hopefully) just a beast spirit. Optional powers can be Natural Weapon and Venom.


If you really want the whole "hot chick who is really a mantis spirit" thing going... I suggest the following ad hoc house conversion for one:

Take a basic human profile (3s in every physical stat or there abouts. Maybe give her an agility of 4 and strength of 2 to drive home that she is little and hot and maybe Asian).

Add the spirit's force to all her physical stats.

Replace all the mental and special attributes with the spirit's force.

Give her all the spirit powers of a spirit of beasts except materialization and astral form.

Make her dual natured and give her immunity to normal weapons.

Give her the initiate power of Masking, with an effective grade of her Force (which is to say: "good luck on seeing through that, biatch!"). Allow her masking to cover up her continual spirit powers even though it normally doesn't.

That should do. Free Spirits used to have all kinds of extra crazy rules involved, such as Spirit Energy and bonus powers and such, but you don't really have to worry about all that.

yes it is me

I'm not into bugs too what if you get a shaman who has an anti-insect spirit totem/metor spirit to come around?

racoon could be slightly anti-bug but the main ones would be

ant eater(s) [more then one type]
skunks(s) [all kinds]
shrikes [it's a perching bird that eats lizards and bugs]

Just to give your campaign some ideas
I agree with Frank that true form is going to be easier. But his fleshform suggestions make sense too given SR3 rules. You might consider imposing the Modified Attribute cap for the physical stats if you want to tone it down a smidgen. But then again these are normally NPCs so it is quite possible that won't happen with the canon Street Magic rules.

Still a few tweaks from the SR3 rules that you may or may not want to bring forward. For example the part about only insect spirits with wings can fly doesn't really make sense since under SR4 rules generally all the spirits can "fly".

Also there is the SR3 rule that when Banishing a trueform the spirit is treated as having double the Force. Given how SR4 rules work that would make any attempt to Banish a Force 9 insect spirit foolhardy since the spirit would roll 18 dice and the Drain on that is 2*hits DV. Average 12P drain before the spirit uses Edge? Ya, scatch foolhardy and replace that with suicidal. vegm.gif
emo samurai
Hmmm... when she goes free, is she cut off from the insect metaplane? If she is, does she have a greater degree of free will?

Oh, and we should totally have a Desert Flame Wars thread that just has Critias, Blakkie, and everyone else who wants to be involved just hurling insults at each other. It would be funny, and I wouldn't have to deal with it.
QUOTE (emo samurai @ Jan 19 2006, 04:52 PM)
Hmmm... when she goes free, is she cut off from the insect metaplane? If she is, does she have a greater degree of free will?

I don't think the insect metaplane contact changes, but insect spirits don't generally want to go there since their whole deal is trying to get as many spirits OUT of there as possible using up a live human to do it.

Queen spirits generally just pick up where the shaman left off, summoning insect spirits.

Oh, and we should totally have a Desert Flame Wars thread that just has Critias, Blakkie, and everyone else who wants to be involved just hurling insults at each other. It would be funny, and I wouldn't have to deal with it.

LOL I know i for one would miss your Wolfman transformations from such a bastard hellspawn of a thread. smile.gif EDIT: Besides for me such posting is only the means to another goal. So that kind of thread wouldn't really hold me. The same as i walk to get somewhere i want to be, not just for the sake of walking itself.
emo samurai
Do insect spirits need human hosts for new insect spirits after they become free?
QUOTE (emo samurai @ Jan 19 2006, 05:20 PM)
Do insect spirits need human hosts for new insect spirits after they become free?

It's still the same deal, yes.

EDIT: That is the nature of the insect metaplane. Tough to get out of. Tough for metahumans to get to, only an insect shamans can find it and then go there without going [more] insane. So finding out the True Name of a Queen is incredibily difficult since most insect shamans quickly become puppets of their Queen (and eventually gets disposed of once the Queen is finally summoned).

P.S. On true form vs. flesh form, MITS states that all female mantis (proper term is for the solitary type insects is Mother not Queen) are flesh form. I'm not sure that a male would normally go free. Even if a male did go free they are the decidely weaker of the species.
emo samurai
So she should have no problem fitting in. Except for the eating roaches part.
Perhaps the wetwork target is a weaker male mantis. The gang leader's "groupie" in the background is the real master, being the Mother. Ganking the male is going to piss off the female because you just killed Mommie's lunch. biggrin.gif Female mantis do something akin to Essense Drain (to death) of the males they summon so that they can gain the strength to summon more mantis spirits (both male and female). The Mother can only summon more spirits after they consume a male in this way!
Back to something mentioned before by mfb, it's unlikely that a mantis spirit would actively get another insect groups hive to grow. For one, that's not how a normal mantis would work, and they do have an underlying insect mentality. But most importantly, the roach's are going to know that the mantis is trying to bug-farm them , and they do have the ability to fight back. One Mantis against a hive is a bad idea, even with 'goons'..

boskop: anti-bug? that's what mantis spirits basically are. The anti-bug bug. They're the bug anti-christ.

back to emo: if you want to really mess with their heads, make the mantid have ties to the Mothers of Metahumans policlub.You can make a full campaign of them with factions of MOM running against them! rotfl.gif Imagine their suprise when they find the deepest entrenched bug of them all, Anne Penchyk! Then watch them squirm while they try to expose "the horror of her true self" to the media. Good times. Good times.

QUOTE (emo samurai)
Oh, and we should totally have a Desert Flame Wars thread that just has Critias, Blakkie, and everyone else who wants to be involved just hurling insults at each other. It would be funny, and I wouldn't have to deal with it.

That is perhaps the most profoundly wise thing I've ever read from you, Emo. Good job, and I mean that.
Don't bother. I'm finished, and hopefully so is he. Apologies for the disruption -- there was an attempt to take it to PMs, initially, but then I decided "fuck it" and just stopped talking to him entirely. Sorry for derailing.

Are you getting a few more concrete ideas out of the (on topic) parts, Emo? It sounds like the campaign idea/arch-villian part is progressing nicely, at least.
QUOTE (Azralon)
QUOTE (emo samurai @ Jan 19 2006, 06:52 PM)
Oh, and we should totally have a Desert Flame Wars thread that just has Critias, Blakkie, and everyone else who wants to be involved just hurling insults at each other. It would be funny, and I wouldn't have to deal with it.

That is perhaps the most profoundly wise thing I've ever read from you, Emo. Good job, and I mean that.

No, it is not. Now please stop trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and derail the thread again. nyahnyah.gif But wait....

Don't bother. I'm finished, and hopefully so is he. Apologies for the disruption -- there was an attempt to take it to PMs, initially, but then I decided "fuck it" and just stopped talking to him entirely. Sorry for derailing.

If by deciding "fuck it" you mean you decided to stop whining about how life isn't fair to you and then decided to stop being a threaddumping pratt. Then that is good.

Don't start nuthin', won't be nuthin'.
emo samurai

There. And how is asking for a Desert Flame Wars thread more wise than having a mystical ninja poser in a dank and gritty world like SR4?
Now, see, I told you it was a wise thing to say but never said it was a wise thing to do.
QUOTE (Azralon @ Jan 20 2006, 11:42 AM)
Now, see, I told you it was a wise thing to say but never said it was a wise thing to do.

I don't think there's anything to be gained by keeping this open. Emo, if you want, start a new thread for your campaign ideas.
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