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QUOTE (emo samurai)
And are 400 BP characters powerful enough to take on free mantids?

That depends entirely on how smart your players play.
I would say yes, but that's for my group taking on mantids in one of my campaigns. Plus, it depends heavily on the circumstances of their fight. Environment, preparedness, allies, etc. YMMV.
emo samurai
How do I make Agira Tetsumi less action-movie? And do you have any suggestions for names that aren't taken from the Sega Shadowrun game?

How do you say "Shadow of many faces" in Japanese? I have lots of Japanese majors as friends, but I'm lazy. I was thinking of adding "Kage" on the end of the first syllable of "Bunryaku," since his faces are like, I don't know, puppets, but then that woulud be "Bukage," and we all know what that sounds like.
emo samurai
QUOTE (stevebugge @ Jan 17 2006, 02:02 PM)
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Jan 15 2006, 02:40 AM)
I'll see if I can find my source on that then. I'd thought I had seen it in SoA, but I guess that can be wrong of course.

I think there is something like that said in Shadows of Asia, in the Russia section. It sounded geographically inaccurate to me though too.

Crater Lake West 122-6.57 North 42-56.81
Lake Baikal (rough center) East 108-3.33 North 53-24.00

There doesn't appear too be much relation at all in fact.

thanks Steve, 'preciate the fact finding. 3 karma.

Emo: MO< yes, a force 9 is too tough for most starting characters, unless you have say 6+ players. As an example, in melee combat, it's going to throw 18 dice. Starting characters, well augmented are going to be lucky throwing 15 if melle is one of their strong points. Also, 9 points of hardened armor. Unless you're in the habit of providing APDS for starting characters, they will have a very hard time hitting it. Just lower the force a bit and your game still works.

As for action-movie esque.. lemme put it this way;

We once had a player taht would GM sometimes. Everytime he did, he would come up with 'ultimate' NPC with some innane flaw, usually amnesia. I kid you not, he once had a guy that was a spell caster with no memeory, that won millions in one night of cards in a casino, and ripped the top turret off a a tank. He was a good example of someone that made Mary-Sue characters. That sounds a bit like this as well.

Assuming this is an NPC that you wil be running in the game. If not, I may be a bit off base, although the character concept still seems pretty out landish, especially for a beginning character. How are you managing , for example, to be good friends w/ the Oyabun, and have a Red Samurai for weapons contact ,as well as a master of martial arts, disguise, and (I assume) an adept, and still cover other skills (such as pistols ) and attributes well enough to make him a viable character.

Try toning down some of the character envy and all the firends in high places and it may be a bit more viable
QUOTE (emo samurai)
How do you say "Shadow of many faces" in Japanese? I have lots of Japanese majors as friends, but I'm lazy. I was thinking of adding "Kage" on the end of the first syllable of "Bunryaku," since his faces are like, I don't know, puppets, but then that woulud be "Bukage," and we all know what that sounds like.

Also, my Japanese is rusty, so I'm using an online dictionary to help (hint) but taking the "bu" from bunraku doesn't actually mean anything. If I recall correctly, Bunkraku is broken down into "Bun" and "Raku" in the Kanji.

Bun = sentence; literature; style; art; decoration; figures; plan
Raku = music; comfort; ease

Together the translation is "puppet theatre" but that doesn't mean the "bu" means "puppet", or that anyone (especially the japanese) would know what you were doing if you took the "bu" and attached "kage" to it.

... unless you were going for "Art Shadow" or something... maybe... its probably a grammatical nightmare.
Lol, acutally, a quick search showed that "bu" can mean "to dispise, or make light of"... so maybe the name could mean "He who dispises the darkness" or "one who makes light of shadow." wink.gif Kinda cool, but maybe not what you were going for... plus it rhymes with a sperm-shower, which your players will pick up on immediatly.
emo samurai
He does have high enough stats, and he's 400 BP. I'm having him be a player character in the one-shot.
QUOTE (emo samurai)
He does have high enough stats, and he's 400 BP. I'm having him be a player character in the one-shot.

Are you running the game and playing the uber-guy? or just making him and giving him to one of the players?
QUOTE (BlackHat @ Jan 18 2006, 08:55 AM)
Together the translation is "puppet theatre" but that doesn't mean the "bu" means "puppet", or that anyone (especially the japanese) would know what you were doing if you took the "bu" and attached "kage" to it.

... unless you were going for "Art Shadow" or something... maybe... its probably a grammatical nightmare.

Or thay assumed that the g was a typo that should have been a k. Also not something that you really want.
QUOTE (Cynic project @ Jan 12 2006, 11:49 PM)
At least he isn't as bad as Blackie.

Sorry I took so long, but it helps if you spell it properly and repeat it three times. So what, why the comparison? You feel emo's post forcing you to dust off the little gray cells and put them to use?

QUOTE (Critias)
Whew. I'm bitin' my tongue. Somehow.

Apparently biting your tongue doesn't stop you from posting. Maybe try biting your fingers instead?

Emo, you need not pay much heed to this ninny-naysayers. To give them some sort of credibitily you'd have to ignore that they are posting here after decrying and predicting SR4 as the coming of the antichrist without having the class and/or nads of say Cheops to own up and admit afterward that their predictions were more than a little off.

What i'm trying to say, without making it a personal attack, is that Critias especially is prone to hamming up the Rebel Without A Clue schtick of trying to claim some sort of intellectual independant thought by wringing his teenage angst hands. But, you know, it's really tough to explain what a pud he acts like without being at least a little bit insulting. wink.gif Speaking of which where is James? Did he banned again?


Anyway to the topic of the thread and the initial idea. I think PlatonicPimp really hit on a good idea with having it as quack medical use bounty that is a front for Human Nation purging the human traitor elf-posers. You don't even need to bother weekly rolls to check how many ears are collected to reduce prices. If they snuff to many people or the wrong people, and the wrong people also tend to be the kind that has money for cosmetic surgery, that is pretty much all the throttle you need to keep them from farming phat loot. Of course it depends a bit on your game. If you run one where the plot has little or no internally valid logic to start with then using that angle is kind of a foul.

EDIT: Haven't made it through the other ideas. The last post by hyzmarca has me a little leary of treading there, but i'll try work through them and post some suggests if i find some time.
emo samurai
I want to play SR4, but no one's running a game. I'm thinking of having one of the players run a game every third or fourth week and playing Bukage.
QUOTE (emo samurai)
playing Bukage.

Oh dear. I know this has been brought up earlier, but I didn't realize how right that poster was until I saw it. Yes, for some reason it's easier for me to replace that 'g' with a 'k' at a glance than to read it how it's meant. Just... be warned. I wouldn't be surprised if that comes up in game.
yes, please do name him that. The look on your fellow players faces would be priceless. PLus, your GM might give yo ua free point of notoriety for being the shadowrunner going by the handle 'Bukage'.
emo samurai
That would be AWESOME in a horrible way. I'll make it so that he didn't get the name himself. One of his unwanted groupies from the ninja clan will have spent much of his time and money secretly spreading the rumors of a legendary ninja named Bukage out of a misguided sense of dog-like loyalty. The ninja nominally named Bukage will be quite pissed at this, since even though he doesn't like this "subordinate," he understands all too well that this is the kind of thing he does. His personal mission, on top of killing people for money and negotiating brilliantly for it, will be to kill this man out of sheer ire and embarrassment.
Rotbart van Dainig
Oh, sweet innocence.
I can only repeat my mantra: he's learning, he's learning, he's learning.
emo samurai
What am I supposed to be learning? This seems like a fun idea.
QUOTE (Ling Ling)
I don't like Bukake Chef, his secret ingredient is always the same.

Yes, "Bukage" is a name that will inspire lots of chortles of laughter and shudders. Especially when said aloud, it is almost identical to the name of a vividly disturbing genre of Nippon pornography. Don't go there.


On the subject of a Force 9 Mantid. It won't necessarily kill your whole party, but it will be able to essentially ignore several members of your team. It has Immunity to Normal Weapons, and that means 18 points of hardened armor. Of course, it rolls 9 Willpower dice and has 13 stun boxes - an overcast Stunbolt could quite easily disrupt the thing in one shot (or 2 at the most).

Ultimately, a high force spirit is like a big computer virus - it's not necessarily something your players can't handle, but it is something that most of your players can't do anything about. That can be problematic from the standpoint of running a game - since the hacker and street sam will be frozen out of the encounter with the spirit (just as the mage and street sam would be frozen out of the encounter with the computer virus) it can actually end up feeling anticlimactic for several of the players.

I'm not saying don't do it, I'm saying that such a villain should only be used as a one-off. It doesn't involve the whole team particularly, so don't devote too much time to it.

emo samurai
I've been thinking of that, too. The rigger/hacker would be useless. I was thinking of having the mantid catch them and give them a counter-offer to give back the car but assassinate the Yakuza oyabun for, like, 5 times the money. There will be a few token bullet holes to make it look like something other than a setup, but it'll be good to go once the race starts. Getting into the garage won't be much of a problem, either. And being the honorable people they are, they'll probably take up the offer.

Also, what does a technomancer/rigger use Resonance for, besides sprites and increasing the cap on his complex forms?
QUOTE (blakkie @ Jan 18 2006, 01:32 PM)
Emo, you need not pay much heed to this ninny-naysayers. To give them some sort of credibitily you'd have to ignore that they are posting here after decrying and predicting SR4 as the coming of the antichrist without having the class and/or nads of say Cheops to own up and admit afterward that their predictions were more than a little off.

What i'm trying to say, without making it a personal attack, is that Critias especially is prone to hamming up the Rebel Without A Clue schtick of trying to claim some sort of intellectual independant thought by wringing his teenage angst hands.  But, you know, it's really tough to explain what a pud he acts like without being at least a little bit insulting.


Fuck. You.

There. See how quick threads degenerate into nothing at all but name calling and hurled insults, the moment you poke your retarded fucking head into them? Couldn't help but stir shit up, could you, you degenerate little fuck? Here's Boskop Albatros and Emo Samurai asking a metric ton of stupid shit questions, here's Crit mostly containing his disdain and even occasionally answering questions and offering opinions in a positive manner -- but whoops, here's Blakkie, just comin' in and takin' a big runny poop in the middle of the conversation! And away things go! Whee!

I wasn't talking to you, I wasn't talking about you, I like to think you're dead whenever I'm not actually reading one of your recent posts. Hell, I haven't even spoken up abour SR4 and my like or dislike of it, for a good long fucking while -- I even pointedly set aside my feelings for it, recently, to present a fairly even-handed comparison of editions out in the non-SR4-dedicated forum, just a day or two ago. Does that fucking matter to you, though, you inbred fuck? Of course not. Gotta stir shit up. And you see what happens? See what happens when you can't just fucking leave well enough alone, or ignore my post and talk to Emo without your little fucking bullshit rant? Threads get all shit on, that's what.

So you ignore me, I'll try and go back to ignoring you, and the odds of both of us dying peacefully in our sleep, years from now, goes way the fuck up, okay?
Now, now, boys. Play nice.
Emo: sometimes it is ok to have groups go up against something that not everyone can effect. For one simple reason:life isn't fair. Don't do it often, and don't do it right away (like, say, the first run for a new group IMO), and don't make it some thing that you'll need the whole group to take (for example, a force 9 Mantid). It can be interesting just to remind people why a team is built of different skill groups, and not all one type. Also, I'd suggest taht if you do it, don't make it something only the mage can effect. Most people hate that.

That being said, I'd go ahead w/ the Mantid, but with a few changes.

1- lower the force to 4, 5or 6 if oyu want it to be recurring and not something they're going to figh. Higher if it will be a major plot character.

2- don't have it pay them. Not with moeny at least. Pay them by letting them live. also, remember that classic line "what's my motivation?" WHY is the Mantid doing all this? What does it have to gain? Even if the PC's never find out, having it's motives in mind gives it much more character and depth.

As for the ninja, my continuing problem with him is the groupie/hero worship. The idea, at least in my mind, that a ninja would basically worship another enough to spread his name in another country (or even their own dojo for that matter) as a 'legendary ninja' just seems ludricrous to me. Keep the character concept, keep the abilities, just drop the "everyone loves him, everyone wants to be him" mentality. I have characters that would kill him just for that. Hell, I'd bitch slap him myself (assuming I could bitch slap a "legendary ninja" that is).
QUOTE (FrankTrollman @ Jan 18 2006, 09:35 PM)
QUOTE (Ling Ling)
I don't like Bukake Chef, his secret ingredient is always the same.

Yes, "Bukage" is a name that will inspire lots of chortles of laughter and shudders. Especially when said aloud, it is almost identical to the name of a vividly disturbing genre of Nippon pornography. Don't go there.

Unless the rest of the team likes the idea, an makes characters with similar one-letter-off names...

"So, 'Ponky Dunch', 'Boston Steaner', and 'Bukage' walk into a bar..."
QUOTE (Critias @ Jan 19 2006, 04:34 AM)
QUOTE (blakkie @ Jan 18 2006, 01:32 PM)
Emo, you need not pay much heed to this ninny-naysayers. To give them some sort of credibitily you'd have to ignore that they are posting here after decrying and predicting SR4 as the coming of the antichrist without having the class and/or nads of say Cheops to own up and admit afterward that their predictions were more than a little off.

What i'm trying to say, without making it a personal attack, is that Critias especially is prone to hamming up the Rebel Without A Clue schtick of trying to claim some sort of intellectual independant thought by wringing his teenage angst hands.  But, you know, it's really tough to explain what a pud he acts like without being at least a little bit insulting.


Fuck. You.

There. See how quick threads degenerate into nothing at all but name calling and hurled insults, the moment you poke your retarded fucking head into them? Couldn't help but stir shit up, could you, you degenerate little fuck? Here's Boskop Albatros and Emo Samurai asking a metric ton of stupid shit questions, here's Crit mostly containing his disdain and even occasionally answering questions and offering opinions in a positive manner -- but whoops, here's Blakkie, just comin' in and takin' a big runny poop in the middle of the conversation! And away things go! Whee!

I wasn't talking to you, I wasn't talking about you, I like to think you're dead whenever I'm not actually reading one of your recent posts. Hell, I haven't even spoken up abour SR4 and my like or dislike of it, for a good long fucking while -- I even pointedly set aside my feelings for it, recently, to present a fairly even-handed comparison of editions out in the non-SR4-dedicated forum, just a day or two ago. Does that fucking matter to you, though, you inbred fuck? Of course not. Gotta stir shit up. And you see what happens? See what happens when you can't just fucking leave well enough alone, or ignore my post and talk to Emo without your little fucking bullshit rant? Threads get all shit on, that's what.

So you ignore me, I'll try and go back to ignoring you, and the odds of both of us dying peacefully in our sleep, years from now, goes way the fuck up, okay?

oH i am entertained.
QUOTE (Critias)
See what happens when you can't just fucking leave well enough alone, or ignore my post and talk to Emo without your little fucking bullshit rant? Threads get all shit on, that's what.

Hrmmm, you posted the third reply in this thread. The only content of that post was a vapid insult. So I should follow your example; cut out any meaningful content from my posts and make sure to spread the "runny poop" through the entire conversation?

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No, we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it

It is always a good morning when I get to quote a Billy Joel song. smile.gif
QUOTE (Critias)
QUOTE (blakkie @ Jan 18 2006, 01:32 PM)
Emo, you need not pay much heed to this ninny-naysayers. To give them some sort of credibitily you'd have to ignore that they are posting here after decrying and predicting SR4 as the coming of the antichrist without having the class and/or nads of say Cheops to own up and admit afterward that their predictions were more than a little off.

What i'm trying to say, without making it a personal attack, is that Critias especially is prone to hamming up the Rebel Without A Clue schtick of trying to claim some sort of intellectual independant thought by wringing his teenage angst hands.  But, you know, it's really tough to explain what a pud he acts like without being at least a little bit insulting.


Fuck. You.

There. See how quick threads degenerate into nothing at all but name calling and hurled insults, the moment you poke your retarded fucking head into them? Couldn't help but stir shit up, could you, you degenerate little fuck? Here's Boskop Albatros and Emo Samurai asking a metric ton of stupid shit questions, here's Crit mostly containing his disdain and even occasionally answering questions and offering opinions in a positive manner -- but whoops, here's Blakkie, just comin' in and takin' a big runny poop in the middle of the conversation! And away things go! Whee!

I wasn't talking to you, I wasn't talking about you, I like to think you're dead whenever I'm not actually reading one of your recent posts. Hell, I haven't even spoken up abour SR4 and my like or dislike of it, for a good long fucking while -- I even pointedly set aside my feelings for it, recently, to present a fairly even-handed comparison of editions out in the non-SR4-dedicated forum, just a day or two ago. Does that fucking matter to you, though, you inbred fuck? Of course not. Gotta stir shit up. And you see what happens? See what happens when you can't just fucking leave well enough alone, or ignore my post and talk to Emo without your little fucking bullshit rant? Threads get all shit on, that's what.

So you ignore me, I'll try and go back to ignoring you, and the odds of both of us dying peacefully in our sleep, years from now, goes way the fuck up, okay?

Usually when a person swears , they show that they lack intelligence to find a more appropriate word.

So please tell us all, especially Emo! who is the imbred Fornication Under Consention of King now? F.U.C.K.

I guess this mean he's your Arch Nemesis, he never swore at me like that.

Now as in words of the Human Torch, "Flame On".
It's the predictability of these events that bothers me.
emo samurai
AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Emoticon for rabid wolfman transformation*

*back to normal*

What do technomancers use resonance for? Is it only for upping the ceiling on their complex forms and compiling and decompiling sprites?
QUOTE (emo samurai)
What do technomancers use resonance for? Is it only for upping the ceiling on their complex forms and compiling and decompiling sprites?

It is also for capping the attributes of their living persona as well as setting the Signal rating of their internal commlink.

In short, it's their everything, which makes sacrificing even 1 Resonance to get a Control Rig and Cybereyes a big painful punch in the kidneys. But +4 dice on Gunnery tests makes that extremely tempting nonetheless.

QUOTE (emo samurai @ Jan 19 2006, 11:02 AM)
AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Emoticon for rabid wolfman transformation*

*back to normal*

What do technomancers use resonance for? Is it only for upping the ceiling on their complex forms and compiling and decompiling sprites?

- Signal range.
- The Attribute dice for all of the Resonance Skill pools.

Umm, some other dice too I think. It is roughly equivalent to the Magic Attribute to mages. Only a bit more important than that. smile.gif
emo samurai
Do they use it for computer and hacking?
QUOTE (Azralon @ Jan 19 2006, 10:59 AM)
It's the predictability of these events that bothers me.

What? *looks down at the grenade pin in his hand* Now how'd that get there? cool.gif

EDIT: Critias is like a poorly house trained, brain damaged dog. Yank his chain once about his brain damage and watch him get all wound up, getting so excited that his bladder lets loose making a mess on the floor. Sure it makes a mess, but every once-in-awhile isn't too bad, and it keeps him reeking of urine so people know not to let in their house. smile.gif Plus he's kinda funny in that circus freak way. embarrassed.gif
QUOTE (emo samurai)
Do they use it for computer and hacking?

Not directly. Those skills are still nominally Logic based, but in practice Hacking is Hacking + Program. And your program rating is often going to be a complex form, and your complex forms are capped by your Resonance, and the hole is in the ground and the green grass grows all around.

emo samurai
and the hole is in the ground and the green grass grows all around.


Crusher Bob
Scout song, maybe also sung by Barney?

ermm something like:

in hole is dirt, in dirt is seed, tree grow out of seed?
QUOTE (blakkie)
QUOTE (Azralon @ Jan 19 2006, 10:59 AM)
It's the predictability of these events that bothers me.

What? *looks down at the grenade pin in his hand* Now how'd that get there? cool.gif

EDIT: Critias is like a poorly house trained, brain damaged dog. Yank his chain once about his brain damage and watch him get all wound up, getting so excited that his bladder lets loose making a mess on the floor. Sure it makes a mess, but every once-in-awhile isn't too bad, and it keeps him reeking of urine so people know not to let in their house. smile.gif

This is, you understand, the opposite of "ignore me, so I can go back to ignoring you," right?

If you were just capable of shutting the fuck up, Blakkie, I'd be capable of going back to pretending you were dead. Then we'd both be happy, Dumpshock wouldn't be spammed with our little "I hate you" fest, the thread would be productive and largely exclamation free, and little birdies would sing happy songs while angels looked down upon the forums and smiled.

Shut. The fuck. Up. Do everyone a favor. Let them stop having to read this horseshit.

You rode your sexually molested horse in out of the sunset with your gay little Lone Ranger costume on, started insulting people and purposefully "yanking chains" for no fucking reason, and are completely unapologetic about it. I'm asking you -- for the good of the forums as a whole -- to just shut the fuck up. Is that so hard? Talk about something besides me, the way I've learned to talk about something besides SR4.

Try to act like one of those "grown ups" you see on tv, huh? Prove you've got the balls to be a fucking adult. Just once. Stop talking about me, let me scroll past your posts in bliss, and let everyone else on the fucking forums stop having to read this vitriol-filled bullshit when they're just here to talk about games.

It's easy.

Just don't type "Critias" ever fucking again. Simple, right? Shut. The fuck. Up.
QUOTE (emo samurai)
and the hole is in the ground and the green grass grows all around.



He might be making an allusion to this being very elementary and explicitly spelled out in the SR4 book. Do you have the book? Better yet do you have the PDF, then you can do a Ctrl-Shift-F and search for all instances of the word Resonance. Or just read the Technomancer section of the book. It's only about 6 or 7 pages.
It's getting to be a mighty big puddle this time. Looks like he Critias rotfl.gif has lost bowl control too. frown.gif
emo samurai
I wish we could ban people from posting on our threads. Goddammit.
What's wrong with you, blakkie? Seriously? Why can't you just drop shit, and leave it alone? Honestly?
emo samurai
He is the death in the night. He is vengeance itself. He is... SAMURAI/NINJA!!!

That, or he's very emotionally invested in Shadowrun. Which is good, up to a point, which is the point at which you start holding grudges over forum posts.
QUOTE (Critias @ Jan 19 2006, 11:25 AM)
What's wrong with you, blakkie?  Seriously?  Why can't you just drop shit, and leave it alone?  Honestly?

LOL. So you feel you should be allowed to insult and thread-dump without people calling you on it? Then you get to swear and spew your innane replys without comment on them?

Don't get it? I'm not making you post like you are. YOU are making you post like you are. Want it to stop? Then stop.
emo samurai
Do... not... get... my... fucking... thread... CLOSED DOWN!!!! *Rabid Wolf-Man Transformation*
wow. from inane-but-basically-harmless to all-out flamefest in one post. nice, blakkie. i guess all that crap about you changing your ways and trying to do less flaming--that was all bullshit, huh? back to the old blakkie, who never met a thread he didn't want to shit on?
Blakkie, I'm asking you, one supposed adult to another supposed adult -- just stop talking to and about me. That's it. Just stop. You started (came in out of nowhere, started insulting me far, far, more harshly than I've ever "insulted" Emo), so stop.

That's it.

Just...stop. So people can stop fucking reading this, I'm asking you to just shut up. Period. You come in, start beating a dead horse, and then claim to be blameless as to what comes next? Just stop talking to and about me. That's all I'm saying, dude. Shit. It's not a difficult concept.
So, Emo.
I think we've sort of lost our collective train of thought, here.
Is there something else we can help you with?
QUOTE (mfb @ Jan 19 2006, 11:30 AM)
wow. from inane-but-basically-harmless to all-out flamefest in one post. nice, blakkie. i guess all that crap about you changing your ways and trying to do less flaming--that was all bullshit, huh? back to the old blakkie, who never met a thread he didn't want to shit on?

Back from remedial reading classes already? Or did you just
accidentally reply? frown.gif

EDIT: BTW Critias I completely missed the "adult" part of your posts...outside of the must be over 18 to read them part. wink.gif EDIT2: And you still keep posting. rotfl.gif rotfl.gif rotfl.gif

Sorry, emo samurai. But I'm sure your thread will get back on track shortly...if you have somewhere to go with it?
This is fucking stupid. Blakkie, you're a ridiculous excuse for a human being. You can't let shit lie, you gotta come in and kick it around the room, wrecking a conversation. It's fucking sad, is all it is.

Someone asks you, person to person, to just shut up and stop talking to and about them, and you can't fucking help yourself. It's sad.
QUOTE (Critias)
This is fucking stupid. Blakkie, you're a ridiculous excuse for a human being. You can't let shit lie, you gotta come in and kick it around the room, wrecking a conversation. It's fucking sad, is all it is.

Someone asks you, person to person, to just shut up and stop talking to and about them, and you can't fucking help yourself. It's sad.

Let me highlight an important part:

QUOTE (blakkie)
Want it to stop? Then stop.
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