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emo samurai
This first one isn't an idea for a campaign so much as one for a side quest. It'll be two-parted. It'll be pretty much offhand; your fixer will tell you that there's a bounty out for people with bioware implants.

One of the types will be anyone with specific cosmetic implants, such as metabolism boosters (stay thin forever), elastin-producing glands, and vat-grown elf ears. Stuff like that. The employer will say nothing of who has these; the runners will have to do legwork. Since this is an optional, repeatable run, other runners will be going after the bounty. Some of them will succeed and the bounty will decrease gradually into nothing. I'll roll dice every week and count the number of successes; the underworld dice pool increases every week. With each success, there'll be a vain rich person caught and guinea-pigged. Also, if the runners get the paydata on how these processes actually work, they'll be paid more than if they caught 50 of these people. It'll be pretty hard to get into the hospital for that, though.

The other type will be people who were vatgrown from birth with inborn bioware that never lost essence for their bioware, with things such as synaptic accelerators and cat eyes. The employer will name one specific person, a simsense star for Renraku who's also probably the most capable Red Samurai in existence. He's more valuable to them as a simsense star than as a tactician, since being able to feel the rush of being 50 stronger than you actually are and being able to see and smell things you couldn't is big business, and they already have a dearth of guards. He's actually 5 years old and was born physically mature. The show will be Champion of Japanese Economic Superiority, or "Supeliolity."

As it turns out, the Red Samurai wants out of Renraku and has cut a deal with the runners' employers to give them the source data for the super-soldier project in return for what really amounts to a high-level extraction. He'll be paid much more than the runners for the paydata, which is fair, since they don't have to reverse-engineer paydata, and it's pretty much impossible to reverse-engineer someone's birthing process from his living body.

Note: I'm not making fun of the Japanese with that "supeliolity;" the announcer's accent will be just for show. His real English will be perfect, which will be evident when they make it to the actual set.
I dont know what to say, seriously....
Gothic Rose
...I'm almost afraid to ask, but why would a Johnson put a bounty out on people with elf ears? What possible economic gain could this have for his company?

And if it's not a Johnson, then who/why/how? I mean, who's going to finance such a bounty.

And why?'m just trying to understand.

The Renraku Super Soldier idea isn't bad, although you should have the person be older than that - and have magic been involved in the process of creating him.
Whew. I'm bitin' my tongue. Somehow.
Cynic project
At least he isn't as bad as Blackie.
At least there are two ideas in one thread.
So Emo. As for idea 1, we're all wondering why. It's a good idea, if it makes sense. Without a justification and a reasonable explanation, you lose the verissimilitude of reality and that hurts your players immersion into the campaign.

As for the second one, it sounds like a pretty cool idea. I think that giving the super-soldier reduced essence loss as opposed to no essence loss for their "inherent" bioware is slightly more in line with SR canon. SOTA '63 had some guidelines for genetech enhancements like that. Basically, they suggested that pre-birth stuff was cheaper, financially. IIRC, of course. You could also have it all be "deltaware" in terms of essence loss.
emo samurai
Both bounties will be made by the independent Deltaware clinic in the Pueblo Corporate Council and the first part will be because they want to get into bleeding-edge cosmetic surgery. Elf ears for humans will be the least of it. There'll also be testosterone glands for males and augmented mammaries for women. Silicon is obsolete for almost all purposes of cosmetics. They figure they can reverse engineer that stuff from live bodies easily enough.

The second part will be impossible to reverse-engineer, since that bioware's pre-birth and it's much more complicated. They cut a deal with the super-soldier bioware-enhanced phys-adept who'll help you in his own extraction. The deltaware clinic has an agreement with him to pay for an extraction, the "bounty" on his head, if he hacks the databases and gives them the actual formulas. His keeper will be an insane toxic shaman who views his keeper-keepie relationship as a personal obession. That means he won't call for backup, but he'll also summon a force 10 toxic spirit. Also, there'll be a drone power suit that Renraku will call to take down the runners. It'll have a Battle Angel Alita-esque power fist that'll take a minute and the entire suit's power systems to charge up and cool down from fully. It'll be awesome, and if there was ever a time to play "Exile" by Chemlab, that was it.
Eh, okay. So they're trying to capture people that have deltaware cosmetic surgery, in order to figure out how to do delta grade cosmetic surgery themselves.
1) You're going to be dealing with a VERY rich crowd, here. If someone's paying for a delta-grade boob-job, they're probably pretty rich, powerful, and famous.
2) If there's a blanket bounty out for people with cosmetic surgery, you'd better believe the news is going to be all over that. One job for one group of runners can be kept secret, but a city-wide bounty? Word is going to get out. And it's not like it's a bounty on devil rats, or even ghouls. It's rich people! Media frenzy. (hmmm, I like that idea)
emo samurai
They'll work through the BEST fixers. Remember that fixers can sell anonymity as well as connection.
So for the first one, there's a black delta ware clinic running, and they are reusing bioware? You know that used bioware is never cultured and used cyberware is never above alpha-grade, so there's no reason for it to be a delta clinic.

I like the idea behind the second one (well, the basic plot). I'm hesitant to make him the 'best' simsense star, just for fear of making another Ryan Mercury, but the extraction part makes sense. The guy is part of a new wave of vatgrown people, which opens up a whole new chapter in Shadowrun (remember, no one else has managed to grow someone to adulthood in a vat like that, that I'm aware of). There's no question that a man who had no child-hood, no parents, really no background, might feel he needs to be free and discover himself. I also would expect he'd prefer someone else take the responsibility so if the extraction fails, it doesn't come down on HIS head, he'd still have a chance for a second escape.

Selling himself to another company that wants to find out how he works might be a little naive, but the guy never really 'grew up'. Maybe he is naive.

I'd recommend thinking longer about the management decisions behind his creation. This is a completely new technology to make a brand of super soldiers the world has never seen before. Who would you make them for? Where would you let them go? Would it be wise to make one into a simsense star? Wouldn't that attract unwanted attention? Would it be wise to even give them any freedom at all, when you aren't sure how mentally stable they are (and they are super soldiers, after all).
QUOTE (emo samurai)
They'll work through the BEST fixers. Remember that fixers can sell anonymity as well as connection.

Sure. The public won't know that the runners are the ones doing it, but even if the media doesn't find out about a city-wide bounty before the runners actually start offing people, can you imagine what they'll do when rich, important people start disappearing all over the city? My god, Lone Star alone will have a fit and crack down hard. Important people disappearing is NOT good for their image.
Even if the fixers are good enough that no one knows they're doing it, this is going to affect the city in a big way, and shouldn't be glossed over.
emo samurai
He's the result of maybe 1000 trial runs. He's the only survivor, and remember, Renraku is both a media whore and an arms manufacturer. They want tol draw attention to him, and he's pretty much most valuable to them as a simsense star and a living showcase of SOTA arms. His show is popular because all the weapons in it are real. When the autosoft power armor comes in to take him and the runners down, he'll turn to you and say, "Aww... I was going to pilot that next episode!"

And he's not selling himself; he has a portable hard drive that has the formulas on it. He himself is useless to the clinic, since his bioware is pretty much impossible to reverse-engineer.

As for the Ryan Mercury part, he'll basically be a powerful street sam/phys adept. He's smart and better trained than any three Tir Ghosts put together, but he won't know or be able to do everything. If the street sam/gunslinger adept and party mage were to try to kill him, he'd die very quickly. Remember, skill and stat caps.

Also, they're not reusing bioware; they're reverse-engineering it, figuring out from residual DNA and other such stuff how to actually make it themselves. That's why having the specs on the equipment will negate the per-human bounty.
Emo, I appreciate that you're dedicating a singular thread to your campaign ideas.
emo samurai
Instead of spreading it around, like, 5 or more other threads? Also, I'm hoping that the runners won't go after more than 2 people before they claim the paydata.
QUOTE (emo samurai)
He's the result of maybe 1000 trial runs.

So aren't they going to make more now that they have the 'recipe' down?

He's the only survivor, and remember, Renraku is both a media whore and an arms manufacturer. They want tol draw attention to him, and he's pretty much most valuable to them as a simsense star and a living showcase of SOTA arms.

So the fact that he's vat-grown is no secret? That changes things a LOT. I guess it would make more sense for him to be a living advert then, but that also means... well, quite a lot. For one, there will be an awful lot of people after him and he will be VERY, VERY well protected. He's worth billions easily in PR alone.

And he's not selling himself; he has a portable hard drive that has the formulas on it.

WHY?!?!?!??? It seems to me that Renraku would work very, very hard NOT to put all their eggs in one basket and if they absolutely had to, it would be using a rating 15 encryption program. Anyway, if the other companies are paying, getting out the star is hardly required (you said so yourself, his bio can't be reversed). Just the hard drive is worth money, and it's a lot easier and safer to hide a hard drive than a man everyone recognizes. If I were the Johnson there, representing the star (who has no money of his own, just corp script), I'd get in touch with the companies in question, ask them how much for the data and no human hostage, and tell the runners to drop your sim star and steal the HD. Once they have the HD, he's not only worthless, he's dangerous. Renraku will fight hard to get him back. He's a white elephant.


As for the Ryan Mercury part, he'll basically be a powerful street sam/phys adept.

I wouldn't make him adept. People don't know how to genetically engineer magic yet, so don't push it. Effectively doubling his essence with no ill effects will make him plenty super enough.

Also, they're not reusing bioware; they're reverse-engineering it, figuring out from residual DNA and other such stuff how to actually make it themselves.

So they're just putting a wide bounty on anyone with cosmetic cyber on the assumption that one out of a hundred will have some reasonably SOTA bio on them? I am guessing that most of your cosmetic bio, especially elf ears and the like, have been around long enough that there's no real secret to them any more. Only very, very few people will have something really original, and that's an awful lot of risk and expense to throw your net so wide and bring in a lot of unintended recipients of cosmetic ware just so you can get your hands on those few who have something of real R&D value.
emo samurai
He'll have wired his portable hard drive to a biomonitor; he goes kaput, hard drive goes boom. The data is in an off-line server, so only he has had enough access to his past. He's not filming simsense all the time; he's also training and researching military theory constantly, running transmutations and the like. Renraku also considers it necessary that he knows his own biology well enough to use his abilities to the fullest.

He's also being paid about 5 times what the runners are being paid for their extraction, since he's giving the actual data. The runners can negotiate as much as they want, but the Genewar Samurai isn't stupid, and will point out repeatedly that they won't get paid even for their extraction run if he calls their bluff and they do whatever they threaten to do for a bigger cut.

His physical-adept powers will be pure chance, and he'll be the only one who knows about them, besides his keeper, who knows full well that his keepie has seen him astrally projecting from time to time.

As for making a production run of people like him, Renraku isn't exactly flush with cash after losing its munchkined-out Immortal Elf technology, the Arcology, and lots of company funds during the Novatech IPO. He cost about 50 million nuyen, not counting billions in research and development, so their private clone army is now only a pipe dream. His only real cost-effective use on the battlefield for customers is as a general, with his augmented intelligence and fast response, and, well, as a simsense star. There aren't enough customers to have a production run of his kind even for client work. Like with the Arcology, his very existence has turned out to be a PR blitz, not something that actually helps productivity.

And yes, Renraku WILL look for him, which is why he's willing to risk it with the world's premier cyberware clinic and soon-to-be premier bioware clinic owing him a favor. He's counting on their being able to make him look completely different from what he did before, which they will manage easily. The Pueblo Corporate Council probably won't tolerate a Renraku military intrusion on their borders, and they probably aren't concerned enough about their relationship to Renraku to make a potentially difficult arrest or to piss off one of their most high-profile businesses.

Building people out of embryos will be out of the question, since someone built from scratch our little Genwar Samurai will be continue to be costly. Their real payoff will come from using that technology to make super-cultured bioware that will have half the essence cost of cultured bioware. The deltaware clinic will try to reverse-engineer a way to build a sort of delta-cultured bioware, which will be insanely awesome. The runners can expect that to go on the market within a year. That's IF they're ever able to afford it.

As for the cultured cosmetic bioware, the people will normally be very well guarded, but the runners will be relying on the fact that the human element in every defense is always the weakest. The bored socialite will do her best to avoid the bodyguards/private prison wardens that her husband has watching over her. The corporate executive will try to avoid being seen by anyone on the way to his mistress, and he rightfully doesn't trust his bodyguards not to be bribed into opening up. Etc. etc.

The cosmetic bioware clinic, of course, will be really well guarded, which is why a data run will be very well compensated.
I think on the first one that before you run it you should take the time to read about the Lindberg Kidnapping, just to get an idea of the sort of media frenzy it caused. And that was in the early 20th century before instant communication. Kidnapping the rich and famous in 2070 without it being noticed within a few microseconds is going to be extremely difficult at best. If word got out there was a bounty on highend cosmetic jobs then a number of things will happen. The rich will higher a lot of extra security (I'd love to be a bodyguard in your city, I could name my price and get it) they will demand a massive investigation by whatever corp holds the law enforcement contract, and finally they may have the clout to take their case to the Corporate Court as well, especially once all of the well paid investigators start turning up evidence (which is a case of when not if, no matter how good the fixers are)
QUOTE (emo samurai)
He'll have wired his portable hard drive to a biomonitor; he goes kaput, hard drive goes boom.

There are ways around that. Again, it would be cheaper, quicker and easier to steal the HD and leave the corpse to rot.


Renraku also considers it necessary that he knows his own biology well enough to use his abilities to the fullest.

I don't see 'access to your genetic code' as being the same as 'understands his own biology'. That's like saying someone needs to understand the process of chemically bonding the polymers in his tires so he can get the best performance out of them. Performance specs and the manufacturing process can be easily separated. And given the goodness of separation of information, keeping this data separated and happily stored is a very, very good idea.

I guess I can simply see no reason why:
- Renraku would let this person have CONSTANT access to this sort of information, especially while wandering around on a sim set.
- This guy would need access to this information in the first place
- Corp B thinks this guy is the 'weak link' in acquiring this information
- Corp B feels there is any advantage to keeping this guy alive during or after the extraction

On the other hand, I feel very, *VERY* nervous about having a 'super dude' among the party. In my experience, when an NPC is introduced to the party with similar or higher stats, he is the GM's favorite who always succeeds and regularly outshines the PCs in every area. That sucks for the PCs. If my GM said I had to travel with Superdude, I would tell him I'm not interested in the run because I have a nagging suspicion I will have a sour time of watching Superdude kill all the Superbaddies, get the Supergirl, save my Sorryhoop, break open the Superdoor and fly us all to Superfreedom. That's just what I'd worry about.


He's also being paid about 5 times what the runners are being paid for their extraction, since he's giving the actual data.

Again, if the runners yank the data out of it (with a side question, if they DID successfully figure out a canon way to get the data from him, would you let them?) it occurs to me that the corp, which is very interested in the data and not so interested in Superdude, would happily give Superdude's cut to the party.


His physical-adept powers will be pure chance, and he'll be the only one who knows about them, besides his keeper, who knows full well that his keepie has seen him astrally projecting from time to time.

I would expect he would have been tested for magic very early on. This also makes me worry that Superdude is goign to save the day and remind me why my PC sucks. (because he had to follow rules).


As for making a production run of people like him, Renraku isn't exactly flush with cash...He cost about 50 million nuyen, not counting billions in research and development,

Then why'd they make him? If they don't have half a billion for production, why'd they put down billions for R&D? Anyway, if he's so super, it would occur to me that $50M is a drop in the bucket compared to the billions they already slapped down and the value of quality leaders in the field. Plus, imagine the ratings with a Superdudette? He needs a romantic interest, doesn't he?

And yes, Renraku WILL look for him, which is why he's willing to risk it with the world's premier cyberware clinic and soon-to-be premier bioware clinic owing him a favor.

I know why HE is willing to. I'm wondering why the clinic is willing to. He's a white elephant. They're accepting a lot of costs and risk. Again, once they have the data, it would be much cheaper if he died on the operating table.

Again, the basic premise is neat. I like it. But I can't understand why they have to take Superdude along. It doesn't make sense from the corp's point of view, from the view of who has access to the data, from the point of view of what will make the PCs shine. I personally would approach it with EXTREME caution. I don't want to run with someone who has a 200 karma head start on me, I don't want to run with the GM's Superdude. It's not fun.
the deltaware clinic thing just plain doesn't work. at the deltaware level, churning out elf ears and bigger tits isn't even on the menu you hand your clientele--that's betaware clinic stuff, at best. moreover, there's no way a deltaware clinic--or anybody without some horrible sociopathic agenda--is going to pay for chopped-off ears instead of paying for a datasteal. the datasteal might be slightly more expensive in the short term, but in the long term, you won't have thousands of bereaved friends and relatives howling for your blood. that sort of thing creates publicity, and publicity is something deltaware clinics want to avoid. after all, there are only a handful of deltaware clinics in the entire word, each one in cutthroat competition with the rest. you think one corp won't blow the hell out of another corp's deltaware clinic, given half a chance? especially if it's easy to find?
Maybe change it from cosmetic deltaware to delta grade brainware. You're still going to be targeting the rich and powerful, but it makes more sense. Also, yeah, have the media go crazy. Have Lone Star go nuts cracking down on the whole city. Make it a secondary focus of the entire campaign. THAT would be cool.

As for superdude, I have also seen campaigns where the GM has a superdude. It's fun for the GM. Not for anybody else. I'm sure you're not planning to do that. I'm sure you're planning to give the characters a chance to do stuff, too, but can you be positive your characters will see things the way you do? How 'bout this for an inspiration: Ever see the TV show Firefly, or the movie Serenity? There's this character, a girl named River. She's sort of a superdudette. Awesome martial arts, amazing markswoman, mental powers, she's awesome. The reason she doesn't outshine the rest of the cast is that she's nuttier than a fruitcake. The evil government cut into her mind so many times in creating her that she's severely insane. Most of the time she's just muttering cryptic phrases to herself and peeling the labels off cans, and even though she has super abilities and everyone wants her, she doesn't contribute a whole lot to the things they do most of the time, so the rest of the cast isn't outshined. Now take this 5 year old super soldier sim star. Holy crap, if that isn't a recipie for severe emotional problems, I don't know what is. He's a child diva in the body of a tank. Sure, sometimes he kicks ass, like maybe when he gets his special drugs, or maybe just whenever, but the rest of the time he's watching TV, or crying because he has no parents, or just off getting himself into trouble. What I'm saying is, there are ways to make him be dangerous and sought by corps without making him better than the PCs. Sure they could kill him if they ganged up on him, that's not the point, as it is he's still better and cooler than any of them, and that's not good.
As always, YMMV.
Also, cosmetic surgery costs no Essence, so Deltaware cosmetics are redundant- a severe waste of money for all concerned.
Deltaware does have the advantage of being much more difficult to detect, a pluss for cosmetic surgery. The last a wealthy socialite wants is to have everyone talk about her 5 nuyen.gif stuffer shack tits behind her back. Likewise, when leonization fails to restore Bill Gates's hair he doesn't want a transplant that looks like someone grabbed a badger by the tail, beat it to death, and sewed it onto his scalp.

No, the rich want to look as natural as possible except for their shiny orihalcum-plated jewel-encrusted datajacks.
QUOTE (hyzmarca)
No, the rich want to look as natural as possible except for their shiny orihalcum-plated jewel-encrusted datajacks.

But tastefull and discrete of course. wink.gif
emo samurai
I won't make him THAT much more powerful than the PC's. I'm assuming he's got a specialization in, like, 2-3 skills, which won't be that much higher than the PC's, assuming they haven't maxed out most of the skills he's got maxed out. The skill and stats caps, remember, aren't that high. He'll have been made before the Matrix Crash 2.0.

The Arcology shutdown really wasn't that big of a deal for the company as a whole; losing lots of its senior management and company money on a badly timed stock sale is. They envisioned a genome army, and they would have had it, if they kept their shit together. No one without an insane cross-culture social engineering agenda would pay for that crap. The Champion of Japanese Economic Supeliolity will be a successful prototype of a failed product line, useful now primarily as a simsense star.

You have to realize how I'm playing Renraku in my game; it'll be the mad scientist corp. It has Red Samurai and an arcology where it's completely redundant to have one. They're the insane social engineers of the world, and everything they do for business is a lead up to that. None of the other companies seems to be that way, besides maybe Yamatetsu, which is more open about their transhumanist agenda and doesn't seem to want to own the world that badly. Renraku's media whoredom is a symptom of a deeper need to force their ideology on their world.

As for how he'll guarantee his own safety from the runners and the securing of the paydata, I've got to think on that.
If you've already got your madcap mind made up, why are you asking for opinions/advice? Play your super dude, and be happy.
QUOTE (mfb)
moreover, there's no way a deltaware clinic--or anybody without some horrible sociopathic agenda--is going to pay for chopped-off ears instead of paying for a datasteal.

And I thinks THAT'S how we can make this work, Emo.

The people paying for this bioware snatch and grabs are Human Nation. Human nation has a great deal of history in bioware research, mostly for involving attempts to "Fix" the metahuman problem. As a result of their research they've made several biogenetic breakthroughs, and have a great deal of financial interest built up in the feild. However, they eventually generate bad PR, so moving to a new area and setting up a secret delta clinic is right up their alley.

The bounty on elf ears isn't really for research purposes, as has been shown, there are bettere ways to go about it. The bounty is so that they can get gullible people to do their dirty work of purging the populace of "Race Traitors and those who volunarily become less than human" (The idea that their research and marketing has Created these people never occurs to them. Or if it does, it makes them more certain of the need to destroy them, since they are "My mistake") Your runners may be such gullible people, or maybe they are smart enough to figure out that "hey, something isn't right here, why don't we just grab paydata?" and start looking into the matter. What will your runners do when they find out their favorite deltaware clinic is backed by Alamos 20k? That is a campaign right there.

Onto the other one. All right, this bio-engineered guy what's his face? See, he shouldn't have any magic whatsoever. If ever there was a person more deviod of the spark required for magic, a vat grow person would be it. I think you shouldn't have any essence loss reduction on this fellow at all. I think he should lose essence for all the bio he's got grown in him as normal. I think it just shouldn't effect him at all.

I'm not sure if there is enough Bio in the book right now to reduce your essence below 0, but if there is, give it all to him. He has ALL of it, and his essence is below 0. The result? he has no soul. But he was BORN that way, so it works. He will have the usual essence issues with healing (All that bioware complicates medical procedures) and he'd have all the interface with magic issues a low essence person might have. Maybe he has an astral hazing ability, or some other serious mojo drawback from having no soul. He would probably have No Aura, no astral presence at all. This would make effecting him with Mana spells impossible, he is essentially an inanimate object.
Your very own BIO-zombie.

emo samurai
Hmmm... But the elf-ears aren't real elf ears, they were just an example of cosmetic bioware. They're just cloned ears manipulated to become elf ear-ish. There are even cloned metahuman eyes that can see in the dark. The deltaware wants to learn to make that. And I'm referring to the deltaware clinic set up by Fuchi, on of the two that it had, that went independent in the Pueblo Corporate Council and services everyone with enough money. This can be found on page 33-34 in System Failure. It's independent, and wants to expand into a new market, and this seems the most efficient way of bypassing years of R&D without having the specs, which are much harder to get and much more valuable. They of course will pay much money for them.

As for the genewar soldier, he's born out of a normal zygote. He just hasn't been conscious until about 5-6 years ago. His basic genotype was heavily modified, and most of his implants are from stem cells from brother/sister embryos that were themselves modified for the task. This means that you could take a spinal tap and a blood sample and get two completely different genomes. So he still has essence and his body functions together, since even thought he genes are modified to fit different functions, they're still from his own flesh and blood, so to speak.
dude, no deltaware clinic needs to steal designs for something that is already on the market. and even if they did, it would be cheaper to just send someone in to get elf ears, cat's eyes, and whatever else they want, and reverse-engineer it from there. it would be completely insane for a freakin' delta clinic to engage in serial murder.
emo samurai
dude, no deltaware clinic needs to steal designs for something that is already on the market. and even if they did, it would be cheaper to just send someone in to get elf ears, cat's eyes, and whatever else they want, and reverse-engineer it from there. it would be completely insane for a freakin' delta clinic to engage in serial murder.

... damnit. You're right. I'm keeping the Red Samurai, though. And maybe keeping the cosmetic bioware as an optional datasteal bounty that may or may not go away with time. The problem will be the very difficulty of reverse-engineering the stuff. I'll have the hospital have blood samples at security checkpoints; that would be an awesome challenge.

And when I say cosmetic bioware, I only mean that it is used primarily for looks; it is not a measure of the invasiveness of the majority of the cutting-edge procedures the deltaware clinic's looking for.
getting parts to reverse engineer! just go to the Tomanous Mang!

Why is it i visulalize all Tamanous as mexican/latin gangesters?
and why is i have 3 spellings of Tamanous?
QUOTE (emo samurai)
Hmmm... But the elf-ears aren't real elf ears, they were just an example of cosmetic bioware. They're just cloned ears manipulated to become elf ear-ish. There are even cloned metahuman eyes that can see in the dark. The deltaware wants to learn to make that. And I'm referring to the deltaware clinic set up by Fuchi, on of the two that it had, that went independent in the Pueblo Corporate Council and services everyone with enough money. This can be found on page 33-34 in System Failure. It's independent, and wants to expand into a new market, and this seems the most efficient way of bypassing years of R&D without having the specs, which are much harder to get and much more valuable. They of course will pay much money for them.

As for the genewar soldier, he's born out of a normal zygote. He just hasn't been conscious until about 5-6 years ago. His basic genotype was heavily modified, and most of his implants are from stem cells from brother/sister embryos that were themselves modified for the task. This means that you could take a spinal tap and a blood sample and get two completely different genomes. So he still has essence and his body functions together, since even thought he genes are modified to fit different functions, they're still from his own flesh and blood, so to speak.

Oh, I know they aren't real elf ears. But don't you think a Humanis goon would hate Humans that got modified to look like elves as much or more than elves?

The old fuchi clinic DID have ties to the black lodge, a human supremicist organization.

And all I'm saying on your super-soilder Idea would be a lot less cheezy and a lot more cyberpunkish if it had some sort of serious drawback. Like having no soul. That's a pretty serious drawback, in a certain sense. The advantage for him is that since he was born with an essence below zero, it doesn't kill him. That's the advantage of having his implants be from his own flesh and blood.

No matter what way you slice it, essence free bioware is pure munchiness. You are removing the key drawback and balancing factor from the implant technology. Whether the players or the GM have that capability, it is unbalanced. This is why I suggest the Bio-zombe thing. Make being a super-clone something you don't want to be.
emo samurai
But if he has no soul, how can he want freedom?
Just because he has no sould doesn't mean he isn't sentient. It just means magic doesn't work all that well on him. wink.gif
QUOTE (Mr.Platinum @ Jan 14 2006, 03:42 PM)

Why is it i visulalize all Tamanous as mexican/latin gangesters?

I don't know, since the word "tamanous" is supposed to have native american origins.

linky goodness. mind that after taste

and an interesting legend
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
QUOTE (Mr.Platinum @ Jan 14 2006, 03:42 PM)

Why is it i visulalize all Tamanous as mexican/latin gangesters?

I don't know, since the word "tamanous" is supposed to have native american origins.

linky goodness. mind that after taste

and an interesting legend

The second link is especially interesting, given that it deals with Crater Lake, which has had some bizarre magical activity (if memory serves), though I can't remember exactly how.
I have a theroy on that one:

According to some of the SB's , there were some strange and gruesome murders that took place in that area up until '56 for a little over a year. Then they jsut stopped. At about the same time, the Tir military sealed off the lake. For a while, the area was a high magic area, then became a mana ebb some time around 63.

Now 56 IIRC was when Aina used blood magic over Crater lake to destroy the horror Ysgrathe. He let himself be destroyed, because he wanted her to use heavy blood magic to do it, to make another mana spike in a high mana area.

My theory is that there was a horror operation in the area until that blood magic went off. There's a locus in the lake there, and I think that spell activated it somehow. WHat I think is happening is that it's now draining the ambient magic in the area, like a massive battery charging up. That would explain why the horror left too, assuming there was one and it wasn't something completely unrelated. The lower mana wasn't enough to sustain it.

I've also been wondering why the loci so far have all been found in lakes. There one in San Antonio area (The Dragon Heart Trilogy) was in a lake. I believe there's one in Lake Baykal, which, apparently according to some sourcebook , syas that it's directly opposie creater lake on the globe. And of course the one in Crater lake it's self. Interesting I think. Coincidence? who knows *cue mysterious music*
From what I can tell from Google Earth, directly opposite Lake Baikal is a random point in the South Pacific.
I'll see if I can find my source on that then. I'd thought I had seen it in SoA, but I guess that can be wrong of course.
emo samurai
There's no way Lake Baikal is opposite Crater Lake; they're both in the Northern Hemisphere!
I have to sit down and read this whole thread and see what unbeleivable idea Emo came up with.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
There one in San Antonio area (The Dragon Heart Trilogy) was in a lake.

San Marcos, for the record. But you weren't too far away, geographically.
QUOTE (Mr.Platinum)
I have to sit down and read this whole thread and see what unbeleivable idea Emo came up with.

Hey, he's learning, so be patient and friendly. smile.gif
emo samurai
I've also got another idea for a campaign. My college is hosting a set of one-shot RPG campaigns, and I'm having one where the players don't know each other beforehand. They live in the same slum apartment block. It's run by a local gang, which, for the most part, lives in the basement, except for the leaders, who live higher up. It gets attacked at the beginning of the game by a rival gang. There's a lot of shooting, some of it hopefully by the runner team. It ends when a really nice car drives away and the gang leader tells his people to stop shooting, or they'll hit the car.

The resident leader notices that the runners, of all the people on his side shooting, either shot best or didn't run away. Which, of course, is a plus. He wants to hire them to recover the car; his older brother, a huge-ass troll, is the actual gang leader, and he's meeting with Yakuza to secure long term employment for his gang as hit men, "protection," and the like. He'll be back in a few days, and in a week is the big unofficial street race, which his gang would have won if it didn't have its car stolen. A Yakuza representative will be watching the race, and if his older brother finds the car stolen on his little brother's watch, facial mutilation is the best that the younger brother could hope for. He's willing to give the runner team his share of the next month's BTL profits in exchange for their help in the matter. It also helps that the runners can hold him to his promise by threatening to tell the older brother. Who, I might remind you, is a big-ass troll.

When they bypass security and get the actual car, they find that the rival gang is run by a female free mantis spirit. She's VERY powerful. About force 9. One of the pre-made characters will actually have "piss off insect spirits" as a flaw and as a result will specialize in banishing them.

Question: Would she be way too powerful for 400 BP characters? Would they be able to even hurt her?

Also, I have a character idea. His "name" will be Agira Tetsumi. He's a former ninja who was kicked out of his clan, or at least convinced to leave, by jealous peers who cited his usage of pistols as evidence of his dishonor. He's a master of disguise and wears a different one every time he meets a Johnson. He maxed out his stealth and social skill groups and is adept at dual-wielding pistols and the katana. He's also an adept with two levels in improved reflexes, two in combat sense, and two in kinesics. He'll be the party's face and Solid Snake. He knows a Yakuza oyabun like a friend and gets his equipment from a resigned Red Samurai.

His particular quirk will be that he doesn't feel much of anything. When asked about fear, he would say, "Not much of anything scares me. Or, for that matter, elicits an emotional response. That bothers me. Sometimes, at least, like when a puppy dies in front of my eyes or something."

What do you think of him?
Watch a lot of action flicks, don'tcha?
emo samurai
Watch a lot of action flicks, don'tcha?

Where do you get that?
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
I'll see if I can find my source on that then. I'd thought I had seen it in SoA, but I guess that can be wrong of course.

I think there is something like that said in Shadows of Asia, in the Russia section. It sounded geographically inaccurate to me though too.

Crater Lake West 122-6.57 North 42-56.81
Lake Baikal (rough center) East 108-3.33 North 53-24.00

There doesn't appear too be much relation at all in fact.

400 BP characters don't usually live in slums. If you want to do a street campaign, you might want to consider lowering your starting BP, and what your gear your players will have access to.
QUOTE (emo samurai @ Jan 17 2006, 03:00 PM)
Watch a lot of action flicks, don'tcha?

Where do you get that?

I suspect that Critias is referring to your ex-ninja, as the whole "I had to go rogue because I kicked too much ass" schtick is massively overdone. smile.gif
emo samurai
Oh... that makes sense... Well, his rivals won't be quite as good as he is, but the pretend-senile sensei is, like, omnipotent. The only reason that the rivals stopped short of trying to be sensei is because they're too self-serving and frightened to challenge him. And his contacts outside of the dojo could care less about his dishonour; he gets the job done. The whole "kicked out of the dojo" thing was an excuse for him to go shadowrunning. And are 400 BP characters powerful enough to take on free mantids?
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