Mar 6 2006, 01:12 AM
Silo, if you really want it to be private, then you can email or PM it to me (email prefered, I have space for like 1 PM since I never clean it out). Otherwise, just stick it in the IC thread. You can use spoiler tags if you really want, but it's not necessary.
Anyway, I owe you guys a couple of things. First is a schedule.
The day of the meet is Wed. Thursday and Friday are about the same, the team is to practice from 7a to 5p at the Everett Public Facilities. Thursday's evening is set up for sight seeing groups and there is a tour agency listed, but no other info is present. Friday night, the team is invited to attend an Arena Brawl game at the facility where they practice. (Arena Brawl is like junior league Urban Brawl.)
Saturday there is no practice, but there are several press conferences listed. That evening there is a formal dinner event listed. Sunday at 6a the team goes to the Kingdome for the game.
Weather is going to be cold and rain will move in over the week. Sunday is going to be cold but clear again.
If I'm missing any info you guys want, let me know.
On another note, once there is a chance, I'd like someone to get themselves nominated group leader (OOC is fine). The group leader needs to be the one to make solid decisions from the group discussions. Otherwise, nothing will ever get done.
Mar 6 2006, 06:57 AM
BBO is now waiting for someone to make a decission. He himself is not the right person for the leading role, and he knows that
Mar 6 2006, 02:25 PM
Freebird isn't leader material either. He is supposed to be the silent, point and shoot type.
I'd say Fade is looking like the leader, although she is a complete noob.
I guess Freebird could do it. Nothing says the leader has to hog the conversation. Might even be better that way.
I dunno. I will go with whatever the group wants.
Mar 6 2006, 02:32 PM
how does one interact with another person's comm?
for instance, if we are all there in the same room, is there a way for me to get the "address" or whatever to call someone?
can i shoot them a text message?
what is fair game and what is considered rude?
basically, should Freebird have shot his commlink # over to Fade? or all of them?
is that possible?
Mar 6 2006, 02:41 PM
A Matrix perception test will get you the device ID of another commlink. You should be able to use that to send a message. Depending on the mode folks are running in, you may or may not be able to see them. When folks go to exchange numbers, they could all go passive and it'd be a pretty quick affair.
Mar 6 2006, 04:04 PM
Fade's commlink is running passive, but has exposed her commcode to everyone at the table. The way I imagine it is like sending a contact request on IM.
So consider Fade's commcode 'published' for each of you and no one else.
As far as an IC leader, Fade would naturally position herself there, by skill/experience (Leadership 5) and by personality. But because she's a rookie in the shadows she would rely on the other more veteran folks.
We can hash it out IC. I'm fine with that.
Mar 6 2006, 05:06 PM
Okay...since i didn't know this sutff before i posted last. let's assume i put my comm code out there for everyone before leaving.
assuming that is okay.
Mar 6 2006, 08:37 PM
Sounds good to me, Silo.
Just to keep IC thread issues current - per your request TG.
Fade has a request into her fixer (Chok) for a safe/flop house they can at least plan in, if not use as an HQ for approximately a week.
Mar 6 2006, 08:44 PM
Chok comes back with a lead on a place in about an hour. The asking price is 1k for the week which is a little higher than normal, but it's short notice.
Mar 6 2006, 08:49 PM
Any specifics so I can propogate the data to the team?
Nice place/crummy place? General location? Parking situation? Very rough layout (like one undivided room, warehouse, small 1 bed-room apartment, abandoned office space - that sort of thing)
When do we get wired the up-front money?
Mar 6 2006, 09:24 PM
Priest has 2 years of experience in the shadows but is not fit to be the leader in any way. The leader, amongst other things, should have a good way to communicate with the whole team at all times, and Fade is probably best suited just for that, if not for anything else, imo. IC, Priest might not like her to be in command, but that's whole different story.
For the rest, we could each ask our contacts for a safehouse and see who gets the best result in terms of location, quality and cost.
Priest leaves a message to Freezer and asks for a short term safe house for a small team, ideally located in Everett.
Mar 6 2006, 09:34 PM
It's not bad from the sound of it. Basement apartment with an alley entrance. Parking is sufficient for two normal vehicles or maybe more if some are bikes. It's a little north and west of Everett downtown, which puts it within range of the hotels and the practice grounds. It's even furnished, though the furnature has seen better days.
Here is a map.
Mar 6 2006, 09:40 PM
let's take that place and roll. a grand ain't nuthin.
get freebird an address and he'll be in route.
Mar 6 2006, 09:41 PM
Since the first try is so good, let's forget my idea of all trying. We should fast-forward that we all agree Fade's fixer has found the best deal and move on.
Mar 6 2006, 09:46 PM
That looks like a Visio drawing to me. Am I right? ^^
This will be fine with BBO.
Mar 7 2006, 02:00 AM
You each get the advance money shortly after the end of the meet.
And yes, that's a Visio drawing
Best thing out there for quick floorplans. I have a RPG mapper program that I've had quite a bit of success using for DnD, but it doesn't work so well for floorplans.
Mar 7 2006, 03:13 PM
TG, I’d like to use my paltry Data Search skill [1+3=4 dice] to run some background checks.
Also, I want to actively use Perception (Visual) [3+2+3=8 dice] in the alleyway behind the safe house.
Do you want a search for each runner?
Any modifiers on the Perception?
Mar 8 2006, 04:57 AM
I get 2 dice on the Data Search test, thanks to Hot Sim. She'll just spend however long she needs to on the extended test.
Mar 8 2006, 06:56 AM
Fade is browsing the chip, can we get a full report on this guy's cyber/bio? (apologies if I missed it)
Mar 8 2006, 02:41 PM
His physical attributes are at the limit of what bioware and cyberware can do. The full list of augmentations is (note that I allow beta grade bioware and everything on the list is betaware):
Reaction Enhancers R2
Bone Density Augmentation R4
Enhanced Articulation
Muscle Augmentation R3
Muscle Toner R2
Orthoskin R3
Platelet Factories
Suprathyroid Gland
Symbiotes R3
Synthacardium R3
Pain Editor
Reflex Recorder (Athletics skill group)
Synaptic Booster R3
Expect his physical attributes (except Body) to be solid 9s across the board.
Razorblade's matrix search turns up little incriminating. Clayton Cassano (that's the player, in case I haven't mentioned it... you figure that out quickly) is single and has a clean record as far as anyone knows. The only thing that's actually interesting is that he's quoted in several articles in the Washiongton Times about changeling rights. There is also the accompanying Humanis hatemail scattered around the net, of course.
Mar 8 2006, 03:39 PM
he's a pretty stacked dude.
changling rights. hmm.
Mar 8 2006, 04:44 PM
What race is he?
Mar 8 2006, 06:00 PM
Human. He's not a changeling, either, as far as anyone's ever seen.
Mar 8 2006, 06:02 PM
QUOTE (Silo) |
TG, I’d like to use my paltry Data Search skill [1+3=4 dice] to run some background checks.
Also, I want to actively use Perception (Visual) [3+2+3=8 dice] in the alleyway behind the safe house.
Do you want a search for each runner?
Any modifiers on the Perception? |
Can you answer these Qs so I can figure out what to roll?
Mar 8 2006, 06:55 PM
Just straight rolls if you would (one of each for each player). I'll leave it up to the other players to let you know what you can find out. I have a feeling the data search isn't going to turn up much of anything on most of the PCs.
Mar 8 2006, 07:07 PM
Fade has a background and a legit SIN. It wouldn't be too hard to find out about her.
Mar 8 2006, 07:15 PM
Well, with only four dice it might be
Unless you tell him your real name or are broadcasting your real SIN, at least.
Mar 8 2006, 09:17 PM
Hah, yeah, four dice doesn't buy much Search-fu.
Mar 8 2006, 09:19 PM
Bah...wait till you see my 4 hits.
And, let me in the safe house damn it.
Mar 9 2006, 02:38 AM
Data Searches
Fade: 3, 4, 6, 6: 2 hits.
Razorblade: 4, 4, 4, 4: 0 hits.
Eddy: 1, 3, 3, 6: 1 hit, 1 glitch.
BBO: 3, 3, 3, 4: 0 hits.
Priest: 1, 2, 5, 6: 2 hits.
Perception (Visual)
In the alleyway by the safehouse: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 5, 6: 4 hits, 2 glitches.
Mar 9 2006, 04:38 AM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
His physical attributes are at the limit of what bioware and cyberware can do. The full list of augmentations is (note that I allow beta grade bioware and everything on the list is betaware):
Reaction Enhancers R2 Bone Density Augmentation R4 Enhanced Articulation Muscle Augmentation R3 Muscle Toner R2 Orthoskin R3 Platelet Factories Suprathyroid Gland Symbiotes R3 Synthacardium R3 Pain Editor Reflex Recorder (Athletics skill group) Synaptic Booster R3
Expect his physical attributes (except Body) to be solid 9s across the board.
Razorblade's matrix search turns up little incriminating. Clayton Cassano (that's the player, in case I haven't mentioned it... you figure that out quickly) is single and has a clean record as far as anyone knows. The only thing that's actually interesting is that he's quoted in several articles in the Washiongton Times about changeling rights. There is also the accompanying Humanis hatemail scattered around the net, of course. |
Razorblade would have searched for any information on his family during her search for blackmail material as well.
Also, Razorblade has a Tanamous contact, so if we kill the guy, we could make some decent money fencing his 'ware.
Mar 9 2006, 04:23 PM
so, what is up with this game? it doesn't seem to be getting much play from everyone.
is this standard for playing by post?
Mar 9 2006, 05:52 PM
PbP tends to be pretty slow, in general. That's one reason folks tend to play more than one at a time.
Anyway, on the family. Razorblade turns up that his father died of cancer three years ago. His mother is still alive and living in the DC sprawl somewhere. He maintains a healthy lifestyle for her, but there's nothing overly suspicious.
He has a kid brother, though after 2064, Razorblade can find no record of him. He appears to have just vanished.
FYI, I'm capping extended rolls at a number of rolls equal to the dice pool per the suggestions in the RAW. Razorblade had a grand total of 1 die for her searching.
Mar 9 2006, 09:27 PM
I'd like to try to search some more on that kid brother. Since that was a Razorblade specific thing, do I need to wait until it is told to me?
Mar 14 2006, 01:13 AM
I think we need to do something to keep this game moving.
Also, Eddy's player Nu_Fenix hasn't been heard in a month (last post Feb 17).
Mar 14 2006, 01:22 AM
Yep, things are dragging.
New IC post. If you were doing something IC and I didn't address it, just let me know here and I'll back up and address it.
Mar 14 2006, 01:37 PM
I was just trying to wait and not continue to post without giving other people a chance.
Can we agree that from now on, if like 2 days pass without a post, we can move on from the current "scene" or whatever and progress the story?
Mar 14 2006, 02:01 PM
Well, if we have a leader type, that person will be responsible for moving the discussions ahead as much as possible. I will be moving the game ahead again on Friday by a little bit, so I encourage everyone to have at least some plans made by then.
Mar 15 2006, 02:57 AM
Razorblade is trying to seduce Fade for the heck of it.
She'll have a base of 24 dice on the test before modifiers (and, in all probability, an "I don't swing that way" penalty). I say that it should just be a penalty (rather than simply being impossible), because A. she does have more dice on the test than a tricked out shaman using mind control and B. research has shown that women's sexuality tends to be more malleable than men's.
Mar 15 2006, 03:57 AM
I hadn't really considered her sexuality which means she's probably mainstream. She would resist being seduced by anyone though. So how do I put up a feeble fight against Razorblade?
EDIT: She'd probably would resist being seduced by anyone especially while working. Thought I should add that.
Mar 15 2006, 11:09 AM
You resist Con tests with a (Con or Negotiation) + Charisma test. You take -1 to the test if you're drunk.
Modifiers that might affect my roll, are Fade's attitude (+2 if she's freindly to -1 if she's suspicious, another -2 if she's prejudiced as well), Fade's evaluation of the seduction (at best, it's of no value (+0), at worst it's harmful (-2), most likely it's just annoying), - Fade Street Rep (most likely 0), +1 or 2 for plausible supporting evidence, +1 if Fade's distracted, -1 if she has plenty of time to think about it. Then there are any modifiers the GM feels are appropriate.
Mar 15 2006, 01:09 PM
If you guys want to play something like that out IC, feel free, but social skill tests are only effective against NPCs. PCs are immune to simple die rolls. Thus no one can force anyone to do anything.
Mar 15 2006, 01:12 PM
Fair enough. The text of the book isn't entirely clear on that.
Mar 15 2006, 01:17 PM
You're more than welcome to seduce Freebird; although, you may not be prepared for the results of your actions.
Mar 15 2006, 01:38 PM
QUOTE (nick012000) |
Fair enough. The text of the book isn't entirely clear on that. |
Well, every table includes "NPC" and the text as well seems aimed that way. From a realistic sense, I don't think game designers typically allow that kind of thing because, well, they've met gamers
If you want to make a roll, however, you can use that as a suggestion of how convincing your character is. The PC is then free to agonize over whether or not to accept the tantilizing offer.
Mar 16 2006, 03:31 AM
Well, the text says characters, without specififying NPCs.
Also, I'll point out to folks that RTazorblade is by and large a con artist, so this sort of work is new to her, which is why she's throwing out a whole bunch of wacky ideas.
Mar 16 2006, 04:17 AM
Cool. Won't change what my character thinks as long as he doesn't know. But cool.
Mar 16 2006, 11:59 PM
@TG, I am asking Chok to give me any info he can on the Johnson.
Mar 17 2006, 06:51 AM
I possibly missed that. But where is the stadium located? And what security level does the area around it have?
Mar 17 2006, 11:40 AM
When are the teams practices? I believe we already have this info?
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