May 2 2006, 07:01 PM
hmm, why is it that i assume every gun-enthusiast in there is from the "wrong" side of the atlantic?
James McMurray
May 2 2006, 07:06 PM
You mean Europe? I don't know. I generally assume America when I think "gun enthusiast."
May 2 2006, 07:11 PM
Define "wrong side" of the Atlantic, please.
Austere Emancipator
May 2 2006, 07:16 PM
I have no idea. I should think it would be easy to tell I'm not a native English speaker.
QUOTE (Perssek) |
Itīs worth to remember, though, that the house had no concrete covering under the roof tiles. |
That's still a freak story, even if the "roof tiles" in this case means rusty sheet metal. According to Army tests, a .30 caliber, 150 grain spitzer bullet has a terminal velocity of about 300fps. That is enough to penetrate the human skull, as long as the angle of incidence is small, or a few inches of flesh. It would be a very unreliable assassination tool, even apart from the problem of air currents and other effects that would reduce your accuracy from a matter of inches to a matter of yards.
May 2 2006, 07:38 PM
QUOTE (TheOneRonin) |
Define "wrong side" of the Atlantic, please. |
May 3 2006, 03:21 PM
QUOTE (Austere Emancipator) |
That's still a freak story, even if the "roof tiles" in this case means rusty sheet metal. According to Army tests, a .30 caliber, 150 grain spitzer bullet has a terminal velocity of about 300fps. That is enough to penetrate the human skull, as long as the angle of incidence is small, or a few inches of flesh. It would be a very unreliable assassination tool, even apart from the problem of air currents and other effects that would reduce your accuracy from a matter of inches to a matter of yards. |
Well, english is not my first language, too, so I may not be able to express myself correctly. The roof was made of ceramic tiles, with wood beams supporting it and nothing else between the bullet and the kid. It was reported in major newspapers and TV news at the time. I can remember the kid with a BIG wraparound support on his finger. The bullet was a common lead .38, according to the memory one of my friends (who is a military and general gun fanboy).
Austere Emancipator
May 3 2006, 04:07 PM
Shit happens, I guess. In the test I mentioned above, one of the bullets dropped onto a soft pine plank base-first, leaving a 1/16" (1.5mm) deep mark.
May 5 2006, 06:35 PM
QUOTE (Austere Emancipator) |
Shit happens, I guess. |
They do, donīt they?. Iīm sure the kid (now in his early twenties, if the memory serves me well) will agree. But on the subject of gun doubts...
Iīm not sure about the automatic (burst?long burst/full automatic) fire modes. Is the +2/+5/+9 DV increase applied to EACH and EVERY bullet in the burst, or to the burst in general?
Letīs say, I have a 4P DV weapon that fires a 3-round burst, giving it a +2 DV. The burst (as a whole) will make 6P (4+2=6P) DV or EACH BULLET in the burst will do it (that being 6+6+6=18P)? Althoug this former idea makes sense, it seems waaaay too lethal to me.
In my games, Iīm using the first option. Is it ok (not rules-wise, but good-sense-wise)?
Kremlin KOA
May 5 2006, 06:40 PM
first option
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