emo samurai
Jul 28 2006, 09:43 PM
Dude, now that Critias's is back, let the flame wars begin. I was getting worried about the lack of vitality around here, unholy and firey as it is.
Jul 28 2006, 09:58 PM
QUOTE (SL James) |
I know. I was being rhetorical in the second sentence. The first one was the crux of my argument (He's a pretentious douchebag). Anyway, do you have your collected posters online anywhere? |
SL James
Jul 28 2006, 10:02 PM
I forgot you made the All Your Base one. That is hilarious, especially how you got the byline.
Oh, and the Terry Tate one. That's just awesome, although as I mostly GM now I prefer the one that was posted a long time ago, "I am the Gamemaster: Evil is my job."
Jul 29 2006, 08:51 AM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
Dude, now that Critias's is back, let the flame wars begin. I was getting worried about the lack of vitality around here, unholy and firey as it is. |
I knew you were enjoying it!
Great work!
Jul 29 2006, 09:14 AM
Meh. Most of my hate's dribbled away (or, rather, balled up deep inside), and I'm pretty much just full of apathy, lately. I mean, sarcastic apathy (which I guess is close to cynicism), but not that same old fun-filled spite, so much. Plus Gencon, and two week's vacation, is just around the corner, so I'm in kind of a good mood.
The Stainless Steel Rat
Jul 29 2006, 08:17 PM
Your feelings are not important to me.
Just bring the damned funny you beautiful, brilliant bastard.
...and welcome back.
Jul 30 2006, 04:48 AM
I know! Let's provoke him!
*picks up a stick and starts poking Critias*
Jul 30 2006, 06:39 AM
No, FanGirl!
*Takes FanGirl's stick and replaces it with a homemade cattle prod hooked up to an electric fence transformer.*
emo samurai
Jul 30 2006, 06:43 AM
All that does is make them afraid. If you want rage, all you have to do is put them together, and they will butt heads for dominance of... I have no fucking clue.
Jul 30 2006, 08:30 AM
QUOTE (FanGirl) |
I know! Let's provoke him!
*picks up a stick and starts poking Critias* |
I doubt that it will work that way.
Jul 30 2006, 02:54 PM
Jul 31 2006, 04:07 PM
That last one makes me chuckle ha ha
Aug 3 2006, 02:18 AM
Aug 3 2006, 03:24 AM
QUOTE (Critias) |
[...]I'm pretty much just full of apathy, lately. |
Aug 3 2006, 10:18 AM
So nobody told you?
James McMurray
Aug 3 2006, 02:14 PM
Anybody know where that picture is from? It looks like a great drunken movie.
SL James
Aug 3 2006, 02:52 PM
I assume it's Cheerleader Ninjas.
Aug 3 2006, 02:52 PM
DOA: Dead or Alive. I got the image from Rotten Tomatoes.
SL James
Aug 3 2006, 03:41 PM
Someone should do a cheerleader ninjas poster, then.
Aug 3 2006, 04:00 PM
QUOTE (SL James) |
Someone should do a cheerleader ninjas poster, then. |
I'm having trouble finding pics that are large enough that they don't pixelate badly when run through the motivator.
Aug 3 2006, 05:07 PM
Aug 3 2006, 05:09 PM
Aug 3 2006, 05:15 PM
Good Stuff!
Aug 3 2006, 06:02 PM
cheerleader ninjas?!
Dang, well I guess it's okay, I mean they did spawn off a successful franchise of cheerleader vampire slayers before so weirder things have happened...
SL James
Aug 3 2006, 07:09 PM
Hey, I saw some new SR posters on rpg.net, but I was wondering if anyone was doing their own posters like Crimsondude's, as opposed to general "Shadowrun: Blah blah blabity blah blah."
I'm just in a non-smartass mood to try at the moment, though.
SL James
Aug 9 2006, 03:45 AM
I guess not.
Aug 11 2006, 05:02 AM
Here's one I thought up.
James McMurray
Aug 11 2006, 06:12 PM
Aug 12 2006, 03:59 AM
Aug 12 2006, 05:17 AM
Here's one someone could do:
Mindprobes: It's not the Vulcan Mind Meld.
James McMurray
Aug 12 2006, 07:18 PM
No matter where you go,
They Are With You.
Aug 13 2006, 05:17 PM
SL James
Aug 13 2006, 06:17 PM
Aug 13 2006, 06:42 PM
That made this already good day perfect!
emo samurai
Aug 13 2006, 07:30 PM
You haven't read Street Magic, yet, have you?
I think the future rulebooks will make the game MUCH better.
James McMurray
Aug 13 2006, 07:31 PM
Nooooo!!!!! Don't do it!!!
<<<Dive for cover in case this thread turns into another SR3 vs. SR4 debacle>>>
Aug 13 2006, 07:33 PM
/me shoots emo in the head with her Pred 4 and tosses his body over the barriers into the SR3 Zone as a peace offering.
SL James
Aug 14 2006, 12:47 AM
*throws it back*
We don't want your garbage here.
Aug 14 2006, 12:51 AM
We don't want him here either.
Hey, I have an idea...
/me mails emo's body to Wizards of the Coast.
SL James
Aug 14 2006, 01:08 AM
... postage-due.
Aug 14 2006, 02:22 AM
You killed my friend!
*Steals Emo's body back from WOTC, pulls him out of the box, throws her head back, and yells*
Aug 14 2006, 02:31 AM
/me uses the distraction to slip in and rewrite the next ruleset to include an apology from WOTC for being money-centered egomaniacs who can't write a good ruleset to save their pitiful excuses for unlives.
SL James
Aug 14 2006, 03:03 AM
d20's not that bad. It beats nWoD.
Aug 14 2006, 03:45 AM
And Warwick Davis is taller than Verne Troyer.
Aug 14 2006, 03:46 AM
Yeah, well, I don't have any rocket launchers lying around, so I can't exactly visit them to correct the problem.
Aug 14 2006, 07:48 PM
SL James
Aug 14 2006, 08:05 PM
I prefer the one of the Lamborghini with the jet engine attached to it.
Aug 14 2006, 08:22 PM
QUOTE (SL James) |
I prefer the one of the Lamborghini with the jet engine attached to it. |
I'm watching a
Korean TV series, that's why I used that pic.
Aug 14 2006, 09:11 PM
QUOTE (SL James) |
I prefer the one of the Lamborghini with the jet engine attached to it. |
Aug 17 2006, 09:58 AM
This one isn't from RPG.net, just from some random collection of internet generated motivationals, but it is a perfect shadowrun poster all the same:
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