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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
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Welcome back!

I hope your sister gets better, C sections are a bitch. Leng had one and it took awhile for her to get her feet back under her again. Hope the baby is doing good as well. wink.gif
/signed. Hope the family (old and new) are doing great.

Looking forward to getting this game rolling again.
Blitz, just let me chime in to welcome you back and hope that you and yours are well.
Blitz, hope everything is going alright.

Also how close are we to the target warehouse?
Sorry guys...Im having such an incredibly hard time getting back into the swing of things. Its not even my baby and my dmn nehew is eating up all my time! *living with a newborn is NOT easy*

This building is approximately 10 blocks from the target and another 10 from the freeway (in opposite directions). Inside, its pretty much empty large space with 3 offices along the outside of the warehouse area. No furniture, no electricity.

stupid forums broken
Alright, with over 1 month and no posts from anyone, including the GM, I'm declaring this thread officially dead.

Thanks for the time and effort everyone, have a good life wink.gif

P.S. - Don't forget your karma!
Sorry to see this one go. frown.gif

See ya all (hopefully in another game) soon!
Personally feel real bad about posting my "leader" character so far ahead with his own stuff.
Thought it was best just to delegate the initial recon to the "infil expert", but that player disappeared even before the GM got so busy. And then I was too far ahead in the timeline to do anything about it.
Apologies all around.
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