Aug 1 2006, 04:48 PM
Well, I went ahead and posted the FAQ thread to take questions. Take some time, formulate some questions, and I'll see what I can do to answer them all once GC is over - <Begin Music "Beatles>with a little help from my friends...</Music>
Aug 1 2006, 04:56 PM
QUOTE (Bull) |
Oh, and I'd LOVE to see some real modules done again, though I know sales figures on those make them an unlikely prospect |
With the new possibilities that Digital publication have to offer, a PDF release might be doable, at a much lower cost to FanPro than a hardcopy run.
Then there's the possibility of a collector's pack of Shadowrun Missions after the campaign ends, which could include the high-res art that is often downsampled for ease of downloading.
Samaels Ghost
Aug 1 2006, 04:57 PM
QUOTE (Bull) |
Well, I went ahead and posted the FAQ thread to take questions. Take some time, formulate some questions, and I'll see what I can do to answer them all once GC is over - <Begin Music "Beatles>with a little help from my friends...</Music>
Bull |
I wasted no time and kept it short. I think that sums up the whole AR IP debate
SL James
Aug 1 2006, 05:00 PM
QUOTE (winterhawk11 @ Aug 1 2006, 08:41 AM) |
QUOTE (SL James) | QUOTE (stevebugge @ Jul 31 2006, 04:19 PM) | QUOTE (Butterblume @ Jul 31 2006, 02:11 PM) | What will Corp Enclaves, Feral Cities and Awakened Haunts be about, if I may ask? |
For even more fun let's try to guess the featured locations before someone leaks them.
That assumes that they even know what cities are planned for Corp Enclaves, let alone the others.
We know what cities are planned for Corp Enclaves, and have some idea of which ones will be included in the books further down the road. Those haven't been firmed up as much yet, though, because they can change based on the type and content of proposals we get. Since we haven't got (nor solicited) proposals for any of the location books past Corp Enclaves yet, we'll have to wait and see.
Hm... "planned" was probably a poor choice of word as opposed to "set in stone" or some other signifier of permanence.
Anyway, the other books... *shrugs* Some place in Greece would be nice for Awakened Haunts, maybe. Since it is the best place never written (well, published) for in Shadowrun to date. Aside from that blurb in SOTA63 about Athens, but that's not really the feel I would hope for (hence the placing of it in AH). May I suggest a return to Fort Dauphin (Madagascar) in Feral Cities, though? That place is SO worthy of the title. And this time we can do without the poorly-inserted convo between the clown and the soda.
After a while, there are also going to have to be other places to write about. I think I'd be more interested in them to be honest.
QUOTE (Demonseed Elite) |
Personally, one book I'd like to see is something that brings up-to-date most of the material from Corporate Shadowfiles. I don't mean the Corporate Downloads corp profiles, I mean all the other information that was in CS. How corporations work and are structured, marketing, price fixing, corp scrip, global finance, stock manipulations, etc. All the dirty tricks of business. |
We may be alone in wanting that one.
Aug 1 2006, 05:22 PM
QUOTE (SL James @ Aug 1 2006, 09:00 AM) |
Anyway, the other books... *shrugs* Some place in Greece would be nice for Awakened Haunts, maybe. Since it is the best place never written (well, published) for in Shadowrun to date. Aside from that blurb in SOTA63 about Athens, but that's not really the feel I would hope for (hence the placing of it in AH). |
How about Santorini.........
....and Crete too.
Aug 1 2006, 05:25 PM
May I suggest a return to Fort Dauphin (Madagascar) in Feral Cities, though? That place is SO worthy of the title. And this time we can do without the poorly-inserted convo between the clown and the soda. |
I liked Madagascar, even used it a bit for a game where I had my players take a spin as Cyberpirates for a while. I'd love to see it included

QUOTE (Demonseed Elite) | Personally, one book I'd like to see is something that brings up-to-date most of the material from Corporate Shadowfiles. I don't mean the Corporate Downloads corp profiles, I mean all the other information that was in CS. How corporations work and are structured, marketing, price fixing, corp scrip, global finance, stock manipulations, etc. All the dirty tricks of business. |
We may be alone in wanting that one.
I wouldn;t mind seeing something like this, but... I hate to say it, dumbed down a bit. I think the porblem with Corp Shadowfiles is that it read more like a Business 301 Textbook than like a shadowrun sourcebook. As I have no real interest in business practices, I was simply bored with it. And I can seasily see it going over the heads of a lot of folks.
They need to take the concepts from that, strip them down, and re-present them in a way that's easier to read and understand, and present them in a way that shows the practical usage side to them for a Shadowrun game.
Samaels Ghost
Aug 1 2006, 05:29 PM
Hmmm, I thought Corp Shadowfiles was very interesting and provided me with a lot of perspective. Now i have an idea of how to deal with corp runs and how to make a few of my own. Corps and runs that is. I ate up all that Business 301 stuff. That's just me I guess...
A summary of Corp Files for newbies would be useful, though. I agree with that.
Demonseed Elite
Aug 1 2006, 05:33 PM
QUOTE (Bull @ Aug 1 2006, 12:25 PM) |
I wouldn;t mind seeing something like this, but... I hate to say it, dumbed down a bit. I think the porblem with Corp Shadowfiles is that it read more like a Business 301 Textbook than like a shadowrun sourcebook. As I have no real interest in business practices, I was simply bored with it. And I can seasily see it going over the heads of a lot of folks.
They need to take the concepts from that, strip them down, and re-present them in a way that's easier to read and understand, and present them in a way that shows the practical usage side to them for a Shadowrun game.
Bull |
Corporate Shadowfiles could be considered pretty dry writing, true. But I think you could take the same material and explain it in a way that has some more personality, as well as in-setting examples (how Ares takes over So-And-So-Corp, etc.) and plot-hooks. There are tons of plot hooks you could relate to that information, but Corporate Shadowfiles just didn't include any example ones.
Aug 1 2006, 05:43 PM
QUOTE (SL James) |
We may be alone in wanting that one. |
No I could go for that too.
Somewhere in Africa and somewhere in Australia for Awakened Haunts?
Somewhere in the UK, I suspect, for Feral Cities.
Samaels Ghost
Aug 1 2006, 05:46 PM
But there are plenty of examples of Corporate maneuvers in Corp Shadowfiles. There might be a lack of "personality", but there are in-setting examples. As far as plot hooks go, my copy of Corp Files is full of sticky notes where I wrote down plenty of run ideas. It doesn't take too much imagination to branch from there. The shadowtalk also points out what runners should be paying attention to and suggests what they should be wary of.
Aug 1 2006, 05:47 PM
Some places in the UK would be a good choice for AH too. And some parts of awakened Scnadinavia or Siberia.
Aug 1 2006, 09:07 PM
QUOTE (Grinder) |
Who needs numbers for NPCs anyway? Haven't seen official character generators for a RPG so far. The Black Eye and SR got some nice fanwork, as does Eberron and Deadlands. But official programs? Can't remember.
@TBRMInsanity: nice list, although I'm missing more fluff books, like the setting books Synner mentioned earlier here. |
GURPS is the only game I can think of off hand that actually has an official character generator (and it took them until late 3rd edition to get it). They seem to be leading the pack in this respect, though, as they also develped an official vehicle creation program. I think Hero has a character generator too. d&D used to have one but they dropped it shortly after they made it (giving it over to a 3rd party). D&D had grand ideas about creating this all encompassing program pack unlike anything in the past. But shortly after the release of 3rd edition they scrapped the idea for a slimmed down version. I can make many, many guesses as to why they did this, but they would just be guesses.
I think there are two reasons for this. First, and more appropriate, is the fact that so many rpg companies don't hold the computer rights for their own world. This seems to happen when they give over the title to a computer game company to get a digital version of their game onto the shelves. This was sort of the case with the Star Wars RPG (wotc). lucasarts held all the digital rights to the Star Wars title so WotC was not allowed to develop a computer based character generator. They even went so far as to actively squash the only "unofficial" generator out there. Silly, I agree, but true none the less. shadowrun might fall into that category. That may be why the only generator is a third party program (that
i'm aware of). It may be a sort of "don't ask don't tell" policy in that regard.
The second reason is that gamers in general are a bunch of scoundrels who will pirate whatever information they can get.

If an "official" software package is made it
will get copied and distributed illegally. The companies will lose money. And forget about copywrite protection. In the circle of adventure gamers, especially those that enjoy the cyberpunk element, I'm sure we all know someone who can make copywrite protection "go away."

That's just my guess, though.
Ancient History
Aug 1 2006, 09:24 PM
QUOTE (Grinder) |
Some places in the UK would be a good choice for AH too. And some parts of awakened Scnadinavia or Siberia. |
It's going to be really weird sharing initials with a book.
Samaels Ghost
Aug 1 2006, 09:38 PM
The second reason is that gamers in general are a bunch of scoundrels who will pirate whatever information they can get. wink.gif If an "official" software package is made it will get copied and distributed illegally. The companies will lose money. And forget about copywrite protection. In the circle of adventure gamers, especially those that enjoy the cyberpunk element, I'm sure we all know someone who can make copywrite protection "go away." biggrin.gif That's just my guess, though.
If that was the reason I doubt they would allow unprotected PDFs to be sold at all.
Aug 1 2006, 09:43 PM
QUOTE (Grinder) |
Who needs numbers for NPCs anyway? Haven't seen official character generators for a RPG so far. The Black Eye and SR got some nice fanwork, as does Eberron and Deadlands. But official programs? Can't remember. |
Dark Eye, not Black Eye

. The old computergames were published under 'Realms of Arkania'.
The german Dark Eye v3 had an official generator that wasn't to bad (it wasn't free, though).
We bought it, and the most used feature was, of course, to let the own char fight against someone else, critter or PC or NPC, for ten thousand fights or so, and see who won the most...
That programm must be about 10 years old, and, when I think about it, it had some really usefull features.
Aug 1 2006, 09:59 PM
QUOTE (GoblynByte @ Aug 1 2006, 04:07 PM) |
d&D used to have one but they dropped it shortly after they made it (giving it over to a 3rd party). |
"Click the checkbox to turn off my annoying voice".
It came free on a CD with the first printing of the D&D. I
still use that program, although it's utility is now shrinking with the advent of my D&D group switching fully over to 3.5. It was great, especially when first learning the system. I wish it would be done more. Although I understand that having the budget to sink into building a good quality character generator is a bit beyond most game's markets. Especially to have one that is ready in time to ship with the game.
It wasn't really handed over to the 3rd party, as that 3rd party was the company that WotC originally paid to developed it and the plan right from the start was that that company would market an expanded version themselves. Which they did. In some ways that freebie was like a marketing sampler.
I never bought the full product myself, but someone in our group did. It did canon random generation of monsters and loot. Had a catography ability of some sort. Along with the PC/NPC/monster creation aspects.
Aug 1 2006, 11:08 PM
Military gear, equipment, and tactics. The huge crap that you want to drop on your runners heads every once in a while, or have them try to sneak past. T-birds, man-pack semiautonomous mortars, powered armor, full-body cyborgs, 'borg and meta-specific weapon designs, APCs, laser-guided artillery... the works.
Hey, flattening stuff is amusing
Aug 1 2006, 11:18 PM
T-birds are in the BBB, so I guess you just mean the vehicle sized weaponry to strap onto it? Not that just clustering rocket/missle tubes and a turreted HMG wouldn't give it one hell of a kick.
EDIT Oops. Technically the only way of affixing a weapon to a vehicle given in the BBB is a Weapon Mount, which says it is sized for LMG or lighter. I believe the terminology also is that that isn't a turret, but instead a fixed position weapon mount. Turrets, and pintle mounts, are mentioned elsewhere in the book but no details are given. Not that you really need much in the way of details for a turret.
Aug 1 2006, 11:22 PM
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
QUOTE (Grinder @ Aug 1 2006, 05:47 PM) | Some places in the UK would be a good choice for AH too. And some parts of awakened Scnadinavia or Siberia. |
It's going to be really weird sharing initials with a book.
You can still try to change the name of the book. And strangely my first quoted sentence makes sense.
Aug 2 2006, 12:07 AM
awakened Scnadinavia |
hmm, i wonder what kinds of wierd critters will come from that.
killer moose maybe? oh wait, its the most lethal animal in the norwegian forest allready.
[ Spoiler ]
iirc more people are killed in car crashes by hitting a moose then encountering any of the meat eating animals we have in the wild
Samaels Ghost
Aug 2 2006, 12:12 AM
vampyric moosen? They lope out of the woods to stop the cars and Drop Bears fall from the canopy! That's what I call synergy.
Aug 2 2006, 12:15 AM
QUOTE (Samaels Ghost) |
If that was the reason I doubt they would allow unprotected PDFs to be sold at all. |
Actually that's
exactly the reason they allow unprotected PDFs. Steve Jackson, for instance, said that they would have paid far more in attempts to keep it "secure" than they would have made off the product. And, they figured, since the security would have been broken within a matter of hours, it wasn't worth the time and effort.
SL James
Aug 2 2006, 01:07 AM
QUOTE (Shrike30 @ Aug 1 2006, 05:08 PM) |
Military gear, equipment, and tactics. The huge crap that you want to drop on your runners heads every once in a while, or have them try to sneak past. T-birds, man-pack semiautonomous mortars, powered armor, full-body cyborgs, 'borg and meta-specific weapon designs, APCs, laser-guided artillery... the works.
Hey, flattening stuff is amusing |
You can do a lot of crazy stuff with what would be considered military tech already just using Rigger 3 and CC. The problem is that most of the cool stuff is too expensive to go into much use. Kind of like now. Just as an example, a PC who has access to way too much free time, cash, and vehicle construction facilities (note the plural) in my primary campaign has powered armor, a drone designed solely for breaching (uses missiles, shaped charges and a bulldozer face), a drone packed with wire-guided missiles, Heimdal (Simply put: A heavy railgun with legs) and my favorite... Infantry. Infantry are anthroform robots packing 20mm autocannons like regular soldiers carry rifles and are integrated into an encrypted tactical network functioning semi-autonomously. I've had to design actual military systems (since the total OPFOR for all of the PCs is about 500 UCAS and corporate military soldiers and at least that many drones) that are as bad or worse than his toys, such as the Cheetah, based on the Medusa design. Three of them (pack hunters) slaughtered four well-armed soldiers whose stats were equivalent to the Ghosts in Double Take before they knew what hit them.
In other words, you do, but you really don't. OTOH, there are military vehicles and some basic gear SR should have had for a while in SOTA63 I'm sure will be in Arsenal.
Aug 2 2006, 02:00 AM
QUOTE (Brahm) |
I never bought the full product myself, but someone in our group did. It did canon random generation of monsters and loot. Had a catography ability of some sort. Along with the PC/NPC/monster creation aspects. |
The sad thing is, they never made the product what it was supposed to be when 3.0 was originally released. It was supposed to have all sorts of DM tools including an isometric dungeon mapping tool. But the final version was not only visually a lot different than the free version packaged with the PHB, but they had dropped proably 75% of its intended features. All this and it was so far beyond the intended release date that it was laughable. Then, just a couple after they did release it, they dropped it an left it to Code Monkey. So it has more or less slipped into the "unofficial" status.
Getting back to the topic I'd like to see the books with the most utility come out first. Magic continues to be the fenced in playground and should be down at the bottom.
Street Magic
Corp Enclaves
Why put the GM book first? Somebody's got to run the game. Treat him with respect. Augmentation needs a serious face-lift to bring cybersurgery uptodate with today's medical research.
Aug 2 2006, 06:47 PM
Personnaly, books I'd like to see first would be:
Unwired - The Matrix is in your face every second of a day in the life spent in the Sprawl. This should have been the first sourcebook released as the Matrix's impact is so all encompassing in the game world now.
Arsenal - Gunbunnies are by far the most common type of character archetype and gunbunnies need......"Guns......lots of guns."
Street Magic - Should be third, before any of the others that are planned for release.
Then, I'd like to see a few campign/adventure/"runs" type books. After that, a book for Riggers and then updated sourcebooks for all the major locations (Seattle, Denver, Atzlan, Tir, London, Dallas, etc.....)
SL James
Aug 2 2006, 08:25 PM
QUOTE (Cleremond) |
and then updated sourcebooks for all the major locations ... Dallas |
Aug 2 2006, 08:26 PM
You are just a Larry Hagman hater.
Aug 3 2006, 12:53 AM
Arsenal - Gunbunnies are by far the most common type of character archetype and gunbunnies need......"Guns......lots of guns." |
and some sharp or blunt items for when you run out of ammo...
and given that it will contain much in the way of wheels, i belive it will contain a fair bit of rigging material allso. the rest will probably be in unwired as riggers are in many ways a subclass of hackers now...
Aug 3 2006, 02:16 AM
QUOTE (hobgoblin) |
and given that it will contain much in the way of wheels, i belive it will contain a fair bit of rigging material allso. the rest will probably be in unwired as riggers are in many ways a subclass of hackers now... |
I like this prediction.
Aug 3 2006, 01:18 PM
QUOTE (SL James) |
QUOTE (Cleremond @ Aug 2 2006, 12:47 PM) | and then updated sourcebooks for all the major locations ... Dallas |
Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex is the 5th largest city in America dude. Its also has the highest crime index in America right now.
You tell me that wouldn't make for a good area setting for 2070 Shadowrun.
SL James
Aug 3 2006, 02:52 PM
It wouldn't make a good area setting for 2070 Shadowrun. Just because it's big doesn't mean it's that important. Take Phoenix for example, or the dozens of cities around the world bigger than DFW.
Aug 3 2006, 03:03 PM
What would make Dallas a good Shadow City is it's proximity to Aztlan, which would make it a good starting point for some cross border intrigue. I'd bet that the little used policlub Sons of the Alamo are pretty active there too.
Aug 3 2006, 03:26 PM
The Carribean and the Cyberpirates stuff generally makes an water entry into Aztlan more feasible and probably easier than a CAS/Aztlan border crossing.
The land-side border would be very well guarded, seeing as how neither side particularly likes the other (I honestly see them as being just this side of constantly at war with each other. There's probably a large number of "accidental border incidents" each year). And while there's a lot of land to cover along it, there's even more gulf-front property to guard and watch.
SL James
Aug 3 2006, 03:45 PM
QUOTE (stevebugge) |
What would make Dallas a good Shadow City is it's proximity to Aztlan, which would make it a good starting point for some cross border intrigue. I'd bet that the little used policlub Sons of the Alamo are pretty active there too. |
*cough* Austin *cough*
Demonseed Elite
Aug 3 2006, 03:54 PM
Yeah, if you were going to detail a city revolving around the land border between CAS and Aztlan, Austin is the obvious choice, really.
But personally, I agree with Bull. Going through someplace like Miami, with the Carib League as the middleman between the CAS and Aztlan tensions, is probably safer. I'd even say Havana is safer, except that just about anything you do in Havana is going to be observed by Cuban Intelligence, whereas Miami is comparatively lawless.
SL James
Aug 3 2006, 07:11 PM
It's probably as (relatively) easy to get to Aztlan from Cuba as it is to get to Cuba from Mexico IRL.
Aug 3 2006, 07:19 PM
Well...I mention DFW simply cause I live there and there isn't much canon relating to any of the Texan CAS cities.
If I'm not mistaken, the FASA guys that wrote SR1 lived in Seatle, that's why it was selected as the canon location to begin with.
SL James
Aug 3 2006, 07:26 PM
As opposed to all the FASA people living in Chicago?
And, to be fair, DFW got a whole chapter in NAGNA, which is more than 99.9% of the world's cities have ever gotten.
Aug 3 2006, 07:37 PM
Haven't read the NAGNA yet...so...shows what i know.
Demonseed Elite
Aug 3 2006, 07:42 PM
QUOTE (SL James) |
It's probably as (relatively) easy to get to Aztlan from Cuba as it is to get to Cuba from Mexico IRL. |
Miami is still likely safer, because of its lawlessness. Cuba in SR actually has a fairly effective navy and intelligence branch and its navy is led by an Aztlan defector, which means the movement between the two nations is probably watched closely by both nations.
Aug 3 2006, 08:17 PM
QUOTE (SL James) |
And, to be fair, [...] |
Stop being fair, SL James, it messes up my whole world view. What's next? Water running uphill? Emo railing against power gaming? My neat, ordered world is falling apart...
SL James
Aug 3 2006, 08:41 PM
"dogs and cats living together - mass hysteria!"
Aug 3 2006, 09:12 PM
"Tell him about the Twinkie."
Aug 3 2006, 09:22 PM
What about the twinkie?
SL James
Aug 3 2006, 09:46 PM
It's yellow, spongy and filled with cream.
All things should be filled with cream.
Aug 3 2006, 10:05 PM
"Never studied"
Okay, enough of that nonsense.
Aug 4 2006, 02:40 PM
My philosophy is this: If it's empty, fill it with cream.
SL James
Aug 4 2006, 02:53 PM
Why limit it to things that are empty?
Aug 4 2006, 03:06 PM
QUOTE (SL James) |
It's yellow, spongy and filled with cream. |
hmm, that kinda reminds me of the syntetic alcohol thats described in CP2020 i think...
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