Jul 31 2006, 05:48 PM
What Shadowrun Sourcebooks would you like to see next after "Street Magic"?
Personally I'd like to see a Cannon Companion Type Sourcebook, with more expanded rules for Martial Combat, ect. and more equipment.
Please discuss.
Ancient History
Jul 31 2006, 06:09 PM
QUOTE (Exodus) |
Personally I'd like to see a Cannon Companion Type Sourcebook, with more expanded rules for Martial Combat, ect. and more equipment. Please discuss. |
The book is named "Arsenal," and it's in the woiks.
Jul 31 2006, 06:23 PM
my vote is for unwired. that matrix realy need to be explained and explained good.
Jul 31 2006, 06:42 PM
If I were doing a shake up of announced release order I would put Unwired even ahead of street magic. In my opinion the "new" matrix is the most exciting and least explained aspect of the 4th edition. After that I go with Street Magic and then Arsenal. Putting a marketing hat on I might be inclined to get another fluff book out for the 3rd quarter and hold the Crunch books for simultaneous release in the 4th quarter possibly BBB + Expanded Rules Book promotional bundle or an Unwired, Arsenal, Street Magic bundle for the holiday shopping season.
Jul 31 2006, 07:27 PM
What he said, the idea of the bundle is great!
Jul 31 2006, 07:52 PM
hmm, why am i envision the D&D 3.5 gift pack...
Jul 31 2006, 07:55 PM
Did it sell good?
Jul 31 2006, 07:58 PM
hell if i know, i only know of one person in the local rpg group that bought it. most likely because all the others allready had the individual books...
Jul 31 2006, 08:02 PM
Well, since I love to hate them so much, I want a new Corporate Download.
This time it'd be fun to also have a chapter for the lesser megas with short entries of two or three paragraph each.
Jul 31 2006, 08:06 PM
QUOTE (stevebugge @ Jul 31 2006, 01:42 PM) |
Putting a marketing hat on I might be inclined to get another fluff book out for the 3rd quarter and hold the Crunch books for simultaneous release in the 4th quarter possibly BBB + Expanded Rules Book promotional bundle or an Unwired, Arsenal, Street Magic bundle for the holiday shopping season. |
Hah! Having a great pile of PDF's so far, I would quite probably go for a Street Magic / Aresenal / Augmented / Unwired bundle. Nice idea. It would definitely have to come with some fancy packaging or free nerps or something, though.
Jul 31 2006, 08:12 PM
actually, I'm probably gonna be a freak, and use my massive amount of SR3 books, as well as just making stuff up, and just keep it to 1 book. I did the 'gotta buy 'em all!' last edition. Fluff books are tempting tthough. though if I chose, unwired by far. yikes the new matrix can be a little confusing, though I love it so. [though gonna rewrite my rules to become stat+skill based, so it matches the rest of the game's rules.]
Jul 31 2006, 08:44 PM
i dodged most of the fluff and location books for SR3, but i picked up all of the main gear, magic and tech books, new seattle and target: matrix.
Jul 31 2006, 09:07 PM
QUOTE (Exodus) |
What Shadowrun Sourcebooks would you like to see next after "Street Magic"?
Personally I'd like to see a Cannon Companion Type Sourcebook, with more expanded rules for Martial Combat, ect. and more equipment. Please discuss. |
I am confused, those books aren't sourcebooks.
I'd agree I would love unwired to be next, but the Fanpro roadmap suggests different.
emo samurai
Jul 31 2006, 09:09 PM
I agree with you on UnWired, even though I love magic more than anything.
Jul 31 2006, 10:03 PM
For the record FanPro's current schedule already includes (in order):
Street Magic (magic)
Arsenal (gear & tech)
Emergence (campaign)
Augmentation (enhancements)
Corp Enclaves (locations)
Unwired (Matrix and rigging)
Further down the line the plans call for (in no particular order):
Feral Cities (locations)
Running Wild (critters)
Awakened Haunts (locations)
new "Corp Download" (corps)
Jul 31 2006, 10:11 PM
What will Corp Enclaves, Feral Cities and Awakened Haunts be about, if I may ask?
Jul 31 2006, 10:19 PM
QUOTE (Butterblume @ Jul 31 2006, 02:11 PM) |
What will Corp Enclaves, Feral Cities and Awakened Haunts be about, if I may ask? |
For even more fun let's try to guess the featured locations before someone leaks them.
Corp Enclaves: I'm betting Manhattan, Tokyo, maybe London or Berlin
Feral Cities: Chicago, Rio/Metropol, after that hard to say.
Awakened Haunts: Angkor, New Orleans, Stonehenge (may not all be cities after all)
Jul 31 2006, 10:35 PM
It would definitely have to come with some fancy packaging or free nerps or something, though. |
SR dicebag! my favorite!
Yikes, real shame to see Unwired so far away. that looks like ~18 months or more if I had to take a stab in the dark. I thought SR4 was going to bring tech manipulation characters as much attention as gunbunnies and mages.
SL James
Jul 31 2006, 10:44 PM
QUOTE (stevebugge) |
QUOTE (Butterblume @ Jul 31 2006, 02:11 PM) | What will Corp Enclaves, Feral Cities and Awakened Haunts be about, if I may ask? |
For even more fun let's try to guess the featured locations before someone leaks them.
That assumes that they even know what cities are planned for Corp Enclaves, let alone the others.
Jul 31 2006, 10:51 PM
QUOTE (SL James) |
QUOTE (stevebugge @ Jul 31 2006, 04:19 PM) | QUOTE (Butterblume @ Jul 31 2006, 02:11 PM) | What will Corp Enclaves, Feral Cities and Awakened Haunts be about, if I may ask? |
For even more fun let's try to guess the featured locations before someone leaks them.
That assumes that they even know what cities are planned for Corp Enclaves, let alone the others.
Which is a mighty big assumption to be sure
Jul 31 2006, 11:08 PM
As both the player of a TM and a native Chicagoan, I'm torn between Unwired and Feral Cities (assuming the latter does discuss Chicago, of course).
Jul 31 2006, 11:11 PM
QUOTE (2bit @ Jul 31 2006, 05:35 PM) |
Yikes, real shame to see Unwired so far away. that looks like ~18 months or more if I had to take a stab in the dark. I thought SR4 was going to bring tech manipulation characters as much attention as gunbunnies and mages. |
There is an adventure/plotline book coming up a lot sooner revolving around Technomancers, for whatever that is worth to you. Apparently
On The Run also gave some examples of how to handle the Matrix. But I haven't read that yet, to avoid spoiling incase I play it before I run it, so I don't know how extensive that is. But yeah, it looks like Matrix centric PCs are still largely relagated to the back of the bus.
Dr. Dodge
Jul 31 2006, 11:30 PM
QUOTE (stevebugge) |
QUOTE (Butterblume @ Jul 31 2006, 02:11 PM) | What will Corp Enclaves, Feral Cities and Awakened Haunts be about, if I may ask? |
For even more fun let's try to guess the featured locations before someone leaks them.
Corp Enclaves: I'm betting Manhattan, Tokyo, maybe London or Berlin
Feral Cities: Chicago, Rio/Metropol, after that hard to say.
Awakened Haunts: Angkor, New Orleans, Stonehenge (may not all be cities after all)
I'm sure there's a german city for every one of those books
Jul 31 2006, 11:51 PM
looks like a lot of people want to see unwired moved forward on the schedule...
Jul 31 2006, 11:57 PM
Frankly from a rules point of view and such I'd like Unwired sooner than later.
But really, I just love new weapons, gear, cyberware etc., so I'm definitely looking forward to Arsenal and Augmentation more
Aug 1 2006, 12:05 AM
or a the before mentioned giftbox with extra NERPS!!!!!!!!!!
Aug 1 2006, 12:31 AM
QUOTE (Protagonist) |
Frankly from a rules point of view and such I'd like Unwired sooner than later.
But really, I just love new weapons, gear, cyberware etc., so I'm definitely looking forward to Arsenal and Augmentation more |
i fear that both augmentation and arsenal will mostly contain the content of cannon companion and man&machine updated to the new mechanic, with the stuff from the sota books added in.
unwired on the other hand will thread new ground and expand on this new matrix we love to debate the specifics of...
Aug 1 2006, 12:39 AM
QUOTE (hobgoblin) |
i fear that both augmentation and arsenal will mostly contain the content of cannon companion and man&machine updated to the new mechanic, with the stuff from the sota books added in. |
Like Street Magic both of those books will include entirely new material as well.
Aug 1 2006, 01:05 AM
well woopdie do
QUOTE (2bit) |
Yikes, real shame to see Unwired so far away. that looks like ~18 months or more if I had to take a stab in the dark. I thought SR4 was going to bring tech manipulation characters as much attention as gunbunnies and mages. |
I'd rather see Unwired a bit sooner.
Aug 1 2006, 04:23 AM
As much as I love magic, I'd like to see Unwired moved up the list also.
When reading the SR4 book, the matrix and electronics sections just seem to be the most confusing part. It's a huge shift in the world for the wireless matrix, so why aren't the rules the govern it more fleshed out? If anything, I would have though that section would have recieved the most attention from FanPro.
Anyway, I'm eagerly awaiting Street Magic. My players will just have to suffer along with my crappy on the spot matrix rulings for next 18 months I guess...
Aug 1 2006, 07:58 AM
QUOTE (Dr. Dodge) |
QUOTE (stevebugge @ Jul 31 2006, 05:19 PM) | QUOTE (Butterblume @ Jul 31 2006, 02:11 PM) | What will Corp Enclaves, Feral Cities and Awakened Haunts be about, if I may ask? |
For even more fun let's try to guess the featured locations before someone leaks them.
Corp Enclaves: I'm betting Manhattan, Tokyo, maybe London or Berlin
Feral Cities: Chicago, Rio/Metropol, after that hard to say.
Awakened Haunts: Angkor, New Orleans, Stonehenge (may not all be cities after all)
I'm sure there's a german city for every one of those books
And we are so proud of it...
Aug 1 2006, 08:22 AM
Unwired, yes.
Also looking forwards to seeing some rigger love, specifically lots of new drones and vehicles but also some rules clarifications. But will that be in Unwired, Arsenal or both?
Aug 1 2006, 09:24 AM
rules for the matrix > fluff for other archtypes. Unwired should have been the first book out after the core book. Then i would like to see street magic and then finally the tech books.
I'd love to make a hacker but its to confusing so i dont even bother. I have a mage wrote up but nobody will help me design a mentor spirit for him so i'm hoping street magic has alot more mentors or rules/advice on creating your own.
Then i'd like more options for my rigger. Rules for modding vehichles, and kooler drone bodies. Say hello to my Droidekka!! (ball droid from star wars).
Aug 1 2006, 12:05 PM
hmm... arsenal would be nice, but i think augmentation might give more options and expanded rules on what happens when someone hacks your wired reflexes. Of course, unwired might have that too and it needs to come out to explain what goes on (and hopefully make it harder to hack into said WR)
Aug 1 2006, 12:18 PM
So long as the upcoming SR4 books contain as much diversity as the comperable SR3 books I'll upgrade to SR4.
The one thing that really drew me to SR was the diversity in cultures that oozed into the rules and how well those rules meshed with the world. Things like the various schools of magical belief (from Magic in the Shadows), the different martial arts styles (from Cannon Companion), and the different metatypes based on geological areas (Shadowrun Companion) really caught my fancy. And the fact that they all had actual meaning on the character sheet made me truly fall in love with the game. It made me think of the
good parts of Mage: The Ascencion...but with good rules.
If they keep up that sort of thing I think I'll finally make the switch to SR4. Until then I'm going to stick with my SR3. I know, I know...I could translate a lot of that stuff on my own...but that sounds too much like work.
Aug 1 2006, 12:27 PM
QUOTE (Dender) |
hmm... arsenal would be nice, but i think augmentation might give more options and expanded rules on what happens when someone hacks your wired reflexes. Of course, unwired might have that too and it needs to come out to explain what goes on (and hopefully make it harder to hack into said WR) |
Welcome to the group of "we want all books at the same time!"

Yup, that would be nice.
Aug 1 2006, 01:30 PM
QUOTE (hobgoblin) |
QUOTE (Protagonist @ Aug 1 2006, 01:57 AM) | Frankly from a rules point of view and such I'd like Unwired sooner than later.
But really, I just love new weapons, gear, cyberware etc., so I'm definitely looking forward to Arsenal and Augmentation more |
i fear that both augmentation and arsenal will mostly contain the content of cannon companion and man&machine updated to the new mechanic, with the stuff from the sota books added in.
unwired on the other hand will thread new ground and expand on this new matrix we love to debate the specifics of...
Like Synner said, they will have some new info as well, I'm sure.
I'm purely speculating here, but I think that your comment also brings us to <B>why</b> the books last on the slate. One of the reasons, anyways.
1) Since as you say, a good chunk of Augmentation and Arsenal are basically updates anbd conversions to existing stuff, they're a bit easier and faster to do. Unwired being totally new material almost exclusively will take a bit longer to write and develop. Putting it last gives the writers and dev's tie to do that.
2) Despite the "easier to use" decking system, it's still possible and probable that Unwired will sell fewer copies than Augmentation and Arsenal. Judging by past editions and the equivelant books, I know our group always seemed to have at least two Magic core books, three Gun and Cyber books, but only ever one rigging and decking book (usually mine). Despite the fact nearly every group I ever ran or played with had a decker and a rigger in it.
So it makes a bit of sense to me to put out your "cash cows" first and build up some cash reseres and sales to balance out the lesser selling books.
Like I said, I'm guessing here. Due to lack of free time and, for the moment, lack of active group, I've been a bit out of the playtesting and freelancing loop. So don't quote me

And as for what I want? Yeah, I'd kill to have Unwired, since when our group does start playing again (soon, I hope), I'm actually gonna get to play instead of GM, and Bull's son Billy is picking up the Hacker reigns and running with 'em.
I'd also really like that Critter Book, and I'm hoping that Awakened Haunts incorporates some of the stuff that has been sitting around half forms since "The Boo Scary Shadowrun Book of the Night" book was in development

Oh, and I'd LOVE to see some real modules done again, though I know sales figures on those make them an unlikely prospect.
Aug 1 2006, 01:44 PM
I'll concur with Bull and say that I'd love some adventure modules like there were back in the old days. There's a bit of a "love fest" for old adventures on a recend rpg.net thread (
here). Though I suppose, in a way, we are getting them through Shadowrun Missions.
Aug 1 2006, 01:59 PM
that made perfect sense bull, and i agree.
maybe what people realy need is a good old faq (of the kind that do not contradict other parts of the same faq) covering areas of the new matrix rules that are contested...
Aug 1 2006, 02:00 PM
I want to see the FAQ next.
Aug 1 2006, 02:03 PM
As a gamemaster and player I would like to see the following books:
1. A generic equipment book (call it SWAG for fun

2. A complete critter book (with rules on creating critters)
3. A world political book (including world politics, flags and a world map)
4. An annual (or bi-annual) update to SWAG (see point 1)
5. A program pack (and I would help WizKids program it for the right amount of

) including all the programs that would make life easy for players and GMs
* Character creating program (with ability to update later)
* campaign editor (help new GMs create runs)
* SR database (rules from the core book plus room for updates later)
* Random generators (floor maps, street blocks, etc)
6. SOTA books (I love to see what is new and upcoming).
Aug 1 2006, 02:09 PM
That's a good point. In this day and age I'm surprised that RPG makers haven't embraced the world of character generation software etc. Guess it's too much diversification from their core business, and comes with all kinds of baggage like support etc.
I really wish some clever bod would program the ultimate character generator that also generated reasonably coherent random NPCs. If it's been done, somebody tell me.
Aug 1 2006, 02:16 PM
Who needs numbers for NPCs anyway?
Haven't seen official character generators for a RPG so far. The Black Eye and SR got some nice fanwork, as does Eberron and Deadlands. But official programs? Can't remember.
@TBRMInsanity: nice list, although I'm missing more fluff books, like the setting books Synner mentioned earlier here.
Aug 1 2006, 02:22 PM
rules for making critters? not needed in SR because unlike D20-style games, you dont get xp from each kill. and therefor you dont have to know the threat said monster is to present.
what you do instead is grab your local folk-lore book, guesstimate what kinds of stats the beast would have, then apply some critter powers on top of that.
instant critter

btw, that innate spell power is a perfect way to simulate all kinds of powers
Aug 1 2006, 02:41 PM
QUOTE (SL James) |
QUOTE (stevebugge @ Jul 31 2006, 04:19 PM) | QUOTE (Butterblume @ Jul 31 2006, 02:11 PM) | What will Corp Enclaves, Feral Cities and Awakened Haunts be about, if I may ask? |
For even more fun let's try to guess the featured locations before someone leaks them.
That assumes that they even know what cities are planned for Corp Enclaves, let alone the others.
We know what cities are planned for Corp Enclaves, and have some idea of which ones will be included in the books further down the road. Those haven't been firmed up as much yet, though, because they can change based on the type and content of proposals we get. Since we haven't got (nor solicited) proposals for any of the location books past Corp Enclaves yet, we'll have to wait and see.
Demonseed Elite
Aug 1 2006, 02:44 PM
QUOTE (Bull) |
I'd also really like that Critter Book, and I'm hoping that Awakened Haunts incorporates some of the stuff that has been sitting around half forms since "The Boo Scary Shadowrun Book of the Night" book was in development |
Man, "The Boo Scary Shadowrun Book of the Night" was one of the products I was looking forward to proposing material for, way back when.

Personally, one book I'd like to see is something that brings up-to-date most of the material from
Corporate Shadowfiles. I don't mean the
Corporate Downloads corp profiles, I mean all the other information that was in CS. How corporations work and are structured, marketing, price fixing, corp scrip, global finance, stock manipulations, etc. All the dirty tricks of business.
Aug 1 2006, 03:01 PM
QUOTE (TBRMInsanity) |
1. A generic equipment book (call it SWAG for fun ) |
Paranoia XP won the Best Title award long ago: its equipment book is called
Aug 1 2006, 04:25 PM
QUOTE (hobgoblin) |
that made perfect sense bull, and i agree.
maybe what people realy need is a good old faq (of the kind that do not contradict other parts of the same faq) covering areas of the new matrix rules that are contested...
Hrmm... Yeah, could be useful.
personally, I found the rules fairly straightforward myself, once I read through them a couple times and made notes. My one complaint with the Hacking section is that the way the information is presented is... unclear, at times. It doesn't flow well, and there's not nearly enough examples.
As i mentioned somewhere, I'm gonna be playing a Hacker coming up in a new game. Maybe I can try and field some general questions and work up something in the near future. Wouldn't be official, but... <shrug>
Course Technomancers and the Rigging stuff I haven't read all that closely, so that could be a pain
Aug 1 2006, 04:33 PM
QUOTE (Bull @ Aug 1 2006, 11:25 AM) |
It doesn't flow well, and there's not nearly enough examples. |
That's my take on it too. They underlying rules seem fairly sound, but the description of them could be better.
Course Technomancers and the Rigging stuff I haven't read all that closely, so that could be a pain  |
Rigging is even worse than Hacking in some spots. Specifically the vehicle list table that came over and regarding Control Rig. Plus the use of physical Attributes for Skill Tests like Gunnery while in VR, which is how the rules are written, I find bizzare. It comes off as somewhat rushed, which might be exactly what happened given the push to hit the Indy Gen Con date.
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