Aug 16 2006, 10:40 PM
Designing a game around heavy, and I mean heavy magic (paranormal) influences. All submissions need not be "magically active". The one thing the concept must include is a brush with evil in the past. This game will focus on investigation/research and problem solving. (And as a former Marine, I do understand some things can be solved with a gun, but that's not the main focus here)
The bare bones of it:
400 Bp's
Canon material only
Seattle Area (for now)
No starting out as an Intiate
No technomancers (Nothing against them just doesnt mesh)
I have Street Magic, so you may use/reference it.
I havent set a limit on players (as yet)
If you are planning on playing a 'Mojo Slinger' be up to the challenge of roleplaying it. My reasoning is this, it is a way of life. Mojo Slingers burn through karma for a reason, magic pervades your every waking hour (and some of your sleep too muaaahhaaaa).
Mojo Slingers need not have had a brush with evil (their very nature makes them aware of the paranormal out there)
Mojo Slingers will find it very helpful to have access to Street Magic (not required but very helpful)
Please post any questions you have here.
Aug 16 2006, 11:47 PM
I'd be interested in coming up with something. But with the heavy paranormal influences you mentioned, what exactly would be a good area for a non-awakened character to focus on?
Aug 16 2006, 11:50 PM
any really. It's plausible for any 'archetype' to become involved.
Aug 17 2006, 12:04 AM
Cool. And when you say "evil," is that magic evil or can it be the megacorp/gang sort of evil?
Aug 17 2006, 12:08 AM
When do you want character submissions by?
Aug 17 2006, 12:23 AM
Evil as in magic/paranormal
Deadline will be in two weeks (August 30)
Please post as you come up with things
Genre Films that may help get those creative juices going:
the ninth gate
Van Helsing
Supernatural (TV show)
the Mummy
Aug 17 2006, 01:22 AM
damn it...if only I wasn't so swamped
Y'all will have a blast with this one Im sure.
Aug 17 2006, 01:41 AM
Hmmm i made up a shaman awhile back but i havent been able to flesh out his personality or choose a mentor spirit. I thought of a kool brush with evil though. Ever play God of War for the ps2? Kratos is this normal soldier guy and as he fights in this war he gets promoted to greater and greater ranks until he has control of a large group of men. His group is sent to take on this enemy force and they are getting slaughtered so kratos pleads to Ares the god of war to grant him the power to destroy his enemies.
Ares grants his wish and Kratos becomes an unstoppable killing machine and he goes around with his men slaughtering enemy forces. One day while he is plundering and destroying this village he meets this old wizard person who i think is one of the other gods or an oracle for one of the other gods. They tell kratos to take a look around and when he does he sees that he has slaughtered his wife and kid. Ares had made him attack his own village so that he would have no ties to anyone so he could be the ultimate tool.
Well kratos gets pissed and takes off on a quest to kill ares. This sounds kool for your game. Maybe some magical dude is kinda evil and he summons a bad ass spirit to help guide him and make him stronger or something. If he has a mentor spirit then he has stopped talking to him and only follows what the evil spirit tells him to do. Well eventually the evil spirit makes him kill a bunch of people or maybe a family member or his whole family and he doesnt realize he is doing it until its to late.
Afterwards the spirit would laugh at him and the guy would banish the spirit or something or so he thinks. Then after the character excepts what he has done he begins to hunt down and banish evil spirits. Eventually running into his evil spirit at some point in time.
Its kind of a rip off of Talon from the novels but its also different. Talon summoned his evil spirit out of rage and then it ran off afterwards. This dudes evil spirit actually influenced and controlled the mage for awhile.
To bad i cant figure out a nice mentor spirit for my guy =(.
Aug 17 2006, 02:28 AM
I'm working on a Mystic Adept with Dragon Mentor, but wow do the BP get eaten up fast for an awakened character....
Aug 17 2006, 03:21 AM
I like the brush with evil concept. I will probably have a submission ready in a day or two.
Had an idea for an aspected magician, with a very focused magical skill-set - we'll see if it would fit in.
Aug 17 2006, 03:34 AM
The brush with evil isnt meant to be taken as you've turned to it, only that you were effected by it in some way. Your concept seems almost 180 from my intended plot line. You will be part of (as PC's) a group that hunts down among other things those on the twisted path (which is what you discribed the PC would be like, or had been)
Ares/Mars uses the Wolf totem (From Street Magic)
Aug 17 2006, 03:37 AM
Sounds like someone experienced in Insect Spirits would fit in then. Do you want details posted in this thread, or sent separately?
Aug 17 2006, 03:44 AM
I just got an idea: what if I were to play a young woman whose boyfriend became an insect shaman? It's the classic story: boy meets girl, boy meets bug spirit, boy starts acting creepy, girl is alarmed by boy's creepiness, boy loses girl, boy kidnaps girl to invest her with Queen spirit in effort to get her back, girl fatally wounds boy and escapes.
Aug 17 2006, 08:02 AM
Hmm Definitely interested. Will be working up an aspected magician for this I think. will have to see how the points work out but I have a good idea for background and his brush with twisted magic. This sounds like a lot of fun. Will post or edit later once I have the details worked out but count me in.
Aug 17 2006, 02:12 PM
Introductory blurb. Comments?
Sir Gregor Stanis Milan Tanislaw, Knight Lieutenant of the Order of the Dragon, Defender of Rome, Warden of the New World, Holder of the Red Cross, is charged with the defense of the New World against the incursion of the Infidels. In this century, and perhaps for the forthcoming millennia that is defined as the Horrors. To this end Gregor "Sweetness" Tanis has come to Seattle to coordinate efforts between various groups to battle the Horrors.
Gregor is an orc aging well into his early thirties. He wears his greying hair with distinction, though it is in a short military style. His trim and well cared for mustachio is a concession to vanity. He dresses conservatively but well, typically with tailored suits in conservative style. In a bid to capture past style and fashion he carries a stylish leather wrapped steel cane with an ornately carved handle in the form of a dragon encircling a cross as it strangles itself with it's own tail. Or perhaps it is simply eating it's own tail, it's hard to tell without close inspection.
Aug 17 2006, 03:00 PM
OK, since I did mention no prior intiation, these are social groups or imaginary titles? (besides not in the books.......the Catholic church has an Order of St. Sylvester that is all mages, if that's what youre looking for. There is also a New Templars movement if that is what youre looking at, but the dragon totem doesnt fit)
As a side to that Charles University in Prague has a dragon as lead professor in Thaumology. (Also runs BENANDANTI XXV ...this of course is secret and OOC )
Aug 17 2006, 03:16 PM
Some stuff from Street Magic (If you dont have it)
Astral Sight 5BP (Mundanes only)
Latent Talent 5BP (Mundanes only,magic ability manifests later)
Spell/Spirit Knack (Mundanes only, one spell or spirit you can cast/summon)
Spirit Pack 5BP x Spirits Edge (care to make a deal with the devil lol)
Cursed 5BP per rating (max 4, gremlins for magic)
Focus addiction 5 to 30BP
Geas 10BP:
mentor (must have totem)
Aug 17 2006, 03:25 PM
Insect spirits do fit in well with the plot line (Being the latest 'Mofo's' able to mount a full on invasion), but i'd like variety as not every problem is a 'bug', some things out there are much older, much darker.( Hey,I think I just found my opening line) I even plan to cross cultural barriers here...evil Kami (japanese) that take on the appearance of Oni (demons), Djinn (Islamic spirits), etc.
krayola red
Aug 17 2006, 03:34 PM
This one sounds fun. I'll whip up a quick character concept and post it here in a bit.
Aug 17 2006, 03:46 PM
Order of the Dragon is an old real world order created by the Holy Roman Emperor during one of the Ottoman invasions. Had a certain Tepes fellow as a founding member. I was thinking of the Order as a current secret order perpetuated by the descendants over the past few centuries, and becoming more active with the Awakening. I thought the membership and initiation would be more of a mundane initiation, not the magical one, which might be a sub group or different charter within the Order that could happen later. (Given Karma and survival) So it's not a book order, but one "made up". THe original charter actually exists somewhere.
I have Street Magic, and am looking at a couple of the new Adept powers in there Commanding Voice and Cool Resolve look interesting.
For knowledge of threats other then Insect spirits, would Horrors (Traditional European Medieval Christian) work better?
I think the core concept is a Christian Crusader.
Aug 17 2006, 03:50 PM
I've got a CS and BG started and I'm cycling through the usual pattern of matching the sheet and BG together and modifying as I go.
Incomplete Sheet
[ Spoiler ]
Ork Mystic Adept
How to make friends and Influence people
Condition Monitor
Physical 8 + BOD/2 = 11
Stun 8 + WIL/2 = 10
20 BP Ork
150 BP Attributes
85 Other Attributes
(15) Qualities
118 Skills
3 Knowledge Skills
14 Magic
12 Contacts
7 Gear
20 BP Ork Metatype
20 Ork
BOD 4/9 (13)
AGI 1/6 (9)
REA 1/6 (9)
STR 3/8 (12)
CHA 1/5 (7)
INT 1/6 (9)
LOG 1/5 (7)
WIL 1/6 (9)
INI 2/12 (18)
EDGE 1/6
Low Light Vision
150 BP Physical and Mental Attributes
10 BP BOD 5
20 BP AGI 3
20 BP REA 3
20 BP STR 5
40 BP CHA 5
10 BP INT 2
10 BP LOG 2
20 BP WIL 3
85 BP Other Attributes
0 BP INI 7 (REA + INT)
0 BP Initiative Passes 1 ()
20 BP EDGE 3
65 BP MAGIC 6 (3 for spells)
(15) BP Qualities (+20/-35)
10 BP Mystic Adept
5 BP Mentor Spirit - Dragon (+2 Manipulation, +2 Negotiation, W + Ch (3) test to lose gracefully or follow others advice)
5 BP First Impression
(5) BP Astral Beacon
(10) BP Gremlins (2)
(10) BP Allergy (Uncommon, Moderate) Silver
(10) BP Allergy (Common, Mild) Sunlight
118 BP Active Skills
Social Active
30 BP Influence (Charisma) 3
- Con
- Etiquette
- Leadership
- Negotiation
Combat Active
20 BP Blades (Agility) 5
Magical Active
16 BP Spellcasting (Magic) 4
8 BP Counterspelling (Magic) 2
16 BP Summoning (Magic) 4
4 BP Binding (Magic) 1
Physical Active
12 BP Infiltration (Agility) 3
12 BP Perception (Intuition) 3
3 BP Knowledge Skills ((LOG + INT) * 3=12)
1 BP High Society (Seattle) 3 (5)
1 BP ParaZoology (Traditional European Christian Medieval) 3 (5)
Secret Theological Orders 3
1 BP Literature (Shakespeare) 3 (5)
English N
14 BP Magic
1.5 Kinesics Level 3
0.25 Commanding Voice
0.75 Cool Resolve Level 3
3 BP Influence
3 BP Electrical Aura
3 BP Deflection
3 BP Gecko Crawl
2 BP Bond Weapon Focus
7 BP Gear 35,000
20,000 Cane Sword Weapon Focus
10,000 High Lifestyle
100 Commlink - Meta Link 1/2
200 OS - Vector Xim 1/1
50 Trodes
1,000 Rating 1 Fake SIN - Lawrence Funderburke
25 Certified Credstick
25 Monocle
25 - Image Link
100 - Vision Mag +2
300 - Vision Enhancement 3 +4A
50 Headphones
300 - Audio enhancement 3 +2A
100 - Spatial Recognizer +6A
200 Micro Transceiver 1
100 Rating 4 Stim Patch
500 Trauma Patch
800 Nuyen Cash (2D6 + 1 * 20)
12 BP Contacts
Bishop Harriman L2 C4
Talismonger L3 C3
Sir Gregor Stanis Milan Tanislaw, Knight Lieutenant of the Order of the Dragon, Defender of Rome, Warden of the New World, Holder of the Red Cross, is charged with the defense of the New World against the incursion of the Infidels. In this century, and perhaps for the forthcoming millennia that is defined as the Horrors. To this end Gregor "Sweetness" Tanis has come to Seattle to coordinate efforts between various groups to battle the Horrors.
Gregor is an orc aging well into his early thirties. He wears his greying hair with distinction, though it is in a short military style. His trim and well cared for mustachio is a concession to vanity. He dresses conservatively but well, typically with tailored suits in conservative style. In a bid to capture past style and fashion he carries a stylish leather wrapped steel cane with an ornately carved handle in the form of a dragon encircling a cross as it strangles itself with it's own tail. Or perhaps it is simply eating it's own tail, it's hard to tell without close inspection.
Gregor's family came from the Chicagoland area. As happens with many orks they have died all too early of old age, and Gregor has as one of his worries currently the adoption or conception of a suitable heir. On the other hand, who wants to bring a child into this world doomed to face the Horrors? Trained from an early age in the notion of Duty and Service, it was all too natural he was brought initiated into the Order of the Dragon, the family being descended of several of the original founders. Of course given the complex intermarriages of most of the major houses of Europe since the days of the Holy Roman Empire, almost everyone of European descent could make that claim. Though, claiming the particular claim to one of the more notorious founders might be more then some people would dare. It helps that he displays the typical family traits, a vulnerability to various elements classically associated with his ancestor. Fortunately Gregor's family has long since given up the other attributes, the blood lust and evil rites.
Gregor learned at a very young age the value of control, self control, and the control of others. This has been nurtured in the environs of the interplay and diplomacy, back biting and betrayal between the multitude of open and secret orders and societies that have only grown since the Awakening. As a young Gentlemen he naturally, in a fit of Romantic foolishness, concentrated on skills at arms. In hindsight this has proved valuable, as there are many places and things against which modern arms, firearms, are quite useless. The initial dabbling in the Arts has long since given to small but practical magics and spells gleaned from old family libraries and connections. Gregor has never quite acquired a taste and any acumen with "other" world of the Matrix, his preference for very old fashioned paper books and other items stems as much from practicality as anything else. Gregor understands the value of modern tools, but he has long given up the hope of using them himself.
Aug 17 2006, 03:59 PM
Is that a cane sword focus I see? You have to accept this character!
Aug 17 2006, 04:44 PM
Looks fun i think ill join in more later. I take it the theme is magic so cybering is a no no.
Aug 17 2006, 04:44 PM
how long has he been in Seattle? reason I ask is the 4 in Seattle High society, if he's not been here that long then maybe its better to spend elsewhere (a point or so)
Also; Horrors is pretty much Parazoology and your Christian medieval in my opinion a specialization. (A rose by any other name...)
Aug 17 2006, 04:50 PM
Cybering is fine, if youre not a magically active person. Any concept has a chance here. A guy who becomes a street Samurai to combat the dark paranormal forces is as welcome (possibly needed) as any other. Magic and the paranormal is the central theme, but not the only allowable type. Hell you could be a "normal" kid/person with the latent talent quality whose studying to become magically active. What ties you to the game is that, you know those things that bump in the night, and you bump back.[-from the movie HellBoy]
krayola red
Aug 17 2006, 04:50 PM
Without further ado...
[ Spoiler ]
Clay Jackson
Paranormal Investigator
Clay is a hotshot young magician fresh out of the hallowed halls of MIT&T with a BA in Thaumaturgy. Due to an unexpected falling out with his parents shortly after his graduation, the source of income that fed his progress in the academic world was cut off, and Clay suddenly found himself without the funds to finance his graduate studies. Over the past year, Clay has taken many odd jobs to bring in the money he needs to get his next degree, including working as a small time security mage, magical healer, street illusionist, and even a Mafia interrogator. He's recently decided to brave an unexplored frontier and opened up a paranormal investigation agency, advertised to tackle all sorts of creepy magical phenomena and supernatural troubles. He operates out of a meager apartment in Downtown Seattle and spends his days watching holovids and eating soy pizza in between calls.
Clay is an ork, but no ordinary ork. Where the average ork is stocky with a muscular build, Clay is as slender as a monowhip (and a total klutz to boot). Where the average ork is a relatively unrefined speaker with little social graces, Clay is gifted with a silver tongue that can talk a grizzled old troll sprawl ganger to give up his life of crime and become a professional ballet dancer, and has. Clay likes fancy clothes, good food, and attractive women, and curses his fortune daily because he is too poor to afford any of the three.
Aug 17 2006, 04:53 PM
QUOTE (JackRipper @ Aug 17 2006, 11:44 AM) |
how long has he been in Seattle? reason I ask is the 4 in Seattle High society, if he's not been here that long then maybe its better to spend elsewhere (a point or so)
Also; Horrors is pretty much Parazoology and your Christian medieval in my opinion a specialization. (A rose by any other name...) |
Refactored and edited to
1 BP High Society (Seattle) 3 (5)
1 BP ParaZoology (Traditional European Christian Medieval) 3 (5)
Secret Theological Orders 3
1 BP Literature (Shakespeare) 3 (5)
Thanks, that's the feedback I need.
Aug 17 2006, 07:21 PM
krayola: with out trying to sound nit-picky (i will however) i have 2 points.
First is if you have opened up your own investigative operation, then you most likely wouldnt come to the attention/be drawn to this particular group. [I believe this point was caused by my own mistake, or should I say by my lack of issueing out enough information.] (this is a very minor thing here)
The second point, while seemingly minor is to me a greater issue. Just saying he's a bright mage is well, to plain. (A magically gifted person, plain? never. That is exactly how you should look at it. Is he bookish (scholarly), a natural who wings it, does he have a flamboyant personality or style, perhaps a snob (Less than 1 to 5% percent is magically capable) Does he study/use magic as a Quabbalist, Wiccan, Bhuddist, Shinto, Hindu or egyptian tradition? This are things you should consider. (Guess I was nit-picky, but its to help you and not to show off my clearly superior intellect lol)
krayola red
Aug 17 2006, 07:38 PM
No prob. The character concept was exactly that - a concept. It was by no means intended to be a replacement for a character sheet or backstory. All the extra fleshing out you're looking for will come soon™ (probably after I pick up Street Magic). I'm just working it out as I go along.
About your first concern: if being an occult investigator won't mesh with your game plan, one possible idea is that Clay can enter the scene further ahead down the timeline described in the concept, where he'll possibly be handling some other weird job after his paranormal investigation business falls flat.
Please don't hesitate to bring 'em up if you have any other issues down the road.
Aug 17 2006, 07:42 PM
I was going to save this for the opening bit, but it may actual help for submitters to have this.
You have all individually, through various means ended up in an old and quaint Talismonger shop in Pikes Place Farmers market. It is situated among a long line of similarly old buildings. The shop has always been here, for many years as a curio shop, and then later as it is now a full fledged talimongers shop. Your paths led you here, through word of mouth, the need for knowledge, or the tools to complete your tasks at hand.
[The old man who runs it, has introduced you (that are chosen) to eachother in the hopes you may aid each other in your common goals. He has then shown you his private chambers including his personal library and small lab.]
Hope this helps
Aug 17 2006, 07:43 PM
Occult Investigator is more than fine, just the part of running your own business is my concern.
krayola red
Aug 17 2006, 07:52 PM
Oh, that's cool. He calls it his business, but he's also the only employee.
Aug 17 2006, 09:24 PM
Okay, because you don't want us all to have bug-related experiences, I'll scrap my first idea and take dibs on the group hacker. I figure that she was tormented by a nightmare spirit as a child, which gave her the acute paranoia all good hackers should have.
I think I'll write up a character sheet later this afternoon, or maybe this evening.
Aug 17 2006, 09:28 PM
QUOTE (FanGirl) |
Okay, because you don't want us all to have bug-related experiences, I'll scrap my first idea and take dibs on the group hacker. I figure that she was tormented by a nightmare spirit as a child, which gave her the acute paranoia all good hackers should have. I think I'll write up a character sheet later this afternoon, or maybe this evening. |
Take the Mundane Astral Sight Quality and be a very confused Hacker when confronted with all the stuff you can see....
Aug 17 2006, 09:29 PM
FanGirl, no one has posted interest in a 'bug-hunter' other than you actually.
Aug 17 2006, 09:33 PM
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Aug 16 2006, 10:37 PM) |
Sounds like someone experienced in Insect Spirits would fit in then. Do you want details posted in this thread, or sent separately? |
This is what made me think someone else was interested in working with bugs. I was simply trying to be generous.
Aug 17 2006, 09:43 PM
QUOTE (FanGirl) |
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Aug 16 2006, 10:37 PM) | Sounds like someone experienced in Insect Spirits would fit in then. Do you want details posted in this thread, or sent separately? |
This is what made me think someone else was interested in working with bugs. I was simply trying to be generous. |
I should have seperated those questions to remove the implication it was my character intended as the bug hunter. My fault. Sorry.
Aug 17 2006, 10:23 PM
So is anyone interested in running a bug-hunter, here?
Well, let me rephrase that: Would any of the previous posters like to call 'dibs' on a bug-hunter-type character?
[ Spoiler ]
If nobody else does, I would! However, in FanGirl wants to make an adept bug-hunter instead of a decker, I'll submit something else.
Switch, Adept martial-arts enthusiast
Born to into an elf family on Chicago's West Side, Switch was always told he was meant for great things. His parents expected him to grow up to work at Truman or Fuchi. However, things didn't work out the way they planned.
Switch was a rebllious child, who liked to disappear into the city for days at a time. He often skipped school and was prone to get into fights.
In desperation, his parents introduced him to martial arts at the tender age of thirteen. In the dojo, Swtich finally found something that he loved. Now, instead of cutting class to go "tag" buildings or break into abandonded warehouses, he was now sitting in on advanced classes and doing Kung Fu in the park. Switch always seemed faster and more agile than the other students, but he didn't understand why, he just liked it.
Then the Bugs came.
After surviving the CZ, Switch made his way to Seattle. He's haunted by his memories of the days behind the Wall. Now, he looks for a chance to make a difference in the world... and to get paid for his skills in hand-to-hand combat.
Switch is a tall, muscular elf with pale white skin and silver hair. He is most often seen wearing a ragged leather jacket and torn jeans, riding his Yamaha Growler around Renton's industrial district.
Aug 17 2006, 11:44 PM
With some serious thinking upon my part (and yes, it is a new thing) I'm thinking there'd be a good sized amount of bug war veterans. I havent determined a group size either, so plug away at the concepts.
Aug 18 2006, 01:58 AM
Wow, two people are already from Chicago, and my bug-hunter was going to be a University of Chicago student...perhaps they could all be friends! Or acquaintances, at the very least.
But I'm kind of interested in the nervous hacker character as well. Tell you what: I'll write up backgrounds for both the mage and the hacker, and you guys can give me advice on which one I should pick.
Aug 18 2006, 02:18 AM
I'm still trying to put together a good concept, but here's what I'm thinking of:
A (mundane) traveling monk, who is trying to track down the leaders of a magical cult he's tussled with in the past. One rather unfortunate encounter has resulted in the loss of an arm, and possibly some other bits of meat that needed replacing. This monk is trying to fight for justice, and to this end refuses to kill, even among those in the cult (they're brainwashed, and he's trying to save them). His skills would reflect this
Now, I don't have Street Magic yet (I prefer hard copies if possible), so I don't know what's available in it, but some of those new qualities (like the limited spellcasting) sound intriguing. Would it be possible to get something along the lines of an amulet pilfered from the cult dudes that allows Monkman to summon one of the cult's own spirits?
I just thought of another interesting idea, although you said no TMs. My idea is for a rigger who uses drones to battle rogue spirits. A normal rigger would work, but I personally like the idea of technomancers and the concept of using one paranormal ability to fight another is kind of neat.
Aug 18 2006, 02:26 PM
Here's my concept for opinions before working up the actual details leter today:
A former special forces dwarf aspected mage. Right around the time of the 2nd crash his team was on a deep infiltration op in Aztlan trying to take out a ritual group before they could send a powerful curse upon the leader of the CAS border forces. Things seemed to be going well when all coms and intel telemetry went down. Suddenly the entire temple complex was on full alert and the team was in real drek. A huge blood spirit manifested and started draining the team dry. 3 members were down before our mage was aware of the problem and got line of sight on the evil thing. He managed to banish the blood spirit but the battle of wills with such a vile being forever left its mark on his psyche. He and the one remaining member managed to escape and after learning of the reason for the disaster that happened to their team they decided now was a good time to part ways and start new lives. He has, as a result of his contact with the blood spirit, vowed to eradicate any he encounters and has nightmares almost every night as well.
I do have street magic and will most likely use some of the spells available there. Let me know what you think and I will post the character details as soon as I have hm fleshed out.
Aug 18 2006, 02:33 PM
Being a former SpecOp's soldier will put some heavy burdens on your skill points, then there is the points you burn for being a magician. Not trying dissuade you, just showing you that you'll have some serious number crunching to do. I say run with it and see what you come up with.
Aug 18 2006, 08:30 PM
Here's a sample CS for Switch.
[ Spoiler ]
Metatype : Elf
Body: 3
Agility: 4
Reaction: 5
Strength: 4
Charisma: 3
Intuition: 5
Logic: 3
Willpower: 4
Edge: 1
Magic: 6
Initiative: 10
Essence: 6
Initiative: 10 (12)
Initiative Passes: 1 (2)
Stun: 12
Physical: 11
English : N
Japanese : 2
Parazoology : 3
Japanese History (Tokugawa Shogunate) : 1 (+2)
Chinese History (Ming Rebellion) : 1 (+2)
Magic Background : 2
Biology (Parazoology) : 2 (+2)
History : 2
Martial Arts : 5
Poison antidotes : 2
Chemistry : 3
Active Skills
Dodge (Ranged Combat) : 2 (+2)
Blades : 5 (6)
Unarmed Combat (Martial Arts) : 5 (+2)
Instruction (Combat) : 2 (+2)
Etiquette : 2
Inflitration : 4
First Aid : 2
Pilot Ground Craft (Bike) : 2 (+2)
Survival (Urban) : 1 (+2)
Positive Qualities
Negative Qualities
Spirit bane (Insect Spirits)
Gremlins 4
Monofilament Sword
Pole Arm
Leather Jacket
Helmet (Regular)
Armor Vest
Yamaha Growler (Off-Road Bike)
Commlink : Sony Emperor
OS : Renraku Ichi
Micro Tranciever (Rating 5)
Survival Kit
Medkit (Rating 4)
Medkit Supplies
Antidote Patch (Rating 5)
Antidote Patch (Rating 5)
Stimulant Patch (Rating 5)
Stimulant Patch (Rating 5)
Trauma Patch
+Flare Compensation
+Thermographic Vision
+Vision Enhancement (Rating 2)
+Vision Magnification
+ Select Sound Filter (Rating 2)
+ Spatial Recognizer
Fake SIN (Rating 2)
Fake License (Large Bladed Weapons) (Rating 3)
Adept Powers
Critical Strike (Level 3)
Mystic Armor (level 2)
Improved Reflexes (level 1)
Improved Ability : Blades (Level 1)
Killing Hands
Spell Resistance (level 1)
Combat Sense (Level 1)
Attribute Boost (BOD,Level 1)
Fixer (L:1 C:1)
Switch has been in town for a couple months now, and has found a fixer that is reasonably reliable.
Occult Investigator (L:2 C:1)
Switch has worked with an Occult Investigator on a couple of jobs, including cleaning out some Devil Rats and breaking up a Hellhound-dogfighting ring.
Aug 18 2006, 08:50 PM
G man, only thing i saw that strikes me as if'fy is the critical strike, killing hands then improved ability:edged weapons. That's a decent amount of points added to unarmed then to add to your edged that way. Is this for 'rp' reasons? I'm not one that argues when a player decides not to min/max, just like a little to go on to get a feel.
Aug 18 2006, 09:13 PM
Well, here's the character I've come up with. Meet Recoil, a Seattle based rigger who takes the fight to spirits and those who summon them. Subtlety is not his strong point.
Not everyone who has encounters with the supernatural is equally equipped to deal with them, and Recoil is an example of this. Originally a dabbling hacker, Recoil hit the end of that hobby thanks to the Crash in 64. Connected to the Matrix at the time, his nervous system got fried along with his cyberdeck. While he wasn't fortunate enough to emerge from that ordeal with awesome new powers like the rumors that began circulating, he nevertheless managed to get away with enough spare cash to replace his broken nervous system and get himself back up and running.
Giving up on hacking, Recoil focused his efforts to his own, personal Matrix: the network of drones under his command. Switching "professions" Recoil took a more hands on approach to the jobs he found, and this went fairly well until last year.
Tasked to steal the package from a secret corp meeting in an abandoned warehouse, the team of shadowrunners Recoil was a part of struck. However, they quickly found out that the transfer they were sent to disrupt was between corporate mages who then summoned spirits to deal with the intruders. Without a mage on the team, Recoil and the others were in serious trouble. Hoping to keep their involvement as quiet as possible, they simply weren't equipped with the firepower necessary to combat these creatures.
Two runners died quickly. Recoil managed to use his drones to keep the spirits and mages distracted while he called their truck around to make a hasty retreat. The heavily-cybered street sam, seizing the opportunity, dove into the group of mages to snatch the package. While able to physically best the mages he wasn't able to overcome the onslaught of manabolts, and collapsed in a gurgle of blood as the package rolled out of his hand and towards Recoil.
With their escape vehicle pulling up, and the remaining shadowrunners trying to pull their wounded comrades to safety, Recoil noticed the package and tried to grab it. But as soon as it was in his hands, Recoil turned to face a rather savage looking beast spirit staring him down. Before he could react, the creature swiped at him with its fearsome claws, raking across his face and completely ruining his right eye.
Fortunately, at this point fate decided to smile on him. One of the other runners took control of the truck and drove to Recoil's position while the remaining healthy runner grabbed him as they sped past. The team was half dead, half wounded, but they succeeded.
Taking the job money along with some of his remaining stash, Recoil got a new eye for himself. The scar on his face would never fully heal, and it serves as a reminder of his second brush with death. Today, when calling his friend and contact Buzzsaw for jobs, he looks for those that will pit him against mages or spirits. Missions that will give him a chance for a little revenge against those that took his eye, and some of his friends.
[ Spoiler ]
Metatype : Human
Body: 3
Agility: 4
Reaction: 4
Strength: 2
Charisma: 2
Intuition: 4
Logic: 5
Willpower: 3
Edge: 2
Initiative: 8(9)
IPs(Matrix) 2(3)
Essence: 2.5
Physical: 10
Stun: 10
Knowledge Skills
English : N
Japanese : 4
Ares Macrotechnology : 3
Firearms Design : 4
Firearms History : 3
Sci-Fi Sims : 3
Local Junkyards : 2
Safe Houses : 4
Lone Star Procedures : 4
Active Skills
Electronics Group: 4
Mechanic Group: 2
Heavy Weapons : 4
Perception : 2
Electronic Warfare : 4
Gunnery : 4
Pilot Aircraft : 3
Pilot Anthroform : 3
Pilot Ground Craft : 4
Navigation : 2
Dodge : 1
Positive Qualities
Codeslinger (VR Rigging)
Negative Qualities
Codeblock (Hacking)
Sensitive Neural Structure
Control Rig
Internal Commlink (Fairlight Caliban/Novatech Navi)
Cybereyes Basic System (Rating 3)
Occular Drone
Flare Compensation
Low-Light Vision
Wired Reflexes (Rating 1)
Ingram White Knight (Equipped with external Smartgun System)
100 round belt of XX ammo (x2)
Ares Antioch-2 (Equipped with Airburst Link)
High Explosive Grenades x8
Narcojet Gas Grenade x8
Regular Clothing
Lined Coat
Vehicles and Drones
MCT-Nissan Roto-drone x2 (Equipped with Ingram White Knight and 1 belt of XX ammo)
Steel Lynx x2 (Equipped with Ingram White Knight and 1 belt of XX ammo)
MCT Fly-Spy x2
Shiawase Kanmushi x2
GMC Bulldog (with Rigger adaptation, and a mounted Ingram White Knight with 1 belt of XX ammo)
ECCM (Rating 5)
Scan (Rating 5)
Stealth (Rating 6)
Biofeedback Filters (Rating 6)
Encrypt (Rating 6)
Command (Rating 6)
Targeting (Heavy Weapons) Autosoft (Rating 6)
Maneuver (Ground) Autosoft (Rating 6)
Maneuver (Anthroform) Autosoft (Rating 5)
Maneuver (Aircraft) Autosoft (Rating 5)
Electronic Warfare Autosoft (Rating 5)
Defense Autosoft (Rating 5)
Clearsight Autosoft (Rating 5)
Pilot (Rating 4)
Fake SIN (Rating 3) x2
Tool Kit
Buzzsaw (Fixer) (Loyalty:3 Connection:4)
Aug 18 2006, 09:14 PM
For the scholarly types, knowlege of languages might help, including:
Not every tome of knowledge has been translated.
Aug 18 2006, 09:22 PM
Latest CS
Thinking about the languages... might become an English snob... especially since the translating software keeps making mistakes no matter how good people claim they are (Gremlins...)
[ Spoiler ]
Ork Mystic Adept
How to make friends and Influence people
Condition Monitor
Physical 8 + BOD/2 = 11
Stun 8 + WIL/2 = 10
20 BP Ork
150 BP Attributes
85 Other Attributes
(15) Qualities
118 Skills
3 Knowledge Skills
14 Magic
18 Contacts
7 Gear
20 BP Ork Metatype
20 Ork
BOD 4/9 (13)
AGI 1/6 (9)
REA 1/6 (9)
STR 3/8 (12)
CHA 1/5 (7)
INT 1/6 (9)
LOG 1/5 (7)
WIL 1/6 (9)
INI 2/12 (18)
EDGE 1/6
Low Light Vision
150 BP Physical and Mental Attributes
10 BP BOD 5
20 BP AGI 3
20 BP REA 3
20 BP STR 5
40 BP CHA 5
10 BP INT 2
10 BP LOG 2
20 BP WIL 3
85 BP Other Attributes
0 BP INI 7 (REA + INT)
0 BP Initiative Passes 1 ()
20 BP EDGE 3
65 BP MAGIC 6 (3 for spells)
(15) BP Qualities (+20/-35)
10 BP Mystic Adept
5 BP Mentor Spirit - Dragon (+2 Manipulation, +2 Negotiation, W + Ch (3) test to lose gracefully or follow others advice)
5 BP First Impression
(5) BP Astral Beacon
(10) BP Gremlins (2)
(10) BP Allergy (Uncommon, Moderate) Silver
(10) BP Allergy (Common, Mild) Sunlight
118 BP Active Skills
Social Active
30 BP Influence (Charisma) 3
- Con
- Etiquette
- Leadership
- Negotiation
Combat Active
22 BP Blades - Swords (Agility) 5 (7)
Magical Active
16 BP Spellcasting (Magic) 4
8 BP Counterspelling (Magic) 2
14 BP Summoning - Spirits of Man (Magic) 3 (5)
4 BP Binding (Magic) 1
Physical Active
12 BP Infiltration (Agility) 3
12 BP Perception (Intuition) 3
3 BP Knowledge Skills ((LOG + INT) * 3=12)
1 BP SK - High Society (Seattle) 3 (5)
1 BP IN - ParaZoology (Traditional European Christian Medieval) 3 (5)
PS - Secret Theological Orders 3
1 BP IN - Literature (Shakespeare) 3 (5)
English N
14 BP Magic
Shamanic Tradition - Dragon mentor
1.5 Kinesics Level 3
0.25 Commanding Voice
0.75 Cool Resolve Level 3
3 BP Influence
3 BP Electrical Aura
3 BP Deflection
3 BP Gecko Crawl
2 BP Bond Weapon Focus
7 BP Gear 35,000
20,000 Cane Sword Weapon Focus Rating 2
10,000 High Lifestyle
100 Commlink - Meta Link 1/2
200 OS - Vector Xim 1/1
100 Sim Module
50 Trodes
1,000 Rating 1 Fake SIN - Lawrence Funderburke
25 Certified Credstick
20 Knife
350 White Noise Generator Rating 6
25 Monocle
25 - Image Link
100 - Vision Mag +2
300 - Vision Enhancement 3 +4A
10 Earbuds
300 - Audio enhancement 3 +2A
100 - Spatial Recognizer +6A
200 Micro Transceiver 1
100 Rating 4 Stim Patch
500 Trauma Patch
700 Lined Coat 6/4
800 + 8 to Starting Nuyen Cash ((4D6 + 8 ) * 500)
18 BP Contacts
Bishop Harriman Fixer L2 C4
Talismonger L3 C3
Lady Cerulean - High Class Madam L2 C4
Sir Gregor Stanis Milan Tanislaw, Knight Lieutenant of the Order of the Dragon, Defender of Rome, Warden of the New World, Holder of the Red Cross, is charged with the defense of the New World against the incursion of the Infidels. In this century, and perhaps for the forthcoming millennia that is defined as the Horrors. To this end Gregor "Sweetness" Tanis has come to Seattle to coordinate efforts between various groups to battle the Horrors.
Gregor is an orc aging well into his early thirties. He wears his graying hair with distinction, though it is in a short military style. His trim and well cared for mustachio is a concession to vanity. He dresses conservatively but well, typically with tailored suits in conservative style. In a bid to capture past style and fashion he carries a stylish leather wrapped steel cane with an ornately carved handle in the form of a dragon encircling a cross as it strangles itself with it's own tail. Or perhaps it is simply eating it's own tail, it's hard to tell without close inspection.
Gregor's family came from the Chicagoland area. As happens with many orks they have died all too early of old age, and Gregor has as one of his worries currently the adoption or conception of a suitable heir. On the other hand, who wants to bring a child into this world doomed to face the Horrors? Trained from an early age in the notion of Duty and Service, it was all too natural he was brought initiated into the Order of the Dragon, the family being descended of several of the original founders. Of course given the complex intermarriages of most of the major houses of Europe since the days of the Holy Roman Empire, almost everyone of European descent could make that claim. Though, claiming the particular claim to one of the more notorious founders might be more then some people would dare. It helps that he displays the typical family traits, a vulnerability to various elements classically associated with his ancestor. Fortunately Gregor's family has long since given up the other attributes, the blood lust and evil rites.
Gregor learned at a very young age the value of control, self control, and the control of others. This has been nurtured in the environs of the interplay and diplomacy, back biting and betrayal between the multitude of open and secret orders and societies that have only grown since the Awakening. As a young Gentlemen he naturally, in a fit of Romantic foolishness, concentrated on skills at ancient arms. In hindsight this has proved valuable, as there are many places and things against which modern arms, firearms, are quite useless. The initial dabbling in the Arts has long since given to small but practical magics and spells gleaned from old family libraries and connections. Gregor has never quite acquired a taste and any acumen with "other" world of the Matrix, his preference for very old fashioned paper books and other items stems as much from practicality as anything else. Gregor understands the value of modern tools, but he has long given up the hope of using them himself.
Bishop Harriman is the Seattle Diocese Fixer, using the resources of the Church and the members there's a surprising amount of things that can be arranged. The Bishop is a dedicated man who uses the network of the church to help alleviate some of the suffering of the poor and downtrodden masses in the Metroplex. Typical efforts are to support refugees from various Pacific Rim crises, Filipino and Central and South American being the most prominent. The Bishop, a skinny hyperactive dwarf is a bit put out in having some secretive Agent with a Letter From the Vaticine, but despite his suspicion and the strange requests from Gregor, has gladly taken advantage of Gregor's skills in payment. If he wasn't a priest, Bishop Harriman would make an excellent Don, because he often takes payment in trade, though cash is always acceptable. Bishop Harriman is the source for Gregor's cheap fake SINs, and the person to call if he gets' into trouble he thinks the Church can handle. The occasional negotiations and other special services Gregor provides are easy enough payment for the enormously diverse resources available from the Diocese. The most common task the Bishop asks Gregor to perform is to do fundraising events. Despite Bishop Harriman's obvious skills, Gregor seems able to get people to actually sign the checks right away. Someone always knows someone who can do someone a favor, according to Bishop Harriman.
Talismonger - Curio Shop in Pikes Place Farmers Market. This is the kind of place Gregor always checks into to hear the latest rumors and news of the area. This is often the start of some mystery or danger to be handled.
Lady Cerulean is a very discrete high class madam Gregor uses for the appropriate events. Lady Cerulean is also an enormous transvestite troll with permanent, and almost constantly exposed, sky blue body paint. Whether it's a Diocese fundraiser for the Bishop's causes, or the most raucous corporate lobbyist entertainment, Gregor knows he can get a discrete escort, never the Lady Cerulean herself of course, to help him fit in appropriately. In addition to companions for the evening, which often prove an enormous challenge to Gregor's Vow of Chastity, the Lady Cerulean knows where all the current events are being held, and the likely attendees. There are a lot of problems that are easily solved by putting the word into the right ears, the trick is getting access to them.
Aug 19 2006, 12:17 AM
As promised, I wrote up backgrounds for the two characters I’m considering. Here they are:
Elizabeth Holman
Dwarf Hermetic Mage[ Spoiler ]
Elizabeth led a happy and largely uneventful childhood in a not-so-small-town in Illinois. She showed high levels of magical aptitude when she was officially tested at the age of ten, and therefore spent most of the next fifteen years of her life on the elite track of magical education. Liz’s long string of academic successes eventually culminated in her acceptance to the world-renowned Thaumaturgical school at the University of Chicago, where she went to pursue her master’s degree. There, she was able to reap the benefits of hand-on experience with the many magical anomalies and bizarre phenomena to be found in the former Chicago Containment Zone, including the bug spirits that continue to roam the sprawl. Liz also met Malcolm Best, a fellow student whose dedication to his studies and sense of ambition matched her own, and the two soon fell in love.
Though all seemed well with the couple, Malcolm’s behavior soon began to take an odd turn. Liz became dismayed, not only by his increasingly frequent absenteeism and other erratic behaviors, but also by his unwillingness to explain the reasons for his changes. Suspecting that Malcolm was cheating on her, Liz broke up with him, scorning his repeated attempts to contact her and convince her to take him back. Eventually realizing that yelling out “I gave you my soul!” to her from across the quad just wasn’t working, Malcolm decided that more proactive measures were needed. As it turned out, Malcolm had secretly become (oh, you’ll never guess!) an insect shaman. He cooked up a scheme to kidnap Liz, take her to his secret mana lodge in the basement of a condemned building downtown, and prepare her as a vessel for one of his spirits.
Unfortunately for Liz, the first two parts of Malcolm’s plan succeeded. But never fear: our heroine managed to escape her bonds and, with the help of her bound spirits, defeat Malcolm and his bugs by the skin of her teeth. In the end, Malcolm went on to live out his days at an institution for the criminally insane, while Liz went on to finish her master’s studies at the University of Seattle. Instead of going on to pursue her doctorate as she had planned, however, Liz has decided to put her magic to more practical ends.
Jane Ballard
Ork Hacker[ Spoiler ]
As a small child growing up in the Seattle sprawl, Jane was about as bold, brash, and gutsy as a child can get. While the other girls cowered at the sight of mice and cockroaches and avoided dust and dirt as if it were plutonium, little Jane would always be the first to jump into the thick of things: if there was a wall to climb, a mud puddle to jump in, or a dark place to explore, she would be there. In fact, in just about everything she did, she seemed to be completely without fear. All that changed when the nightmares came.
And come they did, and in force: whenever poor Jane shut her eyes in sleep, she would spend hours trapped in her own private prison until she woke up, screaming and crying. Each night, she was tormented by some new terror—each one unrelenting and always horrifyingly vivid—and the once-vibrant little girl was quickly reduced to a haggard specter of her former self. Jane became terrified of just about everything, but most of all of sleep, and she took to eating coffee grounds and persistently pinching and slapping herself in a vain effort to stay awake.
Her bewildered parents were at a loss to explain the source of their daughter’s nightmares, so it wasn’t until a magically active cousin came to visit the family that her miseries could be to an end. The cousin was not only able to sense the malignant spirit preying on the child’s fear, he was able to banish it back to the spirit realm whence it came, and Jane has never had a dream—good or bad—in the several years since then. Jane may not be afraid to sleep anymore, but rest assured that she’s still afraid of a lot of other things. Her paranoia fuels her to learn all she can about technology, and to master her control over it before others can master her.
Now, convince me which one I should play as—
Aug 19 2006, 12:30 AM
Play the one you will have most fun with.
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